Miraculous Equestria- ML and MLP Crossover

by SilverSwirls

Mistakes Between Universes

Ponyville, a beautiful peaceful town in the middle of Equestria. Everypony trots around the village, mingling with others. Some ponies buy new clothing, some even eat some different foods. In the morning, the Rainbow Kingdom glistens from a distance. The crystals shine brighter than the Sun. Inside, Twilight and her friends hang around the castle, doing normal chores. Twilight flips through a new book she found at the Canterlot Library, seeming very focused on the plot. Rarity, brushing Opal's silky fur, opens her "Journal of Inspiration", where she writes down an idea for clothing, looking at the crystal-like curtains. Applejack tugs a rope, which is wrapped around a crate of apples and cider, and hands out the cider to everyone. Everyone takes a huge sip, slurping it all down. Pinkie hops around, holding the cup with her mane. Fluttershy sings a lullaby to the critters around her throne. Rainbow Dash flies from the door onto her throne. All give a large sigh, knowing how boring it is in the castle, now that the map doesn't have any missions.

Rainbow groans, "Ugh! There is nothing to do!!"

"Yeah! We should do something, like get a new mane style!" Rarity asks.

Everyone screams, "NO!", knowing that they would hate getting new styles, again.

Twilight closes her book, handing it to Spike since she finished it. She gets up, going through her shelves of books, trying to find one that she has not read before. RING, RING Twilight turns over, not knowing what it was.

"You girls hear that?" says Twilight

Fluttershy replies, "Yeah, what was that..?"

"Maybe that was your diary thingy-contraption that Celestia gave you?" Applejack points out.

Twilight goes to the dusty box the diary is in. She remembers she hasn't written back to her in years. Opening the box, trying to brush away the dust, coughing. She blows on the book. Using her magic, Twilight flipped through the pages, seeing that only Sunset has been trying to get to her, asking for advice, but they haven't talked since.. She then flipped to the recent page, where she got the message.

"Hey Twilight! It's been years since I've talked to you..and I hoped to reach to you, but you never answer. Hopefully you get this message, it's sort of urgent. There are these 2 girls, seeming to come from Equestria. They've been acting strange, probably knowing our Canterlot friends have our powers. They've been making others do what they want, having them be their personal servants when they don't know it. I hope you can help us, since we haven't been able to stop them for weeks. Thanks Twilight. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer."

"G-girls.. It's Sunset, and she needs help." Twilight states.

Everyone looks up, confused.

"Are you sure you're up to going back there again?" Rainbow asks.

"I have to. I've let them down too many times to count..." Twilight hesitates.

Rarity says, "Well, we are here to support your decision, darling. We will be here waiting as always." She flips her mane and winks.

"Can I go again too?" Spike asks.

"As much as I'd love to have you on board Spike, this time, it should just be me. Thanks for offering though Spike, it's really appreciated."

Twilight smiles, knowing that this task will be harder than her other adventures.

A couple days later, they are all ready for Twilight's departure to Canterlot High. Applejack packs snacks for her adventure, knowing she wouldn't need it though. She packs apples, apple pie, apple fritters, any apple desserts possible. Twilight thanks her for her assistance, smiling to her friends.

"Thanks girls. I'll be back before you could say the Pinkie Promise."

She waves, as everyone either waves or hugs. Spike hugs her hoof, saying "goodbye." Then, before anyone knows it, she goes through the portal. Everyone, at the same time said, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" depressingly. They all left to go to their houses. None came out to the castle, since then. They promised to only go back once Twilight did.

"Hahahaha!! I cannot believe how foolishhhhh that princessssss is.. Ssssshe doesn't realize that the wiressss are..a bit..re-programmed in the portal. Her role as princesssss, will be MINE! Muhaha!!!"

A mysterious pony pops out of the darkness. Her mane, black as midnight. Her wings, so blue as the swamp nearby. Her eyes sparkle green as her soul. No one even knew her name, because no one has ever seen her. Ever.

"Princess Twilight, I'll make sssure of that." She hisses, and goes back into her cave, filled with spiders, and darkness. She was pure evil alright.

Twilight twists and turns around the portal, going into a universe she has never seen before. Back in the castle, the portal malfunctions, and breaks apart. She spins around too many times to count, and ends up on a hard concrete floor. She doesn't remember what happened after that. Twilight wakes up, looking at her hands. She thought she was in Canterlot High, but sees that she is outside of a huge building, a school perhaps.

"That isn't Canterlot High.." Twilight thinks. She looks around. There was a bakery to the left of the school, a mansion nearby, and a huge triangle-shaped building, with weird holes around it, and a pointy top, almost at a shape of an "A". She didn't know where she was, and she knew for sure she wasn't in the Universe where Sunset was. Twilight stood up, wobbling around when she did at first, but got her grip.

It might've been her imagination, because she saw two figures. One with red and black spots, and one completely black with a touch of gold. She thought she officially gone crazy, and she's probably dreaming. They seemed to be flying through the air, with some sort of, circle with the shape of a ladybug, and a silver staff. The two figures ran faster than a cheetah, and went from roof to roof. Twilight ran, following them to know who they were. Then, she sees a close up of them. A girl, a girl with bluebell eyes, and shining blue hair. Her costume seemed to have a ladybug style to it. She was holding a yo-yo, and just as Twilight thought, a ladybug yo-yo, and earrings the same style as her costume, and a mask as well. The other one, a boy. Taller than the girl, he had green eyes, with cat-like ears. He wore a completely black suit, with pockets, and a belt as some sort of, tail perhaps. His staff was silver with a pet mark on it. And what seemed to stand out to Twilight, was the black shining ring, with the same paw print as the staff. They both seemed to work together against, another weird "villain." Twilight watched in awe, as she has never in her life seen this before. In the end, she watched as the girl used her yo-yo to make a dark butterfly, into a light butterfly, making the whole city she was in beautiful once again. They both fist-bumped, smiling at each other. They went their separate ways, and didn't seem to come back. Twilight followed the ladybug girl, who went near the school when she started off. She didn't see her, but she saw another girl, same hair color and eyes, with a small bag come out of the same place the girl went into. She went to a classroom. Then, another guy, same hair color as the cat boy had, and went into the classroom right after. Twilight, confused, waited outside patiently, as she thought this mysterious situation through.

"Foolishhh. Very foolishh. Ssshe went to, the Quantiverseee? Oh, well ssshe will witnesss some good people in the cccity called...Parisss.."

The swamp green and blue colored pony came out again, this time, into the light. She seemed to have pointy teeth, with a snake tongue. Perhaps, a snake pony.

"Good luck Princesss Twilight..Good luck...muhaaha" The pony went back into the fog, disappearing once again.

"What do you mean the portal broke?" Rarity asks.

Applejack points at the portal. "See for yourself!"

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike tagged along too.

"How are we supposed to get Twilight back? No one is smart enough to fix this weird contraption thingy." Rainbow concludes.

"Oh no..what if...she doesn't come back?" Fluttershy, looking down, says.

They all panicked, pacing back and forth.

"Let's go to Canterlot. It's best we tell Celestia about this." Rarity says.

Everyone nods. Before we knew it, they were on a train to Canterlot, still panicking for their best friend's life. Will she come back? Will she be able to survive without the portal? Will they ever see Twilight again?