The Next Generation of Harmony

by SammyRosePony

7: Jade's Fear

Celestia’s sun was shining bright this morning in Ponyville. Everypony was now up doing their daily chores. In a little shop, known as Carousel Boutique, Rarity was working on some of her latest designs.

“Okay Jade,” Rarity said to her daughter. “What do you think?”

“Wow mom,” said Jada admiring her mother’s work. “This dress looks amazing, but I think it needs a little more.” Jade looked at her mom with a sly look. “You get what I’m saying mother?”

“Oh I think I know exactly what you are getting at dear,” Rarity said making the same look her daughter is making.

“This dress needs…”

“GEMS,” both mares said together.

“That, my dear, is why you are the best daughter ever.” Rarity and Jade were known throughout Ponyville as practically having the best mother-daughter relationship. Shortly before Jade was born, Rarity wasn’t sure how good of a mother she was going to be. Having a little dragon-pony hybrid running around must have not been easy, but all that was worth it now that her little girl grew up to be a strong and independent young mare. Rarity could not have been prouder.

“Would you two keep it down,” yelled a voice from upstairs. “It’s too early to be making dresses.”

“It seems to be that we have waken up father,” Jade said trying to hold back her giggling.

“Oh Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity yelled. “It’s never too early to be making dresses, but there is a such thing as sleeping in too late.”

“Okay fine,” said Spike finally getting out of bed and walking downstairs. “What you my two beautiful ladies like for breakfast?”

“Pancakes,” yelled Jade.

“Pancakes it is.” Spike was no longer that little baby dragon everypony met him as. He has grown into a big and strong dragon; he even grew a pair of wings somehow. Of course, he wasn’t as big as a lot of dragons. Spike is just about taller than average tall pony height. Spike is still Twilight’s number one assistant, but now Twilight gives him more off days since he has a family of his own. All of a sudden, Spike smelled something. “Something doesn’t smell right.”

“Yeah I smell it too. Smells like smoke,” said Rarity. “Did you burn the pancakes? Is you’re cooking turning into Sweetie Belle’s,” she said half joking-half serious. All three ponies walked outside. What they saw shocked them all. “Oh my stars. Again.”

“We’ve got to get to Twilight’s,” said Spike. Rarity nodded in agreement. “Come on Jade, you can come too.” Jade also ran towards the castle alongside her parents.


Rarity, Spike, and Jade finally made it to Twilight’s castle. When they went inside, the rest of the Elements of Harmony were there; they all brought their children as well.

“Oh good, you guys are here,” Twilight said in relief. “Let’s go to the throne room so I can tell you all what’s going on.”

“Okay,” started Midnight. “Do any of you guys know what’s going on. Why smoke is spreading this way.” Everypony shook their head.

“Well it just so happens that we know what’s going on,” said Flashlight.

“Of course you know,” said Appleseed. “Your mom is a princess.”

“Well since you know, why don’t you tell us,” said Strawberry.

“The thing that is causing the smoke is,” Starlight started. “ A DRAGON!”

“A-A d-dragon,” Jade asked with concern.

“Yes a dragon,” said Starlight. “Isn’t this exciting?”

“It sure is,” said Sweet Apple. “I’ve never seen a dragon before other than Spike and Jade.”

“W-Well I’m only half-dragon,” Jade explained.

“Well you still kind of count as one I guess,” said Rainboom.

“Yeah. I mean you’ve got the claws, the spikes, the horns, the sharp teeth, and you have a couple of scales here and there,” Starlight explained.

“I-I guess you’re right.”

“What’s got you three so excited about this dragon anyway,” asked Lightning.

“Yeah. Why,” asked Cheesecake.

“I mean we are going to go see this dragon right,” asked Starlight.

“Absolutely not,” said Midnight. “Dragons are dangerous.”

“They sure are,” added Jade.

“But Jade and Spike aren’t dangerous,” said Sweet Apple.

“Come on,” Rainboom argued. “Can’t we take a peek?”

“Now that we keep on mentioning it, I wanna go see this dragon myself,” said Misty.

“What?! Are you crazy,” asked Jade. “Have you not been paying attention this whole conversation. They’re dangerous.”

“I know they’re dangerous, but it’s not like we’re gonna talk to them.”

“She’s right,” said Apple Slice. “We can just take a peek.” That’s when everypony decided that they wanted to go see the dragon; everypony but Midnight and Jade.

“Come on Midnight. I know you wanna go,” said Cheesecake.

“I do wanna go, but it’s too dangerous.”

“I got this,” Flashlight said confidently. “You know Midnight, ponies know next to nothing about dragons.” Midnight’s ears suddenly popped up, and she began listening contently to what her brother was saying. “If we go, you can get a peek and maybe learn some new facts about them. Maybe even put them in a book.” That’s when Midnight made up her mind.

“Okay, okay I’ll go. That just leaves one more of us to say yes.” Midnight looked at Jade who hadn’t said much. “Jade, would you like to go?”

“Well, I-um.”

“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” said Lightning.

Jade thought to herself, “I guess it would be fine if I went, just stay calm.”

“Alright, I’ll go,” said Jade.

“Alright,” said Cheesecake. “Our parents left a few minutes ago, so I’m sure we can make it.”

“There’s are problem,” said Midnight. “We can’t let our parents see us. We would get in huge trouble if they did.”

“What if we went up the opposite side of the mountain,” said Misty.

“We do that,” said Strawberry. “And we can make it back down before they come home.”

“That’s actually not a bad idea,” said Midnight. “I know which mountain they’re going up, so let me grab a map. Then we we can head our way up.”


The twelve ponies were already on their way up the mountain.

“Are we there yet,” complained Starlight.

“For the last thousand times, no,” Midnight said.

“How much longer until we’re there,” Sweet Apple asked.

“Just a little longer. We don’t have that much left.” While the others were talking, Jada was in the back walking alone. Lightning had noticed that Jade was a little on edge. Jade is usually confident, but right now she was acting differently. Lightning slowed down her walking so that she would be next to Jade.

“Hey Jade,” said Lightning.


“Is there something bothering you?”


“You stumbled over your words. You hardly ever stumble over your words unless you’re unsure of something.”

“Well I-”

“Everypony be quiet,” Misty said interrupting their conversation.

“Misty, what in Equestria are you-” Midnight was cut off by Misty's hoof.

“Shh.” Misty's ears twitched. Everypony stayed quiet because they all knew that Misty has probably the best hearing in Equestria. If Misty hears something, everypony better shut up. All of a sudden, the sound became louder and louder. “Run,” Misty yelled at the top of her lungs. As they all ran, rocks started falling down the hill.

“Avalanche,” yelled Cheesecake.

“Grab the little ones,” Apple Slice yelled grabbing his younger sister. Misty dove in and grabbed her younger brother. Midnight ran back to get her little sister, but she couldn’t find her.

“Midnight! Jade! You guys need to get out of there,” called Apple Slice.

“I can’t find Starlight.”

“Midnight,” called Starlight who was dodging falling rocks frantically.

“Starlight I’m coming!”

“No Midnight,” Jade yelled. “I’m closer to her, I’ll get her.” Jade ran until she was right next to Starlight. She grabbed her, and bolted towards the area where rocks weren’t falling. Before she got out of there, a rocks fell right by her and knocked Jade off her hooves, throwing Starlight through the air. Thankfully, both of them were safe. “S-Starlight, are you okay?”

“I-I’m fine,” said Starlight a little in pain.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“Are you super-duper sure?”

“Jade, I’m fine. Thank you for saving me,” Starlight said smiling.

“I really hope our parents didn’t hear the avalanche, and If they did I hope they don’t come here to check it out,” said Strawberry.

“We better get a move on if we wanna see the dragon. I’m pretty sure when our parents get there, they’re gonna have it leave,” said Midnight.


After walking up the mountain a little longer, they soon reached the cave where the dragon was. They tried to stay hidden since their parents were also there.

“Look at the thing,” said Rainboom.

“It’s so huge,” said Starlight.

“I love its gold scales,” said Sweet Apple.

“All those jewels in there,” said Cheesecake. “You must be impressed by those piles Jade.”

“Oh y-yeah. They’re pretty cool,” Jade said.

“Cool? Just cool,” Misty said in disbelief. “The Jade I know gets excited about all kinds of gems and jewels. What’s going on with her,” Misty said now concerned.

“She’s right,” Midnight said. “You haven’t been acting like yourself through this whole thing. Is something going on Jade?”

“I-I’m fine.”

“It sure doesn’t look like it,” said Apple Slice.

“T-Trust me. I’m fine.”

“Jade, we’re here for you. You’re the one who is always there for us,” said Midnight. “You’re always so confident and brave. What’s going on with that Jade.”


“Come one Jade,” Midnight said placing her hoof on Jade shoulder. “We’re here for you. You can tell us what’s going on.”

Jade's cheeks began to turn a bright red color, and tears started forming in her eyes. Both anger and sadness were building up inside her. “I SAID I’M FINE,” Jade said as she raised her claw in the air. Unknowingly, she swipes her claw across Midnight’s face, knocking her down on the ground. Jade opened her eyes and gasped at what she had done. “Oh no.” Jade looked down into her claws.

“Midnight, are you okay,” Flashlight said assisting his sister up. Midnight looked up at Jade. She wasn’t angry at her, she still knew something was wrong.

“Midnight I-” Midnight looked into Jade's eyes. In her eyes, she saw fear.

“Jade, it’s fine-ouch,” Midnight felt pain in her face. She placed her hoof on where the pain was coming from and felt some sort of warm liquid. She lifted her hoof off and noticed that she had started bleeding. Midnight had a pretty bad cut on her face, but it could be easily healed.

“I’m a monster,” Jade said.

“What?! No! Jade you’re not a monster,” Midnight said walking towards Jade.

“No stay back,” Jade said backing away.

“Jade, I’m fine. It was an accident,” Midnight assured her.

“No! I don’t want to hurt you or anypony again,” Jade said backing up once more.

“Jade, please calm down.”

“No. I don’t want to-AAAHH!” Jade had backed up too much, and she started to fall down the mountain.

“JADE,” they all cried. All of a sudden, a figure had caught her. The figure landed right next to the other ponies with Jada on his back.

“Jade, you can open your eyes now,” said the figure.

“D-Daddy?” Spike had come in and saved his one and only daughter.

“Jade,” yelled a very worried Rarity. “Are you okay my little gem.”

“Yeah mom. I-I’m fine.”

“Midnight,” Twilight yelled noticing her daughter’s face. “What happen.”

Midnight glanced at Jade who still had fear in her eyes. “I’m fine mom, it was a complete accident.”

“Wait a minute,” said Applejack. “Why are y'all here in the first place?”

That’s when everypony shut up. They all knew they were in trouble now. Rainbow Dash was the one to figure it out. “It was these three who somehow convinced all of you wasn’t it,” Rainbow said pointing at Rainboom, Sweet Apple, and Starlight. Everypony nodded, and the three little ones laughed knowing they were in trouble now.

“WHO'S ON MY MOUNTAIN,” yelled a deep voice.

“Oh boy,” said Twilight.

“He’s awake now,” said Fluttershy.

“Let’s go deal with him,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Right behind you,” said Applejack.

“You kids stay back here. It can get a little dangerous now,” said Rainbow Dash.

“You think you’ll be fine now,” Spike asked Jade.

“I think so,” said Jade.

“Stay safe my little gem,” Rarity said kissing her forehead.

“I will.” Rarity and Spike soon joined the others to have a talk with this dragon. “Midnight,” started Jade.


“I-I’m sorry for scratching you with my claws.”

“Jade, I already told you I’m fine, but I accept your apology,” Midnight said summoning a band-aid with her magic and placing it on her face. “I just want to know why you were so on edge this whole time.

Jade took a breathe. She knew she had no choice but to tell them what has been going on. “I never wanted to come here in the first place. The reason being that on this trip we would have to face my worst fear.”

“Which is what,” asked Apple Slice.

“My worst fear is…”

“Come on, you can tell us,” Cheesecake said.

“Dragons,” Jade said.

“Dragons? How can you be afraid of dragons? I mean I’m afraid of dragons, but that’s because I’m just a normal pony. Your dad is a dragon and you’re half dragon” said Sweet Apple.

‘I’m not afraid of my father, but I am afraid of myself.”

“Why is that,” asked Misty.

“I’m mostly terrified of what dragons can do to other ponies. My father is super nice and wouldn’t hurt a hair on anypony’s head. As for me, I still don’t know what I am capable of,” Jade said looking at her claws. “I’m just so scared I’m going to hurt somepony.”

“Jade, why didn’t you say something in the first place. We could’ve avoided the whole situation,” said Midnight.

“I don’t really know why I didn’t say anything. I felt like if you all wanted to go then I should go too.”

“You know what Jade,” Starlight said. “I’m actually glad you came with us. I mean you saved my life. if you hadn’t come, I would’ve probably died since there was no way Midnight was gonna make it on time.”

“Hey,” Midnight said slightly offended.

“Also letting others know about your fears is a great way to letting them go,” said Misty. “I bet as time goes on, you’re gonna find out what you are capable of and know how to control yourself.”

“Thanks guys. That helped a lot. I never knew how much I needed to hear that.”

“Okay,” said Twilight. “Who’s ready to go home?” Everypony raised their hoof.

“Alright,” said Applejack. “Let’s move ‘em out.” Everypony walked back home to enjoy the rest of their day.

“Hey whatever happened to the dragon,” asked Rainboom.

“You don’t need to know since you’re part of the reason you all are up here.” said Rainbow.

“Oh yeah.” Everypony then laughed, and enjoyed the walk down the mountain knowing that they are now safe.