Dear Diary

by Mr Tech

page 3

Dear Diary, or A (if you want me to call you that)

Today was just a normal day in Ponyville, well, as normal as Ponyville can get… As usual, I’ll tell you the juicy stuff first. Today mommy gave me an small metallic frame for...some reason... She said she can’t use it anymore, so she just gave it to me.

Guess what I’ve done with it? Let’s just say, if somepony tries to sneak into our house between one a.m. to five a.m., they will get a pretty nasty sting from a silent rail turret may or may not have placed on the roof.

Please don't ask me how I got on the roof. There are some things you just keep private, and this was 100% one of them.

The basement actually had enough components to build said project. Don't tell anyone, but (I don't think you can, but still.) half of the stuff in the basement even gets royal Canterlot scientist’s head’s spinning.

The best part about that was that 97.385% of the stuff down there doesn’t use magic, so it’s usually invisible to OP unicorns who can sense magic inside every little thing. Cough, Twilight Sparkle, cough.

And daddy still has a few bars of potassium to make slightly explosive rounds. Sweet!

I actually must admit that Twilight took the ‘your original body had been turned to dust by your own magic’ thing quite well.

With that side project out of the way, I’m proud to say that a test week is starting soon! I don't require any studying at all because almost all the things Cheerilee teaches the class were known as common sense. Daddy and mommy just picked the worst time of the year to insert me into school...

When recess came around, I was talking to Silver Spoon. I learned that Diamond used to be the local bully. I thanked her and had a nice long talk with the pony in question. Not much else at recess was interesting enough for me to write down here.

So, when three o’clock finally arrived, I took the liberty to walk inside the Everfree Forest. The trip was boring to say the least. Just a few timber wolves and a manticore, no biggie… I walked to the market just taking in the views ,the weather, and the sun’s rays. That’s where I found mommy and daddy locking lips while buying stuff for dinner in the market.

So after I was done watching them kissing, I walked up to them and called their names. They both looked at me with a slight blush on their faces and goofy smiles. After giggliing for a bit, we continued to shop for food. Needless to say, it was boring, and so is writing this much. My hoof is starting to hurt. Let’s just skip to after dinner.

Mommy got herself shot by an potassium "bullet" in the head. It was shot from the support frame she gave me this morning… I’m in trouble. For indirectly shooting mom in the head… The strangest thing happened when it collided with her head; it shattered into millions of tiny flecks and made a loud metallic clang… Hm.

Turned out that I had forgotten to sync the sentry’s internal clock to Ponyville’s clock… My bad. I guess they are proud of me for at least trying to protect the house. So my punishment ended up having to clean the dishes, got off easy this time. I’m such an idiot.

After the dishes were done, mommy, daddy, and I took the rail gun I made and made some improvements to it. We changed the length of the barrel and stuff. 2 hours later, my poorly made sentry gun was replaced by a twin gauss rifle automatic sentry, complete with 25 round mag, that shoots 10*40 mm metal rods…

When did that happen? All I remember was mommy, daddy, and I having a fun time fiddling with electronics… Oh well. I have to ask though… Since when did potassium colliding with a skull at high speed result in a clang and not a crack? Nah, too tired to wonder why… Now, I’m tired as heck. I'm gonna hit the hay…


Rep. Al-

P.S. from Perl: It’s three a.m. now and I can't sleep. Mommy and daddy decided that three a.m. was a good time to have carrot cake.