//------------------------------// // Improvisation and Improvement: 5 // Story: Rearity's Fashion (Alt Nick) // by Ponyess //------------------------------// As I finally had the time to make a new examination of the materials at hand, I realized that the book had given me a few explanations to what I have before me. Some of these materials are enhancing and emphasizing the details, while others are smoothing them over. Had I chosen the exaggerating material for the top? While the white panties are smoothing over everything entirely. At least, I can say that I had managed to sleep as I wore the suit. Running around, in order to wear down and challenge the suit is a pointless waist of my time; knowing it should take more time to see how well the suit is made, while I could have practiced my craft and draw up a few more designs now. “I see that you are eager to try your hands at your craft! Go right ahead, I need to see you at work, in order to see how you are doing, and where my advice and instructions will make a difference!” she pointed out, directing me towards the material room. “I am here to learn, and to gain experience from you. In order for you to help me, you need to see me working, and I need to work in order to develop my craft!” I responded. “Exactly! I will help you with advice, as I see fit; then I expect to see you specialize, as you develop your craft. I have numerous fabrics and materials, you can use as you see fit in order to see exactly where you can thrive, and what you should leave behind for others to pick up!” she prompted. “I noticed that; and I have started out exploring a few of these materials, which I have started to enjoy Royally. I am going to explore the uses of each and every one of them; and explore what I am good at, as I go along!” I responded. “I will keep an eye on your work, and slip in pieces of advice where I feel they would help your development!” she promised, as she took a step back and moved out of sight. “This is going to be fun, I just hope I am not taking chances on my apprenticeship now!” I thought, quietly with a grin on my face. “If I remember correctly, this material should be perfect for a night suit. I do love the texture under the tips of my fingers!” I reflected. With that, I picked up the bolt; cut up the material and placed it on the dummy and sealed them together into what may look like a bathing suit. I see a liquid smoothness with a joyously glistering with just the right shimmer to it. The seams eagerly melted away as I worked it over. I can see no details or features under the highly elastic material, just the way I had imagined it. Of course, the suit may be fun to swim in; just as it may be scary or exciting in a few other cases. I will simply have to explore the use of the garment, when I have the time to examine my reactions. For now, I leave it in place, while I consider my next move. “I will give you a few more Mannequins, so that we can see your work compliment one-another!” she pointed out, as she placed a handful of dummies beside the first one I had been working on before. “Thank you!” I responded; as I see the new dummies lining up, side by side. The first dummy had apparently been my size, and made suits that were fitting me perfectly. At least, it is my initial impression; while I guess I could have been mistaken. “Interesting, that dummy give me the impression she wants me to make a suit for her next!” I reflected, quietly under my breath. Naturally, I have no idea as to whom the last two dummies would be. For now, I don’t know if it would matter who they were, if they are people rather than blank dummies right out of the factory line. “Since she made the point, I will have to make her a suit by that design right away!” I thought; as I cut out white rubber and placed it onto the dummy, looking like her and fused the material together in the same design. Naturally, the suit does look identical to the one I had just made for myself, which was intentional. Then I picked up a bolt of red and black rubber respectively, before I cut out the material in order to prepare a pair of boots. Carefully fusing the material together in place for two pairs of boots each, and two more pair for the third person of which I know nothing at this point. Maybe she will let me know whom she is, but that isn’t all that important right now. I can afford to ignore it for now. “I imagine she would tell me, if and when it is becoming important enough that I do know!” I pondered, winking at the thought with a grin. From what the book had indicated, these boots may be excellent suction-cup boots, while I may consider a few additional alterations along the development process. I left the alterations undone, for now; focusing on the next move in the process. Either she wanted this suit in particular, or she wanted to try out samples of my suits by herself on her own. I can’t be certain, before she told me either way; yet I chose to make a few duplicates for her to enjoy as I went along, starting with the boots. “Hope she will enjoy wearing them, they are after ll looking as if they will be fitting her; judging by the shape of the dummies she gave me to work on!” I considered. If she did not know what materials I am putting into these suits; she is in for a shock, when she is slipping into the suits. Of course, all going by what I thought I remembered for the book; assuming it had even been intended to be informative in the least in the first place, which I am not entirely sure of by myself before I ask her. Yet, it had been very inspirational, this far. Maybe that was all she had intended in the first place? The next idea involved the black rubber, which I soon managed to cover the body of the three different dummies; whereupon I fused the parts together in order to seal the suits into a single piece. For the sake of experimentation, I applied a valve over the belly bottom and a zipper along the entire spine of the final suit; the one I have no idea as to whom it may be. With all the dummies covered, even if I could craft gloves for them; I proceeded towards the next step in finalizing the boots as I had intended them. I managed to find the polishes I had in mind, and carried them back to my work space. I covered the top of the boots with the hardener, before I applied the elastic gel under the sole of the boots; in order to enhance them to the intended functionality. As the rubber of the boots is absorbing the clear gel, I can clearly see how it is changing along the intended lines as it is saturated. I choose a clear rubber to place over the original; before I repeated the process once over and polished it to a new level of glistering, and left them on the dummy in order to set properly. There is what appears to be a skin-tone rubber material, which I picked up; once I had gathered all the previously used materials and stashed them back in their respective places, before I continued with the gloves I intend to make. At this point, I had realized, just how much I am enjoying the ease with which I am cutting the material and splicing it onto the dummies, before I fuse the slices into a single garment. Once the gloves had been completed, I applied the bright, iridescent gel at the edge of each finger of the gloves, one by one; until I had completed the process for each and every one of the three pairs, one for each of us. I enjoyed assuming there is a third person who will enjoy wearing the suits as I made them even if I had never been told that there is in fact a third individual who is to wear the suits. I apply a white gel in order to cover the entire palm of the hand of the glove, thus creating an improvised suction-cup for, only to notice that the rubber is adjusting towards the intended form as I had completed the process of saturating the rubber. Once I completed the suction-cups, I move up and apply a clear gel to the tip of the fingers and thus form what slowly start to look like nails, growing to the desired shape and length. With skin-tone rubber, the clear nails are the natural choice for me. The nails grow hard and shiny, as I complete the process. “I am going to try out a suit right now!” she pointed out; as she replaced one of the dummies in her size and likeness with another one, identical to the once she brought with her. “Go right ahead, I have just completed the ensemble; then you could get a closer experience of the suit and my choices!” I suggested; as I undressed one of my dummies, while I was at it. I could see her going towards the closest room, with privacy for what I knew she had in mind; following her example, walking to the next changing room with a fresh suit. With the white suit, pink gloves and black boots; I entered the small room, before I step out of the skirt and pull the top over my head, before I slip the gloves off of my hands. She may have chosen the black boots too; not that there is any difference between the two pares, aside form the obvious, one is black and the other is metallic bloody red. I climb into the white suit from the entrance in the neck, slipping my hooves through and my hands shortly there-after. At this point, I step into the boots; before I pull the gloves on, right and left and feel the slippery material sliding over my skin until I have all my fingers correctly into place. In shock, I notice how I can’t really feel my body at all; even if it had been the original intent from the get-go. It is as if my body had turned into pure rubber, as opposed to the living flesh it had been and still is. I could hear the pronounced squeaking noises from the boots on my hooves as they glister, while I barely see where the glove ends, even if I knew it was at the elbows. The inch long nails should be quite useful in my work, even if they are looking stunning and fabulous as they glister in the light. Feeling every little detail under the tips of my fingers will be exceedingly convenient as well, considering how much it may help me in the line of work unless I injure myself; in which case it will be much more painful in the process. If the suction-cups are going to help me will be very curious and interesting to explore in the coming few days ahead. At least, I imagine it should be. --- --- ---