//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: The Elites. // Story: Scars of the past. // by Sim D //------------------------------// Chapter – 3 The Elites - Part 1 It was a bright and sunny morning in Ponyville. Birds singing, the sun was shining and everypony was enjoying it. While some are still worried from yesterday's event, most believe that they are safe while their princess is keeping an eye out. A few miles away from town, Frostbite lays in bed, but is awakened by some whispering. He slowly opens his eyes. 'Hey girls, I think hes' waking up.' - Rainbow Dash was right above Frostbite. "...wha?" – Frostbite groans sligtly and slowly lifts his head. 'Hey there suga'cube, feelin' better?' Applejack held her hat in her hoof. Frostbite yawns 'Yes, the impact I received yesterday wasn't deadly, it was rather more..humiliating." 'Thank heavens you're not seriously hurt' - Rarity brushed her hoof through her forehead. 'Has anything happened while I was asleep? Has my Ragnarok made a move?' "Luckily not" - Said Twilight while holding a letter with her magic. "However, the princess sent me an urgent letter. She says she wants us to come to her castle as soon as you wake up." "A-Are you sure you're alright?" - Fluttershy asked. " I'm sure we can go later if you haven't fully recovered yet." 'No, it's fine. Actually, I would have gone to the castle without an invitation. The princess, as do I, understands how important this situation is.' - Frostbite stepped out of his bed, stretching his limbs. 'The princess was kind enough to send some carriages to Ponyville. They should be arriving any minute..' - Twilight looked through the window and saw multiple carriages, pulled by pegasus royal guards, who landed near the entrance of the hospital. '..Now. Well that was fast.' - Twilight walked to the door of the room. 'We mustn't keep the princesses waiting.' 'Agreed'' - Frostibte, along with the other ponies, exited the room, said their farewells to the doctors and entered the carriages. All but Rainbow Dash, who wanted to see if she could beat the royal guards to the castle. The flight didn't take long, it would seem the guards were aware about the importance of this trip and flew as fast as they could. As soon they arrived at the main gates, Frostbite took a look around and noticed how heavily guarded the castle is. 'It seems the princess acted quickly to enforce the castle. I only hope this will be enough.' The group stepped out of the carriages and made their way into the castle, where the two princesses were waiting at the entrance . As soon as they approached them, Twilight was the first one to speak. 'Princess Celestia, we arrived as fast as we could.' 'It's good you've finally come.' - The princess replied. 'Frostbite, how are your wounds?' 'Nothing serious, I've been through worse. ' - After replying, Frostbite turned to princess Luna, who seemed a liitle drowsy. 'But I wonder if you are you alright, you seem rather tired?' Princess Luna tried her best to look wide awake. 'We are the rulers of the night, we are not used to staying awake at day. But for the sake of Equestria, we will do whatever it takes.' 'Princess, your letter sounded urgent, what is it you want to discuss?' - Twilight said. 'Yes, it is a matter of most importance, but this isn't the best place to discuss this. Please, follow us to the Dining Hall.' The group, after a few minutes, entered the hall, where they took seats in a circular form. 'Now then.' Celestia spoke. 'Before we can act, we must first know what we're up against. Frostbite, what can you tell us about your fath-' The princess was interrupted by Frost's yell. 'DON'T!' - Frost sighed and frowned from his sudden shout. ' I'm sorry, but please, don't call him that any more. Up until now, I never noticed how dark his heart has become. Now, he is nothing but a monster and I wll do all I can to help you.' 'I understand. So tell us, what exactly are we up against?' 'Well, first of all, the biggest threat is not Ragnarok, it's his elite guards and-" - Frostbite paused. '..And?' Twilight asked. '..And it's strange, but I think Ragnarok just left your world' 'What?' Celestia's eyes widened 'Are you sure?' "It's only a guess, but I no longer feel his presence, however, I can still sence his guards. I can't tell where they are, but I'm certain they are still here in Equestria.' Celestia stood up and walked to a nearby window. 'Hm, his absence may give us an advantage.' 'For now, maybe.' - Celestia looked back at Frostbite. 'But I don't think he left to pick up his laundry. As a matter of fact, his retreat to our world could mean he is prepearing his army for an attack and left his guards to keep an eye out.' 'Then we must be ready as quickly as possible.' - Celestia sat down again. 'Frostbite, if what you say is true, that Ragnarok isn't the greatest threat, tell us about his guards. They did not seem like any ordinary guards.' 'Wise choice' - Frost replied. 'Indeed, the Six Elites aren't just any guards. Each of them posseses great power, but the question is: what exactly do you want to know?' 'Everything, down to the last detail.' - Celestia replied. 'To the last detail? Well then, this might take a while.' "We shall prepare some tea for our guests" - Luna stood up. "Oh, let me help with that, darling." - Rarity happily offered help. As they walked to the castle's kitchen, Frostbite began explaining. 'Right then. Ragnarok's elite group has six members: two earth ponies, two unicorns and two pegasus ponies. Each of them posses their own unique abilities, we call them Elements.' 'Elements? Could they be like the Elements of Harmony?'- Twilight asked. 'No, it's nothing like that. I don't know much about these "Elements of Harmony" you speak of, but we call them just Elements. Although, I've read somewhere that it can also be called the "Elements of the World" , in a manner of saying. These elements are: fire, earth, lightning, air and water." 'Hold on one secon' Applejack said. 'That's only five, didn't you say tha'r were six o'them?' "Yes, but one of them uses a type of magic that isn't considered as one of the Elements. His name is Arcane, I suppose i'll start with him. Ironicly, the magic he uses is also called the Arcane arts. From what I can gather, it's not much different from the magic you unicorns use, There is only one dangerous differance - Arcane magic has a price, if your will is weak, it can make magic users want even more power, often resulting to their own demise.' 'Well that's stupid. I mean, why learn something that could destroy you?' - Rainbow Dash frowned. 'When Arcane began his research on these arts, it wasn't because he was in search of power, it's because he wanted to find a way for all unicorns to use this power without the dangerous price. His actions were noble, he wanted to teach this magic to those who could not defend themselves. Our world is cruel, there is no place there for the weak, that's why he wanted to share his knowledge with other unicorns, so that the ponies could fight for themselves againstthe dangers of our world, without losing your mind for power.' 'Tea is finished' Said Rarity, returning with Luna. 'Did we miss anything important?' 'No, not really. We'll fill you in later.' - Twilight replied, taking a sip from her cup. 'Alright,this Arcane pony's story doesn't sound so bad, so why is he working with somepony like Ragnarok?' 'I was getting to that.' Frost continued .'This research was very important to Arcane, however, when my fa-' Frostbite cleared his throat. 'When Ragnarok offered him a position in the elites, he could not decline this opportunity. If he had continued his research, i'm sure it would have been a success, but Arcane respected him far too much to dissapoint him." - Frostbite took a sip from a cup. ' It's a shame really, while it is considered a great honor to be one of the elites, I personally believe his research was far more important than this offer.' 'That's so sad, he could of helped so many.' - Fluttershy lowered her eyes. Frostbite continued. - 'In the end, only he knows how to resist this magic's lust for power. He never did get the chance to share his knowledge with those who truly needed it.' 'Is that all there is to know about this pony?' - Celestia asked. 'The only thing you should worry about is his mind tricks.' 'Mind tricks? As in, he uses illusions?' - Twilight asked curiously. 'Yes, as it was mentioned in many magic books: "A unicorns greatest strength is his mind." Don't try to engage him alone, unless you know how to counter his spells in his own game. That goes especially for non-unicorns. Other than that, try to move him as many times as possible. Whatever you do, Don't let him stay still, for he needs to be in extreme focus to channel a large number of illusions, thus rendering him immoble.' 'So, in other words, teamwork for the win?' - Rainbow Dash asked. Frostbite chuckled 'Yup, you got it.' 'What about that big pony, the one that shook Ponyville?' Applejack asked. 'How in tarnation he even do that? Ah've never seen anythin' like it.' 'Ah, you speak of Carter. Yes, sometimes even I think his strength is some-what monstrous. I would even go as far as to say he could overpower my father, if it were a test of pure strength.' Rarity put down her cup 'But even so, that dreadful quake he made, he couldn't of did it without the help of some kind of magic, could he?' ' You're right, while he is very strong in general, he was only able to shake the ground, because he is the element of Earth.' 'Huh, that actually make's sence. Earth, earthquake, go figure.' said Applejack. Twilight was glaring at Frostbite. 'A penny for your thoughts?' he asked. 'But this still doesn't make sence.' She answered. 'What do you mean?' 'So what if his element is earth, earth ponies and pegasus ponies can't use magic.' She ended her sentance and after her Rainbow Dash spoke. 'Yeah, and what about that other pegasus, the one who-' Rainbow Dash paused'-Who got a lucky drop on me?' 'One elite at a time, please.' Frostbite took another sip of his tea and contiuned 'Unicorns are naturally adapted in using magic, their minds are much more capable of withstanding it than earth and pegasus ponie's..no offense. But as a matter of fact, earth and pegasus ponies can use magic, you just don't see it.' Twilight frowned in confusion 'I..I don't follow.'. Frostbite continued 'Think about it, have you ever noticed how many times an earth pony is stronger than a unicorn?' Frostbite paused 'They can't do any magic, because it is converted into pure strength. So, in short: their strength is their magic.' Everyponie's eyes stared right at Frostbite, all this time they thought earth ponies were just strong in general, but to actually have magic. Twilight turned to look at princess Celestia 'Princess, did you knew this aswell?'. Celestia's ears lowered and she looked through a window 'M-my, it's almost evening already?' Then Rainbow asked 'Wait, does that mean pegasus ponies have magic too?' 'Well that depends. Tell me, what's the most "magic" thing you've ever seen a pegasus do?' 'The Sonic Rainboom!' Fluttershy shouted. 'Oh, I'm sorry' she smiled sheepishly and sat down. 'Alright, enlighten me, what's this sonic rainboom you speak of?' Frostbite asked curiously. Pinkie Pie started jumping around ' It's the most amazing thing a pegasus can do. Flying in super sonic speed and then "boom!", a giant rainbow wave goes miles and miles, and Rainbow Dash was the first to do it.' Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head, slightly blushing 'Aw, it wasn't that big of a deal.' 'I believe Pinkie gave you the answer you wanted. Surely something like that rainboom must have some magical content.' Frostibte took a deep breath 'But now we've goen off topic, back to Carter.' ' I'm sure right now you're all thinking that he's just a mindless brute. Well don't, because he is not just some mindless brute - all brawn and no brain. As a matter of fact, he is one the kindest ponies I know and that is truly rare in my world. If I recall, before he joined the elite ranks, he lived on a poor farm with his parents. Being the only child and his parents too old to work, he had to look after both them and the farm by himself. It was hard on him, of course, but it made him incredibly strong, both physically and spiritually. Despite the hardships he had to endure, he's truly a friend anypony would want to have.' Applejack blinked twice 'Well ah'll be, guess this goes to show ya shouldn't judge a book bah it's cover.'. Everypony looked at Applejack. 'Ah mean we shouldn't judge a book ba'h it's cover, eheheh' She took a sip of her tea. 'And? what would be the strategy against him?' Twilight asked. 'Not gonna lie, you musn't engage any of the elites alone. I'm not implying that you're weak, but against an elite, alone, you'd stand no chance.' Rainbow Dash flew up in anger 'Hey! I'll have you know that Fluttershy here stared down a dragon all by herself!' 'Really? Well, I know a pony that can beat that, but i haven't finished with the strategy yet, so if you'd kindly sit down?'. As Frostbite finished talking, Rainbow Dash looked at the others, who were staring at her, giggling from her sudden shout-out. 'Fine...' She pouted and sat down. Frostbite continued 'Well, as I was saying, you musn't engage any of them alone. As you said before Rainbow: "Teamwork for the win". The strategy is bassicly the same, only you're unlikely to move a power-house like Carter. Avoid him as much as you can, attack him from afar, wear him out and finish him. It will take a while, of course, but it's propobly the only safest way to beat him. 'Yeahyeahyeah, easy peazy. I wanna know who's that jerk that-' "Got a lucky drop on you?" Frostbite said sarcasticly. 'Well, he did!' Rainbow crossed her fore-hooves and turned around. 'Hehe, I'm only teasing Rainbow' Frostbite smiled 'Anyway, that "Jerk's" name is Red Clash, the group's speed demon.' - Rainbow dashed flicked her tail. 'I saw that.' Said Frostbite. 'Anyway, I'm sure that, from what happened yesterday, when he knocked Rainbow away.." Frostbite saw Rainbow Dash giving him a "look". '...No offense, you can guess his element is lightning.' 'Well, we heard lightning, that's for sure.' said Twilight. 'And what's he like?' 'Well..Clash is very protective and loyal to Ragnarok, almost as loyal as Arcane. He's pretty easy to anger, he often jumps straight into combat before coming up with a plan. It's reckless, I know, but it's never failed him before. He often tends to do things his way, even if it wasn't part of a plan, Clash always gets the job done, usually his way. 'Doesn't sound like a friendly fellah' Applejack added. 'In a way, yes.' Frostbite continued 'But he doesn't like it when the strong opress the weak. I've seen it once, a group of older ponies were beating on a younger one. When Clash saw them confronted them...Well, let's just say they'll be afraid of thunder storms for a long while.' Frost smirked. 'Ok, maybe he's not a total jerk, but just out of curiosity, how did he get to be an elite?' Rainbow Dash asked. 'Well, before he joined the group, he was a rogue pegasus. He was the kind that "Goes with the flow", he didn't let him self get troubled by the hardships of our world. Being a rogue, he had only looked out for himself. He told me that he once tried to break his sky-dive speed record and that's propobly the day he discovered his power. When he reached his maximum speed, a huge thunder cloud of red lightning traveled atleast ten square miles. It was very loud, as if a valcano instantly erupted. 'Hey, that's almost like the sonic rainboom!' Pinkie pointed out. 'More or less, but what Clash did would likely terrify everypony, rather than amazing them with a colorful rainbow.' 'And how should we be prepared to fight him, what's the strategy?' Twilight asked. 'Attacking him head-on would be too dangerous and ineffective. As I said, he is reckless and often attacks without thinking, so a cunning work of magic and mind play should give you the upper hoof, but if you're feeling lucky next time-' He turns to Rainbow Dash '-Yes I'm talking to you, Rainbow. If you're feeling lucky, you can try beating him with your own speed.' Rainbow Dash stood up 'Ha, he won't get a lucky drop on me next time, I'll show him why I'M the fastest in Equestria. 'Alright, so that's three down, three to go.' Said Twilight. 'Right then' Frostbite continued. 'The next elite we'll be discussing might seem a little..strange. Okay, very strange.' (End of part 1.) (I made a two-parter because the full chapter might have taken me another few days and I've already delayed this chapter for too long.Don't hate me >.<)