A Dash of Friendship

by Twotailedfox8

A Speck of Jealousy

Chapter 2
A Speck of Jealousy

Twilight greeted all of her friends one by one. First, it was Sunset who rushed up to her, thanking her for the save. Pinkie rushed up to her, bounding on top of her and knocking the violet female over. Her hug was so tight that it could break a steel pole clean in two. Twilight coughed, struggling to breathe but her windpipe was consumed that she couldn’t speak up to let Pinkie know that she was being strangled to death.

“Pinkie, ah think that you’re killing the poor girl. Maybe you should let her go a bit,” Apple Jack added.

“Oopsie poopsie,” Pinkie laughed, jumping off of Twilight.

“You alright, sugarcube?” A.J asked, lending her outstretched hand to Twilight who slipped her hand in A.J’s with thanks, getting lifted off the ground by the farm girl’s strength.

“Yeah, thanks Apple Jack,” Twilight thanked, brushing the dust off of her skirt.

“Darling that just won’t do,” Rarity shrieked, shoving Apple Jack off to the side and whipped out her portable kit that she keeps on her in her backpack at all times. She quickly pulled out some hairspray, letting the cloud of toxins and CFC’s spray out of the nozzle and settle in Twilight’s hair. Rarity grabbed out her comb and allowed it to slide through her hair, catching up the dirt from the ground and removing the split-ends.

Twilight coughed and wheezed, breathing in the toxins which affected her windpipe, causing her spattering’s. Rainbow saw Twilight’s struggles and spoke up, gaining Rarity’s attention. “She looks perfect now. You really did wonders, Rarity!”

“You really think so? Well, you do look amazing now, darling!” Rarity placed her equipment back into her bag and marveled at her work. Twilight sidestepped around the pale girl and up to Rainbow, wrapping her arms around the cyan skinned girl’s waist.

“Thanks for the help,” Twilight smiled at her. A visible shade of crimson crept its way onto Rainbow’s face as she became visibly flustered.

“I-it was nothing… really,” Rainbow replied, surprising Twilight by her humbleness as she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly with her hand. Fluttershy slowly shrunk further behind her long flowing pink locks, raising the hood of her jumper over her head and pulling on the strings to make the gap grow tighter.

“Are you alright?” Fluttershy heard a voice perk up behind her as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun around to see the flame haired girl smiling warmly at her.

“Oh, it’s nothing, really,” Fluttershy lied, mimicking Rainbow but Sunset just nodded in reply, making a mental note to keep an eye out for Fluttershy. Although the small girl wouldn’t admit it, Sunset knew that something was going on and that it had something to do with Rainbow Dash.

“Umm, I don’t mean to be a burden but once again, I don’t have a place to stay tonight. Would it be alright with anypony if I could stay with them?” Twilight asked, not wanting to be a bother but also noting that she didn’t want to have to stay in that cramped library, and especially not when she didn’t have her faithful dragon assistant Spike around with her.

“Ah, Twilight. You know we aren’t in Equestria. We say everyone, not everypony,” Apple Jack laughed, joined in by her other friends. Twilight felt quite embarrassed by all the laughter being directed her way but knew better than to take it personally, knowing that her friends were just making a joke.

“Okay then, would anyone like to host me tonight,” she corrected herself, making sarcastic emphasis on the word one.

“I’ll do it!” Rainbow yelled enthusiastically. When she noticed that all eyes turned to her, surprised by her sudden outburst she quickly deflected the attention. “Heh, heh, I mean… I have a free house and my parents are away tonight so it would be really easy if you just came to stay at mine. Besides, we haven’t got to hang out as much as you and the others.” She finished.

“That sounds fair enough to me,” Rarity chimed in and was met with a mirror of nods from her friends. Although Fluttershy felt a wave of disappointment crash down on her at the thought of Rainbow and Twilight spending the night together, she was too scared to pipe up so just watched as the two began to walk away.

After Rainbow and Twilight disappeared from view, Apple Jack finally perked up, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had been slowly encroaching on the seven friends. “Hey y’all, is anyone free to help me on a cider delivery tonight?”

“I’d be delighted to, darling. A new surrounding would surly encourage some desperately needed inspiration. I can just imagine the new designs that I would come up with now!” Rarity replied excitedly, grabbing Apple Jacks arm and rushing off.

“See y’all ‘round,” A.J called back, waving to her friends as the two girls disappeared into the school.

“I’d love to stay and talk but I Pinkie promised Granny Smith that I would help her get some food ready for school next week,” Pinkie giggled. “And I never, ever break a Pinkie promise,” she added, staring intensely at the two girls, adopting a strangely out of character seriousness about her.

This startled Fluttershy slightly so Sunset decided to intervene to make the poor girl feel a bit more comfortable. “Why are you helping her, Pinkie?”

“To make the food test yumlicious!” Pinkie shouted in glee, bouncing up and down on the spot. “Psst, don’t tell anybody but the secret is little bits of Candy that I’m going to slip into the food,” a mischievous yet innocent grin crossing her face as she spoke. “I’ll see you around,” she cheered as she quickly dived into a nearby bush and out of sight.

“I don’t think I’ll ever understand that girl,” Sunset added after the watched Pinkie scurry around a corner, sticking to the walls similarly to how a burglar would sneak into an off limits area. Fluttershy just nodded sheepishly, her mind still thinking about Twilight and Rainbow.

She only just realized today her true feelings for the Rainbow haired girl and all the small details about her life recently began to fit into place like the final pieces of a puzzle. The extra glances, the feeling of emptiness when she wasn’t with Rainbow and the increased feeling of anxiety when she was around her. It all made sense.

“Sunset to Fluttershy, come in Flutters!” Sunset remarked, waving a hand in front of Fluttershy’s dead panned eyes. She suddenly shook her head, snapping out of her daydream.

“Oh, sorry about that. I just zoned out a bit. What were you saying?” Fluttershy asked, slightly embarrassed.

“Since everyone else is busy, do you mind if I crash the night at your place? We could have a slumber party too seeing as all the others are busy,” Sunset offered, hatching a scheme in her mind to get to the bottom of why Fluttershy seemed so distant recently.

“Um… sure… we can-” but before Fluttershy could finish her through, Sunset linked their arms together and set off to the shy girls house, mentally preparing herself for that night.

“Ate dinner, check. Brushed teeth, check. Made pull-out bed, check.” Twilight listed off the things that she had done out loud, placing down her extended fingers one by one as she said the word check.

“Finished the boring checklist, check,” Rainbow teased as she walked into the room but nothing but a white towel rapped around her, barely covering her parts.

“Rainbow, it’s not bor…” Twilight began to interject but was rendered stunned and speechless when she turned to see Rainbow, standing in all her glory. Some remaining water from her wet, damp hair fell off in a small drop and landed on her chest, dissipating instantly.

“What?” Rainbow asked quizzically when she saw Twilight staring at her. “You can stop staring now, Twi,” Rainbow laughed in a slightly arrogant yet playful tone. Twilight closed her mouth, shaking her head as she turned to avoid Rainbow’s gaze, half in embarrassment that she got flustered just by seeing Rainbow in a towel and half to hide the blush that was very visible on her face. She cursed how obvious the red blush was in contrast to her violet skin in this world.

“Maybe you should put some pajamas on?” Twilight asked, still staring at the wall. “I can leave the room if you-”

“Nah it’s alright. I don’t mind if you’re in the room. Just look away at it’s all good,” Rainbow interrupted, slipping off the towel and letting it fall in a crumpled heap on the floor. She reached into her drawers and pulled out some dark blue P.J bottoms with white speckles dotting them and threw on a white t-shirt with red sleeves and a cloud letting a rainbow lighting strike emerge from it on the front, not dissimilar to her Equestrian parallels cutie mark. “You can turn around now,” Rainbow laughed, hopping into her bed and sliding the covers up over her neck, dispelling the cold from her body. It was a freezing cold night that winter evening.

Twilight mirrored Rainbow’s actions by getting in her own bed and wrenching the covers over her delicate figure. “So, how’s it been since the battle of the bands?” Twilight asked, swiveling her body to face Rainbow.

Rainbow did the same, resting her head on her hand. “It’s been pretty boring without you here, honestly,” Rainbow admitted.

“Can’t the brave and strong Rainbow Dash have fun without me?” Twilight responded in a joking tone, mocking the somewhat cocky voice that Rainbow often adopts when talking about her soccer or guitar playing skills.

“What? No, of…of course not. I just mean that, like, whenever you show up we always have magical battles and save the world, y’know?” Rainbow tried to convince Twilight.

“Don’t worry Rainbow, I know what you mean,” Twilight replied reassuringly.

‘No, you don’t know what I mean. That’s not what I meant at all. I really did miss you,’ Rainbow sighed in her head, mentally scouring herself for being a coward.

“So… how have you been?”

“Not bad. We’ve just been playing some gigs around at some bars and party’s and other venues like that. Rarity has been getting a lot more business for her dresses and now has some pretty influential clients. Apple Jack’s cider business have been booming. Sunset is slowly getting a hang of how the magic works in this universe and Fluttershy’s pet sitting business is going alone smoothly. Lastly, Pinkie is… well I don’t really know. It is Pinkie we are talking about,” Rainbow finished, out of breath as she speedily listed off what her friends have been getting up to recently.

“No, Rainbow, it wasn’t. I asked how you have been, not our friends. Although it is nice to know that things have been going so smoothly for them all. That makes me very happy,” she smiled at Rainbow which practically made her melt in her bed. She knew she couldn’t last much longer. Her stupid feelings were making her sound like an idiot in front of Twilight. She had to think of something quick.

“Well, I’m pretty tired,” Rainbow Dash said, yawning a loud, long yawn as she stretched her body. “I think I’m going to hit the hay. Night, Twi.”

“Oh, okay. Goodnight, Rainbow,” Twilight said, turning over and closing her eyes.

‘What was that?! You completely ruined the night you idiot,’ her mind scalded her. Her relentless thoughts tormented her idiocy through the night until the sweet release of sleep finally grabbed hold of her and she drifted off into the land of dreams.

Fluttershy pushed the food around on her plate with her fork. She stabbed pits of lettuce and skewered her cherry tomatoes with no intention of ever popping the meal into her mouth. Sunset watched begrudgingly on the other side of the table, trying to piece together in her mind what had happened to cause this sudden change in demeanor of Fluttershy. Sure, she was always timid and shy but ever since Twilight got back, something seemed off.

‘Wait, ever since Twilight got back!’ Sunset’s mind shouted at her, causing her to wince in pain by the thundering voice inside her head. She gripped her head and scrunched up her facial features, mentally shouting at herself to calm down.

“Um… is everything alright? You look in pain,” Fluttershy piped up quietly.

“Huh? Oh, no, it’s alright. Just a bit of a headache,” Sunset beamed back.

“Are you sure? Do you want me to get you anything?”

“No, I’m fine really,” Sunset insisted.

“Okay, but please don’t hesitate to ask. I don’t want to seem like a bad host.”

“Fluttershy, you could never, ever be a bad host,” Sunset confirmed, rounding the table and sitting next to the shy girl, placing her arm around Fluttershy’s shoulders and bringing her in for a quick hug. “But is something bothering you?” she asked quizzically, raising an eyebrow towards the girl.

“N…no, why would you think that?” Fluttershy asked, retreating slightly behind her hair.

“Fluttershy, I have known you for a while now and you are one of my best, if not only, friends. I know when something is bothering you. You know you can talk to me whenever you want,” Sunset smiled warmly again, making some of the anxiety wash away from Fluttershy.

“And you’re sure you won’t tell anybody?” Fluttershy asked again, wanting to make complete sure that Sunset wouldn’t tell anybody.

“I promise that I will never tell a soul what you are about to tell me. You have my word.”

“O…Okay. I… sorta… kinda have a crush on,” Fluttershy squeaked, becoming impossible to hear as her words turned into an inaudible mumble.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.”

“I have a crust on somebody,” Fluttershy said with a bit more directness and confidence.

“I thought as much. Is it of Rainbow?” Sunset asked. Fluttershy’s mouth fell to the floor as it swung, completely agape. She had no idea how Sunset could have known that. Was it that obvious? Did everybody know? Where they talking about her behind her back? All these thoughts and more ran rampant through her mind.

“H…how did you know? If you don’t mind my asking.”

“I saw the way you looked at Rainbow and Twilight whilst hugging and saw how you reacted around them. I assumed it wasn’t Twilight you liked because you hang around with Dash so much that it seemed more likely.”

“Please don’t tell anybody,” Fluttershy pleaded. She wrapped her arms around Sunset’s waist and began letting the tears flow, begging Sunset to keep it a secret.

“Hey, hey, c’mon now, don’t be sad,” Sunset hummed, raising Fluttershy’s face up to her own and wiping away the few stray tears that hadn’t already been absorbed by Sunset’s black, leather jacket with her thumb. “Everything will be okay. I won’t tell anybody that you like Rainbow and I will even help you ask her out on a date.”

“Would you really do that for me?” Fluttershy asked, her eyes growing wide with admiration.

“Of course. I may be new to this whole friendship thing but isn’t that what friends are for?” Sunset laughed, still rubbing Fluttershy’s back. Fluttershy nodded back happily.

“I like the new Sunset much, much more than that old fire breathing demon,” Fluttershy smiled. “No, offense.”

“Yeah, how about we don’t bring that up again,” Sunset blushed.

“No problem, what are friends for?”

“You’re telling me,” Sunset joked. “Now how about we finish eating and then go watch T.V or something.”

Fear gripped Rainbow. She felt herself falling, no, plummeting as fast as a speeding comet through space down the endless, dark abyss. There was no air whipping her face and stinging her eyes. There was no light anywhere, just darkness. She could feel nothing, taste nothing and hear nothing. Everything was black. Dark. Empty.

Rainbow tossed and turned in her sleep wildly, flinging blankets and pillows around the room which collided into many objects, causing them to fall over with a loud thud. It was a miracle that nothing broke but what surprised Twilight even more was that not once through her freak out did Rainbow Dash wake up.

Twilight sprung up, alert. Ever since Sunset first stole her crown back in Equestria, she had become a very light sleeper. She swiveled her head to see the frazzled Rainbow Dash, squirming about in her bed, clearly wrapped up in a pretty intense nightmare. Twilight cautiously tiptoed over to the flailing girl, scooping up her bright blue blanket with fluffy white clouds from the floor and placed it neatly back on the bed.

Twilight sat on the edge of the bed, balancing precariously on the side, making sure that she was neither sitting too close to the now sweating girl, nor too far off the edge that she would fall. Once Rainbow was tucked neatly back under the blanket, Twilight put a hand on her forehead and gently allowed her hand to sweep through her Rainbow hair. Almost immediately, as if the calming movements of Twilights hand had infiltrated Rainbow’s dreams, she stopped squirming and relaxed, purring slightly at the sensation.

Twilight smiled at the sleeping girl, marveling at her resting form. She watched her face slowly began to un-scrunch and focused on the soft breaths coming from her mouth and the slow rise and fall of her chest. Rainbow looked so adorable. Twilight didn’t want to leave her side, but knew she couldn’t stay for much longer because the cold was getting to her. She finally decided it was best to retire back to the warmth of her own bed but as she retreated, Rainbow latched onto Twilights outstretched hand and nuzzled her cheek on the back of her hand, making escape impossible.

“Don’t think I’m letting you escape that easily,” Rainbow yawned, turning over to face Twilight.

“You’re awake?” Twilight gasped, surprised but also slightly embarrassed.

“Yeah, I woke up to find you stroking the back of my head,” she teased, poking her tongue out at the bewildered violet girl.

“Oh, sorry about that.”

“No problem, Twi. If you wanted to get in bed with me, you should have just asked,” Rainbow giggled. The blush had grown exponentially on Twilight’s face as the vibrant red radiated from her cheeks.

“N…no, it wasn’t like that,” Twilight added, completely flustered. “I saw you were having a nightmare and I tried to help.”

“What? I don’t have nightmares,” Rainbow pouted. Twilight couldn’t help but let a small ‘aww’ escape her lips at Rainbow’s adorableness when she got stubborn like she was at that moment.

“It’s okay Rainbow, everyone has nightmares every once in a while. It’s a normal thing that you shouldn’t be afraid to admit. The important thing is that we understand what they mean and try to fix the problem that is causing us to have them so we can sleep easier in the future,” Twilight said, adopting her signature didactic tone. Although her words were filled with care, Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but picture the textbook that Twilight had clearly been reciting those words from.

“Heh, you’re still such an egghead, Twi. Well, would it help if I talked to you about my nightmares?” she asked.

“I think that would be wise.”

“Twilight, I can feel you shivering. It’s cold out, why don’t you join me and I can tell you all about my nightmare?” Rainbow asked, raising the covers slightly and patted the bed next to her. Although Twilight didn’t want to admit it, she found Rainbow’s invitation quite inviting and eventually, gave in to her desires despite her better judgement and crawled in next to Rainbow. The two were immersed by the sudden rush of heat that both body was dissipating. They lay facing each other, their noses barely a hairs length apart.

“Remember, this is not cuddling or anything. This is simply me telling you about my nightmare and then you can go back and sleep in your own bed afterwards, right?” Rainbow asked, more for her own benefit than Twilights.

“Naturally. So, what was your nightmare about?” Rainbow began to detail her horrific dreams and after a short couple of minutes, she realized that Twilight had drifted off to sleep.

“I guess she was more tired than I thought,” Rainbow sighed to herself. She felt her eyelids grow heavy, like cement as she struggled harder and harder to stay awake. She eventually gave into the enticements that sleep provided and threw one of her arms over the small body of Twilight, bringing her in close as she drifted off to sleep. For the first time in a long time, Rainbow slept peacefully.

The moon grew high into the sky, bathing the plant life around the brick-layered school in the heavenly illumination of the blue moon. The dark sky was brought to life with the billions of twinkling stars that dotted throughout, creating patters of all descriptions between them.
“I’ll see you on Monday Granny Smith,” Pinkie called loudly to the lunch lady as she ran out of the building. She hopped onto the railing and slid down it, jumping off at the bottom and landing on two feet. “Pinkie 321, Stairs 17!” Pinkie laughed loudly, reveling in another defeat of the stairs. “Trip me once, shame on me. Trip me 17 times and I start to keep score.”

Pinkie skipped down the path and along the path when she heard a strange noise coming from the statue. It sounded like…

“Party poppers!” Pinkie cheered, rushing over to the statue to try to find the source of the noise. “Who is throwing a party without me?” Pinkie whined, circling the statue in the hopes of finding her friends crouching out of sight, ready to surprise her. Suddenly, she felt something very familiar raining down from above her. She looked up to see a kaleidoscope of coloured shreds of paper of all sizes, falling form seemingly nowhere. “Confetti?” Pinkie asked aloud in utter shock. Something strange was going on and Pinkie wanted to get to the bottom of it.

“Whoever is making all these weird things happen, I will find you and when I do, I’m going to recruit you into my party throwing business!” Pinkie jumped for joy. Little did she realize was that while her attention was focused upwards towards the sky, a white mist was billowing out of the portal, surrounding Pinkie’s legs and slowly rising up her body, passing her shins, knees and thighs. Before Pinkie realized what was going on, she felt a hand grab her waist on either side and pull her down to the ground. She reached out frantically, trying to grab some flowers in the nearby flower bed but the stem cut cleanly in half and she was pulled through the portal as her shrieks echoed through the cold, quiet night.

When Pinkie finally opened her eyes, rubbing her temples to relieve the immense pain that she was feeling, she was blinded by an intense bright light. She strained her pupils and scanned her surroundings. Everywhere she looked, there was nothing! Nothing but a white light that illuminated everything. There was a ground to stand on, but nothing else. No sky, no buildings or grass or plants or, most importantly, any way of escape.

“Hello? What is this place? Place, place, place,” her voice echoed throughout the wide sparse landscape of nothingness but the only sound was her words as they slowly dissipated into the air around her. “Where am I, I, I, I, I?”