//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Dungeon! Life Sentence! Not // Story: Trus and Luna // by Trus //------------------------------// Trus and Luna Chapter Three Trus was returned to his cell where he slept for the day and got to know another guard named Light. “Just Light?” Trus asked. “Yehup.” “Cool. How’d you end up guarding the dungeons?” “My turn.” “Ah.” “How’d you end up here?” Light asked. “Woke up in Luna’s chambers.” “Wha-ha ha ha.” Light began laughing. “Sure, sure,” He said when he stopped laughing, “what’s the real reason?” “Woke up in Luna’s cambers.” Trus repeated. “Seriously?” “Yehup.” “Like…” “Let’s just say a teleport spell went amiss.” “But…there are enchantments.” “A very special teleport spell went amiss.” “…O-kay.” Light was a pegasi whom was all white except for his green eyes. Trus spent his time talking to him after waking up, until… Light from the dungeon windows was climbing up the walls letting them know it was starting to get late in the day. Light had been sitting next to Trus’s cell there were no other prisoners to guard so he had stayed by Trus most of the day, especially when they started to talk. The two weren’t talking at the time, having run out of things to talk about for the moment, when Light stood all of a sudden and bowed to someone out of view. Luna? Trus thought to himself. Or sister? Or someone…pony else? It was not Luna or any other besides the sister, Celestia. Trus had heard her name the previous night. As she walked down the dungeon hall and passed through the light from the windows she seemed to light up the entire hall with her white coat. When she came up to Trus’s cell Trus had his eyebrows raised in curious bewilderment but was able to keep from staring by glancing at Light before taking a bow himself. Did I bow for Luna? Trus thought to himself, Yes in the bedroom. “You may stand.” Celestia said. Light had been kneeling while Trus had only lowered his head and lifted a hoof. Then they both returned to standing position. Celestia began the conversation. “I have heard that you were found in my sisters bedchambers last night and I would like to know why?” “Why?” Trus repeated, looking rather perplexed. “Yes.” Celestia confirmed. Trus shook his head slightly, “Sorry I wasn’t expecting that exactly.” Celestia just waited. “Didn’t Luna tell you?” “I chose to speak with you first because information tends to become skewed when it comes from a secondary source.” “So you didn’t even talk to Luna?” “No.” “Alright.” Said Trus. “I have no personal reason for being there,” he said going right into his recount of everything that had happened and his explanation of everything about himself that he had told to Luna and the others, minus the stories of his adventures. Celestia didn’t react much throughout Trus’s entire explanation. She had retained a non-expressive look the whole time that left Trus with little idea how she had taken the information. After Trus had finished his speech he sat in silence as Celestia stood there. It puzzled Trus how she could have stood there the whole time and not have cramped up. Then she looked down and began stretching her legs. There we are. She still has quite a bit of discipline though. “Your story is quite a wild one.” Celestia said. “But according to what Golden Shield has told me, about how you gave yourself away, I don’t think I have reason to disbelieve you.” Trus’s eyes went wide but he didn’t say anything. “Or at least I don’t think I need have fear of you.” Celestia continued. Trus’s mouth started to hang open slightly. “Uh…wow.” “But I will have to ask that you stay away from the castle.” “Ah… there’s a catch.” Trus said, stating it more as a fact than anything else. Celestia ignored him “Light.” “Yes your highness?” “Please escort him out of the castle.” “Of course your majesty.” Celestia turned to leave but stopped and looked back. “Fair thee well Trus.” She said before turning her head back and heading out of the dungeons. “Well it looks like you’re free to go…as soon as I get you out of the castle” said Light, as he worked at unlocking the cell. He sounded as perplexed as Trus was. “…Yeah…” Light got the door open and motioned for Trus to follow. “Let’s go.” He said. Trus walked out of his cell to fall behind Light. “I know you’re going to miss your hay but I bet you’ll like outside enough to forget about it.” Light joked. “Heh. You make jokes like mine.” Trus said half heartedly. “That’s not a bad thing is it?” “No, not so long as you only tell the good ones.” “I’ll make sure to do that.” Light said. “But you don’t sound too happy about getting out, may I ask why not?” “Uh…I guess I’m just a little confused is all.” “About why the princess let you go?” “Yeah.” “Don’t be,” Light said, “Celestia is a wise pony. She knows what she’s doing.” Trus perked up slightly. “I’ll take you word for it.” Light only shrugged. “We’re going through the castle to get out right?” Trus asked. “Yes, we’ll be going right by the throne room too.” Light answered. “Cool mind if you give me a bit of a tour on the way?” “I don’t see the harm so long as we keep moving in the right direction.” “Cool.” Trus said… Light started pointing out rooms once they were out of the dungeons. Trus enjoyed the small tour and was quite fascinated that the castle was rather similar to a castle on earth except that it was far grander than any he had seen. “Here’s the throne room.” Light said pointing a large open doorway they were coming up on. As they got closer they were able to look inside to see the entire room. Trus stopped and stared in quiet awe. Two guards posted at the door looked his way but didn’t do anything more. “Hey,” Light called back, “We’re supposed to keep moving.” “Sorry.” Trus said as he took another step toward Light and stopped again. “Come on.” Light urged gently. Trus didn’t move and looked completely zoned out. Light walked back and was going to poke him, but when he got close Trus snapped his head towards him. Light stepped back surprised by the sudden movement. “Sorry.” Trus said again. “Let’s go.” Light didn’t say anything and turned around slowly. After walking away from the throne room Light spoke again. “What was that about?” He asked. “I like throne rooms…” Trus said. “But they remind me that I may never see the greatest one.” Light looked confused and looked like he was about to say something but apparently decided against it. “Quite an impressive one I have got to say though.” Said Trus. Light didn’t respond right away. When he did, he spoke solemnly “…It is the castle of the two sisters.” He said. “So it should be.” … The tour had continued as Light lead Trus out of the castle. When they got outside Light stopped and said “Well here we are. I guess I’ll see you around.” “Perhaps.” Said Trus cheerily. “Per- never mind.” Light said and headed back into the castle giving Trus one last wave goodbye as he went by. Trus looked out at the city before him and wondered what to do next.