//------------------------------// // Hope // Story: The Birth of Hope // by StraferElite //------------------------------// It was six months after the royal wedding and the changelings have all but been destroyed. Almost all of them had died from starvation, as a sad queen Chrysalis holds a dieing General Mantis. The last Changeling. “My queen, I'm am proud to have served you. I regret that we didn't win our last hoorah. (cough) (cough)" “It’s ok my child. I'm glad I got to know you, as well as all of my children before their deaths.” General Mantis weakly placed his hoof on her face. “Don't be sad my queen, and don't worry. Wherever we go, we will see you there as well.” Shortly after he said that his hoof slowly fell to the floor, his eyes closed. “Mantis. Mantis!” she said as shaking his body.”Mantis please don't leave me, you are the only one i have left.” It was then Queen Chrysalis felt a sharp pain in her stomach.”AHHHHHHHHH.” she gritted her teeth. “What Is Happening. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” She fell to the floor in pain. After a few agonizing minutes, she gave birth to an changeling. “(huff) a (huff) baby?” The more she looked at her, the more she realized it wasn't a regular changeling. It was a baby queen. “Oh dear Celestia, with this the changelings can live on.” her stomach grumbled and she felt a sharp hunger pain. ‘but at this rate I'll be dead in less than a week.’ She thought. Then she had an idea; no matter how much she hates it. She knew it was the only way for the changelings to live on. --------- Inside the throne room in Canterlot Princess Celestia, Luna, sat and were talking with the elements of harmony. It was then the door slammed open, and it captured everypony's attention. Princess cadence stood in the doorway . “Princess Cadence what’s wrong?” asked Celestia “I (huff) I’m sorry (huff) but I’m not (huff) your Princess Cadence.” “What do you mean?” Twilight asked very confused “I only used this disguise to get past the royal guard.” It was then everypony were on their hooves, their guards up. “Huh, I guess I will need you to see me to understand.” As the words left her mouth, Princess Cadance was immersed in a green flame, starting from her legs moving up her body to reveal queen Chrysalis. “G-GUARDS GET IN HERE.” Luna yelled in the royal Canterlot voice Chrysalis turned around and closed the door with her magic, before she locked it. Exhausted, she fell to her knee; trembling. Celestia saw this and something clicked in her mind. “EVERYPONY STOP.” Everypony looked at Celesta. “Chrysalis what are you doing here? What do you want from us.” She slowly picked herself up off of the ground and moved forward. By the time she was in front of Celestia she collapsed to her knees. “A r-request.” “WHAT!” Was the only thing they could yell, except for Celestia who waited for more information. “Sister please don't tell me you are even going listen to what she has to say.” “Luna look at her, she is very week. She collapsed to her knees just by using her magic to close the door, and she is obviously in a lot of pain. She came to us because she knows she has nowhere else to go. I will at least hear her out.” She looked to Chrysalis, a warm expression on her face letting her know it was safe ”What is your request?” “For you to take care of the next changeling queen.” Chrysalis said as she placed the baby in front of her. Everypony's eyes widened. “Why is that? Why us?” Celestia asked extremely worried She attempted to stand up, only to fall again “Because the royal wedding was our last resort to saving my race. I had to, I had to watch ONE BY ONE AS MY CHILDREN WERE DYING. I HAD TO CRADLE THE LAST CHANGELING IN MY ARMS AS HE DIED, AND WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOUR PEOPLE WERE DYING ONE BY ONE, AND YOU WERE POWERLESS TO STOP IT? HOW WOULD YOU FEEL KNOWING THAT ALL YOUR LIFE YOU WERE BANISHED, JUST BECAUSE NATURE MADE YOU WHAT YOU ARE? HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU WERE THE RULER OF A RACE THAT'S SOLE PURPOSE WAS TO STEAL LOVE, AND YOU DON'T THINK WE TRIED TO BE NICE FIRST? WE HAVE WAYS OF TAKING LOVE FROM THE AIR INSTEAD OF STEALING IT, AND WE TRIED IT THE NICE WAY BUT MY PEOPLE CONTINUED BEING MURDERED! THE ROYAL WEDDING WAS OUR LAST DITCH EFFORT TO TAKE OVER EQUESTRIA, AND WE WERE GOING TO BUILD A WAY TO GET LOVE IN LARGE AMOUNTS, AND NOT HARM YOU,SO WE COULD ALL GET ALONG. YOU ALL ASSUMED THAT WE WERE GOING KILL YOU ALL. WE WERE GOING TO LET YOU ALL GO, AFTER WE CAME TO TERMS, THEN YOU BANISHED US! YOU FORCED US TO STARVE. ONE BY ONE I HAD TO WATCH MY PEOPLE DIE IN FRONT OF ME, KNOWING I COULDN'T DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT!” she had completely broken down crying” SO PLEASE TAKE MY CHILD, MY LAST BORN CHILD AND RAISE HER SO I KNOW MY ENTIRE EXISTENCE WAS NOT IN VAIN. PLEASE JUST LET MY BABY LIVE.” she held the young queen close to her. “Please, j-j-just save my baby.” Nopony couldn’t feel the emotion in the air. Even luan felt bad for her. Just then the guards burst in, magic at the ready. “KILL THE CHANGELINGS.” the captain yelled. “NO!” Celestia commanded. but the guards started firing. Chrysalis stood up on two legs, arms wide, and the green flame dispersed around her and showed the guards a mother protecting her child. “DON'T HARM MY BABY!” She didn't fire back, but instead she just stood there took the hits. She was screaming in pain as blast after blast hit her. As quickly as they started, they just stopped. Chrysalis stood there, her body was steaming and full of grey marks and cuts that were slowly dripping with a green blood. She fell backwards, unable to stand anymore and started to crawl to her baby leaving a trail of blood. Nopony moved or made a sound, as they watched a mother struggling to get to her child. Everypony watched in horror, even Rainbow Dash felt this heart wrenching sight, as she got to her baby and pulled her close. “I...love….you….hope.” she said before she kissed her on the head. There was a green spark out of the top of her horn. She stopped moving. Hope's face grew sad. She started to gently push queen’s dead body with her little hooves. “Mommy?” The room was silent. nopony dared to make a sound. “(sniff) Mommy?!.” Everypony started to tear up. Celestia started to walk to the dead queen and baby. “(sniff) (sniff) MOMMY!” Celestia stopped for a moment. She trembled slightly but kept moving. “(sniff) (sniff) Mommy, wake up.” celestia moved faster. “(sniff) Please.” faster. “Mommy?” faster. “(sniff) (sniff) WAKE UP MAMA!” Celestia quickly cast a sleeping spell on the baby, and Hope fell over unconscious onto her dead mother. “SHUT. UP.” Celestia yelled and then started crying as she fell to her knees. “just, just shut up.” Luna got up with anger in her eyes. “everypony Leave.” nopony moved. “ARE YOU ALL DEAF I SAID LEAVE!” The end?