//------------------------------// // the finle showdown // Story: In which me & a friend attempt the WORST POSSIBLE THING. // by Key Lime Pie //------------------------------// dey all burst into sugarcube corner. "OKAY LOKI WE KNOW WHATS UP!£ they all yell at Pinkie who ws really loki. Loki threw off his disguise as pinki and he was there, twiddling a moustacjhe "LOKI'D!" he yelled loudly and relaesed his pokemon a lvl 100 shiny charizard!!!!!!! Everyone release their pokemon, and bvb fight with their fists bcuz dey r strong!!! Suddenyl applejack appeared with a worried look "jawns tryign to sex me up so he can hav mah jam!" she said in her southern accent next moment jawn burst in and grabeed appljack. THor knew what to do and he said, "John. Jam tommorrow, jam yesterday, but never jam today." John deactivated from his destruction form and shook his head realizing he was a pony. "oh well dey have bigger dicks!!" XDXXDXDXDXD John stared at sherlock and he blushed. lol they were gonna have a sexytime. with horses cawk. YAYAYAYAY. loki coughed and they all faced him, but he was back in his pinkie pie skin, up to no good, started makin trouble in the neighbourhood. got in one little fight and her mum got scared she said "get back to the rock farm pinkie". Loki spun around. "I'm loki, pinkie is ded." Pinkies mum ran away crying and loki went back and turned to the others. "you thhink you can defeat me>???" She said and hit ashley in the face he died. "NOOOOOOO!!" I luvved him 5...no, 6ever!!" Rainbow dash cried and burrowed her faec in his hair "too late rd we have to get loki!" twialaght said. Twilight sent up her pikachu and it used iron tail and pinkie fell over luna sent her gyrados to finish the job but loki commanded his charizard to attack and the gyrados ded straight waway! celestia frowned. "I HAV HAD IT WITH THSI!" she said and cast a magical bveam of light from her horn engulfing the whole of equestria!! When the flash ended, she was gone. but where? ~~ Two humans sat at their computer, laughing at the horrible story they had just written. "Look at the grammar!" One of them said, a boy with dark hair in a quiff style. The girl laughed and said, "I have to text Ellie about this." Suddenly there was a bang at the door and Celestia herself walked in, angry eyes and all. "Why the buck would you do that? Seriously? You made me look like an ASS. Horrible writing, all Out of character...undo it all. Now." Celestia commanded. "But it's just a story, right?" The boy said and Celestia hummed thoughtfully. "Put it this way," she murmured, "Every single fanfiction that you humans write, I can see in my mind. And this one was the last straw. I'd had enough so I used every single 'Celestia' in fanfiction to get me, the REAL Celestia, here. The girl sighed. "I don't even like ponies. Why did I ever agree to this?" She said and Ceelestia glared at her, reminding her there was a 6ft tall fuckin evil mofo pony right next to her. "Okay, we will post it as a warning to let everyone know that we, as humans, will never do something like this ever again." The boy said and Celestia smiled. "Good. I have to go now." "WAIT!!!" THe boy said "ANY SPOILERS FOR SEASON 3????" "Oh, yes." Celestia said. "Season 3 will include....ponies." TROLLESTIA'D!! and... LOKI'D!! ~~ Oh wait I said this will include romance and gore. Uhh.... Pinkie found Lestrades corpse in the oven. She fell in luv with it and they got marryd. That's kinda like romance and gore...right?? RIGHT?? ~ de end C: