
by Areceus Reynolds

Sudden Recall

The ceremony was rather lengthy, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. 2 of the classes ahead of us had already gone, which meant it was my turn to go up to the podium with my class. "Fantastic," I remarked sarcastically in my head.

"Ms. Hill's class, please stand up and come to the podium," said my principal, Dr. Mason (she's REALLY nice, too).

My class stood up and our teacher led us to the podium. Since our class was in alphabetical order, I was in fourth in line. Slowly, our class went up and received their awards. Within seconds, it was my turn. My teacher was reading of my awards when a sudden flash of light rang through the auditorium. I shielded my eyes and looked away. The light died down and I glanced at the source. I was dumbfounded, stupefied even. Standing in the middle of the stage was Princess Celestia herself. Gasps were heard across the room, but they were cut short when the sun goddess raised her right hoof. I glanced over at my brony friends. They had the biggest, surprised look on their face possible. I wasn't alone here; the princess was visible to all. Good thing, too. I was already crazy enough.

The pony princess looked around for a moment, then she looked down straight at me. She narrowed her eyes a bit, then smiled sweetly. It was a smile that showed motherly love and reassurance. It was warm and pleasant, like the sun she raised everyday. I smiled back nervously, not sure if I should respond or not. The princess motioned for me to come to her. I glanced around and walked up, my knees shaking. I bowed respectfully before her, which she curtsied in response. I rose and looked her in the eye, which was slightly difficult. She was taller than I thought. Big as a real horse, eh. Her gaze was piercing and blazing. It was more than intimidating-it was damn frightening. But in those lavender eyes there was love and peace. A modest and faithful truth. I was warmed suddenly, the worry in me leaving my body. "Brandon, I see you are well?" she asked, her voice as soft as silk.

"Uhh...I guess..?" I muttered, my head numb with questions and confusion.

"You are not sure?"

"Not entirely...I'm sorry, princess, but how do you know who I am?"

The princess smirked, which did NOT help my anxiety. "You came to Equestria once. You helped us rid of an old threat."

"Then why are you here now? If I rid of this threat, then why am I here?" I feared the answer I well knew. The most logical answer.

"This threat has returned, and with help." Darn it. I knew she was going to say that. "And since this threat brought help, we'll need you."

"And if I don't want to go?" I stood defiantly, which unfortunately, did not faze the sun goddess.

"Then I'll leave you be with the thought that you let several ponies die simply because you didn't want to help." Ouch, that was cold.

I stared at her and grit my teeth, anger welling inside me. Who does this pony think she-Actually, scratch THAT question. More importantly, who was I? Why was I important?

The princess giggled a bit, seeing my anger. "You're JUST like Areceus. Funny. Though that's to be expected." Areceus? My OC? Wait...What?!?!

I sighed and relaxed. "If you need my help so badly, I will come with you. But only to help those ponies. No innocent pony deserves to die."

The princess giggled again, this time with warmth and a huge smile. "Yep, definitely like him."

I shrugged and smiled back. "Let's go."

Celestia nodded and magic came from her horn, and just like that we were gone in a flash of white light.
Darkness. That's all I saw. My thoughts being the only thing I could hear. "Where the biscuit am I..? Did I just say biscuit? Oh jeez..."

I concluded that I was probably passed out. That'd make sense since the princess' spell was VERY powerful to travel dimensions. Since I'm mortal, it must have knocked me clean off my rocker. Great. I told myself to get up and wake up. My eyes open up slowly. My vision is still rather blurry, but it start's clearing up almost immediately. I look around and see ponies surrounding me. I jump up and raise a hoof prepared to attack, then I lower it. I recognize these ponies. A blue and white alicorn sat the closet to me, her eyes gleaming with concern. Another pony, a grey unicorn with a blondish-yellow mane sat near me, too. And one pony I've always wanted to meet sat next to him: Twilight Sparkle.

I glanced over at the blue alicorn, a small small forming on my lips. "Blue..?"

The blue alicorn smiled and hugged me. "Oh Areceus, you're okay! I missed you!" Missed me? Oh right..I left..Wait...Did she say Areceus?

"What happened? How long have I been gone?"

"You were knocked into a coma. You've been here in the hospital since."

"How long ago was that?"

"Six years ago." Six years?!?!?! Damn...What happened here? And why..?