//------------------------------// // Revelations // Story: Aliens & Rainbows // by Skyro503 //------------------------------// Tears of sadness falling like monsoon. Emotions that came to soon. Rage flaring with the destructive power of a hurricane. Violent gusts of wind flowing through his mane. Dark gloomy skies of despair. The thickness of depression hangs in the air. Thunderous screams of regret. A storm we won’t soon forget. ********** Blaze awoke yet again, but this time not to the accompaniment of annoying beeping or the heart wrenching tears of a mysterious Pegasus. No this time he awoke to the calm and peaceful chirping of birds. Blaze opened his eyes to survey his surroundings. There wasn’t much light in the humble living quarters he was situated in, there was but one murky window letting in dirty light that created a nuance in the room. The room itself was a hospitable one, the bed he had awoken on was very comfortable, and the furnishings of the room were very pleasant, if not bland. But there was a similarity between the walls, floor, and ceiling. They were all made of wood, as if the room was carved out a tree, confused by this Blaze decided to inspect the room that he was in. Blaze pulled off his covers to reveal, yet again, the body of a pony. His body was a golden orange that seemingly illuminated the room, accompanied by the little light that there was. He stepped out of his bed, trying to resituate himself to his new body. I guess this isn’t a dream. He thought to himself worryingly. What the heck is going on? Blaze tried to make sense of the situation by investigating the room further. He noticed that there were many shelves in the room he was in. Upon further inspection they were revealed to have a vast assortment of books in them. He pulled out a book entitled: "A Brief History of Equestria". Equestria? That must be what they call this world. How cute… He thought incredulously to himself. He decided to read into this mysterious world that he now found himself in. In this book he learned about the history of Equestria. He learned about the terrible reign of Discord, and how he was overthrown by a pair of Alicorns, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. He learned how these two beings controlled the rising of the sun and moon, and how one tried to over throw the other. He discovered the Elements of Harmony, and magic. Magic? Am I in some kind of cartoon for little girls or something? Blaze thought smiling to himself. Blaze familiarized himself with the geography of Equestria, and even learned of cities in the sky made entirely out of clouds. Just as he was getting deeper in the study of the mysterious world he was in, he heard the subtle squeaking of a door opening. He hadn’t noticed the fairly large door in the corner of the room. The door slowly creaked open to reveal the silhouette of a figure, which stepped through the door. The room was too dark for him to make out who or what it was. The figure stepped closer and closer to Blaze, until it finally walked into the light revealing a rather small, lizard. It had light purple scales and emerald green spines, with eyes that matched. “Twilight! He’s awake now!” The small Dragon said to the doorway. “What do you want me to do?” “Make him feel comfortable! I’ll be over in a second.” A female voice shouted back from down the doorway. The little dragon looked back at the wide eyed Pegasus. Not knowing where to start he stepped closer to Blaze and greeted him. “Hello, it’s me Spike. I see you have a book there.” He said. Blaze still confused by the presence of the little talking lizard just stood there, staring at the creature. “Y-yah, it was on the shelf…” Blaze said nervously. He paused for a moment and blurted out “What are you?!” The young looking lizard recoiled a little bit. “Ouch that’s cold, I thought you knew me better than that” the lizard said, obviously hurt by the question. “Oh that’s right the whole amnesia thing. Well to answer your question directly I’m a Dragon and I’m also the assistant to Twilight Sparkle here in the Library.” Blaze pondered the comment for a second, he still felt confused towards the entire situation. How did he get to be here in Equestria? Just as he was about to ask a few questions pertaining to his predicament a second figure walked into the room, this one was walking on all fours. Is that another pony? “Spike, why are you talking to him in the dark?” The Figure said with a female voice. The figure then flipped a switch on the wall. A surprisingly harsh wave of light came upon Blaze. He closed his eyes instinctively, and waited a moment to let them recover. Once he opened them he saw that the four legged figure was indeed what he anticipated. But this one was different from the one he encountered in the hospital it was a lavender color, with a purple mane that had a couple streaks of violet and pink. This pony also had a horn garnished on top of its head. Blaze sighed. “I take it that you’re Twilight Sparkle.” “Why yes how did-” Before she finished her sentence she looked down to the baby Dragon. “Oh, yes it must have been him. Well yes I am indeed Twilight Sparkle, and I’m sure you have many questions as to where and who you are, and I’ll be glad to answer any of your questions.” Blaze was astonished by her knowledge of her situation. Although confused as to why she said he might not know who he was, “Yes, thank you, I know where I am but, uhh, how exactly did I get here?” “Well when you stormed out of the hospital in such a rush Rainbow Dash came to me overly distraught about how you took off, I was the first she came to so I decided it was my duty to help her find you. You were confused and incoherent when we found you, and I decided that the best course of action was to incapacitate you.” “Incapaci-what?” Spike was eager to answer, “Number 53! Razzle Dazzle, A huge flash of lights that disorients whoever is unlucky enough to be looking at them.” “Yes, once we saw that you were pacified we brought you over here to the library, after getting dismissed from the hospital of course. We brought you here because we thought it was-” “That’s not what I meant. How did I get here in Equestria?” Blaze interrupted looking at the two of them with incredulity. Now it was Twilights turn for confusion. She looked upon the dumbfounded Pegasus in front of her. Did he just say what I think he said? He must have hit his head harder than I thought! She thought to herself.How do I handle this? “What do you mean? You’ve always lived here in Equestria. We know you might have a case of amnesia but why, or how, do you think you’ve lived anywhere else?” “Well, that I can’t really explain to well. One day I was a human, and then an accident happened. I had a weird dream and then I woke up in the hospital, A PONY!” “Oh my, this is bad, this is very bad.” “Bad? Bad! How Bad?!” Blaze said starting to get anxious. Twilight sighed openly expressing her frustration with herself. She trotted over to Spike and whispered something in his ear, immediately after hearing it he bolted off in a hurry as if to retrieve something. “You didn’t answer my question!” Blaze said almost angrily. “Calm down, I’ll explain everything, in time, but we need to take things slow. You see we’ve had a few run ins with your kind before, but never have they come across as a pony, let alone manifest themselves as somepony we know.” “Wait, Wait, WHAT?” Blaze shouted showing his obvious confusion. “As I said, all in due time, I’m going to pay a visit to our esteemed Rulers Princesses Celestia and Luna. But before that, I must ask a couple of questions. What was your dream about? This is very important; you need to describe it thoroughly.” Blaze reluctantly relived the entire scenario in his head, the pain of the ordeal still fresh in his memory. He described how it truly frightened him, and how powerfully surreal it was. As he went into greater detail he hadn’t noticed the small dragon come running back into the room scrawling something down on a piece of parchment. “Goodness, this is even worse than I had previously anticipated; I will need to speak with the Princesses immediately. But before I take my leave, and leave you in Fluttershy’s care I must ask. What had you called yourself in your dimension?” “Umm…” Blaze took a second to think about this question. It wasn’t a difficult question, but he just couldn’t answer it. It appears that the blow he took to the head in his dimension was much more severe than he thought. “I… I don’t remember…” “Oh dear, this just makes matters worse.” She muttered something else to herself and started up again, “Well, we’ll just call you by what we used to call you, Blaze.” Hmph, Blaze how fitting. He thought looking himself over once more, examining his golden orange coat. But this time he paid particular attention to a mark on his flank, which was partially covered by his wing. It resembled a tattoo. He lifted up his wing to look at the mark; it resembled an avian creature that was engulfed in flames. Why is there a Phoenix on my thigh…err flank? Blaze snapped out of his slight stupor, “Wait, how did you carry me all the way from the hospital?” He questioned, "No offense but you don't look the most, physically capable..." Twilight was quick to respond, “Oh it wasn’t just me, Rainbow Dash helped me.” “Rainbow Dash?” “Yes, Rainbow Dash, the Pegasus with the rainbow mane from the hospital who helped me find you.” Blaze blushed slightly at the thought of the Pegasus. He didn’t quite know what it was about her, but he found her attractive, for a pony of course. But still he couldn’t shake a strong feeling of longing for her, like he knew her from a past life. “I’ve been meaning to ask you about that one, why was she there? At the hospital, waiting for me, I mean.” “Well she is…err was you’re…” Twilight started to blush, getting nervous in her current situation. She felt it wasn’t really her story to tell, “Let’s just say that you two hold…err held a special connection…” “But that doesn’t answer my question.” Blaze said stating the obvious, “and what do you mean ‘special connection?’” Now Twilight was getting on the defensive, she tried to think of a reason to get out of her situation and fast. “WELL, I have to go talk to the Princesses. And Spike try took keep this under wraps alright?” She started to trot away, getting as far as the doorway before Spike asked. “Wait, where is he supposed to stay?” “Like I said earlier, Fluttershy’s. Just show him where Fluttershy lives!" Twilight shouted while leaving the library at full gallop. Blaze looked out the window to see the lavender pony’s horn flicker once with a burst of light, and then she disappeared. “HOLY COW!” Blaze screamed, “SHE EXPLODED!!!” Spike giggled at the naiveté Blaze showed. “Calm down,” He giggled once more, “She didn’t explode, she just teleported. You know unicorns can do that right?” “No…” Blaze said embarrassingly. “Well, you do now.” Spike said with a sincere grin on his face. “C’mon let’s go introduce you to Fluttershy, and her cottage. That’s where you’ll be staying.” “Umm…alright I’m anxious to get out of this filthy library.” “Hey! I try my best to keep it in good shape!” Spike said obviously getting offended. “Whatever, let’s just get going.” The two of them walked out of the library, and were instantly blinded by the harsh light that was shown by Celestia’s Sun. Spike started to lead the way to Fluttershy’s Cottage, which was on the other side of the town. ********** The two of them walked slowly through the town. It was mid-summer there and the energy in the air reflected it. Blaze observed little fillies playing in the distance; their antics reminded him of his own childhood. A feeling of nostalgia swept over him as he walked through the town of Ponyville. It reminded him of the town he grew up in. It felt, friendly. Friendliness, an emotion Blaze hadn’t felt in what seemed like ages. As he walked past fellow ponies, they didn’t ignore him; they greeted him with a genuine smile. It made his heart flutter a little to know he was finally in a place where people cared, ponies cared. Although there was a bubblegum pink pony that Blaze accidentally bumped into. But before he could apologize the pony turned around, jumped into the air, let out a squeal, and ran off! Blaze was starting to get use to the tame insanity of this world, and continued onward with Spike. Spike led the way across the bustling market, Blaze following close behind. He observed the wide assortment of stalls, and products. He also took note of the buildings, and a particularly flashy building. “What’s that building?” Blaze asked “Oh, that’s the Carousal Boutique; it’s where the most beautiful pony in Ponyville sells clothing.” Spike admired the building with a dreamy look on his face. Wait that Pegasus from the Hospital sells dresses? Blaze thought to himself, reminiscing about the little contact he had with the Cyan Pegasus, Rainbow Dash. He half noticed a unicorn with a diamond white coat, and an amethyst colored coat, that shined elegantly in the summer sun. “That’s her,” Spike said slightly drifting off yet again into a dreamy state of admiration. The unicorn quickly noticed the small dragon that stood out from the usual gaggle of Ponyville's market district, although, her attention quickly shifted to the golden orange Pegasus that stood next to him. A swirl of emotions filled her face as she quickly trotted over to the Pegasus, as if she thought he was Resurrected from the dead. As the unicorn drew closer to Blaze he prepared himself for the inevitable. The unicorn quickly shot up her forelegs and nearly tackled Blaze to the ground. “Oh my goodness I was so concerned for you! Rainbow Dash just told me you woke up!” She squealed, soft tears flowing from her sapphire eyes. She tightened her grasp even more, getting Blaze into a vice like grip. “Umm… Spike who is this pony?” Blaze said squeezing out just enough air to say it. The unicorn let go, and backed away from Blaze giving him a dejected look. Even more tears started to well up in her eyes. “Of all the worst things that could happen! This is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!!!!” The unicorn said in a histrionic tone, falling over with a hoof half-pressed to her forehead. “Rarity! It’s going to be alright, he just has some amnesia is all!” Rarity perked up a little bit, and managed to get up on all hooves. Blaze was stunned by Spikes blatant lie. “But I don’t have-” “Wait! Twilight said to keep this under confidential, besides it’s best she doesn’t know quite yet.” Spike said cutting off Blaze. Rarity looked at both of them with some confusion. “Spike,” She started with a stern expression. “Would you care to elaborate?” “I can’t, Twilight would get angry with me.” Spike said staying true to his mentor. Rarity trotted closer to Spike, making sure to swipe her tail over his muzzle ever so gently. “Oh please!” She said in a way that made Spike buckle under pressure. “Fine!” He said with a sense of disgust in himself. “But you can’t tell anypony else! Especially Rainbow Dash, or at least until we understand what exactly is going on.” Rarity waited a few moments for Spike to fill her in, “Well out with it then!” she exclaimed eager to understand what was going on. Spike sighed, “Do you remember that one pony who stumbled into town a few months ago?” “Oh yes, the one who was claiming to be something called a human, poor thing must’ve gone insane! But what does that have to do with Blaze here?” Rarity walked over to Blaze inspecting him very closely, scrutinizing every particular detail about him. “Well…” Spike sighed even more deeply than before. “It’ll take a while to explain, can we go somewhere more private than here?” Rarity finally picked up on the sensitivity of the topic. Soon they all started to make their way to the Carousal Boutique. As she invited them both in Blaze took note of the marvelous dresses that were on display. Spike and Rarity walked over to take a seat in the living area, while he took closer examination of the flashy style of pony fashion. Blaze decided to explore further into the building he found himself in, not noticing the gasps and hushes from the other two he entered with. He wandered off finding himself in an office, which he deduced was Rarity’s. He trotted over to a desk that had the pictures of several ponies wearing glorified dresses. A couple of them he recognized. Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Blaze didn’t pay much attention to the photo of Twilight, as he found himself gazing at the stunning Pegasus. He didn’t know what exactly it was that was compelling him to look at the picture of her. Was it the magnificent dress she donned on her toned Pegasus form? Maybe it was the tender compassion she showed Blaze at the hospital, and her persitence to find him when he ran off. Or perhaps it was her body itself? Her amazing smile sent shivers throughout his body, making him tremble. Her magenta eyes seemed to burn with a fiery passion. Her stature was cocky, but elegant. It melted his heart to look upon such a beautiful creature. But he found himself second guessing himself after a few minutes of gazing upon the picture of the Pegasus. She’s just a pony. Why am I so… so… “There he is!” Rarity chimed to Spike, interrupting Blazes thoughts. “Come darling, we must get you to your arranged dwellings immediately.” Rarity took notice of the picture he was staring at. “Oh my, I see you’ve noticed Rainbow Dash… She was going to be your… I mean his…” Rarity soon found herself at a loss of words. “How do I put this?” “She certainly is something.” Blaze said sincerely, finding himself looking caringly upon the picture. “Oh my, you- you like her don’t you!” Blaze quickly turned to Rarity. Looking at her with a sheepish grin on his face, he started to turn a bright red, accenting his golden colored coat. “Oh this is marvelous! Maybe there still is hope!” Before Blaze could utter a response Spike walked in and exclaimed, “We gotta go. See you later Rarity” Blaze, still flustered by Rarity’s previous comment, was more than eager to exit the premises. They exited the building hastily and made their way to the outskirts of Ponyville, where Blaze saw yet another amazing landmark of the town, a sprawling orchard that was spread over several hundred acres. As he stopped in his tracks, mouth agape, something nudged him in the side. “Yep, the apple buckin seasons comin up, I trust ya’ll be able ta help me now that yer all fixed up from the accident.” An unfamiliar female voice spoke in a southern accent. Blaze turned to the voice to see, yet another, pony. This one had a cowboy hat adorned on top of her mane, which was blonde and tied at the end with a red ribbon. Her coat had an orange tint to it, and her cutie mark was that of 3 red delicious apples. Blaze looked at the pony with confusion, a recurring feeling for him. Tired of all that had happened today Blaze let out a long sigh and rolled his eyes at the pony. This had greatly disgusted the blonde pony. “Oh what, ya to good fer apple buckin now?! Well ya don’t have ta be so stuck up about it!” She said giving a quick jab to Blazes chest, making him recoil back at the sudden change in tone of the situation. He gave her a stern look, before being pushed slightly aside by Spike who noticed the confrontation. “Woah! Hold up on him now. He isn’t well, Applejack.” Applejack was quick to administer an apology, “Oh, mighty sorry bout that Blaze.” She said sticking out a hoof, which Blaze shook reluctantly. “It’s just I could never tell with you.” Blaze continued to give her a bewildered look. “Umm, Spike who’s this one?” Spike let out another groan, realizing he would need to explain their predicament to yet another pony. Applejack, obviously wondering about the current situation, spoke up, “Yah mind ta explain, Spike?” Just as their conversation, or rather explanation, picked up Blaze wondered off yet again. He walked into the organized rows of the orchard. The sun was starting to set, and there was a crisp breeze that caused Blaze to shiver slightly, mostly because of how surreal it all was. He sat down against one of the trees and faced the setting sun. He took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the skies, when an overwhelming sensation came over him, realization. Blaze didn’t know why it took him so long to realize, to truly realize, that he was in a whole other world. Everyone he knew and loved, were gone. He didn’t know how long he would be in this world, or if he’d even leave. He doesn’t even fully remember who he is, and why. With that thought tears started to well up in his eyes, and he started to silently weep to himself. Where am I now? Who am I now? Blaze got so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t notice a certain cyan Pegasus land near him, and admire him quietly. It wasn’t until she noticed he was crying that she trotted up next to him and sat down, admiring the sunset with him. “It’s beautiful.” Blaze looked over to the Pegasus, finally noticing her presence. “Don’t you think?” Blaze, remaining silent, wiped away his tears. He turned back to look at the sunset, admiring its beauty. The sunset itself was a golden orange, much like Blazes coat, and stretched across the entirety of the tired skies. A smile managed to creep onto his face. “It is.” He finally managed to say. “Everything is going to be alright.” Rainbow Dash spoke softly. She was right. No matter what would happen next, everything was going to be alright.