Political Bonds

by Mesiagamer

Chapter 1: Arrival in Equestria.

On an airship that was starting to pull in to the capital of Equestria, Canterlot. This airship wasn’t from any city in Equestria or its allies. This was from a different country altogether. A place called Monsterope home of the more sentient of many monsters like Gargoyles, yeti and some species of drakes all falling under the same name Cryptids. This airship had some pony passengers but they were mostly tourist that had the rare connections that let them visit this country. But among the ponies was a certain passenger a Centaur with his full height equaling Princess Celestia with his lower half having dark brown fur with good sized full saddlebags currently Strapped to it. His upper body was in a full suit with the light brown fur on his body sticking out and his furless hands being a dull red. He has an average build with a bull like a face shaven clean with the same dull red skin. His horns were rather small with only about 3 inches in length. He was also wearing a full backpack and holding a suitcase in his left arm and a briefcase in the other arm.

This Centaurs name was Nectar a politician that was sent here on a mission one that, without realizing, he had trained for all his life. As the airship started to dock at the sky port that was set up by many of the rich company owners there. When the docking was done the Pegasi got off through the use of their own wing’s while a bridge was set up so all the others could leave by hoof. He was one of the last off before he did so he took a deep breath and took a few steps. He was here the place he studied for years. He was starting to take the place in and smiled.

“Are you the Ambassador from Monsterope?” The Centaur looked down and saw two ponies both Pegasi one with pure white fur and the other with dark gray fur. Both of them were wearing golden pony armor indicating that they were royal guards. The Centaur looks down and nods “Yes I’m him and I am guessing that you’re my escort to the royal palace?”

The Gray Pegasus nodded. “We are if you will follow us we shall get you to the palace quickly so that you may begin your work.”

The Royal guards started to lead him through the streets of the city. During their trek that he estimated to be about fifteen minutes, he saw small coffee shops, little business and even some of the other members of the royal guards among the crowd. As they got closer to the royal palace he started to see how magnificent that it really was. The entire place looked like it was made entirely of marble. The amount that must have taken hours of labor to find and put together. He also saw the groundwork with some plants that he recognized from his home as local plants likely imported all well taken care of.

As he was led by the two guards stopped in front of the main gates of the castle. “From here you will be led by Princess Twilight Sparkle to the main throne room where the other members of royalty in Equestria have gathered.” As they said this Nectar was confused he only ever heard of three members of royalty Princess Celestia, Princess Luna that an event at his homeland indicated her return, and her adoptive niece Princess Cadence who he had gotten word of her being the ruler of the now returned Crystal Empire. He hated it not having all the necessary information but he was still the best prepared for this as said by his king. But he still needed to know what information he was missing.

“Thank you, sir.” The diplomat nods back and stars to trot inside seeing that like the outside the inners are just as incredible. Marble pillars and the clean wall’s with troops patrolling the halls and banners showing the mark of Celestia the sun on her flank. But those banners only lined half of the walls he could see. He also saw banners depicting the symbol of the moon one he recognized from his foreign history studies. He’s about to touch the banner to make sure he wasn’t going nuts. When a female’s voice speaks up. “Um excuse me sir are you the Monsterope Diplomat Near?”

Nectar regathered his thoughts and turned around and saw a purple pony with a horn and a pair of wings on her back wearing a crown with 5 points. It was an alicorn something he never thought possible everything he read he only heard of three alicorns that ever existing all the previously mentioned princesses. Yet again he realized his information as much as he gathered was incomplete something that he has to rectify when he gets the chance. “Yes, I am. I assume that you are princess Twilight Sparkle?” He says simply his voice both rough yet sophisticated at the exact same time.

“Yes, I am it’s an honor to have a diplomat of a lost ally of Equestria return.” As she says this he notes her meaning is genuine.

“The honor is all mine to be in front of the royalty of Equestria.” When he says this he bows like a centaur. Imagine a combination of quadrupeds bows with a bipeds bow. He notes when he gets up that she was a small bit uncomfortable. Wanting to move past this he speaks up again. “I believe that we should join the others?”

This seemed to snap her out of it. “Yes of course, please follow me, my good sir, follow me. First, though I think that you should leave your bags with one of the maids so they could take your bags to your room here.” He nods and hands off is saddle bags backpack and suitcase to the three unicorn maids still holding on to his briefcase. “Please lead the way princess.”
She started to guide him through the main hallway towards the throne room. As they trotted along Nectar was lost in thought wondering. How much was different from the information that he had in his home country? How much did he have to learn now that he was properly here? And what should he expect now that he’s found out that there are four princesses that he has to face with these talks? It doesn’t change much but he was partially unprepared for this.

As he was thinking about these questions he ended up at the door to the throne room with Twilight having to speak up. “We’re here the others are waiting for you inside.” She opened the door with her magic something that surprised Nectar but only a small amount something else shocked him more though.

“Waiting for me? Don’t you mean us, Princess?” He says slightly confused at the moment.

Twilight looked away for a moment letting Nectar seeing something he didn’t expect to see, shame. “Long story but I 'm not to be a part of the first part of the talks. That falls on the other four royals.”

Yet again Nectar stumbled and again he learned that he was still facing four royals with another acting basically as an escort why just why? He didn’t have much time to think about this before he was snapped out of it by Twilight yet again. “I think it’s time you head in.”

“Of course I look forward to speaking again Princess Twilight.” When he said this he bowed one last time and walked in through the doors of the throne room and the door’s closed behind him.