//------------------------------// // In Treants we trust. // Story: Sir William and the Broken Alicorn // by Opium4TmassS //------------------------------// The knight's sword twisted and swirled in complex movements, as it slashed, parried, guarded and stabbed its foe. Though the blade was in such a sad state a butter knife would be a deadlier tool. Sparks still showered as Sir William struck, pulled back and struck again. Which would have been more interesting if it was actually doing anything. Screaming his battle cry he attacked the treant again, in his full armor which he insisted on wearing at all times. Never mind how hot the day got. You could almost see the steam coming out from the slits in his armor. As he continued hacking and slashing at the tree creature. While the creature stared down at him motionless. Aurora Rosewater sat on the rock a distance away from her master, enjoying the midmorning sun on her. It was a rare day that she could do this, with Sir William's regiment of getting up just before the sun comes up,. breakfast, then packing up their camp before some, what he called training, which usually was her hitting plants is different ways. Conveniently forgetting she can use magic. She wasn't sure how she would fight if a real enemy approached her. But by golly if a dangerous bush or shrub jumped out at her they would be dead in seconds. "How long has he been attacking it?" asked the young stallion. He was one of the farmhands who wandered over to investigate the noises. Sitting down next to Aurora he gave her an apple to eat as they watched Sir Williams impressive swordsponyship. "Since morning when we woke up and found it had planted itself next to our camp," said Aurora savoring the fresh apple. Most of their supplies were dried goods. Hearty but tasteless for the open road. She had almost forgotten how wonderful a simple apple could be." "I don't think he's doing any damage to it," said the young stallion. "Looks to me he is just tiring himself out." "Yeah, I'll probably collect him in a few," she said stretching her body, "maybe after lunch." "I have never seen any pony attack a treant before. I can see why. Just what did he do make him angry?" Aurora shrugged her shoulders. Who knows what went on inside his little mad pony head. Maybe he saw Draxtar the keeper of the Underworld. Maybe it was Kirrah the devourer of souls. Or even Lash the stealer of muffins, there was no telling what goes on in that world of his. It is a burden to follow him across Equestria. The score from their travels went something like This. Saving anyone: 0, chased from towns or villages: 138. More than one night went by when she contemplated just packing up and sneaking away from him, striking out on her own. But every time she had her opportunity she always made excuses. There was always something there that kept her from leaving. "Soooo," said the young stallion moving closer to her while awkwardly trying to put his limb around her, "What is your relationship to him?" Aurora Rosewater said nothing, looking downward as she bit into her apple again. Her body language explaining everything to him. "Oh." he said. Pushing himself a few feet away from her. Yes she had things going through her whenever he was with him. From wanting to follow him to the ends of Equestria, to wanting to gut him for all the insanity he caused. "I haven't seen the treant do anything," said Aurora wanting to change the subject. "Is it even aware of him?" "Oh yes," replied the stallion, "treants are just so slow, it takes awhile to register a change in anything. But sooner or later they will. Look see." He pointed towards the knights foe. Ever so slowly the treant opened its mouth as a low rumbling poured forth. "OUCH!" it finally said as it continued to stare down at the knight. Sir William was visible sagging as the exertion was finally getting to him. It was apparent how his limbs drooped and seeing the rapid rise and fall of his chest. Once more the knight raised his sword over his head, and with both limbs slash downwards, following the momentum from the swing. Crashed face first into the ground. Aurora and the stallion watched the exhausted knight lay there quietly panting. "I have to say he has a lot of stamina lasting that long. Too bad he's crazy," said the stallion. "Mmmm," she murmured Looking away from him. Any minute he would start asking questions she really didn't want to answer. Thankfully was stopped as alarm bells began to ring, followed with shouting. To far away to be properly understood. But obvious in their intentions. It was a warning. "What's going on?" asked Aurora. "Trouble," said the stallion while Jumping up, "I need to get going. It was a pleasure to have met you Aurora Rosewater. Good luck to you and your friend." he said. Taking off towards the town. "HA! Evil is afoot!" said a muffled Sir William still lying face first on the ground. "Squire prepare yourself. We move soon to confront his new horror," he said as he lifted his limb. "But first can you give me a hoof up?" Sighing Aurora got up slowly. "It was such a nice day too," she thought to herself giving Sir William some help. Hours later after everyone had left the camp site, and everything was finished. The treant once again rumbled another noise. "Stop!" it said finally. Wondering where everyone went. **** "Hello everyone," said the raiding leader standing at the entrance of the small farming community, "my name is Rotgut and we are the mercenary group, Momma never loved us." The raiding ponies behind him waved their limbs and muttered hellos while cheerfully smiling at the frightened townsfolk in their mismatched armor, as they held up very efficient and deadly weapons in their hooves. "And we shall be invading your town today," he continued on producing a small scroll. "I have completed a schedule of what we will be doing to your community if anyone would like to read it. Also at the end of the list is a survey asking you to rate our attack. We would be very appreciative after we're done destroying your village, if you would take the time to fill it out." Rotgut took a moment, to observe the villagers setting up a poorly made barricade before continuing. "I see that you are justifiably busy right now, so allow me to read off the highlights. At ten a.m. well start with the burning of your houses, as we steal anything of value in said houses, followed by a rather savage beating of any townsfolk i.e. you all, that attempts to get in our way. After that we will burn your fields while stealing all of your food. Also, before I forget, if you would be so kind as to rate, which mercenary was the most vicious and dangerous, for the contest we are holding, we would really appreciate it." "Does anyone need to use the restroom before we start?" asked another mercenary. "Once we attack you won't be able to go until after the raid. So now will be the best time." The villagers looked around at each other before a general no was said. "Okay then," said Rotgut, "and can you please put some effort into your defense. Don't be like the last town we invaded, they practically rolled on their backs when we attacked." continued Rotgut as he drew his own sword. "At the count of three: One, two, th..." "Doers of evil I shall smite thee if you take one hoof closer with your illest of intent," said Sir William standing between the town and the small army. With a very nervous Aurora Rosewater behind him. "Today thou will not harm anyone." Raising his well worn sword at them. Their was a small pause as the group went into a huddle to decipher what was actually said to them. After a few moments of heated discussion Rotgut finally came out, "We do believe in respect of our veterans. So as a sign of goodwill we will not kill him. Just kick him a bit in a humiliating way as we run past. FORWARD!" shouted Rotgut. As his troupe marched towards the town. "M-Master. I think we might be a bit out of our element with this one," said Aurora. "Maybe a tactical retreat wouldn't be such a bad thing." "Never!" cried Sir William slamming down his visor, to him the world was only black and white, "a knight never retreats, never surrenders. What kind of pony would I be if I did that?" "A live one sir." "Your gloom and doom attitude is noted squire," said Sir William. "But as long as I breath they will not step one hoof in this town." "Yay! A whole two minutes of peace before being invaded. Probably have enough time harvest their fields before it is all destroyed. Might even build another house or two, give them something else to burn to the ground." "SQUIRE!" "Shutting up sir." Sir William saluted his adversaries, as he swung his sword, preparing to charge. It was then when the world changed. Well not change more like work off a different script that nopony else was given. Aurora Rosewater saw it first. A blur of gold catching the light of the sun. Becoming a bright pointy ball of pain to the mercenary group. Moving like liquid striking, stabbing, throwing, and doing a lot of other things that ended in ing. The bright golden force brought down the raiders in a furious rage of skill and vengeance. Filling the air with screams of pain, and short sentences crying on about so-and-so's part of the body shouldn't be bent to another so-and-so's part of the body. And then it was over. Except for a few of them crying while offering lots and lots of money in exchange for assistance in the removal of certain items that had magically embed themselves into certain parts of the body during the attack. Most that were still conscious kept quiet incase their attacker suddenly realized they were still aware. "HEY!" Yelled Sir William finally registering that a great battle went on right before him and he didn't get to join. "I was supposed to have done that." Her armor was gold in color with many ornate etchings carved on it, glinting from the rays of the sun catching it in that right way. She wore a helmet with a long red tied plume that dripped almost all the way to her back, it had a visor to protect her eyes, but it left the face open. She stopped, finally noticing the other knight. With a quick flick she unlatched and removed her helmet. An extremely localized gust of wind just happened to appear as she swung her head around, letting her mane fall free, while a passing storm cloud, for some unexplained reason decided to shoot out a flash of lighting. Adding to it all a passing dragon felt an unknown need to belch a spurt of flame. All of it was done in case any fantasy artist just happened to be wandering by and was looking for inspiration. "Thank you for your assistance noble veteran," the female knight said. "But as you can see I have the situation under control." bowing slightly while stomping on the head of one of the bandits who made the mistake of trying to get up. "My name is Morgana Knight of the Dawn. Commander of Celestia's elite squad of knights the Celestial Ray's." A ray of sun hit her, while a flock of doves felt the need to fly close by. Aurora swore she heard angelic music in the background playing as all of this was going on. "I never heard of this Celestial Rays before. I thought we just had the Wonderbolts," said Aurora. And then the moment was gone. The doves suddenly felt very foolish, changed course. As the sun in a look of embarrassment decided to drift behind some clouds for awhile. "Well..." Morgan said drifting off, "officially there is no group, other than myself. But I'm sure when the Princesses hear about me they will make it happen." "I'm sure they will," said Aurora ignoring Sir William stomping his hooves in frustration from not being included in the conversation. "Anyway we thank you Morgana. My master Sir William and I really app..." her words like Aurora were shoved aside as Morgana pushed her way past her. Sword humming, as bits of magical energy sparked off. Morgana thrust out her sword as she charged at him. Face a mask of anger, she let out a throaty growl as her attack was stopped by Sir William's blade. In a clash of steel both of them glared at the other a few inches away. "My good lady," said Sir William, "I cannot possible imagine what I have done to irk you so." "Does Nestle and the enchanted chicken ring a bell?" she asked. "That town was under the influen...," the knight began. "The dark wizard of Manehattan?" "He was a most foul sor.." "The possessed goat of Shire hills?" "Why was I the only..." "Face it! You are a crazy little cowardly pony playing dress up, that causes chaos wherever you travel," raged Morgana barely keeping her anger in check. "I was sent out to find you and bring you back to Sunshine Hospital," Upset that the task didn't have A GREAT EVIL! attached to it. "HEY!" shouted Aurora grabbing Morgana and turning her around to face her, "how dare you call him a coward. Sir William is the bravest pony I have ever known, You take that back this instant!" Sir William's chest filled with pride, hearing his squire's compliment. "Why thank yo..." "Sure he's a hay fry short of a pony meal. But that is no reason to call this insane pony a coward..." "Squire." "I'll grant you he's not even mentally living in Equestria most of the time and should probably be placed in a padded cell in a very dark place, to make macaroni pictures and hoofpaint butterflies..." "Squire." "And I'll even agree with that he'll probably be wearing on of those tin-foil helmets so he can communicate with the space ponies or moon ponies, whichever the case may be, in a short time. Why on a scale of one-to-ten on the sanity level, one being normal, he's at least a thirty-seven..." SQUIRE!" "Oh. Sorry sir, got a little carried away," Aurora said. Looking sheepishly downwards. Sir William gave Aurora a, Were-going-to-have-a-talk-about-this-later-on, look. Before speaking again to Morgana. Too involved, the three of them didn't pay attention to the townsfolk behind them approaching the grounded raiders with rope, wires and anything else they could get their hooves on. "Lady Morgana," Sir Williams said, "I simply have no idea what you are talking about. These accusations are entirely false. My squire and I done nothing but rid this land of the many evil that threaten our glorious land. And why are you laughing squire?" "Not laughing sir just, just stubbed my hoof on a root. Ow! Ow!" She said doing a poor performance of hopping on three hooves. "Looks like you're laughing to me." "Couldn't tell you why sir.” "Anyway as generous as your offer stands, I have no intentions of going anywhere with you. I'm afraid you must return to whoever summoned you and tell them it is all a grave misunderstanding and a smirch on my good name as a knight." "I'm afraid you have misunderstood me," said Morgana. "This wasn't a request. One way or another you are going back to that hospital." The two ponies faced each other when the world changed yet again. A bright green haze lit the sky over them, cause you know, evil. Twisting the mist formed to shapes, then dissolving then reforming again. Until the image of an Alicorn appeared over them. She was a jet black with a black mane and tiny spots looking like dots covering her body. The most noticeable thing about her was her was the broken horn she sported on her head. Words poured from her mouth as she spoke a command well known to all who dabble in this kind of magic. "Hello? Hello? Testing. One, two three, testing. Is this thing on?" she said looking towards someone unseen in front of her. "Greetings Everyone." she started off with a wicked smile spreading across her face. "I know you don't remember me, but I no trouble remembering all of you. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I just couldn't resist doing a little gloating. Princesses it's me Constellation remember? The Alicorn you hurt and imprisoned in this barrier oh so long ago after destroying my armies. Well I'm back again. I bet you're excited to see me, and guess what? I'm bringing some friends with me. You might remember them, the soldiers you slaughtered. Anyway I just wanted to let you know were coming, and no matter what you do, who you bring, where you go. We will find you. Besides that have a wonderful day and enjoy it before I rip Equestria and everything you love away from you....Aaaannddd we're done," said the Alicorn swiftly moving her hoof across her neck. "I think that went pretty good. What do you think?" she said talking to someone off screen, "I bet Celestia and Luna are just peeing themselves with concern...What? Their not going to see this? You told me this would be seen all across Equestria. Then what was the point of us doing this? Of course this was my idea, but...What? Were still on? Son-of-a.." The projection cutting itself off suddenly. "What was that all about?" Asked Aurora finally. "Does anyone have a clue to what we just saw?" "Looks like a threat to Equestria," said Morgana jumping up-and-down excitedly, "Eeeeeeeeeeee! At last! At last! Finally a chance..." she stopped remembered herself. "I see a new evil is threatening us," she said putting on her serious voice, while looking down at the both of them, and with a dismissive wave she spoke again. "The both of you are not important right now. Their is a far worse foe coming. But this isn't over! Not by a long shot!" And with that she galloped off. Leaving the both of them their to watch the clouds of dust. "Just who is this Constellation?" asked Aurora, "and why is she so mad?" "I have no clue," said the farmhand from earlier. "But I do feel I know the answer to that. In the next town over their is a store that sells all these supplies. He's also a history buff with the local legends and stories around these parts. I'm sure if you talk to him he'll probably give you the information you need." "You heard the alicorn. We must stop her at once," said Sir William. "We march now." And with determination he marched forward ready to face this dire threat. Suddenly stopping and changing directions after Aurora took the time find out where they should go. Aurora wondered if they were doing the right thing. This was something way over their heads. Beyond the imaginary cows and mice they usually faced. This was a real threat, and a real evil. *** Rotgut awoke slowly. The harsh light from the sun making it impossible to continue on in the land of the unconscious. As he tried to put his hoof over his face to help block out the harsh light, He began to realize he couldn't, slowly as his mind began to click to the on position, Rotgut found he was immobile, while a smiling face of a pony began to float in the world in front of him. "Hi their," said the smiling pony, "I am the mayor of this small town, and we represent the village retaliation committee. We have prepared a busy schedule of what we plan to do to you and your group. I know you're busy right now, but if you want we could just read off the highlights for you if you would like to hear it?" Rotgut noticed the other ponies behind her. All seem to have the same bright scary smile as the mayor. Making it even more frightening was the way some of them held their farming equipment, indicating that these tools weren't going to be used in any farming in the very near future. Rotgut felt the world was going to be a very interesting place in a short time.