//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Taking Flight // Story: Dreams Really Do Come True! // by Dyno8man //------------------------------// Saturday 4:30 PM “Weee! Faster, faster!” My sister squealed upon my back as I galloped around our backyard. Before you say anything, I’m only doing this to make my sister happy. I didn’t want to do it, she just kept asking me over and over again, until I finally said yes. We’ve been doing this for about half an hour, and frankly, I’m tired as hell. “Natalie…I think…that’s enough…for now…” I slow down to a trot, panting, exhausted from all the running. I know horses and ponies can run a lot longer than humans can, but for half an hour? That’s ridiculous! “Aw, okay.” My sister whines a little. I know she wanted to continue doing it, but even she knew that enough was enough. I mean, she’s bound to get bored at some point, right? Wrong. She was enjoying it the whole time. I stop completely, and Natalie gets off my back, being careful of my wings, and I sit down. Natalie gets down on her knees and sits beside me, and starts petting me. Normally, I’d be all like “Don’t touch me”, but this actually feels kinda nice. She strokes my mane, and I smile a bit, trying not to make any sounds of enjoyment. “What is it like? To be a pony, I mean.” She asks me. I think about it for a while. “Well, I don’t know. Overall, this is all just so weird. I mean, one day I’m a human boy, and over the course of one minute I turn into a pony the next. I don’t know. I guess it’s good in a few ways…” I sigh, and I look at Natalie, but only to see a puzzled look on her face. What’s the meaning of that? “Hold on, hold on. I thought you said you didn’t know how it happened, and that you woke up like that.” Oh…shit. She’s right, I think I blew it! Well, the only thing I guess I could do is just be all literal about it. “I did say that. I really don’t know how, and I really did wake up like this.” Well, I’m not lying. I don’t think I’m fooling her, though. She looks at me with her eyes squinted. “You’re hiding something from us, aren’t you?” Damn! For a 9-year-old, she’s smart. “No, I’m not hiding anything. Why would I be hiding something?” Okay, that was definitely a lie. She still has that look. She knows I’m hiding something, and she’s not gonna stop until she finds out. “I don’t know, but I do know that you are hiding something. I can see it in your eyes.” I never knew she could see what people were thinking by the look of their eyes! Dang, that’s one smart child. I sigh, “Promise to keep this between us?” She smiles slightly, “Sure. I promise.” This is it. This will either turn out good, or bad. My best bet is that this has about a 90% chance to be bad. I take a deep breath, and start spilling the beans, “I know you already know about wish coupons.” “Yeah, I have, like, 8 of them. Why?” “Well, I had about 20.” She raises an eyebrow, “What do you mean by ‘had’?” I gulp, “That’s the thing. You see…” It takes her a while to get the idea of what I was hinting at, and when she did, she gasped, and I look down at the ground, feeling embarrassed. “Mom and Dad played a prank on you?” ……wat. “Wh-What?! No! You’re way off! Why would Mom and Dad prank me like this?! I don’t even know how they did this to me if they did!” I say with a shocked look on my face. I have no idea how she even came up with that… “Plus, if they were pranking me, then they must be REALLY great actors, then. And, why would you think they were pranking me with how I look now?” Natalie replies inquisitively, “Well, you could be in on it too, and you all might be pranking me. You might be wearing a pony suit for all I know!” I put my hoof on her shoulder, “Natalie, if this were a suit, I wouldn’t even be wearing it now, because there is no way I’d want to wear it, so that’s a no to that idea. Also, I wouldn’t be able to do this.” I extend my wings out, and she reaches her hands out to feel them. My sister just pets my wings, and I continue where I was headed to, “So, as I was saying, they definitely aren’t pranking me. Think about it, if my wish coupons are gone, then that must mean…” I let her fill in the blanks, and her eyes grow wide as she realizes it. “Reece, did you…wish for this?” She asked me, worriedly. I put my head down in shame, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I just didn’t want you to think of me as weird, or anything like that.” She hugs me again, and says in a soft voice, “Reece, I would never think of you as anything else besides my brother, because that is who you are. My brother.” I reply back, “Well, sister when I’m a pony.” “True…” My sister giggles. “But still, if this is what you wished for, even if you used all 20 of your cards for this one thing, I will respect that, and not think of you any differently.” I can feel a tear run down my face, and I turn to hug her back, “Thank you, Natalie. I didn’t think you’d understand.” “What do you take me for, an 8-year-old?” She giggles, and I laugh a bit with her, because she just turned 9 about 3 months ago. “Mom, on the other hand…” We look at the window, and we see Mom, looking at us and smiling. Probably because we’re bonding, and we almost never do that. I agree with her. “Yeah, I’m not sure if she will take that in easily. But Dad, on another hand…” I look back at her. “Another hand?” She looks at me, curious. “Yeah, because you’re on one hand, Mom is on the other. We need another hand for Dad.” I chuckle, and Natalie joins me. “But who’s gonna go on the other hand?” She asks me, still with a curious look. “…my friends? For all I know, this could happen on a school day, and I gotta be ready for any reactions that I may receive.” She looks at me, “What do you mean ‘it could happen on a school day’?” Oh, right. I didn’t tell her what I wished for. “Right, I didn’t tell you what I wished for.” I facehoof, which really wasn’t a good idea, because it came in a lot harder than I thought. That’s what she said. Natalie laughs, “I already know what you wished for. You wished to be a pony.” I finish the thought for her, “For once a month, for the next 10 years…” Her face cycles between many expressions of worry, anger, sadness, and then finally, it stops on joy. “Well, that’s great then!” Wow, she must be inspired by Pinkie Pie, or something. I look at her, “How is this great for you? Normally this would be great for me. Mainly because of the fur and wings.” She giggles, and explains why it’s great, “No, it’s great because now I can get pony rides for 10 years for free!” I chuckle at the thought, “Only once every month. One hour. 15 minute break.” I hold my hoof out, expecting her to shake it if she agrees. “Deal!” Instead, she bumps it with a fist. Eh, that’ll work. She continues to pet me for a little while longer, until I get up and stretch. “Alright, while it’s still light out, I’m going to try to learn how to fly. Wanna watch?” Natalie doesn’t hesitate, “Are you kidding?! I would love to watch you fly! I’ve always wanted to see that!” Well, today was her lucky day, and mine. My 2nd biggest dream was to fly, and I just realized, I had the capability to do so! The wish that I had made is fulfilling two dreams at once! This is incredible! Then, inside my wacky head, the two dreams, to become a pony and to fly, had then fused together into one, and it sent me into a super excited overdrive mode…or something like that. I got really excited really fast, and I couldn’t wait to get myself up into the air. I extend my wings out again, and do some practice flaps, just simply moving my wings up and down, getting a feel for it. Then, I try flapping for real. I felt a force push me upwards just a little bit. For a brief moment, I felt lighter. I try flapping again, but this time harder than before. I could have sworn I felt myself be lifted off the ground that time. Natalie shouts at me, “Come on, you can do it! Woo!” I laugh at the fact that she’s being so enthusiastic about this, even though she’s not the one doing it. Her encouragement gave me the willpower to start flapping again. Both my wings flapping simultaneously, I slowly rise up into the air, my legs dangling beneath me. I’m about 7 feet into the air now, and the adrenaline kicks in. My heart starts pounding, and I start hyperventilating because I couldn’t believe I was doing this. This is amazing!!! I suddenly stop flapping, and I fall back to the ground, and faceplant into the dirt. I could hear Natalie say “Ooh!” as I land. I could tell Mom was making the same face as if she was also saying that, which I knew she was. I lift myself out of the dirt, and sit. I wipe my face of any dirt with a fetlock, and my sister walks up to me. “Are you okay?!” She asks with worry. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine. It didn’t hurt that much, though. Come to think of it, that only hurt for a second.” I say inquisitively. “That was awesome! You flew, like, 20 feet high!” “Nah, I think I flew about, what, like 7 or 8 feet high? I’ve got a lot of practicing to do, and in so little time, because after today I have to wait another month to do this.” I pout a little, and she starts to pet me again, which still feels amazing. “Don’t worry. You’ll get the hang of it. And hey, just you wait. Before you know it, the month will already be over.” She tells me. “Yeah, because today is the 28th of February.” I laugh, and Natalie joins me, laughing even harder. She’s such a goofball. It’s 4:45 PM now. I only have about 2 hour of daylight left, but I have all night to enjoy being a pony, and a Pegasus at that. Hopefully Mom will let me fly in the house. The ceiling in our living room is actually quite high, so I should have about 15-20 feet to fly, and practice with. I stand back up, and start flapping again, slowly rising off the ground. I kept flying up, and up, and up, up until I got to the point where I was higher than the tallest point of my house. From what I could tell, I think I was at least 50 feet up in the air. I started to get a bit scared, because this was pretty damn high! I try to calm myself down by saying that as long as I keep flapping my wings, I should be good. But now I gotta descend, which might prove difficult. I start flapping my wings slightly slower than before, and I slowly drop about a foot. I slow my flapping a bit more, and I slowly fall about 6 feet. I’m slowly getting there. Eventually, after about 2 minutes since I started descending, I reached the wonderful ground once again. My sister immediately grabs me, and squeezes me in a tight hug, with Mom standing right beside her. “That was amazing!!” She excitedly shouted. “Yeah, I didn’t know I could go so high.” I say back to her, panting from the excitement. “Way to go, Reece!” My mom said as well. Natalie lets go of me, and Mom starts hugging me, too. “Uh, I think I’ve had far too many hugs today.” I say to Mom and Natalie, laughing. Mom just hugs me tighter, “Well, as long as you’re like this, there’s plenty more where this came from!” I roll my eyes and smile, then I look up. It was partly cloudy, with clouds scattered here and there. Then, I got a good idea, and I loved the thought of it. “Uh, Mom, could you let me go now?” I ask her. “Fine, but you should know it’s hard for us to let go with how soft your fur is!” Mom whines at me. “Yeah!” Natalie chimes in with her. “Hey, I’m gonna try something different, okay?” I tell them. “Okay, what is it?” My mom asks. “You’ll see. You two are going to love this!” I start flying back up. I start flapping so fast, that I don’t even know how many feet I’m rising up by every second, but it was pretty fast. Within a minute, I was pretty sure I was at least 200 feet up in the air. I was nearing the closest cloud to me. It was moving kinda slow, so that was good. I fly in front of it, and above it, and casually wait for it to get directly under me. Once it did, I stopped flapping, and I dropped. I had a feeling of dread once I did, but that didn’t last long when the brief wind in my face abruptly stopped. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, or doing. I was standing on a cloud! A freaking cloud! I don’t even know how this is possible! I jump in glee, as I was doing the impossible. I mean, it’s basically gas. I am practically standing on air! The cloud was so soft, so plush. I try to lay down, and, to my surprise, it allows me to do so. Oh my god, this is so soft!! I look over to the horizon, and the sun was starting to set. It was still pretty high up, though. Still, I could see for miles. It was beautiful. “Hey, what happened?! Are you alright?!” I hear Mom shout at me from the ground. It was actually kind of difficult to hear her, but I manage to make out what she said. “Yeah!! I’m doing great!!” I shout back at them. “What?!” She yells back. She didn’t hear me… “I SAID I’M DOING GREAT!!” “Oh!” I chuckle, and I hear another voice. “What are you doing?!” I hear Natalie call out to me. “You won’t believe this, but I am standing on a cloud!” I shout back at her. “What?!” She shouts back. *sigh* Come on, you two. Get hearing aids, or something. “I SAID I AM STANDING ON A CLOUD!!” “WHAT?!” Oh for crying out loud. I facehoof, but not so hard this time. I leap off the cloud, and start flapping, and safely, and slowly fall back to the ground. I think I’ve got the hang of that! But now I need to learn how to move around while flying. “What did you say?” Natalie says to me. “I said I was standing on a cloud!” “What?!” Both Mom and Natalie exclaim. “Yeah! I didn’t think it was possible, but it is! And, I think I found a new bed.” I tell them. “What? New bed? You mean the cloud?” Mom asks me. I nod, and chuckle a little after, but Mom disagrees with that. “I don’t think so. If you do end up changing back into your human self tomorrow, I don’t want you to fall through the cloud! You’ll get killed! I won’t risk that!” Damn it, she had a point. I am going to change back to normal tomorrow, and that will happen if I sleep on the clouds. Plus, who knows how far the cloud will travel away from home while I’m sleeping on it. “Yeah, I can see that happening, actually. Dang it…oh well.” “Sorry, but it’s too dangerous.” Mom tells me, scratching behind my ear afterwards. Oh my god, this feels so AMAZING!! Now I’m starting to wish not to turn back into a human tomorrow if it means I get these kinds of feelings. But if that does happen, which it won’t, I sure would miss my hands. “Does that feel good?” Mom asks me, noticing the face I’m making. I also noticed I moved towards her hand as she did that. I can’t help it, this feels so amazing! “Yes!” I say with a straight face. “Would you like for me to keep doing it?” “Yes!” I say again with the same tone as before. Mom picks me up, and we then start moving towards the living room, and Mom puts me down on the couch, and sits next to me, and continues to pet me. “So, what movie do you wanna watch?” Mom asks me, but I wasn’t paying attention because I was too busy enjoying the feeling of her petting me. “Hello?? Earth to Reece!” She snaps in my face, and I blink a few times, and I look up at her. “Huh?” “What movie do you wanna watch?” “I don’t know. I’d let Natalie choose.” Natalie then runs up to her room to grab something. “Wow, you’re being awfully nice to Natalie today.” “Yeah, well I’m in a good mood.” My sister comes back down with some sort of DVD case. “Mom, we can watch this!” She shows Mom and I the DVD case. It was season 1 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. “Sure, if you want.” Mom tells her. I reply back, “Yeah, and get Mom hooked on the show, why don’t you?” “Oh, be quiet!” Natalie says back at me, making her serious silly face. She makes that when she’s being silly, and serious at the same time. It looks kind of goofy, though. But I like it because it makes her look funny. She puts the DVD in, and it starts reading the disc. The main menu for the show appears, asking us which episode we want to watch. Mom looks at me, “Are you sure you want to watch this? I mean, it is a girl show.” I look at her, “I don’t care. Plus, I am technically a girl now, so…it’s not like it makes any difference.” “Well, you’re still a guy up in here, I’m sure.” Mom says, pointing at my head, hinting at my mind. “But, if you want to watch it, I won’t judge.” Mom says, slowly looking back at the TV. “What?! I didn’t say I wanted to watch it. I just said I didn’t care if I did or not. Besides, I might as well watch it anyway. As long as it means I get to spend some time with my family.” I tell them. “Aw, that’s so sweet.” Mom coos. Mom asks which episode we should watch, and she chooses the first episode. Oh boy, this may take a while… Boy, do I feel awkward. Until Chapter 6…