The Misadventures of Fanta Shock

by Feathers and Fanfics

Chapter 1: Thursday.

It was 6 am on Thursday in Ponyville. Celestia's sun was just being raised, and the bright beams of warm, welcoming light were spreading across Equestria. They peeked through curtains, assisting cockerels and alarm clocks in waking the pastel-coloured equines from their peaceful slumber. In one particular house, a unicorn uttered slurred curses as the blinding beams of light fell across her face and she tried to bury her pounding head further under the covers.

"Ughh.. Curse that sun, and that sun princess.. Ooh my head.."

The mare muttered similar phrases as she pulled herself out of bed, wobbling slightly as she stood up. She was an average-sized unicorn, with a white fuzzy coat, a perpetually messy crimson mane, deep orange eyes, and an eyepatch over her right eye. Her cutie mark was a crosshair in the centre of a wheel of fire. Though it varied, she usually wore an assortment of cuts and bruises. Her name was Fanta Shock, and she was in the middle of what must be the worst hangover in Equestria. From her point of view, anyway.

Fanta stumbled downstairs, dragging her limbs to the kitchen. She stood and blinked at her kitchen tiles for a while before picking up a mug in her magical orange aura. A few minutes later, the disgruntled mare was sitting down at the table with her coffee and breakfast, holding a newspaper up in front of her face and reading it. Or rather, trying to make sense of the words swimming across her vision, like some sort of relay race. She was just about to give up, when there was a thunderous hammering at the door.

Fanta carefully got out of her chair, headache fading as the coffee worked its magic, and stiffly trotted to the door. She opened it, and her eye was instantly blinded by the warm, loving rays of gentle sunlight.


She yelled, catching the attention of her unfortunate neighbours. Fanta squinted, realising that there was no one at her doorstep, save a cardboard box. Groaning, headache back in full force, she dragged it inside and slammed the door.

After another strong coffee, Fanta sat on the floor with the box. She quickly inspected it, discovering no markings or return addresses. She sighed, got up, and fetched a stick from its corner in the kitchen. Using the stick, Fanta carefully opened the box. This proved to be a wise choice – confetti and streamers blew everywhere, giving her living room a delightful assortment of paper decorations. Thoroughly revolted by this, the grumpy equine inched closer to the box, and fished out the envelope from inside.

It read: "HEY THERE!! You're invited to my Nightime Mega Party Extraordinaire! Be at Sugarcube Corner at 9pm this Saturday! Don't be late! :3"

Fanta never could figure out how to tell the annoying pink speedster that she was definitely not interested in parties, sleepovers, birthdays, cake-hopping relay races, or discos. Unfortunately, her protests would always fall on deaf ears and she'd end up being dragged to the social event anyway, so it made sense to just attend like everypony else.

She checked around her house for anything out of the ordinary, in the hopes that she wouldn't find anything and could go back to bed. Fanta checked her living room, dining room, letter box, phone – there was a new voice message. She must've been asleep. Or at the tavern. Possibly both. Either way, she picked up the phone and listened to what the message had to say.

"Hey, Ms. Shock! It's Cheerilee, I was just calling to make sure you hadn't forgotten that you're on school duty, this Thursday. The students get to school at about six thirty, don't be late!” *click*

Fanta's uncovered eye twitched. She looked at the clock. 6:28. She had two minutes to get to Ponyville's school, and those two minutes were being wasted on pointless exposition. She practically flew out the door, slamming it behind her as she galloped down the street.