Melodious Secrets

by Sapphire Shadow


Chapter Three
Melodious Secrets


“What happened to her?! Where could she have gone? Who was the mystery pony?!” Harmony ran back and forth, her wings up and her mane frazzled from the surprise.

“Whoa, settle down! We'll figure this out.” Twilight said, but she too was worried. Harmony could see.

“Please, can I sleep at your place tonight? I will not sleep in such a perfect house when my sister could be in trouble out there!” Harmony looked desperately at Twilight, who nodded her purple head.

“Let's go. We have to get back.” she said and picked up Harmony with her magic again.

As she flew, Twilight was silent. She HAD to know something she wasn't telling Harmony. When they landed at Twilight's tree, Harmony turned to look at her.

“Something is up. I can see it. Tell me about the stranger.” Harmony insisted. Twilight, who suddenly looked tired and wore out for an alicorn, shook her head.

“I can't. It won't help anything. Now get some rest. We'll send out a search party and we, too, will search for your sister.” Twilight replied, going inside.

“Thanks.” Harmony murmured.

“Twi! I was so worried! You're never out this late! Y-” Spike stopped his run towards Twi when he saw Harmony and their worried looks.

“Is something wrong?” he asked.

“Yes, Spike. Spice is missing.” Twilight replied.

“What? But she was such a nice pony! Whenever I came over she would give me treats and stuff and make me laugh. We must find her!” he said.

“Oh, Spike, you're very valiant, but, I'm afraid we'll have to wait till tomorrow. Plus, I need you here in case Spice comes here for some reason.” Twilight shook her head at the possibility and trotted up to her room, telling Spike to get Harmony settled.

“Come, Harmony. You can sleep with us. There is another bed around here somewhere.” Spike said, a little sad, since he couldn't join the search tomorrow.

“Thanks, Spike.” and Harmony followed.

Who was the stranger? Was he really dangerous, like Twilight said? How did she know him? Was he another evil pony like Queen Chrysalis or The Nightmare Mare?

Harmony slept little, and she figured she probably would have gotten less if she knew who the stranger was.

When Harmony did doze off, she was woken up what seemed like two seconds later by the soft golden light streaming through the windows. She got up and stretched and suddenly all last night's memories came rushing back.

“Oh! The search!” she quickly trotted downstairs and saw Twilight outside talking to some ponies with packs and search equipment. When she spotted her, Twilight dashed over.

“It seems the whole town knows who you are. Many stallions, mares, colts, and fillies have joined, hoping to find your sister. Even some of the young foals asked to 'pwease find spice.'” Twilight said.

“Well, she was pretty popular.” Harmony said, choking up at the thought of her missing sister.

“We had Rainbow fly out to see if she was back at the cottage, but no pony was there. So, me you and Rainbow will go one way and the rest will separate.” Twilight informed her, looking down at a clipboard. She was neat and organized, as usual. A lot like Spice. Harmony frowned.

So, the other groups set off after receiving instructions, and Twilight, Rainbow and Harmony set off, after telling Spike for the last time he should stay at the tree.

“Where are we headed, Twilight?” Harmony asked as they trotted at a brisk pace.

“The woods.” Twilight nodded at the woods looming ahead of them. Harmony stopped dead in her tracks.

“We're not looking in THOSE woods, are we?!” she said, looking into the dark, crowded forest.

“We have to. If it was indeed the stranger who took Spice, he would have taken her in here. Come on now.” Rainbow replied. Harmony squared her shoulders and trotted in behind them.

The woods were dark, shadowed, even in the daylight. They were creepy, too. Harmony never had liked the woods, or really any enclosed space that was dark and had weird noises.

They passed by Zecora's cottage and went even deeper, looking everywhere. Rainbow flew up a little higher, looking in the treetops.

“Oh Spice where are you?” Harmony whispered to herself. Then a thought occurred to her. She trotted up to Twilight.

“Twilight! Tell me what you know about this stranger! I won't rest till I know.” Harmony said, whirling around in front of her friend.

Twilight sighed and shook her head.

“Alright, if you must know. Let's talk as we go.” she answered wearily. And so they started off again, side by side.

“This pony, 'the stranger,' as you call him is extremely dangerous. He has never done a wrong thing in his life, except for one. And that one sin he commits daily, it seems. Or at least weekly. He has grown obsessed with it and stays hidden presumably in these woods, with his victims.” Twilight began.

“What crime?” Harmony whispered nervously, fearing for her sister.

“He kidnaps ponies. Mostly mares, but a few colts and stallions as well. He doesn't do it for ransom, he doesn't do it for any known motive. He just locks them away in his hidden fortress, and says he will keep kidnapping them and doing who knows what to them in his hideout until some pony comes and fulfills his code.” Twilight said, shivering.

“Code? What code?” Harmony asked, knowing this was the answer.

“Come, ye mare who knows the answer
The answer to my code,
She must come and stand bravely at the door of my abode
Two lines, perhaps, maybe a paragraph,
A whole page, perhaps of the sweetest words
Must be said to my all-hearing ears
These words must not be spoken, loud or soft,
Must not be written, sloppy or neat,
Must not be shouted, or whispered, or scoffed at
Or loved, but must still arrive at my large and hidden door
Of my abode
For when they are, all shall go back to what it was, and all ponies
Come ye mare, who knows the answer
The answer
To my code.” Twilight looked dismally down at Harmony.

“Wow. That doesn't rhythm. Or make any sense of any kind.” Harmony said dully.

“Too true. That's why I dearly hope he hasn't kidnapped her.” Rainbow said down from her spot in the treetops.

“Well, we must keep up hope. Keep going, Harmony.” and together they plunged through the underbrush, hoping for a glimpse of her sister.

The darkness seemed to swallow her up. The emptiness clawed at her and the chains seemed to pull her into the ground.

“Help! Some pony, please! No...this can't be happening. Harmony! What will become of her?” Spice tried jerking her front hooves away from the steel grip of the foot long chains.

“Do stop that racket. No one will hear you except for my other captives. We are far away from Ponyville, and even farther from any place any pony will ever look. So do stop it. It is hopeless, young mare.” the voice came again. Spice just growled angrily. This voice of this stranger had been taunting her every word, and she really didn't like it. All she remembered of yesterday was that a strange pony came in hooded and walked up to her. She hadn't been able to move. Then he simply tossed a cape over her head and led her out. Now she was in the castle, and back to her usual self, except she was scared and angry. And she didn't like the pony hiding himself.

“You are agitated young mare. Let me get you something.” and she could hear him trotting off.

That was the thing about this stallion, or colt, or whatever. He actually half cared. He didn't torture her, kill her or mistreat her. He brought her good food and clean water, and made sure she had a blanket for the night.

All he did was leave her there, chained to the floor in darkness, proclaiming it would be better if she didn't see him. She never could tell when he was and wasn't there. It was like he had some secret gate that didn't let in any light when he left. Oh, and when he talked to her it was usually disheartening news or discouraging of her thoughts.

Besides all that, she was close to being well taken care of.

“Here you are.” he said in his deep, raspy voice. She heard a cold glass clink on the floor. She gingerly picked it up.

“Water. Always helps me.” and then the voice was no more. She drank heartily and then dared to call out, hoping he hadn't left her.

“Why are you keeping me here?” she called out into thin air.

“Because I must capture ponies until my code is fulfilled. You happened to be a loved pony in Ponyville, so I thought, her capture should bring some action, and hopefully, fulfill what needs to be fulfilled.” came the answer.

“What is the answer? Perhaps I can send out a message if you permit me.”

At this she heard a frustrated sigh.

“Don't you get it, young mare? The code isn't something you can order someone to fill. They have to do of their own ambition.” he said.

“But why? What is so important about it?” Spice demanded.

“Silence, young mare. You will do good to shut that mouth.” he said in a scary low voice.

Then she heard no more and assumed he had left. She sighed heavily and awkwardly laid down to try and sleep. Maybe Harmony could figure it out....

“Okay guys, back we go.” Twilight said that evening as they scoured another area.

“What? No! We must keep looking! The longer we delay the more trouble Spice could get into!” Harmony pleaded, almost in tears from no luck and this news.

“We're nearly spent, Harmony. We'll come back first light, I promise. But we have to get back. Come, now. Spike will worry.” Twilight smiled sympathetically at her friend.

Harmony sighed. She knew they should. She was just so worried.

“Okay.” she said in barely above a whisper. Then they headed back with Rainbow trailing along. She had worn herself out flying all day.

When they got back to the tree, Spike came running out.

“Harmony! Twilight! Rainbow! Something crazy happened while you were out! Thank goodness you're back!!” he exclaimed.

“Spice?!” Harmony said excitedly.

“No, I'm sorry, Harmy. Something way worse. Not saying your sister is worse-er-bad-er-” Twilight held up a hoof.

“We understand, Spike. Now, what happened?” Harmony smiled at her friend's control. Probably because she had lived with Spike for so long.

“He came!”

“Who?” Rainbow asked.

“The stranger! He came while you were gone! He asked for Harmony, saying he knew she was staying here. He wanted to pay you a visit. I said you were out and wouldn't be back. Then he said to give you a message, Harmony.” Spike stopped for breath. The ponies escorted him inside as he talked.

“Message?” she asked fearfully.

“Yeah. He said, 'tell her I want to discuss flowers.' and then he left! Do you know what he was talking about?”

Harmony gasped.


“Spike! I have to-thank you Twilight, I must go!” and with that Harmony raced out, oblivious to Twilight calling her name.

She ran into the market place and looked around. In the fading light, not very many ponies were around, but it was also getting hard to see. She ran in circles, hoping desperately for a glimpse of him.

Finally she stopped and breathed in. Where was he? She couldn't have missed him, surely!

“Are you looking for someone?” a voice said behind her. She jumped and whirled around and then jumped again when she saw who it was.

“Hello again.” he said. She fought hard to control her rage. Maybe he didn't know that she knew....

“Hello...” she said, trying to be friendly but in a cautious way.

“Why are you out here at this time of day, er, night, or, evening, or whatever?” he asked, trotting up closer to talk to her. She skittered backward involuntarily and fell into the water fountain.

Then he started to laugh.

He laughed, not in a mean way, and offered her a hoof. She blushed with a mix of embarrassment and fury but thanks to her growing-up years could not refuse the hoof. It would be rude. She gingerly placed her hoof into his and he pulled her up. She shook violently and looked at him.

“Did the overgrown lizard give you my message?” he asked. She bristled at that.

“He's a baby dragon, and his name is Spike. And yes, he did.” she said, trying hard to keep anger out of her voice.

“Oh, Pardon me. He struck me as a nervous lizard, all the jumping around and nervous talking. Stuttering, I think you ponies call it. I'm from a different region.” he smiled and she once again was drawn the scar on the part of his face she could see.

“Well, I told him to tell you I wanted to discuss flowers because I figured you would know me by that.” he said matter-of-factly.

Something about his voice...he sounded good-natured and calm.

No, don't be fooled, she warned herself. Lots of villains are like that. She smiled falsely to him and then decided to be clever.

“I have a question for you. Two, actually.” she said, smiling to herself.

“Fire away.” he said and cocked a hoof. Something she had never seen before. She swallowed and looked at the big pony.

“First of all, why did you want to see me? And second, why do you never take that cloak off?” she said, saying it stronger than she felt.

“Simple, my dear. I wanted to see you to tell you this: the flowers were safely delivered, and I just wanted to see your pretty face again.” he smiled lazily. “and I keep the cape on because it is so blasted hot here! I must have some shade, because, my dear, Prance is so much cooler.” he said. She shivered slightly.

He talked lazily, as if he hadn't a care in the world besides delivering flowers and keeping the sun off his back. And the way he just let his words slip out smooth as honey, yet didn't reveal hardly anything, she judged he was a master of crime. She shivered. So powerfully deceiving.

“I must go now...uh..Mr...uh...” she wanted to slap herself.

“Oh, I'm sorry. I've never really had a name. Call me..well, call me Thunder.” he replied, and waved a hoof as if it didn't really matter. “And go ahead, my dear, go enjoy the rest of this fine evening. Oh, and by the way...” he grabbed her foreleg and pulled her close to him. “I would be most honored to see you again...”

“What?!” she jerked away from him, then suddenly thought to herself...maybe she could find out more about this strange pony if she saw him again. Anything to help her save Spice. She let a smile slip. “Okay. When?”

Even under his hood, she could tell he was smiling. “Wonderful! How about tomorrow evening, same time?”

“Sure. I'll be seeing you.” Harmony smiled coyly then trotted off towards Twilight's home. Why did he keep wanting to see her?! Was he trying to get her to fulfill that stupid code of his? Because she had absolutely no idea what it meant and she had no clue how to solve it.

“Goodbye, my music mare.” he waved as she left. She huffed as she trotted away. How did he know she was a 'music mare'?!

When she got back, she entered Twilight's home and locked the door behind her. When she turned around, the sight that met her eyes was astonishing.

Spike was once again flustered, but this time for good reason. Twilight was stretched out across the floor and sobbing.