//------------------------------// // Choices // Story: Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero // by Cavalryunit001 //------------------------------// It was a quarter past five when Diamond and Topaz returned to their home. Their shift was normally very short, but the Fortune Festival extended today’s workload by another four hours. Needless to say, they were happy that it was finally over. Bladewing didn’t mind the wait, however. He was having such good fun playing with little Ruby that he hardly noticed how much time had really gone by. The Hearts walked into the nursery to find him sitting behind her, and Ruby was playing with some toy blocks the pegasus laid out for her earlier. “B…Ba.” Ruby tried her best to say “block”, but this sound was all she could muster. “*chuckle* No, Ruby,” Bladewing said to her, “That’s a block. Come on, love, say it with me. ‘Block’.” “Ba.” The pegasus drooped his ears low in disappointment. “*sigh* We have a long way to go.” The Hearts stifled a chuckle. The sound of their voices surprised Bladewing, and he turned his head to them with an unprepared expression. “Oh. Welcome home, you two. How was work?” “Our shift was a long one,” Diamond replied, “but it was good, nevertheless.” The stallion lied on his knees next to Ruby. “How are you, little one?” he cooed, nuzzling her, “Did you miss Daddy?” Ruby just smiled and nuzzled back. Topaz meanwhile sat herself down next to Bladewing. “How did the foal-sitting go?” she asked him. Bladewing rubbed the back of his head. “Let’s just say we had an adventure today.” “Have you now?” Diamond chimed in. Bladewing nodded lightly. “Great. Would you care to tell us about it?” “Of course. Gather round, everypony.” Diamond gave Ruby to Topaz, and he sat down next to her as Bladewing regaled the couple with his tale. *** ONE MOMENT LATER *** “Bloody hell, man! Do you have any idea how lucky you are?!” Diamond Heart was excited to have learned that Bladewing was nominated for a position in Mountain Wind’s Council. His euphoria was literally overflowing, a scene that forced a nervous chuckle out of Bladewing. “Well, I know it’s an honor,” Bladewing answered, rubbing a foreleg modestly. “Oh, it’s more than just an honor, Bladewing,” Diamond corrected eagerly, “It’s a privilege. The king doesn’t offer that to just anypony, you know.” “Yes, he mentioned that in the note.” “See? Oh, this is marvelous. I never would’ve imagined I’d have a Council knight for a brother… even if he’s only related to me by bond.” Topaz was amused to find Bladewing so timid about it, but she nevertheless decided to relieve him of his situation. “Calm yourself, dear,” Topaz said to her husband, “The king just said he could be eligible. We don’t know for sure if he’ll actually become a Council knight.” “*sigh* I know, Topaz. But just bear with me here. Let’s say he DOES become a knight. Wouldn’t it be grand to walk through the city knowing we have family in high places? I spoke of such things with my mother all the time, but she always thought I was mad. I’d love to be able to meet with her one day and say, ‘Ha! Who’s mad now, old mare? This pegasus just so happens to be both my brother AND a Council knight!’” “Ah, but then you’re only glad to have Bladewing for a brother because it gives you an excuse to reprimand your mum. Do you really consider that brotherly love?” The mare’s question caught Diamond off his guard. It didn’t kill his mood, but he knew she was right. He wanted to show Bladewing more than anything that he cared about him, and using him to get back at his mother certainly wasn’t the way. He acknowledged her argument with a deep sigh. “No,” he spoke in defeat, “I’m sorry, Bladewing. It seems I've overstepped my boundaries a bit.” “Only a bit?” Bladewing joked. “Oh, come now. You knew I was merely excited.” “*chuckle* Well, I appreciate the apology all the same.” Topaz noticed the toy bear in Ruby’s hooves, and it brought to her mind the other toy Bladewing won for Rose. “It’s interesting, you know.” Bladewing looked curiously at Topaz. “What is?” “Your relationship. You were reeling from Rose simply greeting you that day at the restaurant; but just two days later, you wound up being her coltfriend. A very unexpected situation, if you ask me.” “Unexpected?” Diamond interjected with a grin, “You knew that mare was interested in our pegasus friend, Topaz. I even pointed that out myself, but oh no… you INSISTED that she just liked him.” Topaz shot a witty expression at the audacious stallion. “Only because a certain husband of mine was making him uncomfortable saying that.” “Touché. But the fact remains, love: their relationship was bound to happen. It was only a matter of when.” “Okay, Mr. Cupid. You’ve proven me wrong. Are you happy now?” “*chuckle* Oh, yes. Very.” Bladewing suppressed a laugh. Diamond Heart would be the type of pony to be carrying around a bow and a quiver filled with love arrows… if such things existed, that is. “*sigh* Right, then,” Bladewing spoke up, “It’s time I got serious. I might have to create a foal-sitting schedule if I’m going to get a job soon.” “Don’t you worry, Bladewing,” Diamond assured him, rising to his hooves, “I’m sure Topaz and I can work something out, should you decide to become a Council knight. Now if you will excuse me, I'll go bring some take-out for us. I’ll be back soon.” Bladewing nodded and let Diamond exit his room. His words were reassuring, but Bladewing was still unsure what to do. Topaz could see the concern infesting his eyes, a sight she intended to correct. “He’s right, you know,” she spoke softly, “That’s what we’re here for: to help you. You can also ask Rose for assistance, if you want. She may not be family, but she is your marefriend. I say that’s a good enough reason to consider her aid an option.” Bladewing’s expression remain unchanged, much to the mare’s dismay. “I don’t know, Topaz. I left Ruby alone with her for only a moment and she started crying.” “You don’t trust her?” “Oh, no. It’s not that at all. It’s just… *sigh* how do I explain this? Sure, it wasn’t her fault that it happened. But she still had no idea what to do. If I hadn’t stepped in when I did, I’d be as equally distressed as she was.” “Ah, I see. You think she’ll be more of a liability to you than an asset.” Bladewing nodded his head reluctantly. “That’s understandable. But you were no more experienced in foal-raising than she was, Bladewing. You can’t blame her for not knowing what was wrong.” “I guess not. But the situation was still too close for comfort. I’d probably feel less burdened caring for Ruby without her.” “Very well.” Bladewing felt the mare place a sympathetic hoof on his shoulder. “The choice is yours, Bladewing. I will let you handle the situation as you see fit. However, I strongly advise that you don’t dismiss asking your marefriend for help. She is there for a reason.” “Don’t worry, Topaz. I won’t.” “Good. I wish you luck with your meeting.” “*chuckle* Thanks. I’ll need it.” Bladewing watched with a grin as Topaz placed Ruby in her lap. “You don’t think your uncle’s marefriend is a bad pony, do you, Ruby?” Ruby just cooed lovingly and hugged her mom’s foreleg. “No, of course you don’t. But tell him, sweetie. Tell your uncle she’s not bad.” “Ba.” Once more, this was the only sound Ruby could muster. “Oh, bother,” Bladewing pouted playfully, folding his forelegs, “She can’t even say she IS bad. I think I just lost my touch.” “Nonsense. You know she’s a bit young to be talking. Don’t feel bad if she can’t say a word yet.” “*sigh* Yes. I know.” Topaz and Ruby giggled simultaneously as the stallion drooped his head low in a comical display of defeat. "I'll admit one thing, Bladewing," Topaz sighed in dismay, "My daughter may not be as a feisty as other foals, but she's certainly just as messy. I'm truly sorry that she dropped my flower vase against your head." "Oh, it's all right, Topaz," replied Bladewing with reassurance, "It was but an accident. She is a baby, after all. She doesn't know any better." "*chuckle* Maybe so, but I'm not going to let incidents like this become natural for her. The last thing I want is for her to develop a thrill for it." Topaz looked down at Ruby with a playful glare. "You've been a very bad girl today, weren't you, Ruby?" Ruby just returned her mother's expression with a look of wonder. "Don't play innocent with me, young lady. You know EXACTLY what you did today... and Mummy is very disappointed in you. Did Daddy not tell you to play nice with other ponies?" Topaz wasn't scolding her, but Ruby still felt like she was being harsh on her. She whimpered, almost like she was about to cry. However, Topaz was going to make sure that won't happen. "Aw, don't cry, sweetie," Topaz said softly, holding her close, "I'm not saying these things to be mean. I just want you to be more careful. Uncle Bladewing got hurt today because of what you did, and I don't want him to feel like you're being mean to him... because you're not mean. Are you?" Almost straight away, Ruby was assured that her mom still loved her. She smiled once more for her. "No, of course not. So no more of that. Unless Mummy or Daddy is home, you will not touch anything unless Uncle Bladewing says so. Okay?" Ruby just hugged her mom one last time, the filly ever so happy that the worst was over. "*giggle* Good." Topaz winked at Bladewing with a grin, and the stallion in turn just nodded with a chuckle. Diamond Heart returned to the house before long, and the ensuing feast went as any family gathering would: pleasant and downright delicious. With nothing else left to do, the three ponies did as they pleased during the final hours before dusk. When dusk did come, Bladewing lied in his bed feeling he burned through those very hours. As the dark veil of the night slowly engulfed the weary stallion, he wondered what exactly Mountain Wind had in store for him. Bladewing woke up grandiosely the next morning. After rising from his bed, he stretched his limbs and gently unfurled his wings. The pegasus took a shower and put on his robes shortly afterwards, walking down the stairs with his tail moving about slowly in relaxation. He found Diamond Heart working in the kitchen, along with some leftovers from a breakfast he and Topaz shared earlier this morning. Diamond turned his head toward him for a moment as he heard his oncoming hoofsteps. “Good morning, Bladewing,” he greeted with a smile, “How are you?” “Never felt better,” Bladewing replied with a yawn. Although he could see Ruby sitting in a toddler chair at the table, Topaz was nowhere to be found. “Where’s Topaz?” he asked curiously, taking a seat. “She left for work.” “Just now?” “Oh, that was a while ago. You were still resting when she and I woke, so we decided to have a quiet breakfast while you slept in.” “Really? What time is it now?” Diamond pointed the wooden spoon he had in his hoof at a digital clock sitting on top of the refrigerator. Bladewing was shocked by the time it read. “Bloody hell. It’s almost eleven. When did Topaz leave for work?” “Eight.” “And you? Don’t you have work today?” “Oh no, Bladewing. It’s like I told your marefriend the other day: Topaz and I take turns with our shift. It just so happens that I have the day off today.” Diamond turned off the stove and removed a pan containing mildly warm milk. Bladewing watched pensively as the earth pony poured the liquid into an empty baby bottle on the table. “*sigh* Suddenly I wish my alarm clock DID interrupt my dream.” “*chuckle* Don’t be ridiculous. It’s better to wake up invigorated than eat breakfast half-asleep.” Bladewing cracked a grin, and Diamond in turn gave the milk bottle to Ruby. “There you go, sweetheart,” he spoke softly, “Enjoy your meal.” As Ruby began to nourish herself with the sweet liquid, Diamond pulled a chair on the opposite side of where Bladewing sat. “Ah, I almost forgot. There’s still some waffles left over, Bladewing. Help yourself to as many as you like. I can make more if you’re still hungry.” “Great. Thanks, Diamond.” Bladewing grabbed an empty plate from a nearby stack, and he immediately began filling it up with the golden treat. He was disappointed to have woken up so late, but Bladewing nevertheless enjoyed what little food was available. Given the short interval he had between him and Rose’s arrival, he was lucky he could eat at all. “You’re not still shaken, are you?” Diamond asked him. Bladewing swallowed the morsel in his mouth before answering him. “About what?” “You know, what I said at the restaurant. I guess my words did sound a bit prying.” “Oh. Pffh, nah, don’t worry. I was just nervous about the idea of a mare I didn’t know showing interest in me.” “*sigh* Good. I was worried I might’ve offended you or something. My wife tends to get infuriated with me whenever she thinks I’m being insensitive.” “Well, I can’t blame you for fearing her. Rose threatened to leave me at the mercy of my ‘fans’ back at the festival. It’s surprising how a mare can induce terror in a stallion’s heart.” “Oh, don’t get me started, brother. You thought getting chased by a mob of them was bad? Try interacting with one while she’s in heat. *shudder*… DEFINITELY not a scenario you’d want to experience.” Bladewing was curious (albeit in a cautious kind of way). He poured some water from a nearby pitcher into a glass for himself before daring to press onward. “You don’t say. Just how much worse IS that scenario?” “A mare’s a lot like a succubus when she’s in her heat cycle. Once she finds a male she likes, the poor colt becomes her prisoner until she's had her way with him. It’s not a bad situation if you’re into that sort of thing, but you’ll want to get used to being the submissive one.” This bit of information intimidated Bladewing, and his cheeks flushed in fear. He counted himself fortunate that the unicorn mare at the festival wasn’t in heat at the time… or any of the other mares with her on that note. However, Rose had heat cycles the same as they did. The mere thought of her seducing him while influenced by one sent a chill down his spine. “*sigh* Thank goodness she respects me. I wouldn’t be comfortable with being tied down to my own bed... *chuckle* even if it’s only to satisfy her needs.” “Good grief. That IS bad. I better be careful around Rose, then.” “See that you do. I can’t have you becoming somepony’s pet now, can I?” The two stallions shared a hearty chuckle. Bladewing had just finished his last waffle when he and Diamond heard knocking from the front door. “What?” Diamond spoke, “Who could that be?” Bladewing downed the last of his water as the earth pony moved to the door. “Ah, yes. I forgot to mention this to you and Topaz. Rose was going to meet me here at eleven today. She’s going to take me to Mountain Wind’s palace.” “Hold on. You’re saying that’s her outside?” Bladewing nodded in agreement. “Oh, okay. Let’s get her inside.” Diamond opened the door with a pleasant demeanor just as Bladewing removed the now empty milk bottle from Ruby’s hooves. “Good morn- whoa. Wow, you look great, Rose. How are you?” Diamond was quite surprised to find the mare he greeted yesterday wearing a casual, yet gorgeous dress in front of him along with the necklace Bladewing won for her yesterday. “*giggle* Hello to you, too, Mr. Heart,” Rose greeted back, “How’s Bladewing?” “He’s enjoying a late breakfast in the kitchen. Why don’t you come in? I’d love to hear his take on your dress. I personally think you look fabulous in it.” “Thanks. And don’t mind if I do.” Rose smiled as Diamond let her through the door. Bladewing was immediately taken by surprise as he laid eyes on the enchanting unicorn standing at the door. The shock could be easily noticed by the redness that surfaced to his face. “Oh, dear." Bladewing let it slip his mouth on accident, and Rose in turn looked at him with an amused expression. “*chuckle* Hello, Bladewing. Are you ready to go?” Bladewing was having a very hard time trying to come up with words. It was like Rose’s beauty completely muted his tongue. The mare couldn’t help feigning a sad puppy look as she approached the flabbergasted stallion. “What’s the matter, handsome? You don’t like my dress?” Bladewing felt his head perspire with each step she took. “N-no, it’s not that at all,” Bladewing assured nervously, “I, um… w-well, you see, Rose, I… *sigh* what’s wrong with me today?” Diamond muffled a laugh at the stallion’s humorous attempt to describe her. “I think what he’s trying to say, Rose, is that he didn’t expect you to be wearing such things.” “Yes, thank you,” Bladewing spoke, “I thought we were just going to meet the king.” “We are,” Rose reassured him, “That’s the whole reason I’m wearing this dress. I thought you’d be happier to have an attractive mare by your side when you meet him.” “Didn’t I already admit that you were beautiful yesterday?” “Yes, of course. But this is special, Bladewing. I’ve never met the king in person before, and it feels wonderful to know I have a chance to do so with my coltfriend. I made myself pretty for you for just that reason.” “Well, I think you’re gorgeous just as you are. You don’t need a dress to prove it.” Rose was flattered, but she could see that her radiance was a bit much for Bladewing to handle. He couldn’t go two seconds without looking away from her, as if he were trying to keep his eyes from transforming into hearts. Rose initially wanted to cheer him up, but the cute face he was putting up enticed her into seeing if she could make him swoon. “Ooh. That gives me an idea.” Rose looked at Bladewing with a devious grin. “*chuckle* If you’re that uncomfortable with it, Bladewing, I can always… take it off.” Bladewing could almost feel his cheeks burn as the mare slowly placed a hoof on the dress’s zipper. It was of no help to the poor stallion that the zipper was located directly on her chest; if anything, it only heightened the effect of his sensation. “Okay, I take it back,” Bladewing pleaded, shielding his eyes with a wing, “You’re absolutely darling in that dress. I swear it.” The mare smiled victoriously as she removed her hoof from the zipper. Diamond Heart, on the other hoof, was none too pleased to have almost seen a mare strip in front of him. His serpent was just about to pop out of his sheath. “Ugh, confound it, man,” Diamond spoke to him, covering his groin area with a rag, “Why didn’t you just tell her you liked her dress?” Bladewing chuckled nervously. “Um...” “*sigh* Nevermind. Just tell her to come plain next time. I almost got a boner from that.” “*gasp* Mr. Heart,” Rose exclaimed playfully, “How could you? Why would you get 'excited' for a mare other than your wife?” “I’m so sorry, my dear,” Diamond replied, “I’m not used to seeing mares go nude in front of me. I hope you’ll forgive me.” “*chuckle* It’s all right.” Rose redirected her attention to Bladewing. “Come on, handsome. Let’s go.” Diamond Heart watched as the couple exited the house. He waited for his member to hide back into his sheath before removing the rag from his groin area. “I’m sorry you had to see that, little one,” he murmured jokingly to Ruby, “Daddy’s not a pervert. He’s… well, let’s just leave it at that.” Ruby just smiled and pointed a hoof at the bear he put on the table. Diamond returned the smile and gave the bear to her. He was fortunate that Ruby was too young to discern what she saw earlier (or what a pervert was). He could only imagine what kind of punishment Topaz would put him through if she were here to see that… and he was all too grateful that she wasn’t. Bladewing walked with a flustered demeanor with Rose to the gates of Mountain Wind’s palace. Rose indeed looked fabulous in her dress, but he still didn’t like that she teased him by suggesting she take it off in front of him. “What in the world were you thinking back there?” Rose giggled softly at Bladewing’s question. “I was only playing, Bladewing. You don’t really think a lady would strip herself naked in front of a male, do you?” “YOU almost did.” “Ah, but that was because I thought you were uncomfortable seeing me wear this outfit.” “I didn’t say I was. I just…” Bladewing noticed a mischievous smile slowly forming on the mare’s face. Unfortunately for the beleaguered stallion, her smug expression was the last straw. He had to come up with a payback plan and now. An ingenious one surfaced in his mind in just a moment. A wicked twinkle flashed briefly in his eye before he hung his head low and started weeping (albeit in a playful manner). “Oh, all right,” he whimpered, “You win… you’re VERY beautiful in that dress. You happy now? You’re so beautiful, in fact, that I’m surprised it was Diamond Heart who got aroused looking at you and not me. You’re MY mare, not his.” Rose was satisfied to see that she finally broke him to her will… or so it seemed to her. “Thank you, precious,” she mused, “I feel even prettier hearing you say that.” Rose suddenly felt a wing wrap around her. Before she had time to react, Bladewing pulled her close. The stallion immediately began planting feather-soft kisses across her neck, a sensation that forced an erotic blush from the surprised mare. “Ooh, you naughty boy,” she cooed, “Are you really trying to make love to me?” “I did say you were beautiful, didn’t I?” Bladewing murmured with a grin, “It’s said that the males in some animal species get quite aroused when seeing an attractive female. Well, it just so happens that this male has found himself a VERY attractive female.” “How convenient. You say that right after breaking down in front of me. It’s also said that in some species, the female only wants a powerful male as her mate. Clearly you’re not one of those males.” “Want to bet, my dear? Get a thousand stallions in love with you and I’ll make mincemeat of every last one… for I am the alpha male.” A romantic idea emerged in Rose’s head as she used her magic to move Bladewing in front of her. “I have a better idea, Mr. ‘Alpha Male’. How about I let you breed me when we return? If you truly are the dominant male, then you’ll give me the strongest and healthiest foals in all of Cydonia. Surely I deserve them more than that unicorn we eluded yesterday.” “*chuckle* But of course. That mare is not even worthy of being my midwife.” “Good. So how about it, love? Will you sire my offspring?” “I certainly will… as soon as you stop trying to seduce me with your beauty.” Rose was instantly snapped out of the romantic state Bladewing had her in. “Wait, what?” Bladewing tried to suppress his laughter, but the joke he just pulled on her was too humorous for him to hold in. He let it all out heartily, forcing Rose’s expression to turn from love to murderous outrage. “*grunt* You loathsome, silver-tongued, heartbreaking… BRUTE! I thought you were serious.” “Oh, but I am, Rose. I don’t doubt that I’d consider fathering foals with you in the future… but SEDUCING me with a lustful outfit won’t help you persuade me any better.” Rose felt more relieved, but she realized now that Bladewing caught on to her charade. The mare drooped her head low in defeat just as Bladewing looked at her with a smug grin. “*groan*… How hard do I have to try to get you to love me?” As if to answer her, Bladewing suddenly moved a lock of her mane aside and kissed her gently on her cheek. The mare instantly softened her mood, her face blushing deep yet again. “*chuckle* There. Does that answer your question, dear lady?” Rose smiled meekly as she rubbed a foreleg shyly. “A little. I’m not sure if that actually counts as you loving me, though.” “Well, I’ll admit this much: you really do look precious in that dress.” Rose continued to blush. “Do you mean that? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better?” “I do, Rose, really. I’m just more used to your natural beauty. You know, without all the clothing.” The mare smiled and returned his kiss with bliss. “Smug colt. You really want to make your mare work for your love, don’t you?” “Yes. But tell you what: if I see even a single stallion get jealous over seeing you with me, I’ll take you out for an OFFICIAL date. Hopefully one without all the fan girls chasing after our tails.” The idea intrigued Rose, and she could slowly feel her mood return to normal. “*giggle* All right. Promise?” Bladewing nuzzled his mare’s face with a smile. “I promise.” With that, the two ponies continued on their path. It was very close to noon when the couple arrived at the front gates of Mountain Wind’s palace. The palace itself was enormous. Located on a grass-covered plateau near the outskirts of Fredericksmare, the structure spanned an area almost two blocks wide (and about three in length). Several smaller structures were nearby, including what Bladewing thought was a farm. Pillars at the front entrance of the palace supported a balcony that gave any who stood on it a scenic view of Cydonia’s capital city. Several tapestries containing the royal crest as well as the kingdom’s banner hung from this very balcony. The rosewood doors leading into the palace had knockers and handles made of pure gold, with two unicorn soldiers standing guard on each side. There were two more standing at the front gates, and all of these soldiers carried muskets equipped with bayonets in their magic. All in all, this place was a wonder to behold. Bladewing took a brief moment to make sure he had the uniform and the note in his saddlebag. Sure enough, the said items were there, and he proceeded cautiously with Rose towards the front gates. “Halt,” said the left guard, moving in front of them with his buddy, “State your business, citizens.” “I have an appointment with the king, sir,” Bladewing replied. He gave the letter to the guard, and the stallion in turn examined the note with his comrade. “Aye, it’s from Mountain Wind,” spoke the right guard, pointing out the king’s signature. The left guard looked back at Bladewing with concern. “May I see the uniform?” Bladewing showed the stallion the garment. He was good to go as far as the guard could tell, but he wasn’t as sure about the unicorn standing next to him. “Hm… do you know if the king allows interviewees to bring friends, Rigor?” The right guard stroked his beard as he thought carefully. “Ehm… I’m not sure, lad. None of the others brought any with ‘em.” “So what do we do about the mare? Should we let her in with him or no?” “Hm... I say we let her in. I’m sure she won’t cause trouble inside the palace. Will ya, lass?” “Faust forbid that I do, sir,” Rose answered him with a smile. “*chuckle* That's good enough for me. Let’s get them through, Solar. They have clearance.” “I’m on it.” The duo proceeded with unlocking the gates and opening them for the two ponies. Rose and Bladewing thanked them before passing through to the front doors, the guards closing the gates behind them. The guards at the said doors followed suit and opened them up to let the couple inside. The guards at the gates waited until Rose and Bladewing were inside the palace before saying anything further. “She’s quite charming, isn’t she?” Solar asked. “Aye, lad,” Rigor replied with a chuckle, “The lass is a flower, she is. Reminds me of my wife during her younger years.” “I wonder if that stallion's her coltfriend.” The older guard looked down on him with a serious glare. “Oh no, ya don’t. I’m not going to lose yet another bonus check because of another one of your hair-brained paramour stunts. No. You’re staying put, boy, and that’s final. Do I make myself clear?” “*sigh* Yes, sir.” Solar returned to his original position, facing the road in front of him with Rigor. Rose and Bladewing meanwhile were entranced by the scenery they saw within the palace. More specifically, they were inside the palace throne room. All around them, paintings of battle scenes and portraits of the most recent members of the royal family were hung on the scarlet walls of the palace. A red carpet laced with gold thread lied over the polished marble floor underneath the pair, and it lead straight to a pair of thrones. Flanked on each side by a pair of guards, the massive chairs were composed of pure gold, and the cushions of very fine silk. The king’s throne was marked with red cushions, while the queen’s had purple ones. Rose and Bladewing looked towards the king’s throne and smiled with awe at the majestic pony sitting on it… for that earth pony was Mountain Wind himself. The king was brown with yellow hair, and he had a neatly trimmed full beard of the same color. His anthro arms were resting comfortably on the throne’s armrests, a jeweled scepter leaning on its side and an equally ornate crown sitting on his head. He was dressed in red robes with intricate designs woven in gold thread, the royal crest sewn onto the right side of his chest. He was pleased to finally see Bladewing pass through his doors, and he approached him and Rose shortly after rising from his seat. The two ponies bowed low to the king in respect. “Hello, Bladewing,” he greeted him, shaking his hoof, “So you’ve decided to come after all. I’m honored to finally meet you in person.” “The honor is mine, your majesty,” Bladewing replied with a smile, “I’m flattered that you were impressed by my skills at the amphitheater. I never thought I’d be entertaining a monarch that day.” “Well, entertain me you did, my friend… and you did a marvelous job.” The king then noticed Rose standing next to the pegasus. “I don’t suppose she’s family, by any chance?” “Oh, right. *ahem*… this mare I have with me is Rose Blossom. She’s… well, my marefriend.” Rose was humored to find Bladewing so shy about admitting she was his. Perhaps the only reason she didn’t mind it much was because he looked adorable when timid. “I see,” the king spoke, shaking Rose’s hoof, “How are you, my dear?” “I’m feeling grand, your highness," replied Rose, "I've always wondered what it’s like to meet royalty.” “Most ponies never get a chance. I’m sure you're excited to be one of the few that have.” “I am. I’m interested in what you have in store for Bladewing here.” “Ah, yes. Thanks for reminding me. Are you ready to discuss the job offer, Bladewing?” “Yes, indeed,” Bladewing answered. “Brilliant. Come with me.” Bladewing and Rose followed the king to a door on the left side of the throne. The trio passed through and continued onward. Before leading them into a more secluded location, Mountain Wind first led the couple through a room filled with aristocratic ponies. A long table at one side of the room contained expensive liquors as well as near-barren party platters. Nobles of many kinds filled the room, each unique in his (or her) own way. Some came with friends or their partners, others by themselves. No matter how drastically they differed from one another, they all noticed the now hood-less newcomer among them. Bladewing could hear the male members whispering to each other, saying things like “Is that Bladewing?”, “It’s the new dueling champion.” and “So he’s come after all.” Likewise, some of the ladies among them gossiped amongst themselves over the radiant mare by his side, whispering things like “Who’s she?”, “She’s beautiful.” and “Is she his marefriend?”… all while Rose grinned with flattery throughout. She was amused to see some of these mares jealously react to her witty expression with a muffled gasp, turning their heads away from her with a “Humph!” Bladewing, on the other hoof, was getting nervous over having so many eyes staring at him, particularly from the other stallions. “Pay them no heed, my friends,” Mountain Wind spoke to the couple, “They’re just curious. It’s not often that they see commoners other than the palace staff in here.” Bladewing felt a bit more relaxed after hearing his statement, but he still wished the nobles weren’t staring so seriously at him. Bladewing suddenly felt a hoof gripping his shoulder. He turned to his right to find one of the unicorn nobles looking down upon him. He was holding an empty wine glass in his magic, and he seemed to be in a very tipsy state. Bladewing found it odd how the other nobles focused more on him than this stallion’s drunken stupor. “H-Hey *hic*… you’re that, uh… Bladewing fellow, right?” Bladewing slowly nodded his head, more so curiously than nervously. “You… you have some nerve dragging your *hic* commoner flank in here. Y-You think you’re… one of us, with your five hundred grand in bits and *hic* that gorgeous mare you have with you?” Rose blushed at his compliment whilst Bladewing looked at the stallion with a quizzical face. “Um… excuse me?” “Don’t act *hic* like I’m stupid. You know perfectly well that you don’t deserve her. She’s *hic* a fool to have chosen you of all stallions as her c-” A feminine hoof suddenly clasped the stallion’s mouth closed, instantly shutting him up. The noble moved the hoof away and shot a surprised look at its owner. “What?” “You better hold your tongue, you drunken idiot,” the unicorn replied with a scowl, “Or else that stallion might just slice it off.” “But he’s taunting me, darling,” he whimpered, “He’s *hic* got the most beautiful mare I’ve even seen. You… you’re not even HALF as pretty.” The mare growled angrily at her husband’s comment. “Ugh, this is the last time I’m letting you have your way with Brushian vodka. Now shut up and show him some respect. That’s the Dueling Champion of Fredericksmare you’re speaking to.” “*sigh* Yes, dear.” Rose and Bladewing chuckled softly as they continued following the king. They waited until they were out of the room before exchanging any banter themselves. “I’ll be damned,” Bladewing spoke with a grin, “That’s something you don’t see every day.” “*giggle* I’ll say,” Rose added, “Did you see the look on her face when he told her she wasn’t as pretty as me?” “Oh, yes. Now THAT’S a jealous mare if I ever saw one.” “Indeed. And speaking of which…” Rose nuzzled Bladewing as she beamed a winner’s grin. “You lose, handsome. That stallion was even more jealous of you than she was of me.” Bladewing returned the mare’s grin with a chuckle. “Not so fast, dear lady. Drunken stallions have very poor cognitive thinking and therefore don’t count.” “Ah, ah, ah. I’m not letting you deny me my prize, Bladewing. You just said you’ll take me on a date if I was pretty enough to get a stallion jealous of you. You didn’t say anything about whether or not he had to be sober while doing so.” Bladewing knew she was right. He didn’t like that she won so easily, but he was a stallion of his word. “*sigh* All right. How about this weekend? I'm sure I won’t have to foal-sit Ruby on the weekends.” “Great. I’ll come by in the morning and you can take me to the central plaza. I think I’ll let you decide what fun we will have down there.” “Humph. As if that changes anything.” Rose just chuckled and walked with Bladewing in a blissful state. She was very pleased that Bladewing was so easy to tease. She considered the date a consolation prize for her failed, yet valiant attempt to “win” his love. After a short while, the king and his two guests arrived in a very relaxing room. Three scarlet couches big enough to hold four ponies each were gathered in a C-shape around a large square table. A massive HD television was at the front of the room, sandwiched between two large speakers that towered over the TV. Windows overlooking a grand valley lied to the left of the TV, giving Rose and Bladewing yet another scenic view. Along with polished mahogany floors, the pair also noticed a pair of controllers alongside what seemed like a video game console and a stack of complementary games. Bladewing had no idea what any of these devices were, but he was certain that they played a role in the life of the late Coltec prince. A pegasus maid was present when the trio arrived, along with two guards posted at the door. A platter loaded with pastries lied next to a water pitcher on the table. She had just finished laying out cups and plates when she heard Mountain enter the room with his guests. “The food and drink is ready, your majesty,” she said to him, bowing in respect. “Much obliged, May,” the king replied, “Thank you.” “You’re very welcome, sir.” The mare bowed to him once more before exiting the room. “Make yourselves comfortable, you two.” Rose and Bladewing were happy to oblige to Mountain Wind's request. The king then looked towards the two unicorn stallions guarding the doorway as soon as they sat in a comfortable position on one of the couches. “Guards, leave us.” The two bowed their heads to Mountain Wind, exiting the room with their muskets in their magic. He pointed a hand to the treats on the table, beckoning to the couple to help themselves. Rose had a light breakfast this morning and so grabbed one without hesitation. Bladewing however had already eaten his fill of food, and he signaled to Mountain Wind with a hoof that he didn’t want any. The king nodded in reply and stretched his arms. “All right, then,” he spoke, “Let’s get down to business. Do you know why you’re here, Bladewing?” “Yes, sir. You want to discuss a job opportunity with me. More specifically, you want to see if I am eligible to be a Council knight.” “Excellent. So tell me: what do you know about the Council?” Bladewing looked at the king with uncertainty. “I know very little, sir. You wrote in the letter that twelve ponies comprise it and that you choose each one carefully. They help you with making decisions that affect the entire country, but that’s where my knowledge peaks.” “I see. I presume you’re not from Cydonia?” “No, sir. I just found myself in some wheat fields a few days ago. I can’t remember where I was born or how I even got to the fields in the first place.” “Ah, yes. You mentioned in the amphitheater that you lost a large part of your memory.” Bladewing acknowledged the king with a nod. “Hm… your case is a complicated one, Bladewing.” “What’s wrong?” “Normally, Cydonian law would dictate that I have to refute my nominating you for a position in my Council, as you’re not a citizen. Given your unique circumstances, however, I might be able to make an exception. Since your memory loss means a background check is impossible, my decision on your eligibility will depend solely on your personality.” “Understood. I will give an honest answer to any question you ask of me.” “Good. I learned much about you from your actions at the duel, so I’ll limit my questions to three scenarios. There’s no right or wrong in them, so I encourage you to use your feelings when answering them. Do I make myself clear?” “Yes, sir.” “All right. Let us begin. *ahem*… you wake in the middle of a dirt road starved and thirsty. You have no food or water, but you do have a small sum of money in your possession. An old mare you never saw before comes by and asks that you give her this money. She has a grandfoal who is fatally ill and requires the money to buy medication that will cure him. Behind her stands a traveling merchant who can provide you with adequate food and water in exchange for your money. You really want to help the old mare, but you also want to keep from suffering a slow and painful death. What do you do?” Rose watched anxiously as her stallion covered his mouth in deep thought. “Hm… I’d be fortunate to simply stand up under such conditions. But I’d still give her the money. I would feel sickly to let somepony die when I had the power to save them.” Rose smiled contently at his answer. Surely such a sacrifice was characteristic of the ponies in the king’s Council. “Okay. Onward to the next scenario. You’re a humble merchant living in a modest home with only your wife for company. You had just finished making a transaction when you hear the crying of an infant in an alley. You make your way through it and find this child lying in a basket underneath a cardboard box. He is alone, and his only possession is a note that says ‘Give to a loving family’. You initially think about giving him to an orphanage, but you know from personal experience that life there is often very lonely. You can also decide to raise the boy as your own. Your wife tried to conceive a child with you for years, but a recent doctor’s visit informed her that she is infertile. Adopting the boy will certainly make her happy, but you barely make enough money to support the two of you, let alone a foal. In the end, you want what is best for the infant. What do you do?” Bladewing rubbed his forehead as he carefully thought on his answer. “*sigh* This is a difficult one… what to do…” Rose could see that Bladewing was having trouble making up his mind. She prayed with all her heart that he would find the answer he sought. “You can do it, handsome. Think. The answer lies deep within you.” A short moment passed before Bladewing acknowledged he had an answer with another sigh. “I’d raise the little colt as my own. He deserves to have a family as much as my wife deserves to be a mother. I don’t know how I’d provide for him, but I’d do whatever it takes to find a way. There is ALWAYS a way.” Rose could’ve sworn she saw Mountain Wind crack a brief look of fascination. Whether or not she was imagining it she didn’t know, but that gesture was enough to melt most of her anxiety away. It was strange that she’d feel this way considering she wasn’t the one answering the questions, but she really wanted this assessment to go well for Bladewing… for chances like these are never given twice. “Very well,” the king continued, “You have one more scenario left to resolve, Bladewing. After you answer it, I will know for certain whether you’re qualified to become a Council knight. I must warn you, though: it’s the hardest one of all. Are you ready?” “Yes, sir.” “Okay. Here it is: You are a seasoned general of Cydonia’s army. You enjoyed nearly a decade of peace within the country when another country suddenly declares war on us. You’re outraged that such a thing would happen so soon, but it’s not because of picking up the sword again; rather, it’s because of the plans that were ruined because of it. Let’s say you one day intend to marry this lovely mare sitting next to you.” Rose blushed at the king’s comment, and Bladewing likewise understood just how serious this scenario was. “Okay,” Bladewing agreed with reluctance, “What about it?” “You know that you’ve a right to marry her, but you also know that the soldiers need your leadership in order to effectively defend Cydonia against her enemies. Now Cydonia, unlike other governments, has a special form of leeway for her high-ranking officers. You may choose not to join the war without ANY penalty, whether it’s wage garnishments, high treason charges, or even just losing your job. I would be okay with such a thing, of course, but there are other consequences that come with it. Potentially letting Cydonia get conquered by the enemy nation is one, but there’s also gaining a reputation for cowardice among my people. You can choose to join the war in spite of such leeway, but that too has consequences. You’ll risk dying on the battlefield alongside many other soldiers. You love this mare more than anypony else on this earth, and you know she would be devastated if she lost you. But you must make a choice. Would you risk death with me in an effort to repel the invaders from our motherland? Or would you stay with her and risk potentially losing her, your home, and anything else the invaders get their hooves on?” Bladewing was disturbed by the king’s query. Sure, it was only a scenario, but Bladewing never encountered one even remotely close to it. It was a situation that was literally beyond anything he ever experienced. He had to choose between his duty and his love (albeit for the sake of an answer). “I… I’m not sure I can answer that, sir.” Mountain Wind looked at him with concern. “Is something wrong?” “There’s a few things I disagree with in that scenario.” “Like what?” “The romance part, to name one. You see, although Rose is my marefriend, I’m not actually in love with her. Well, not YET, anyway. I wish to learn more about her before I can honestly tell myself that I do. But even if I did love her, I doubt I’d have the courage to fight an entire country. I’m more accustomed to less-pressurizing bouts, as you saw in my duel.” “I understand. But a choice must still be made, Bladewing. This particular question is one that’s been asked of Council knight nominees for over five thousand years. The only reason I modified it to include your marefriend is to help you immerse yourself in it. These situations are more likely than others to turn real… and the decisions made from them must NEVER be taken lightly.” “I see. *sigh*… what must I do?” Rose could almost feel the anxiety that held Bladewing captive. He admitted that although he didn’t love her right now, she still mattered a great deal to him. She was certain that it’s because of her well-being that he was having a hard time choosing between her and his country. An idea suddenly came to her, and she gently nuzzled his face to calm him down. “Don’t worry about me, handsome,” she spoke softly, “I’d be flattered if you told me you loved me. Even more so if you chose me to be your wife. But I’d feel awful to know I was the reason you wouldn’t help the king and his soldiers win that war.” Bladewing looked at her with concerned eyes. “You would?” “Yes. My home is just as important to me as you are. I’d encourage you to fight for it, no matter how much you fear leaving me alone in this world. I’d likely cry myself to sleep if I ever found out you died, but I’ll know it wasn’t in vain. I’d rather risk losing my fiance then let everypony else lose their lives.” Her words successfully alleviated Bladewing’s mind. He was still unsure if he would actually be able to fight in such a war but thanks to Rose, he knew it was worth a try. He looked at the king with a warm smile. “All right, sir,” Bladewing spoke, “I have my answer. I’d join you in that war. I still don’t think I’d be able to fight such a foe but until we win that war, I would follow you into battle… no matter how long or how fierce it may get.” Mountain Wind was astounded. His answer to this question was unlike any of the answers the current Council knights gave him. He could tell that Bladewing was as strong of will as he was of heart… even if this strength was largely because he had a special somepony in his life. For the first time since his family was taken from him, the king smiled. Only Firestorm was as determined to do the right thing as Bladewing was. With his decision now fully made up, he prepared to pass judgment on the black pegasus. “Excellent. I have enough information to make my decision… and I am proud to say you’re qualified.” Bladewing’s ears perked in wonder. “I am?” “Yes. Your first answer showed me that you’re selfless and understanding, which is very good. Both are necessary traits in the life of a Council knight. Your second one showed that you’re empathetic to the misfortune of others… and you’re willing to assist them no matter what misfortunes you’re facing yourself. Such compassion can literally change their lives. But your final answer… now THAT’S what truly got my attention. You have shown me that you’re exceptionally determined to do what is right. Some consider relying on others for support a weakness, but I can see that you find strength in it. Only one other pony in my entire life had so strong a will and heart… and that pony was my son.” Bladewing was amazed. He HAD to have found favor in the king’s eyes if he considered his answer so unique. “I see. I am glad that I have found favor in your eyes, sir.” “As you should. The decision is in your hooves now, Bladewing. Will you accept my offer and serve me as one of my knights?” Bladewing considered his choice carefully. This job was likely to be filled with dangers. War may be one of them and then again, it may not. However, if he could stand tall in the faces of opponents like Battery and Phoenix, then surely he could take on whatever tasks the king may assign him to do. Bladewing acknowledged his choice with a confident smile. “I would be honored, your highness,” he spoke, shaking his hand, “I accept. Thank you.” Mountain Wind accepted his answer with a soft chuckle. “Good. There are additional tests I’d ask you to take, but you won’t need them as far as I’m concerned. However, there are still a few steps you must take before I can formally induct you into the Council. The most important of these is acquiring documentation labeling you as a subject of Cydonia. Come by at noon tomorrow and I’ll ask my secretary to provide it for you. We will discuss the rest of the procedure in depth at that hour… as well as the more lucrative parts of the job. Oh, and take this with you.” Mountain Wind pulled out a medallion with a unique crest embedded in it and gave it to Bladewing. “Show it to the guards at the front gates and they’ll let you in.” “Understood. It was a pleasure meeting you, your majesty.” “Likewise.” Bladewing and Rose bowed to him one last time before exiting the room. After making their way out of the palace, they decided to walk down the cobblestone path leading into the city streets. A new adventure lied on the road that was Bladewing’s life… and Rose was excited to be walking with Bladewing down this very road. She smiled and kissed him lightly on his cheek before the stallion put his hood back over his head. “You did well, handsome,” she cooed, “I’m so happy for you.” “Thanks. I can’t wait to see what will happen from here.” “Same here. I’m going to be the luckiest mare in the land when I see the king knight you into the Council. Can you imagine a couple like us walking through the plaza together?” “Ah, yes,” he murmured, nuzzling her, “That reminds me. I suppose I must reveal myself to the public if I’m going to hold so high a position.” “Yes,” she murmured back, “Everypony knows who’s on the Council. But I don’t think showing your face will be a problem now, will it?” “Nah, of course not. I only wanted to keep a low profile because I wanted to explore the city for myself. You know, without all the fans and media ponies following me around.” Bladewing brought his face close to hers, their muzzles just barely touching. “But if I have a mare like you to show me such things…” Bladewing slowly removed his hood. “Then I guess I can live with the publicity.” “*giggle* Wonderful. From now on, there will be no more woes… unless another one of your ‘fans’ tries to get comfortable with you. Then I’ll be forced to unleash my fury to get her slutty hooves off of my stallion.” “*sigh* Great. I have a possessive psycho-stalker for a marefriend.” Rose gasped with utter disbelief. “What did you just call me, sir knight?” “You heard me.” Bladewing chuckled in amusement as his mare growled playfully in anger. “Ooh, you’re a dead colt, sir!” she cried, raising a hoof to strike him, “I shall make you regret that… and THIS time, little Ruby isn’t here to save you.” “Perhaps,” Bladewing joked with a smirk, “but I can still gallop away from you. Try to hit a stallion while he’s mobile, Ms. Stalker Mare.” With that, Bladewing turned his back to her and galloped away as fast as he could. Rose stood still for a brief moment as she admired the playful scene with a sigh. “He’s such a joker. But he’s my joker. Wait for me, Bladewing!” The mare followed suit and galloped towards him with all the speed she could muster. She knew Bladewing would have to go alone for his next encounter with the king, but she will certainly be there when the king knights him into the Council. Bladewing was just as eager to see what sort of future would result from his new job… all while he tried his best to ensure a certain lady of his doesn’t geld him out of revenge.