Friendship's Heart of Destiny

by Shadow Master

Chapter 10: The Fugitive

Cobra Commander laughed darkly and sinisterly as he slowly lifted on midair while raising his hands high proudly. Cobra - Baroness, Destro, Dr. Mindbender, Tomax and Xamot regained their conscious as they quickly returned to their leader. They were all armed and ready to fight.

The civilians and students screamed and panicked in fear as they moved to safety zone - school and residence zone. The Military Soldiers armed and readied with their various guns as they all aimed at Cobra Commander. Strikespell, Virtue Dragon and their military officers armed with their weapons in helping and defending their allies.

Sunset Shimmer and her friends stayed close to Twilight Sparkle and her siblings while the Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe were armed and aimed their blasters at Cobra as well. Shorty Thinking quickly took the broken parts of Twilight Sparkle's old amulet into his coat.

As Cobra Commander chuckled evilly and darkly, he grunted in pain as he felt something funny about his body. As his glow dispersed and disappeared, he dropped to the ground. He was in shock as he looked at his palm before thrust his to the front. Nothing happens. He tried and tried as he refused to believe what he sees it.

Everyone was in shock and surprised by it. Cobra Commander lost his power?! That was short...

Cobra Commander quivered in shock and concern as he looked ta his hands, "What happen?!"

"The power you have had worn off, Commander. Since Midnight Sparkle was defeated, therefore your connection to her were destroyed," Dr. Mindbender explained in concern. Cobra Commander groaned in anger. The doctor yelped as he quickly explained, "Do not worry, sir; with all the blood and the girls under our grasps, we can find the way to have them in your grasp permanent and use for our weapons."

"I know what this mean, do you brother?" Tomax asked curiously.

Xamot smirked, "Indeed, I do. Cobra Commander wanted to make sure that these fools are to be secured. And they will not escape from our grasp."

Baroness set and armed her gun, "I shall take care of it."

Twilight Sparkle gasped in concern and worry as she moved back. Shining Armor and Dean Cadance held and hugged her tightly. Lance, Nyx and Spike came to the front while widened their arms wide. Sunset and her friends stayed close to Twilight Sparkle as well. Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe aimed their weapons at Cobra. The Military Army joined as well.

"I will not let you do as you please, Cobra Commander!" Strikespell said darkly.

"If you're thinking about taking Twilight Sparkle or any of the girls away," Shadow Dragon said darkly and angrily, "You'd better think twice!"

Optimus Prime held his Star Saber at Cobra Commander, "The chaos ends today, Cobra Commander. We will not allow you to achieve your objective!"

Roadblock held his Gatling Gunner up, "Yeah. Trust me on this. You're not gonna get the girls from us."

Everyone but the girls commented angrily and determinedly in protecting the girls from danger.

Sunset Shimmer nodded as she held Twilight Sparkle, "Haven't you people learn anything?! Using magic could not only corrupt you or anyone else but also destroying this world as well!"

Applejack nodded in agreement, "Yeah! Stop it now before you hurt yourself or destroying this too!"

"Besides, you guys are just six while we got many! So give it up!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed proudly.

Cobra Commander smirked darkly, making everyone confuse and worried. A large shadow loomed over the whole area. They all looked up and found the familiar giant ship above them. They all gasped in shock. The crowds screamed in fear and panicked while the heroes and their allies were in shock and worried.

"What's it doing here?!" Principal Celestia asked in concern.

Strikespell hissed in anger, "I didn't authorized this!"

"I did..." Cobra Commander explained darkly, "Who else gave this idea and get approved by you? And that's not all..."

Within the Phoenix Carrier, Scrap-Iron the scarred African Man dressed in his scientist's suit was commanding the army, along with MechaStahl, Kishin Akuma and Crimson Skull commanding and ordering their army to engage the enemies.

The Phoenix Carrier opened several hangers and lifting several jets up. Jet fighters flew out and descended to the ground. Gunships descended with carrying Cobra Troops and Dark Terrorists inside. attaching with HISS Tanks, several weaponized tanks and transports also descending. Some familiar Cybertronians were also descending as well. Galvatron, Scourge and Cyclonus were among them as well. Dark Curse entered his personal shuttle as well, accompanied by cybernetic Swipestrike, Longblade, muscular warrior in his blue pants Warstrike, giant skeletal warrior in his samurai armor - Skullcursher, Houndkiller, the hooded reaper Grimdark and a masked Russian Lieutenant Cobar.

On the ground, various transports transformed into Decepticon Army while Cobra Troopers emerged from their hiding or charging into the battlefield. They were all led by Major Blud, a black-red mixed armored ninja - Shadow Strike, Shockwave, an armored Stinger 3.0 and armored wing demonic warrior - Dreadwing. All of the gunships and shuttle have landed on the ground while emerging out as well.

Everyone gasped in shock and worry as the army of Decepticons, Cobra and Dark Terrorists Army. The heroes armed themselves with their own weapons as they covered and surrounded Mane Seven, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Flash Sentry, Wheelie and Brain. They were all surrounded by their enemies!

Shadow Dragon stayed close to Twilight Sparkle who was sheltered and protected by Shining Armor and Dean Cadance. Fluttershy shivered as Terrorcreep came and held her tightly. Rarity and Pinkie hid behind of Shorty Thinking, Saber Dragoon and Laxtinct as the warriors armed and readied to fight. Cutie Mark Crusaders, Wheelie and Brains screamed in fear and panicked as they hugged each other tightly and passionately. Both Lance and Flash Sentry stayed close to the kids and Minicons. Blazefist, Aquastroke, Tailtech and Icy stayed close with the Shadowbolts. Autobots and G.I. Joe armed their guns and bladed weapons in defense.

"Shit..." Flint commented in shock.

Crosshairs nodded, "You just took the words out of my mouth."

Cobra Commander chuckled evilly and sinisterly, "It looks we turn the tide. So, who's got many now, little brat?"

Rainbow Dash yelped in fear. As she giggled uneasily, everyone turned and glared at her for opening her big mouth.

"You just have to say," Pinkie asked Rainbow Dash in annoyance. She then giggled happily, "Second time since the 'Party Popped' Episode!"

Indigo Zap turned and looked at Blazefist, "Is this always happen, coach?"

Blazefist sighed in annoyance, "You have no idea. Ten times worse than dealing with Lax."

"It appears you all have been surrounded and outnumbered now. But do not worry," Dark Curse said darkly. Everyone looked worry and scared of what the Dark Lord is going to think and say. He smirked darkly, "Surrender now, and the lives of billions across the world will be spare. That is your only option."

Shadow Dragon groaned in anger, "Is this your Project End, Dark Curse?! Is this what you have been waiting for?! Letting Strikespell deal and conquer the world, so you can control them from the shadows?!"

"No. This is not Project End." Dark Curse denied calmly before smirked, "Though I admit it, I did let Strikespell conquer the world, all for the sake of his late sister's wish. This will not only allow our Alliance of Darkness to spare from wasting the resources and army from battles, but gathering and trapping my enemies in one place to give a blow. A perfect Operation: World Domination. It is complete..."

"Then, what about Twilight becoming a She-Demon?! Was that part of your plan?!" Sunset Shimmer demanded in anger.

Rainbow Dash grunted as she demanded, "Yeah! And not to mention, you drained and collected her blood! What the heck was that for?!"

"Yeah! This is like what you did to us before! What the heck was that for?!" Pinkie demanded.

"No... That is part of Project End," Dark Curse answered darkly. Everyone gasped in shock. He smirked, "While I have the blood of wielders of pure light magic, I need one more item for my project. And that will be the Dark Magic."

"So... To do that, you have to-!" Fluttershy gasped in shock. She was in shock and feared of what she might ask, "That means... Making Twilight more pain, sad and unhappy to create the Dark Magic because she was the one who collected the magic?!"

Rarity grunted, "You are very twisted and disturbing mutant we ever encountered!"

"You Big Meanie!" Cutie Mark Crusaders exclaimed in anger.

Applejack grunted as she held Twilight back to her siblings, "Damn you! I won't forgive of what you did to her! You hurt her a lot!"

Dark Curse chuckled in amusement, "Me? Hurt Twilight a lot? You're mistaken. I have nothing to do with this, my was all of your fault. You've cause Twilight Sparkle to become She-Demon from the day she has lost her beloved mentor."

Flash shook his head in denial, "No..."

Lance grunted in anger, "Damn it."

Everyone gasped as they all grunted and muttered in anger and upset about the recent event has happened especially Twilight Sparkle.

Sunset Shimmer and Mane Five looked at each other as they wondered in concern - they did cause Twilight to be upset, even though they wanted to befriend her. Shadowbolts looked down in shame of what they had done to her. Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe remained silent as they have nothing to say. Strikespell was even angered by Dark Curse for not only being manipulated, but also blinded by his desire of fulfilling his late sister's wish for world united in peace. Principal Celestia approached and hugged Strikespell from back. He held her hands tightly and passionately while looking down in shame.

"Damn it!" Roadblock exclaimed in anger as he turned and glared at Cobra Commander, "You were part of this from the start, weren't you?!"

Cobra Commander nodded, "You Joes have ruined my perfect plan. So, I have no choice but to hide until the right time to strike. Then, he came and recruit me into his Alliance. Three of us shared the same ideals and desires. And therefore, we worked together too achieve it."

"And you start manipulating everyone to turn against each other, even the Autobots?!"

"That is Galvatron's plan to make the government against the Autobots. My plan was to manipulate the government and people against each other while allowing Strikespell to conquer them all as one. And thus, the world is in our grasp now."

Optimus Prime turned and glared at Galvatron, "You were part of this?! Since when?!"

"Since the day I was defeated by you at Egypt," Galvatron chuckled in amusement, "Guilty's in charge, Prime. I truly wanted to have my rematch. But this plan is perfect. For not only you to witness your failures, but also to be betrayed by the very kind you tried to protect. Who knew manipulating the Humans was so much fun?"

"So, all of my friends were killed... Not because of humans' fear and greed but your deception?!"

"Indeed. What a pity, isn't it? The strong survive, the weak perish. And who knew it would be your kind to be perished?"

Optimus Prime clenched his fists, "I will not let you get away with this!"

"On the other hand," Dark Curse smirked darkly, "We already have. Surrender now, before I ordered the 'execution'. All will be yours to blame."

As three army from Alliance of Darkness armed and aimed their blasters and blades at the civilians, the unarmed people screamed, panicked and chatted in fear, worry and scared. The heroes and their allies grunted and muttered in fear and worry as they wondered if they do accept the surrender, what will happen to them next.

"Shit, we're surrounded." Cade said in concern.

Strikespell approached to the front. They wondered in concern, feared and scared if Mr. Secretary was willing to surrender for the civilians' and heroes' protection?!

"We have no choice but to surrender. I don't want my sister's dream to die now, I've come too far for this." Strikespell said firmly. The heroes and civilians looked worry and scared about it while the enemies smiled in please. Is this the end?! He grunted as he held his right hand with a watch up. He shown his determined angry eyes, "But you will not get the girls for your world domination! This is not what she wanted for the world!"

Dark Curse gasped, "STOP HIM!"


Everyone but the enemies quickly squad down at once. Strikespell pushed a button his watch, Canterlot High's building launched the smokescreen in covering the whole area. The Alliance of Darkness army panicked as they began shooting their guns while shouting and screaming in anger and concern. The heroes remained still and waited for the right moment to move.

Strikespell, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna squatted down and crawled towards the allies.

"Shadow Dragon, Optimus Prime and Roadblock; escape now!" Strikespell ordered firmly. The heroes looked shock and concern of what they just heard. He continued, "The drive my father gave to you. Learn more about Project End. Defeat Dark Curse and his Alliance."

Vice Principal Luna added, "If you need help, find Han, Rexstrike and Lightningblade. They will help you to fight back."

"What about you?!" Twilight asked in concern.

"Don't worry about us," Principal Celestia said calmly, "We'll distract them as long as we can. You all must go now! You are our only hope!"

"I'm staying here to help others!" Shining Armor said firmly.

Dean Cadance nodded, "Me too. I'll try to get everyone to safety and away from the fight too."

Twilight gasped in concern and worry, "But-!"

Shining Armor held and hugged Twilight's head tight and passionately. He then kissed on her forehead. He departed while looking at her with his sad looks with a smile.

"I love you, sis. Be strong for me, mom, dad, Lance, Nyx and Spike." Shining Armor said in comfort and kindness. Twilight gasped as she began crying and sobbing tearfully. He turned to Shadow Dragon, "Look after her, pal. I'm counting on you."

Shadow Dragon nodded as he held Twilight Sparkle to him tightly, "I will."

Strikespell nodded as he took his attached Dual Blade up, "GO! RUN! All unit attack!"

"Autobots, Transform and Roll Out!" Optimus Prime ordered firmly.

Roadblock held his Gatling Gunner up and fired as she screamed, "Yooooo Joooooeeeee!"

"Everyone move!" Shadow Dragon, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle screamed.

Strikespell, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna regrouped with both Imperial Phoenix Army and Western Dragon Army into the battle against Dark Terrorists, Decepticons and Cobra who fought and engaged the enemies. Shining Armor and Dean Cadance helped and guided the students and staffs inside the school from the battles.

Autobots transformed into their vehicular modes. G.I. Joe fired their guns, punching and kicking at the enemies. Dragon Strike Force helped and covered Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Flash, Wheelie and Brains to the vehicles.

Shadow Dragon, Twilight and her siblings entered Optimus Prime's. Cade, Simmons and his family entered Bumblebee's. Flash, Sunset, Minicons and Cutie Mark Crusaders entered Sideswipe's. Flare Tiger, Shorty Thinking, Rarity, Terrorcreep and Fluttershy entered Drift's. Pinkie Pie, Laxtinct, Spirit and Tunnel Rat entered Crosshairs's. Tailtech, Icy, Roadblock, Flint and Ripcord got into Hound's. Snake Eyes and Jinx rode on Prowl's. Scarlet and Lady Jaye entered Breakaway's. Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Saber Dragoon entered Smokescreen's. Blazefist and Aquastroke were about to enter until...

"LET ME GO!" Indigo Zap shouted in anger. Blazefist turned and found her and her team surrounded by Major Bludd, Shadow Strike and the Cobra Troopers. She groaned in anger as she was grabbed by Shadow Strike, "You're gonna be sorry for this!"

"Indigo! No!" Blazefist exclaimed in concern as he turned and armed with Fire Fists, "Hang on!"

Indigo Zap gasped as she called him, "Coach! Don't! Get out of here now! I'll hold this jerk off!"

"But I can't leave you!"

"Hey, don't worry about me!" Indigo Zap exclaimed proudly, "I'll survive! I'm the Blaze Protege!"

"Indigo Zap..." Blazefist hissed in anger while clenching his fists. He sighed firmly before looked at her while letting a single teardrop out, "Stay alive! I'll come back for you!"

Indigo Zap smirked, "I know you will, coach!"

"Come on! We have to go!" Aquastroke exclaimed as she held and dragged Blazefist to Smokescreen's Car Mode, "I promised."

Blazefist nodded, "I know..."

As soon as everyone gotten into their vehicles, the Autobots started their engines as they all drove off at once. Cobra Commander and Galvatron turned and found the Autobots and their allies are fleeing the battlefield.

Dark Curse groaned in anger, "Stop them! Bring them back alive! Kill all but the girls!"

Galvatron and Cobra Commander nodded firmly, "COBRA/DECEPTICONS! Our enemies are escaping! After them! Do not let them escape!"

Galvatron transformed into his truck mode while allowing Cobra Commander to get in at once. They both headed off at once. Scourge and Cyclonus transformed into their Cybertronian Jets while both Destro and Baroness got into them. Shockwave transformed into his tank mode which Major Bludd entered it. Dreadwing transformed into his jet mode which both Tomax and Xamot entered as well. Stinger 3.0 transformed into his car mode, allowed Shadow Strike to get in. Cobras got into their ride after Decepticons transformed into their vehicular modes. They all drove off and chased after the heroes now!

Swipestrike, Longblade, Skullcrusher, Houndkiller and Lieutenant Cobar gotten into their vehicles - motorcycles, military jeeps, tanks and jets. They were all joined with both Decepticons and Cobra at once.

Dark Curse turned and glared at Imperial Phoenix Army and Western Dragon Army battling against the Alliance of Darkness while defending and keeping the civilians safe inside the building from danger.

Dark Curse huffed, "Just as I wanted. These Humans are perfect bait for the fools to come and rescue them..."

Autobots continued driving across the main road from small town to forest highway. And at the same time, both G.I. Joe and Dragon Strike Force members armed with their own guns and mutant powers They have to keep Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Flash, Lance and Minicons saved from the enemies at all cost.

The Alliance of Darkness's army have arrived as they're coming close to the heroes now. Both Cobra and the Decepticons were armed with their blasters and missile launchers. Cobra Commander held pistol while coming out from Galvatron's truck mode which armed with blasters and missile launchers. Both Destro and Baroness armed within Scourge and Cyclonus's jet modes in preparing to shoot their enemies down. Major Bludd armed with Shockwave's Tank Mode. Tomax and Xamot held their heads tight in ready to use their psychic abilities while flying with Dreadwing. Shadow Strike held his Black Katana in ready from Stinger 3.0.

Dark Terrorists joined in the battle as they were all armed with their guns and armed vehicles. Swipestrike rode his motorcycle. Skullcrusher was driving the jeep while Longblade armed with his samurai swords. Houndkiller was driving another jeep while Lieutenant Cobar armed with the Gatling turret. They have their targets in their sights.

The heroes noticed the enemies are coming close to them. They quickly armed and readied themselves for battle.

Blazefist and Aquastroke armed with their Blazing Fire Shots and Water Claws. Flare Tiger, Laxtinct and Icy formed with their Tiger Berserk Mode, Earthen Armor Mode and Ice Sage Mode. Terrorcreep activated his Berserk Mode while wielding his axes. Shorty Thinking and Tailtech armed with their Flame Volley Blaster and Typhoon Blaster. Flash Sentry armed with Assault Machine Gun. Shadow Dragon armed with his Darkness Blade.

G.I. Joes armed with their armed rifles - Roadblock armed with his Gatling Gunner, Flint, Spirit, Ripcord and Tunnel Rat armed with their Assault Machines Guns, both Snake Eyes and Jinx armed with their katana blades while riding Prowl, and both Scarlet and Lady Jaye drove while arming Breakaway's weapon system for battles. Mane Six, Yeager Family, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike, Wheelie and Brains quickly squatted down for cover from the shootings. Autobots continued rolling and driving as fast as they can.

As both Cobra and Decepticons armored vehicles were getting close to the Autobots, both G.I. Joe and Dragon Strike Force attacked the enemies by force. G.I Joe troopers continued firing their gun in shooting at the enemy soldiers and their shielded armored vehicles while punching and knocking the latter off when the Cobra Troopers tried to climb on vehicles. Snake Eyes and Jinx swung their katanas in defeating the enemies hard when they climbed on the vehicles or coming close to them.

Dragon Strike Force battled against the enemies as well - Blazefist fired his Fire Shots, Shorty Thinking, Tailtech and Flash Sentry fired their blasters at them off. Shadow Dragon, Aquastroke, Terrorcreep, Flare Tiger, Laxtinct and Icy battled the enemies with punches, kicks, weapons and their Mutant Powers. Cade and his family took their Cybertronian Guans as they fired at their enemies. Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike, Wheelie and Brains helped by pushing, knocking and throwing garbage at the enemies off.

Autobots dodged and avoided the collision attacks from Decepticons swiftly and agilely. Both Smokescreen and Crosshairs knocked and pushed the enemies hard, making the latter knocked and rammed on the trees, big rocks and blocks, or flipped to the ground by big rocks and slides. Prowl dodged and avoided the attacks while firing his blasters at the enemies off. Breakaway flew down in covering his team by firing his guns and missiles at the enemies. Sideswipe, Bumblebee and Drift drove and dodged the attacks quickly while firing their blasters and missiles at them off. Optimus Prime and Hound drove very fast in ramming gates and bricks to pieces, allowing their allies to get across.

Galvatron and his army of Decepticons continued pursuing and chasing after their enemies while firing at them off. Galvatron, Stinger 3.0, Shockwave 2.0, Scourge, Cyclonus and Dreadwing fired their blasters and missiles at the Autobots while trying to knock and attacked them. Both Cobra and Dark Terrorists joined the battle as well by firing their blasters at Twilight and her friends. But the heroes managed to avoid and dodge the attacks as well as escaped them.

Swipestrike groaned in anger, "We're not getting to any of them!"

Major Bludd grunted in annoyance, "Aie! He's right! They're feisty and cunning?! How are we gonna catch them now?!"

"If we don't catch them in time," Cyclonus said in concern, "We will not have the chance in making more of Rainbow Energon!"

Galvatron chuckled withing his truck mode, "Oh, do not worry... Everything is going exactly as our plans."

"Indeed," Cobra Commander agreed, "Those fools will not get away from us so easily. And I can assure you of that."

As the heroes continued driving away from their enemies, they spotted the bridge ahead of them - a perfect chance to escape! As they were out of the woods, they stopped at once. They all encountered another group of Alliance of Darkness standing on the end of the bridge's edge. The bridge was blocked! They spotted new group of Decepticons as well as some familiar faces.

Onslaught - the armored yet muscular grayish General Decepticon with missile launchers on his back, Vortex - the air armored demonic crimson-black Decepticon Officer with wing blades behind of him while wielded both Sniper and Katana-like, Blast-Off - an armored silver Decepticon Warrior armed with his Flamethrower and claws, Swindle - the slick and slimmed brownish Decepticon Strategist armed with his Fusion Canon and Brawl 2.0 the new armored greenish muscular tank warrior from his previous incarnation were standing on the bridge's edge, beside with the army of Decepticons and their allied Cobra. Zartan and scarred Firefly were there as well, along with both Cobra Troopers and Dreadnocks.

Vortex smirked, "We've got them right where we wanted, boss! This is gonna be piece of cake!"

Blast Off chuckled, "Yeah! This is gonna be fun! I can't wait to burn them all!"

Zartan smirked, "About time they got here, I'm almost out of my whistling."

"Tell me something I don't know," Firefly said in annoyance as he touched his right side of cheek, "That bold headed Joe owed me lots of punches and gun blazing for burning and scaring my face with my stupid firefly drone!"

Brawl clenched his fists tightly, "I can't wait to give them some punches especially that scout. He owed me lots of my broken parts!"

Swindle scoffed, "Please... That was nothing. All I gotta do is find some junks, Cybertronian Metals and weapons. I'll make them into some strong Cybertronian for you."

"Cut the chit-chat," Onslaught said in annoyance as he turned and glared at his enemies, "Surrender now, Autobots! You have nowhere to go!"

The heroes immediately stopped at once. Everyone got off from the Autobots' vehicle modes. The Autobots transformed into their robotic modes. Autobots, G.I. Joe and Dragon Strike Force surrounded Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Flash, Spike and two Minicons as they all armed and readied themselves for the next battle.

Alliance of Darkness Main Force has arrived as they and the ambush army surrounded and trapped the heroes in the middle. There is no escape now...

Galvatron chuckled evilly and darkly, "There is no escaping now, Optimus Prime. We have you where we wanted now!"

"Yes... With you under our grasp, we can finally begin the Project End now," Cobra Commander said in amusement, "The world will be under our control complete."

Swipestrike chuckled evilly and darkly, "Yeah... Better surrender now, buddy. Coz it's game over now."

Everyone grunted in anger and upset as they all were surrounded and trapped by the enemies. There's nothing that they can do now. Optimus Prime remained calm and firm like nothing has scared or worried him off. This made the heroes worry and concern.

"Hmm... Optimus Prime is up to something but what?!" Galvatron asked suspiciously and worried, "he must have expected this..."

Scourge looked up as he gasped in shock and concern, "Incoming!"

"It can't be!" Cyclonus said in shock and concern.

Everyone looked up as they found a familiar ship flying above them. The fully functional and repaired Legendary Knight's Ship descending down at once while firing both machine guns and missiles at the Alliance of Darkness. Most of them got injured and killed by the attacks while some managed to avoid and escaped the blasts.

The Ark landed on the ground while opening the entrance landing pad where both Grimlock and Slug were waiting at.

"Good timing, old friends," Optimus Prime commented in relief.

"Prime, hurry!" Grimlock exclaimed in concern, "We go now! More enemies coming!"

Optimus Prime nodded, "Everyone! Into the Ark now! There's no time to lose!"

Everyone nodded in agreement as they all quickly entered the Ark at once. Autobots, G.I. Joe and Dragon Strike Force helped and covered the unarmed civilians into the ship at once. As soon as they all got into it, the flying spaceship quickly ascended to the sky.

The Alliance of Darkness noticed the Legendary Knight's Ship fleeing the battlefield. All of them quickly fired their guns, RPG launchers and tanks at the ship. But its armor was strong for the bullets to penetrate while dodging and avoiding the missiles and powerful blasts from Decepticons. It turned and boosted the engines as it flew and escaped the battlefield.

The Alliance of Darkness weren't please with the results now especially when it involved three leaders of the organization...

During the Legendary Knight's voyage, everyone sighed in relief as they were all taking a break from crazy Friendship Games. It was tiresome and crazy for all of them to go through.

Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash took some nap with the Cutie Mark Crusaders neared to the wall, same goes to Lance, Nyx and Spike who slept together as one. Fluttershy whimpered in concern as she was hugged in comfort by Terrorcreep. Pinkie looked at her family photo in wondering about her family. Shorty Thinking, Tailtech and Icy were checking the area via the map scanner while fixing and repairing the weapon's damages. Lady Jaye, Jinx, Scorn, Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Drift watched over the children in making sure they're relaxed.

Smokescreen, Spirit and Tunnel Rat were at the first turret while Crosshairs, Ripcord and Scarlet were at the second turret as they all have to be ready to fire back at the enemies. Saber Dragoon and Laxtinct were at third turret's chamber while Aquastroke and Blazefist were at fourth turret's chamber as they needed some time off.

Hound and Prowl were at the pilot's cockpit, along with Strafe and Slug riding them. Wheelie and Brains sighed in relief as they were panting slowly. Both Shane and Tessa were sleeping on the metallic bed.

Optimus Prime, Roadblock, Cade, Shadow Dragon, Grimlock, Seymour Simmons, Flint, Snake Eyes, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry were at the command center as they were discussing and planning of what to do next since the enemies were chasing after them now.

"You planned this, didn't you?" Flint asked curiously, "You knew something bad is about to happen?"

Optimus Prime sighed, "Yes. I'm sorry that I kept it under dark. I cannot be certain if some humans can be trusted. No offense."

Snake Eyes placed his fist on his chest while nodded in understanding.

Roadblock nodded, "Snake Eyes understands what you have been through. They became the fugitive when Zartan acted as the President sent the units attacked us about Iran's leader being killed. And I can't blame you about being angry of what CIS or Cemetery Wind did to you and other Autobots. They were assholes."

"But still..." Twilight Sparkle said in concern, "Galvatron said that he, Cobra Commander and Dark Curse have manipulated everyone to turn against all of us."

Flash scoffed a bit, "That doesn't gave excuse of what the government have done to Autobots."

Sunset Shimmer nodded in agreement, "Just like what happen to Friendship Games, they and Cinch manipulated you, pressured you and forced you to Unleash the Magic while becoming the She-Demon. It's unacceptable."

Shadow Dragon nodded in agreement, "It's true. But never mind of what happen, we should focus on what we should do now."

"He's right. We need to find and hide from the enemies until we figured something out to deal with those guys," Roadblock said in concern.

"Where?" Grimlock asked in concern.

Optimus Prime sighed, "We need to find a safe haven. Somewhere the enemies cannot learn of our location or even get the information from the government."

Agent Simmons sighed in annoyance, "Easy to say than done. The last time I tried on Hoover Dam's S7 Hidden Base, those Cemetery Wind were onto me and Wreckers. They almost blow the joint up. Topspin got us out from explosives but he didn't make it..."

Everyone thought for the moment as they brainstorm of how they can solve the problem until...

"I may have the idea," Cade said firmly. Everyone turned and looked at him. He smiled confidently, "It's the perfect location to hide from the enemies."

At Canterlot High School, everyone were all captured and held hostages outside of the school. Dark Curse and the remaining of Alliance of Darkness army have secured the area while keeping their sharp eyes on their prisoners. A lot of them were in despaired and scared while others were injured and wounded badly as they were bleeding to death, Shining Armor was injured and wounded badly as Dean Cadance was treating his wounds carefully and gently. Both Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna remained silent. Both Strikespell and Virtue Dragon remained firm and strong.

A sudden engine roared in everyone's ears as they all turned to the front. They found Galvatron, Cobra Commander, Swipestrike and their main force have returned to Dark Curse and others. As soon as Cobra Commander and his army came off from the transports, the vehicles transformed into their robotic forms of Decepticons. While their army remained behind, three leaders - Galvatron, Cobra Commander and Swipestrike approached to Dark Curse.

"You did not capture them?" Dark Curse asked darkly and bit of angrily. Galvatron, Cobra Commander and Swipestrike remained quiet while looking at him. He huffed, "It doesn't matter. They can run, but they cannot hide for long. They will be captured very soon by us or by their own allies."

While the Alliance of Darkness Army were confused and concerned about Dark Curse's answers, both Galvatron and Cobra Commander smiled. They understand what Dark Curse was thinking since they did the same thing before.

"How will you do that?! They could be anywhere," Swipestrike asked in concern.

Cyclonus squatted down and bowed, "Swipestrike is right. Autobots have shielded themselves and even their Human Allies from being found by us."

"It might be difficult for us to find," Scourge said in concern.

Galvatron scoffed a bit as he turned and glared at his new generals, "Why do we need to find them when we have their families, friends and guardians to do it for us?"

Cobra Commander nodded in agreement, "Indeed. Since we controlled the government now, they will do our bidding. The enemies have nowhere to run or to hide from us that long."

Baroness smiled in pleasant, "That is most interesting plan, Commander."

Destro nodded in agreement, "And I know who will help us since the world and even the president were under him, isn't it?"

The Alliance of Darkness Army smiled in pleasant and agreement. They all understand what their leaders were planning now. They turned and looked at Strikespell since he is the Secretary of United States and the Phoenix Conqueror for conquering and uniting the world as one.

Dark Curse approached Strikespell, who remained firm, still and calm yet angered and raged as he glared at the Dark Lord.

"I won't do it," Strikespell said firmly, "I will not let you manipulated me anymore..."

Instead of disappointment or upset, Dark Curse smiled in pleasant. He held his hand before formed the choking gestures. Strikespell looked surprise as he felt fine and okay. He heard someone choking. He gasped in concern as he turned to his back. He found both Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna were choking.

"That's not the only one," Swipestrike said darkly.

Strikespell turned and found Swipestrike holding Ipad Tablet in showing the security camera footage of his pale-colored wife with brown hair in ponytail dressed in her white suit with skirt and 8-years-old cyanish-colored son dressed in his blue shirt and brown shorts were both prisoners held by an armored Japanese Black Robed-Blood Eye and a golden armored warrior Terrorspike with brown spiky hair. Strikespell groaned in anger as he witnessing his family were leverage against him!

"Do the right thing, Mr. Secretary," Swipestrike said darkly, "You don't want them to share the same fate as Iris Crystal, now do you?"

Strikespell grunted in anger for the moment before sighed in defeat. He nodded in defeat. Dark Curse relaxed his gesture, thus letting both Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna freed from being choked. Both coughed heavily as they were breathing for more air. Swipestrike contacted the securities of keeping their eyes on Mr. Secretary's family.

Strikespell approached and helped his mother up at once. Principal Celestia turned and looked at him with upset and pitiful looks.

"You shouldn't have done that for me or others," Principal Celestisa said in painfully, "I don't want others to be used for Dark Curse's plot."

Strikespell hugged Principal Celestia passionately, "I can't lose you now, mother. I've lost Iris Crystal and my father now. I don't want you to die. I'm sorry for everything, mother. I just want to protect you and others."

Principal Celestia sobbed tearfully as she hugged her son back, "Oh, son. I forgive you..."

Both Principal Celestia and Strikespell continued hugging each other passionately and gently. The civilians and military officers sighed happily to see mother and son reconcile together.

Dark Curse cleared his throat in getting Strikespell's attention. Secretary of United States sighed as he stood up and turned to Dark Lord. He's ready for difficult and heartache decision for his family now.

"Here's what I need you to do..."


The Legendary Knight Ship arrived at the Yeager Family's old home. It descended and landed on the ground. Everyone emerged and looked around of the surroundings.

"It's perfect," Optimus Prime commented, "We should rest here. We must discuss and plan our next move. We must find a way to defeat Alliance of Darkness and their Project End."

Everyone but Yeager Family and Autobots were concerned, unconvinced and worried that the home is good place to stay and hidden from the enemies. They all chatted and muttered in concern about it.

"Don't worry," Cade Yeager said calmly. Everyone turned to him, his family and Autobots. He continued, "Autobots used this ship's cloaking device on us, making Decepticons and their friends hard to find us. Now the only problem we need to worry is ID, Passport, Bank Account Cards and you named them."

Agent Simmons nodded in agreement, "Yeah. I know what you mean, Yeager. They will track our personnel items to track and hunt us down. We need to disable them invisibility for our bad guys from finding us."

"Leave that to me. I've got ways to disabled the tracking device." Shorty said calmly. He turned to Mane Seven as he held the broken parts of amulet, "In fact, I have found the ways to help you transformed to your Pony Form. "

"But won't that thing drained and damaged them?" Flash asked in concern as he glanced at the broken amulet.

Wheelie nodded, "Yeah! That thing's busted trouble!"

Shorty Thinking smiled, "Not if I reverse the engineering and create new program for it. With its new upgrade, I can insert it for my latest device. It will help you for your transformation as well as controlled it. You'll need them because the enemies'll be coming for us now."

Shadow Dragon sighed, "He's right. After what happen today, we need all the help we can get to not only discover the enemies' Project End but to defeat them as well."

Everyone chatted and thought for the moment about what Shadow Dragon and Shorty Thinking have suggested. Mane Seven too thought of it. They all but Twilight Sparkle nodded in agreement as they all shouted proudly and heartily.

"[Applejack] Count me in. I'll do whatever it takes to save our hometown and protect Apple Bloom too. [Rarity] Agreed. I may not enjoy the violence, but Sweetie Belle needs me. [Fluttershy] Okay, I'll try to help. [Pinkie Pie] I'm in too! Nobody mess with my friends or family especially my party! [Rainbow Dash] Yeah! Awesomeness is back to action! No one hurts my friends or Scootaloo!"

Cutie Mark Crusaders cheered, "Go, Rainbooms GO!"

Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe chatted and commented in relief that the girls are willing to help them win the war.

"I might able to help you with that. I know how we can do that." Sunset Shimmer said calmly. Flash and Wheelie looked at her. She continued, "And it will work too. Also, I need Twilight for this too."

"Me?!" Twilight Sparkle asked in concern. Everyone thought for the moment as they nodded in agreement with Sunset Shimmer. Twilight is the key to help them make a device to help Mane Seven to transformed into their Pony Forms. She shuddered in fear while tears were formed, "I-I-I-I-I can't! I just can't!"

Twilight Sparkle turned and ran inside Yeager's House at once. Everyone was in concern and worry for her now as they remembered that Twilight was still traumatized and upset by her action and transformation into She-Demon.

"What's with her?" Wheelie asked.

Brains shrugged, "Beats me. Girls got lots of issues now."

Sunset Shimmer sighed, "I know how that feels. Shamed, regretted, upset and disappointed of what monsters you have become. I've been there before in my life."

"She needs comfort," Flash Sentry said in concern.

Optimus Prime nodded, "I needed she does. After what happen today and yesterday, she's in great despair and pain. She needs someone close to help her."

"Hopefully, she's willing to help us win the fight," Roadblock said in concern, "Because we're on our own now. No one can help us now."

Shadow Dragon hummed in concern as he sighed. He headed off at once, followed by Twilight's two siblings and Spike. They have to help and cheered Twilight Sparkle up now...

At the guest's bedroom, Twilight Sparkle was sulking and crying on the bed while covering her face with the pillow. Shadow Dragon, Lance Justicesstrike, Nyx and Spike opened the door as they all entered it. They then approached her before sat close to her. They sighed in concern as they looked at her in concern and worry. She's still ashamed and upset about today's event.

"Please, just leave me alone..." Twilight Sparkle pleaded in upset while sobbing tearfully, "I don't want to be part of this again."

Spike sighed as he approached and nuzzled Twilight's head gently, "Twilight, you can't blame yourself for this. You didn't know what's really happen."

"Yeah, Twilight. It's not your fault," Lance insisted in concern.

Twilight sighed as she slowly get up while looking away from her friends, "But still..."

Nyx approached and hugged Twilight from her back, "Please, Twilight! Don't say it! Stop talking bad about yourself. Everyone, and even us forgive you! Please, just stop!"

"Nyx's right. We all forgave you." The familiar girl's voice said calmly yet firmly.

Twilight was in shock and surprise of what she just heard. She turned to the back as she saw Nyx, Lance and Spike looking at her with pure upset. Not only them, she saw Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Flash Sentry, Wheelie and Brains stood before her. They all chatted that they have forgiven Twilight Sparkle for the mistakes as well as reminding of the enemies' and Principal Cinch's fault for the incident.

Despite she constantly blaming herself for the incident, her siblings and even others still forgive her. Touched and comforted by everyone's forgiveness, Twilight Sparkle let the tears out emotionally and despaired. She then hugged Nyx, Lance and Spike passionately. They hugged back while crying tearfully in joy and relief. Everyone sighed in relief.

Shadow Dragon approached and patted Twilight, "It's okay, Twilight. It's okay. Everything's alright now." She looked at him. He continued, "Having friends is something special, isn't it? Isn't it better than being alone?"

Twilight sniffed, "Yes, this is better. Thank you, Shadow Dragon. Thank you, everyone."

Applejack approached Twilight Sparkle before held her right hand to the latter, "I know it's not the time to ask but we need you. We're the team and friends. Please, help us, Twi. Just like before you helped me when we were kids."

"Applejack..." Twilight said in surprise. She thought for the moment while looking at her own family, friends and even Shadow Dragon. She recalled what Azure Phoenix's message has said. She knows what must be done now. She looked at her friends while smiling, "Let's do it together, friends?"

"Friends!" Everyone cheered wildly and happily.

"Wait a minute! How did you know this Twilight," Apple Bloom asked curiously.

Sweetie Belle nodded, "Yeah. It's like you two have known each other for a long time."

Scootaloo hummed, "Okay, wanna tell us what's going on?"

Applejack giggled in amusement, "Okay, I'll tell. This Twilight Sparkle used to live here too. We met when we were kids. It happens during the heavy rainstorm, I was hurt and couldn't ride home. I was so alone until she came."

"I couldn't just left her alone out there. So I asked my parents to help and taken her all the way home," Twilight Sparkle explained before smiled, "Surprisingly, Applejack came to my home for a visit. She said she wanted to return a favor to me."

"Well, if someone did something good for you, ya returned the favor to them. That's what I did for her. And of course, I even helped her clean and do the chores together. Heck, we even go to the very same school too."

"That's right. We both became best friend for a long time. Applejack helped and looked after me from the bullies while I helped and taught her about subjects she struggled. We became very close like the sisters. But until..."

"Until you and your family transferred to the city. It's something about your pops getting new job."

"Yes... So, we said goodbye to each other. But we'd never get to see each other again," Twilight said in concern.

Applejack sighed, "But then last year, I heard about the new girl and her description. I thought it was her but it wasn't. I wasn't sure if it's her because One - She doesn't wear glasses, Two - she didn't seem to remember of our time or even call my name and finally Three - she avoided the answer. I knew that wasn't Twilight I know of."

Sunset Shimmer giggled a bit, "Even so, you still helped her win the crown, beat me to crap and win the Battle of the Band. But today, you knew it but you kept quiet until this Twilight is the friend you used to befriend. And that makes you help her win the archery while she trusted you but can't because of someone insulted you."

Applejack gulped, "That sums it up."

Everyone and even Shadow Dragon and Sparkle Family were surprised and shock about Applejack and Twilight Sparkle being friends since their childhood. Who knew?

"That's enough of it," Shadow Dragon said calmly, "We've got the job to do. We need to deal with it now before it's too late. We need to stop the enemy before something worse is about to happen."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Time is wasting...

"We have learned the truth behind Azure Phoenix's death and traitors among us. As difficult to say; Dragon Strike Force, Autobots and G.I. Joe are the traitors. They are responsible of former Mr. Secretary's death; causing chaos, incident and destruction of Canterlot High School and New York; and kidnapped of innocent students. This is to show us that they refused the New World Order and Peace Treaty. I assure you that we will find them. We will hunt them down. We will bring them to justice. Unless they surrender to us, their punishment will not be minimize. I hope they do what they believed is right for us and the world as well as keeping the girls unharmed. If you find them, then do what you must for your country. Thank you..."

Everyone, at the Yeager's home, have watched the news from television and radio. Autobots from outside heard it as well. They muttered and chatted in anger and upset about them being traitors and fugitives again. Deep in their hearts and minds that Strikespell was forced to obey Cobra Commander, Galvatron and even Dark Curse's commands for something or some group important to him.

Snake Eyes turned the radio and television off since he knew and understand that everyone will be upset and angry as they all felt betrayed by the government and the world they tried to save. Snake Eyes headed exit to find Storm Shadow near to outside.

"Can you believe it?!" Ripcord exclaimed in anger.

"Here we go again," Flint complained in upset, "We've been framed again. We're now branded as traitors."

Lady Jaye patted Flint gently, "I know, Flint. I know. But you know there's nothing Mr. Secretary or President can do now when the enemies held families hostages."

"Probably nothing but to obey the enemies now," Scarlet sighed.

"Unless we can show the world that the government were controlled and manipulated by our enemies, no one believed we're innocent." Jinx said in concern.

Tunnel Rat sighed, "Yeah... Looks like no one can help us now."

"Cobra Commander has played us all," Roadblock nodded in agreement, "We're on our own now. There's no one else can help us now. I hope General Joe, General Hawk, Breaker, Cover Girl and the rest of Joes are safe."

At the Yeager Family Barn, Storm Shadow leaned against the barn. Snake Eyes approached to him as the former leaned against it. Snake Eyes looked at the window before turned on him.

"No, Snake Eyes," Storm Shadow answered, "I will not hunt her yet. Should she turned to Demon, you know what I must do, brother."

Snake Eyes wielded his katana at Storm Shadow.

"So, you refused to believe she would turn." Storm Shadow scoffed as he took the mask off. She smirked a bit, "Very well. Let's see right you really are. You may believe heart lead you on right path, but none can be true such as me. You knew I will kill you for the glory and to become the strongest ninja among Arashikage Clan."

Snake Eyes nodded before sheathed his sword. He held his hand before Storm Shadow. The White Ninja hummed thoughtfully before shook the Black Ninja's hand.

"Very well. Together, we shall stop Cobra Commander's plan and find the uncle's true murderer. We shall bring him to justice."

At outside, Autobots were chatting and talking in upset about branded as traitors to the government and the world after everything they have done for the Humans. Shane, Tessa and Simmons were sitting on the swinging chair.

Shane sighed in upset, "Back to square one again. We just turned to be heroes from last year. And now, we're criminals..."

"Put the sock on it, kid," Agent Simmons remarked, making Shane angered and glared at him. He huffed, "So what?! This isn't the first time the world turned on me, just because I became hero turned to low live joker. I moved on and do what I have to survive and win for myself and others."

"Well, guess what, old timer?! We're not winning! And how are we gonna handle the world?! They're onto us because they think we kill Azure Phoenix! How?!"

"Hey! Why are you asking me, joker?! I'm not superhero! I don't know why Yeager's kid chose you to be her boyfriend. But as far as I'm concern, you're worse than the kid I used to know from the Egypt!"

Both Shane and Agent Simmons were about to fight but pushed aside by Tessa.

"Stop it! Both of you! This is not the time to fight! We have to do something now!" Tessa exclaimed in annoyance. Both Shane and Agent Simmons turned and looked at her. She sighed, "I may not have the answers now. But I do know that we have to help our friends, let the world knows about the enemies and save it too. So, don't argue of what we can't do but think we have to do!"

Both Agent Simmons and Shane thought of it before nodded in understanding. They were beaten by the girl of words?!

"I can't believe this is happening," Breakaway said in disappointment.

Smokescreen nodded, "I know! How could Strikespell did to us?! We helped him but betrayed us!"

"Welcome to our world, kid," Crosshairs commented sarcastically, "Coz the world don't care who saved them! They only care for themselves! Everyone is for themselves! Jerks!"

"This is different. We left civilians and brave soldiers behind to buy us time to escape from the battlefield and take the precious cargo to safe haven." Prowl reminded Crosshairs.

Drift nodded while sharpened his blades, "Prowl's right. Even if we remained there and helped our allies, the enemies will use the leverage of innocents against us. And at the end, Decepticons will still gain control of the world."

"He's right. And the only way to save them and prove the world we ain't the bad guys is that show who is the real one," Hound said in concern as he loaded his guns, "Problem is how we do it."

Sideswipe nodded as he looked at Optimus Prime glaring at the stars, "Think Optimus Prime's okay, Bee? It looks like the saving the world but betrayed must have given him a heavy toll of spark-aches."

Bumblebee sighed, "I hope so. I just hope so. He'd been through a lot especially many of our comrades and brothers, including Sam and Mikaela. We've lost so many of them."

"I know, Bee." Sideswipe patted Bumblebee's shoulder, "I know. We all do miss them so much. We sure could use lots of help from them now..."

Cade Yeager approached Optimus Prime from behind as the latter was looking at the stars in concern yet upset and angered due to the world have turned on him and his Autobots again.

"I can tell you're angry again, Optimus." Cade said in concern.

Optimus Prime sighed, "It's as I feared, Cade. This world believe we are the traitors, despite our past action and deeds for this world. They have betrayed us. They're on the hunt of us now. We're on our own."

"You can't blame them, Optimus. You know what happen."

"I know. I was blinded by my rage, just as Humans were blinded by their own greed and fears. Megatron and Galvatron has used deception well, even death cannot stop him from using deception on them against us. I wish we could ease struggles and pain as well as ending the never-ending corruption and war. Can our action or even our sacrifice ever touch their souls? Or will they understand nothing?"

"Some can't. Others do. There's one thing you should know." Cade said calmly.

Optimus Prime turned and looked at Cade Yeager who remained calm and firm, despite having doubts and concerns. He continued,

"You once told me and Sam before - 'You may lose faith on us, but never on yourself'. And I'll say - Don't give up. Some may change for the better. All we can do is help them. That's what you always do."

"Cade..." Optimue Prime said in surprise before looking a blur vision of Sam's form on Cade Yeager's place. He sighed, "You remind me of Sam Witwicky so much. Despite his reckless and stubborn youth, he has not lost his faith on me and others. I will try, my friend."

"Count Dinobots too, Prime," The firm voice spoke. Both Optimus Prime and Cade Yeager turned and found Grimlock, Strafe, Slug and Scorn stood before them. Grimlock continued, "You give us freedom. You won the fight well. Me Grimlock will return the favor for you."

"Grimlock, you don't have to be involved of this. You're not an Autobot."

"Me Grimlock or Dinobots no cares. We are one and same. We friends. We team. We family."

Optimus Prime smiled a bit before bowed to Grimlock, and so does the latter and his comrades. Cade smiled a bit to see them happy and okay.

Within the house's living room, Dragon Strike Force were working some projects as they need to make some preparation yet they struggled.

Blazefist was sitting on the sofa as he felt guilty and shame for leaving Indigo Zap behind. She believed in him yet he left her behind for Twilight and others to be kept safe from harm.

Aquastroke approached and sat close to him, "It's not your fault. Indigo did what she have to."

"I should have been there for. I should have," Blazefist said in shame, "She's my protege and a sister I'd never had. I left her behind! Damn it!"

Aquastroke hugged Blazefist, "Don't worry. We'll get her back. I promised."

"Aqua..." Blazefist said calmly as he hugged Aquastroke, "Thanks for being my wife."

"You're welcome, buddy..."

Laxtinct was eating his chips as he was chatting with Saber Dragoon and Terrorcreep about the Dazzlings if they were involved of Project End.

"Do you'd think Sonata and her friends were involved of this," Laxtinct asked in concern as he continued eating and chewing his chips, "Because if it is, my heart is broken! I thought she changed for the better and for me! She can't do this to me! She knows how my fragile is!"

"We don't know yet!" Saber Dragoon said in concern as he looked at the map of Phoenix Fortress, "All we know so far is that they're at classified location. And I can guess that the enemies have some use of them."

Terrorcreep nodded, "Yes, I agreed. They could use them to control the world obey them since they're the magical Sirens."

"True... But their gems have been destroyed. And it will take time to restore them."

"And if it does, the Siren will not only grow stronger and powerful. It will also increase the Alliance of Darkness's influence and power greater and more threatening than before."

"True. That's why we can't let that happen. We need to find and rescue them. If they have information, we could use it. And I hope their controlling the world by singing isn't part of Project End."

"I doubt of it. They won't use the same trick for second time. It must be something else."

Laxtinct gulped, "Whatever it is, I just hope nothing bad happen to Sonata Dusk! It would be horrified!"

Saber Dragoon and Terrorcreep sighed in annoyance to hear that. Laxtinct is getting love sick for Sonata Dusk too much.

Shorty Thinking, Tailtech and Icy were making some gauntlets-like, along copying and making similar functional programmed device from Twilight's broken amulet.

"Wha'cha you doing?" Flare Tiger asked curiously.

Shorty Thinking put his goggles on as he began welded the torch on the gauntlet, "Making the device for the girls' transformation. Because we can't be there for them all the time. They have to fend themselves against the enemies."

"He's right. The enemies could distract us while sending some units to catch our friends," Tailtech added, "They have to ready for it."

Icy nodded, "Agreed. And besides, we should also do some research about the enemy's plan. They did succeed infiltrating and controlling the government across the world. But they're now working on Project End, which we still don't know. We need to find it before it could happen."

"We could help," The gentle voice said. Everyone turned and found Mane Seven, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Shadow Dragon, Flash Sentry, Wheelie, Brains, G.I. Joe, Yeager Family and Agent Simmons standing before them. Twilight continued as she held the drive, "I believe this is the key to Project End. If we can unlock it, we can learn its source and problem."

Sunset Shimmer nodded, "We might have the chance to stop the enemies before they could do real damages on this world. We won't let that happen."

Everyone nodded and chatted in agreement about it.

Shirty Thinking nodded, "Then, let's get started. Time is wasting now. We can't afford to lose it."

"Let's do it, everyone." Shadow Dragon ordered.

Everyone began working to find and learn more about Project End as well as stopping the enemies from achieving it and even save the world from the enemies. They cannot let the enemies succeed it.

Optimus Prime, Smokescreen, Breakaway and Dinobots were on patrols in keeping eyes out for the enemies. Spirit, Snake Eyes, Jinx and Storm Shadow joined as well. Scarlet, Drift, Bumblebee and Sideswipe worked on shielding the internet detected from the enemies. Crosshairs, Hound, Prowl, Ripcord and Tunnel Rat were working on the Legendary Knight's ship.

Terrorcreep, Blazefist, Aquastroke and Laxtinct were outside to help them as the patrol units. Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie kept them in company by providing some food and drinks for their friends.

Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Shorty Thinking and Tailtech were working and building the Mane Seven's Transformation Device for battle and protection. Applejack volunteered herself for the project. Rarity, Flare Tiger, Icy, Tessa and Shane were working on various kind of clothes for disguises. Lady Jaye, Flint, Wheelie and Brains worked on all of personnel cards and items from being detected and found by the enemies. Lance, Nyx, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Spike helped their friends by giving some food and drinks for them.

Shadow Dragon, Saber Dragoon and Roadblock were discussing about the enemies' strengths and weakness as well as strategy against them. Both Agent Simmons and Cade Yeager worked on hacking and analyzing on Azure Phoenix's drive as they wondered why it's very high protected and learned its data's origin.

Everyone spent for nearly whole night till late morning of dealing with the problems. Some were resting and sleeping while others were awake after a long work for whole night. Everyone have done their own parts - clothing disguises, shielded personnel cards and items, Pony-Up Morphers and no sign of the enemies so far. Everything looks fine so far...

Cade Yeager and Agent Simmons were working on hacking and analyzing the drive as they have yet to find answers until...

Cade gasped, "We found it!"

"Unbelievable! I can't believe we did it!" Agent Simmons exclaimed in shock, "Come on!"

Cade and Agent Simmons quickly headed to the front. They woke everyone up from their sleeps before exited the house. Everyone gathered and surrounded both Cade and Agent Simmons, wondering of what's going on now.

Cade smiled, "You won't believe of what we just found! This drive isn't just high protective data but made of artificial intelligent being!"

"And that's not all," Agent Simmons snickered a bit as he shown the laptop's monitor to the front. Drift and Bumblebee projected it for enlarging the screen of map. He then point on the red dot on San Diego. He smirked, "We found this."

Everyone awed in surprise and relief about the location while Autobots were shock about it. That location has the answer they have been looking for now about Alliance of Darkness, purpose and the Project End.

"N.E.S.T. Base..." Optimus Prime said in concern and suspiciously.

To Be Continued...

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