A heartswarming to remember

by fullmoonbeast

Happy heartswarming, Spike

The tower came into sight, and Knight Spike the Unconquerable smiled as he beat the minions of the Evil Lord Tirek easily.
His quest was easy : Defeat the evil lord Tirek and save the kidnapped Lady Rarity.
He barged through the thick wooden doors of the tower and walked in.
The evil lord Tirek sat on a golden throne with all sorts of emeralds in it.
“Who dares to enter my tower?!” He asked angrily.
“It is I! Spike the Unconquerable!” Spike said loudly.
Lord Tirek stood up from his throne and grabbed his sword, while Spike grabbed his own sword inlaid with the magic gemstone of courage.
Lord Tirek ran to him and struck him with his sword. Spike easily blocked it and did a counterattack.
Tirek’s Sword flew from his hand and landed on the ground with a “clank”.
Spike Struck again and Lord Tirek followed his sword, falling on the ground unconscious.
Spike then rushed up the tower, to the highest chamber on the highest level of the tower and saw that it was locked.
A soft sobbing came from within and Spike grabbed the key he had taken from Lord Tirek and opened the door.
Inside was the most beautiful pony he had ever seen, Her coat was white as snow and her mane was more purple than… uhm.. things that are very purple.
She was dressed in the most beautiful and stylish garments and her eyes were like deep ponds with the bluest water that existed.
Spike walked to her and undid the chains around her hooves.
She looked up to him and he instantly fell in love with the innocence of her face.
“My Knight has come and he has freed me!” She stood up and looked into the knight’s eyes.
Her lips tighten as her mouth kept coming closer to his.
Spike braced himself for the sweet kiss of Lady Rarity and closed his eyes and….

“WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!!!!” A familiar high pitched voice ringed in his ears as he opened his eyes to see the eyes of a certain pink pony close by.
He groaned and rubbed his eyes sleepily.
“Good morning, Pinkie.” He said while yawning.
“Good Morning, Spike!!! Do you know what day it is?!!! Well?!” Pinkie asked with her usual enthusiasm.
“Uhm. I don’t know.. Friday?” He answered while getting out of his bed.
“No Silly! It’s Heartswarming!!!” Pinkie exclaimed with joy. She hugged spike and smiled.
From the corner of his eye he saw Twilight enter the room.
“Happy Heartswarming, Spike!” she said.
“Happy Heartswarming, Twilight!” Spike said to her and gave her a friendly hug.
Pinkie giggled and hopped around.
“We’re gonna get presents and have fun and party!!!” She said while hugging both Twilight and Spike.
Twilight chuckled and hugged Pinkie back.
“Let’s get downstairs and wait for the others to be here,” She said as she started to walk out of the room.
Pinkie and Spike followed her, both had a smile on their face.

When Twilight opened the doors to the main room Spike gasped. The room was completely decorated with all kinds of heartswarming decorations.
Spike looked all around the room and smiled as he saw the others.
“Hi Everypony! Happy Heartswarming!” he said to them.
“Happy Heartswarming, Spike!” came the reply form the 4 other mares.
He walked to them and smiled as he greeted each one, hoofbumping rainbow and applejack and giving a careful hug to Fluttershy.
There was only one mare left to greet and spike was pretty nervous.
He walked to rarity and smiled at her.
“h-Happy Heartswarming, Rarity!” He said to her.
Rarity smiled and gave him a little kiss on the cheek.
“Happy Heartswarming, Spike!” She said as Spike got a blush from receiving the kiss.
The other mares giggled slightly at this display of affection.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Twilight walked to it.
When she opened it she saw a big sack with presents in it, all addressed to her and her friends.
She took the sack in and closed the door as she felt something sit on her back.
“Happy Holidays little ponies!” said a familiar voice.
She sighed and looked at the owner of the voice.
“Happy Holidays, Discord!” She said to the master of chaos, dressed in an odd red suit and wearing a long white beard on his face.
Pinkie laughed and gave him a big hug, wishing him a happy christmas and heartswarming.
Spike grew confused.
“What’s christma-“ He got cut off by a hoof for his mouth.
“Don’t ask, Ah’m certain it’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie,” Applejack said with a light chuckle.
Discord grabbed the sack with presents and gave everypony a gift.
Spike unwrapped the box and saw a brand new comic book.
“Wow, thanks Discord!” He said as he walked to him.
Discord smiled and chuckled.
“No problem, Spike! Heartswarming is about sharing and what way to share better than to share with gifts?” He said with a light chuckle.
Spike gasped lightly and raced upstairs, receiving a few odd looks from the others as he raced by.

A few minutes later he was back in the room, carrying a small box with him.
He walked to Rarity who was talking to Fluttershy and stammered a bit.
“h-Here, Rarity. T-This is for y..you!” He gave her the small box and took a step backwards, blushing vigorously.
Rarity opened the small box to reveal a necklace with gemstones in it.
“i-I made this myself, with a little help from the jeweller,” He said blushing.
Rarity smiled and put the necklace on and hugged spike.
“Spike, you didn’t have to… Thank you,” She said as she kissed Spike’s cheek again, making him flush red.
The others smiled at the duo and Fluttershy sighed.
“They are so cute, don’t you guys think so?” She asked the others.
They all nodded and Discord snapped his fingers. Rarity looked at Spike and pointed up to the ceiling.
A branch of mistletoe was hanging right above the two.
Spike blushed as Rarity lowed her body and kissed him gently right on the lips.
He felt a wave of happiness form in his body as he felt Rarity’s lips pressing gently on his.
He heard Twilight and the others coo softly as they watched the two in a tight embrace.
But he didn’t mind, his eye’s closed and his lips locked with the mare of his dreams, he knew this would be a heartswarming to never forget.

The snow fell slowly as the two lovers rode on the horse back to the village.
Spike knew his mission was a success and He’d saved the day again.
The two rode off into the sunset as they locked lips again slowly, Enjoying each other and each other alone.