My Little Apples

by Ashura

A Surprising Discovery


I guess I should start at the beginning. My name is Sarah, and this is my story. It all started 14 years ago, with one decision that changed my life forever.

14 years ago

Now, keep in mind that I'm just your regular college student. And I never expected anything like this to happen to me. I mean, who would, right? I live in a small flat that my parents are helping me pay for that has several broken light bulbs and a very small shower. Let's just say it's a good thing that I'm not claustrophobic. My flat was on the outskirts of town, a thirty minute bike ride away from the college where I was studying to became an animator. I would constantly watch cartoons on my small television set, not because I particularly enjoy the cartoons that are playing, because I'm studying the different ways each show's characters are drawn. I would always have paper and a pencil close by so that I could practice replicating the characters on the screen. The cartoon I liked to practice the most with was My Little Pony. It had a style of animation that I didn't see in many other shows. And so I would watch it every time it aired and practice drawing Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight and other ponies from the show.

Every day I would get up, take my shower, go study, come back home to drop off my stuff and I would practice drawing characters before having to leave for a my nights shift at some pretty popular fast food joint that everyone seems to enjoy eating at for some strange reason. But I'm not going to complain, as long as I can pay for everything I need, it's fine by me.
After watching Teen Titans for half an hour, I realized that I would have to leave in the next ten seconds unless I wanted to be late for my shift. I jumped off the couch, my sketches of Star Fire with Robin and Beast Boy with Raven falling to the ground. I quickly slipped on my trainers and hopped onto my bike. I pedaled as hard as I could, promising myself that I would not leave home this late ever again.

I arrived with a few minutes to spare. My shift was uneventful, as always. People came, ordered, and left. It went on until eleven at night. No one ever comes for food that late in the night. But I had to stand there and wait just in case someone did show up, as unlikely as that was, if I wanted to get paid. At around two in the morning, my boss came over to me, handed me my salary for the night and told me I could go home. I thanked him and went to get changed back into my regular clothes. I left the restaurant through the back door and went to unchain my bike. I passed by the large bins on my way to my bicycle and I couldn't help but think: And that's where the food we make comes from.
I walked up to my bike as I took out the key that would allow me to unlock the bike chain. As I fumbled with my keys, I heard a loud thump coming from behind me and a bright light that illuminated the whole alley and made me drop my keys.

“That's just great.”

I bent down to pick up my keys and then turned around to try and find the source of the light. At first I thought it was a car, but I didn't see one so I looked for another explanation. There were no street lamps here and it couldn't possibly have been lightning because it was a clear night.

“So where did the light come from?” I asked myself.

I headed towards the back of the alley and started looking around. After searching for five minutes, I decided to give up when I noticed a big card board box. Now normally, I would just have dismissed this as somebody's trash, but this box was intact.

“Why would someone throw away a box that isn't completely useless?” I wondered.

I moved closer to the box to see if there was anything inside it. The box shook just as I was about to lift the lid. I stopped.

“If there's a rat in here, I swear I'm going to scream.” I said to no one in particular.

I reached out my hand, flipped open the box and looked inside.

“You've got to be kidding me...”

Inside the box were two ponies, but not as you would see them in a field. These were cartoon ponies.