//------------------------------// // Negotiation // Story: World War 2: Never Surrender // by Silver009 //------------------------------// "Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way!" - George S. Patton "If more of us valued food and cheer and song over hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit Canterlot, Equestria 1941 (Day of Peace Conference) POV: Princess Celestia As the sun rised, on its own (she was still not used to it), so did I. This was the day of the First (and hopefully last) Peace Conference of Canterlot. A lot was riding on this day being a success. If I failed the war would continue and many would die or be hurt. I went to wake up my sister, Luna, who was as usual sleeping in the day, to prepare for the conference. "Why do I have to go!" complained Luna who I had to drag from her bed. "Luna, you are a princess too you know." Luna had never liked dealing with politicians and nobles. Since her return she had held a distaste for them as she sometimes watched the nobles coming to me asking for things that would only benefit themselves and possibly hurt her little ponies. But this was a day that she was needed as I did not want to do this completely by myself. Canterlot, Equestria. (4 Hours Later) POV: 3rd Person And so began the First Equestrian Peace Conference. The U.K., Germany, Italy, France (exiled government), Japan, the USA, the Soviet Union, and Equestria were represented. Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Rooselvelt, Benito Mussolini, Hideki Tojo, and Charles de Gaulle were all present. Enemies glared at each other with contempt, hatred, and silence as the Princesses and Elements sat watching. The Throne Room had been made into a meeting room and a large table and chairs had been teleported in via alicorn magic. "So...," said the Princess of the Sun in order to break the silence, "We would like to establish peace between your nations in order to prevent the loss of many innocent lives." "To prevent the loss of innocent lives?" said Stalin who as a communist disliked monarchs with a passion, "Ha! Princess don't make me laugh. Hundreds of thousands are dead. The loss of life has already happened. There is not much to prevent at all." "We will not reach any peace unless Egypt and Greece are made Italian!" declared Mussolini. "Never!" responded Churchill, "Egypt is part of the British Empire and Greece is an ally as well. We will not let you take over either country." "Japan will not end this war unless China and Europeans colonies in Asia surrender to the Empire of the Rising Sun!" shouted Tojo. "That will not happen!" proclaimed de Gaulle. "It will or we will destroy them all!" Arguements started. Mussolini and Churchill fighting over Egypt and the sovereignty of Greece, and Tojo and de Gaulle fought over China and the Asian colonies. "Enough!" shouted Celestia trying to start the fighting. Luna's expression seemed to say, "Ugh...politicians." "Why don't we all just talk, one at a time," said Celestia her hopes of peace falling every second. "Fine," said the Führer, "The Third Reich will end the war if all possessions the Reich has taken; France, Denmark, Poland, Norway, Belgium, and the Netherlands officially become part of Germany. Also Britain will end its war against the Japanese and Italians and will surrender their Asian holdings to Japan and Egypt to Italy." "We will never surrender to you. You mean to bring a reign of terror upon the peoples of those countries; your terms are unacceptable!" responded the Prime Minister angrely. "Can't we all find a compromise?" said the Solar Princess almost completely discouraged. "No we cannot." said both Axis and Allied leaders both of whom finally agreed on something. This was the last straw for Celestia. Didn't they realize that they're childish actions were killing thousands of innocent lives. Perhaps it was that fact, or the fact that they were all as stubborn as they could be over their territories, and seemingly not caring at all for the poor civilians who lived there. Whatever the case she burst into anger. "You are all acting like childish foals!" screamed Celestia, shocking the Elements and her sister at her loss of composition and her anger, "you all argue about lands and power not caring for the helpless people who are being killed every day by your actions!" "You have no right to talk, Princess," said De Gaulle, "You sit here in inaction. You are allowing these "helpless people" to die. You are as worse as any of us." "He is right," agreed Tojo, "either join this war or mind your own business and stay out of our affairs." With that De Gaulle, Tojo, Hitler, Churchill, and Mussolini promptly exited the room with their guards following them leaving only the Princesses, the Elements, Stalin and FDR in the room. The President of the USA, Franklin D. Rooselvelt (I will call him FDR usually just so you know) wheeled his chair up to the Solar Princess and looked her in the eye. "I am afraid that my colleagues are correct, Princess," said the President calmly, "They are a stubborn bunch, all of them stuck in their ways. This war was unpreventable. What with the tensions between these nations thoughout time it was fated to be this way. The only way to end this war is by the force of military action. If you truly want to save lives then force is, unfortunately the only way to achieve it." FDR leaves the room leaving Celestia to contemplate what was said only for Stalin to break her thought. "Were you truly ignorant enough," said Stalin clearly humored by the situation, "were you truly naïve enough to think you could end this war through peace. Hah! No this war will end in blood. Whether you like it or not Princess. Blood will be spilt. Stalin leaves the room. A quavering Fluttershy thinks about the many innocent people and creatures that will be in pain and dying in this violent war. A valiant Rainbow Dash, decides she will serve her country. A apparently clueless Pinkie Pie, not seeming to have listened to anything said. A terrified Rartiy, thinking of the horrors of war. A contemplative Applejack, who is thinking of her brother who could be sent to war. A pondering Twilight and Luna, both wondering what they're mentor/sister will do. And a Princess Celestia stuck between it all, for the first time not knowing what to do.