Rise of the Equestrians

by Doodle Note

Chapter 17: Discord's Plan

Celestia opened her wardrobe revealing gold armor and a helmet. She took her armor and walked to her changing room.

Gabriel walked into the room. "Celestia, why would you wake us up at a time like this? The sun hasn't even risen yet."

"The Supernova has awoken." Celestia explained from her changing room. "The Alliance is coming to Canterlot, I know they are." She walked out of her changing room wearing her armor and pulled out a long box from under her bed. She opened the box and pulled out a golden zweihander with a silver blade and the sun on the handle.

"But getting prepared for battle at a time like this. I understand that the Alliance is coming, but none of us have the energy for battle."

"This is the moment that we fight back, Gabriel. This is the moment that we take back Equestria. This is the moment we fight for our own kind." Celestia placed her helmet on her head and walked out of the room.

Gabriel followed. "But Celestia, don't people need rest for tomorrow? I know the Supernova has risen, but can't we just wait?"

Celestia stayed silent and kept walking.

Magnus sighed. "Getting ready before the sun rises? I mean, who would wake up at midnight? Crazy people? Nowadays, people are so over their heads." He was talking to a snow white Persian cat with a purple bow on her head and green eyes.

"Meow." The cat said.

"You're right! This IS such nuttiness! I mean, come on! Waking up before the sun goes up? Why?" Magnus looked outside his window and saw the Supernova from far away. "Oh. Now it makes sense."


"Don't judge me! It's not my fault that the Alliance woke up the beast." Magnus let out another sigh. "Why am I talking to a cat? Who's cat is this?!"

The cat growled and walked out of the room.

Magnus watched the cat leave. "Was there something I said?"

The Ocelots walked out of the room and saw many guards holding weapons walking in the hallway.

"What's going on?" Aiden asked.

"Why is everyone awake?" Maya rubbed her eyes.

"Probably because of the Alliance of Darkness mumbo-jumbo." Gill said.

A girl with bright green and white hair and gold eyes wearing gold armor popped in front of them, putting them into shock. "Well, that mumbo-jumbo is for real." The girl scolded. "The Alliance is coming for revenge and the Supernova had already woke up."

"Um, who are you?" Maya asked.

"Commander Lyra Heartstrings." The girl answered. "Chosen to be commander after graduation at Celestia's combat academy. AKA, here." Lyra started walking away from the Ocelots. Then she stopped and looked at Aiden. "And you, you're cute for a human." She continued walking.

Aiden blushed seeing Lyra walk away. "S-She called me cute. She just called me cute." He fell to the ground. "I think I'm in love."

The two Ocelots looked down at Aiden.

"Pinch me now." Maya said.

"First Lukas left us to get to the castle, then Aiden fell for a freak." Gill said. "What's next?"

Maya then saw something white from Aiden's jacket as she pulled it out, revealing a folded note. She unfolded it and read it. "Do you like rich girls?" She crumpled the note and tossed it out.

As the sun rose, the Order and Equestrians were still walking to the Crystal Empire. Discord was sleeping on Fluttershy's back, but she didn't mind.

Rainbow yawned. "Man. Why didn't we just wait until morning to get to the Crystal Empire? I'm tired as heck."

"Same here." Spike yawned.

Pinkie was fully energized. It was obvious that Axel was asleep on her back, but she handled the weight just fine.

Sunset was struggling to keep her eyes open. "Wow. I guess it's hard to keep your eyes open when your tired." She turned to the sleepy Jesse lying on her back. "Looks like he's tired from yesterday as well. Maybe from all the energy we used on those Changelings or all that running and fighting."

Petra turned to Sunburst. "So, what is the Crystal Empire anyway?"

"It's an empire made of nothing but crystals." Sunburst said. "Which is how the empire got it's name."

Rarity looked at Petra. "How's your eye and leg?"

"My eye is feeling better, but my leg still hurts." Petra said. "Well, my leg hurts a little. It's probably healing."

"Don't worry." Sunburst said. "Once we get to the Crystal Empire, they will take care of you. They have elixirs that heal any ailing part of the body. Even the head, in case of severe headaches."

"Do they work fast?" Petra asked.

"They can heal for five minutes." Sunburst answered.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Lukas yawned and turned to Pinkie. "How can you even withstand drowsiness? Are you some kind of robot that runs on friendship and parties or something?"

"I eat lots of frosting." Pinkie said.

Olivia woke up with a yawn and turned to Applejack. "Thanks for letting me use you as a pillow."

"No problem." Applejack said. "How did you sleep?"

"It was okay, but I had a weird dream. Some muscular Equestrian guy was hugging me to death."

The horses stopped walking.

"Why did we stop?" Lukas asked.

Sunburst looked in front of him. "We're here."

The others but Jesse, Discord and Axel looked in front of them and saw an empire made of crystals surrounded by a barrier.

"The Crystal Empire." Twilight said.

"We finally made it!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"I could look at it all day." Olivia said in awe.

Discord woke up with a yawn and saw the empire. "Oh. we're here." He looked at Jesse and Axel. "Time to wake these two up." He snapped his fingers as an alarm clock came out of nowhere and rang, waking up Jesse and Axel with surprise.

"What's going on?!" Jesse yelled.

"Who's there?!" Axel threw a stick.

The stick flew to Sunburst as he grabbed it before it hit him.

"We arrived at the Crystal Empire." Sunburst got off his horse.

The others got off the horses and walked straight to the empire. As they went closer, Jesse's eye were now focused on the barrier.

"What happens if you go through the barrier?" Jesse asked.

"You'll see." Sunset said.

Discord walked through the barrier. Then Sunburst. Then the guardians.

Before Sunset went through, she looked at the Order. "Come on, guys. Don't be shy. It's safe." She lent her hand to Jesse as he took it and closed his eyes. Then she pulled him through the barrier.

As Jesse opened his eyes, he saw the empire around him, putting him in awe. "Wow!" He saw many people that look like they were also made of crystal. Jesse turned to Sunset and saw that she now looked like she was made of crystal and her hair was now curly. "No way. Sunset, you look amazing!"

Sunset laughed. "Don't forget the guardians."

Jesse turned to the guardians and saw their hair held in shiny accessories. He even saw Spike wearing a bedazzled collar, Sunburst's hair slicked back and Discord's hair now wavy. "No way! Wait, does that mean...?" He looked at his hands and saw them now look like they were also made of crystal. "Cool!"

Sunset and Jesse turned seeing the rest of the Order go through the barrier. Petra's hair was now wavy, Olivia's pigtails were now curly, Axel's bangs were also wavy, and Lukas' hair was now pointed back.

Olivia turned to Jesse. "No way! Look at you!"

"I know! Pretty cool, huh?" Sunset agreed.

Lukas looked around. "This place really is made of crystal!"

"We must continue." Sunburst said.

The Order and Equestrians started walking to the castle.

Axel turned to Spike and noticed his collar. "No way. Spike, that is the coolest collar I've ever seen."

Spike looked at Axel. "Why, thanks. I appreciate that you like it."

"If I had a camera with me, I would take lots of pictures of this place."

"Well, the crystal-y-ness will only wear off once you step out of the barrier."

Jesse turned to Discord. "Why do you even have this barrier above this place?"

"Just to protect us from the dangers of the Alliance." Discord explained. "After the Alliance were sent to the underground, we took down the barrier meaning the Alliance was gone. But when they came back for revenge, we put up the barrier again. And every night, we prayed that a new hope will send the Alliance back to the underground so we can put down the barrier again. We waited and waited, but there was no sign of hope. But then, there is you and your friends. Our only hope."


They soon finally made it to the castle as Discord knocked on the door. The door suddenly opened by itself, then they walked it. Everyone turned and saw a girl with mulberry hair and blue eyes wearing a plain bright blue knee-high dress and white flats run up to them.

The girl stopped when she went closer to them and placed her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath.

Sunburst walked up to the girl. "Jewel Joy."

The girl known as Jewel Joy looked up at Sunburst. "How was your journey to the Castle of the Alliance?"

"I found the guardians and a bunch of humans chained up." Sunburst said. "One of them has a broken leg."

Petra walked up to Jewel Joy. "I'm the one with the broken leg."

Jewel Joy took Petra's hand and walked away with her. "Don't worry. We have plenty of elixirs that can heal any hurt part of the body."

"Let's hope Petra will be okay." Jesse whispered to Sunset.

Sunset nodded.

Discord lifted a finger. "Well, we must continue."

In the middle of the Everfree, Ivor, Soren and Coloratura were still on their way to Zecora's place.

"So, about this Zecora, what is she like?" Soren asked.

"She's very supportive. And very kind." Coloratura answered. "Well, she can be a little, I don't know, creepy sometimes. It is obvious that she lives in a hut deep in the heart of the Everfree. But she has the best cures."

"Coloratura. That name of yours sounds like something to do with music."

"Um, it is. But, thank you for noticing."

Soren coughed. "Whatever the Alliance is doing this for, better hope Jesse and his friends don't die. Am I such a coward when it comes to whatever just happened."

The horses stopped.

Ivor looked in front of him and saw a large hut. "We're here." He said getting off his horse.

Soren and Coloratura got off the horses as well. Then the three walked to the hut as Ivor knocked on the door.

"Zecora! It's me."

The door opened revealing a woman with dark skin, black and white hair and teal eyes wearing a brown crop top and knee-high skirt with gold beads, gold earrings and bracelets on her left arm and gold sandals.

"Is that Ivor I hear?" The woman known as Zecora asked. "How splendid to see you, my dear."

"I need your help." Ivor pleaded. "This is serious."

Zecora gestured Ivor to come in as he walked inside. "Make yourself comfortable."

Ivor sat on a chair. "I have this friend. And the Alliance took away his heart."

"Bring him in. I want to meet him." Zecora insisted.


Zecora looked at the door seeing Coloratura and Soren come in. She saw the look on Soren's face. "How unbearable! You look terrible."

"Thank you for noticing." Soren said sarcastically.

Zecora pointed to a table mounted next to a wall. "Please sit on the table. I might be able to help you."

Soren walked to the table and sat down.

Zecora took out a stethoscope and stuffed the earpieces into her ears. Then she walked up to Soren and placed the chest piece on his chest, hearing nothing. "Hmm. This does sound serious. I think I know how to help you while you're healing." She walked to a chest and opened it, taking out a round shimmering blue gem tied to a piece of brown string. She walked back to Soren and placed the item around his neck.

"How is this going to help?" Soren asked.

"It will heal you while you rest." Zecora answered. "That gem is my only best."

"Well, why not give it a chance? But why isolate yourself in the middle of the forest? I bet you're coward enough to take on the Alliance. Like me."

Zecora looked out the window. "It is not the Alliance I fear. I'm just afraid that the end is near."

"Well, the end is about to begin." Coloratura said. "The Supernova has already awoken. And if we don't do something, we're all going to die! What are we going to do?"

"I might have something just for you, Coloratura." Zecora said. "Follow me."

Coloratura followed Zecora to a dark basement.

As they walked down the stairs, they saw a black and blue set armor with a matching helmet.

"This is my old armor from before." Zecora explained. "But now, I don't need it anymore. I'm passing it on to you."

"Really?" Coloratura asked.

Zecora nodded.

Coloratura walked up to the suit of armor. "Are you sure?"

"It is the only thing I have to give to you so you can go to battle."

Coloratura took a deep breath, took the suit of armor and walked to the changing room.

Zecora walked up to a chest and opened it pulling out a platinum sword with a blue handle. She turned to the changing room and saw Coloratura walk out wearing the armor and her hair tied to a high ponytail. Then she showed her the sword. "And this is my old sword. It is yours. I insist."

Coloratura walked to Zecora and took the sword from her.

The two walked out of the basement.

Ivor looked at Coloratura. "You're wearing Zecora's old armor."

"She's giving it to me." Coloratura explained as she turned to Zecora. "So, do you know where the Alliance is going?"

"I sense they are going to Canterlot." Zecora said. "They might have found a human or two there."

Coloratura gasped. "Oh no. The two members of the last Order! The Ocelots! They're in danger!"

"Gabriel and Magnus are in Canterlot?!" Ivor yelled in shock. "We have to get there!"

Ivor and Coloratura ran out of the hut and jumped onto the horses. Then the horses ran straight to Canterlot.

After Petra was given the elixir so she can walk properly, the Order and Equestrians were now walking to an armory room. Discord opened the doors as everyone entered, putting the Order in awe.

Axel looked at a green sword. "No way! A real sword from a Changeling! Discord, did you steal this?"

Discord nodded and turned to the guardians. "Girls? Do you remember these?"

The guardians turned and gasped seeing six sets of armor. One that is purple, white and pink with a pink six-pointed star crest, one red, yellow and blue with a rainbow lightning bolt crest, one pink, blue and yellow with a blue balloon crest, one white, blue and purple with a blue diamond crest, one green, orange and red with a red apple crest and one pink, yellow and green with a pink butterfly crest.

"No way! It's our old armor!" Rainbow exclaimed as she ran to the red, yellow and blue one. "And they still look awesome!"

Pinkie hugged the pink, blue and yellow one. "And they still look amazing!"

Rarity walked up to the white, blue and purple one. "Hello there. It has been two years and you still look ravishing."

Twilight picked up a set of gold armor in a form of a dog and showed it to Spike. "Hey, Spike! Remember this?"

Spike walked to the set of armor and sniffed it. "I remember, all right."

Sunburst turned to Sunset. "Sunset Shimmer, ever since you left, we've been holding something for you. Follow me."

Sunset followed Sunburst to a room as he opened the door. The two entered as Sunset saw a suit of armor that was red, orange and yellow with a red and yellow setting sun crest.

"Ivor came and made this just for you." Sunburst explained. "He said that you had potential in your soul. And he said that you're destined to take down the Alliance."

"So that's why you said the world needed me." Sunset walked up to the suit of armor. "I love it."

"Put it on. The clock is ticking."

Sunset smiled, took the armor and walked to the changing room. She slipped on the leggings first, then the chest plate, then the gloves, then the boots. She walked out of the changing room, now wearing her armor with a shiny red tiara with a yellow gem between two orange gems, and looked at Sunburst, who was getting ready for battle. "How do I look?"

Sunburst looked at Sunset. "You are ready."

The two walked out of the room seeing the guardians now wearing their armor. Twilight's hair was now tied to a bun and she was now wearing pink visor glasses. Rarity's hair was now braided. Rainbow was now wearing goggles on her head. Applejack was now wearing a matching cowgirl hat. Fluttershy was wearing a green hairband with a pink butterfly. And Pinkie's hair was tied to a ponytail.

Jesse turned to Sunset. "Wow! Cool armor, Sunset!"

"Thanks." Sunset said. "But how are we going to track down the Alliance?"

Discord lifted a finger. "I know a way!" He took out a map and rolled it flat on the floor. He turned to Axel. "Axel, can you pass me the Changeling's sword?"

Axel took the sword off the wall and tossed it to Discord.

Discord caught it and placed it in the middle of the map, which made a beam pointing to a path on the map, which was moving the one nation of the map. Canterlot.

"They're heading to Canterlot." Petra said. "But why?"

"Something tells me they tracked down some humans." Spike replied.

"But who?" Olivia asked.

"Guys!" Lukas yelled. "Gabriel! Magnus! The Ocelots! They're at Canterlot! And they are first on the list!"

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go kick some butt!" Pinkie ran out of the room with the others following them.