//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: Guardians Part 6: Twilight Sparkle // Story: Rise of the Equestrians // by Doodle Note //------------------------------// Jesse was irritated by a girl with pink hair and teal eyes wearing a white sweater with a pink heart on the chest, a blue skirt, and white boots with pink fur on the trims next to him poking his face. Every time that girl poked him, he felt the urge to explode, so he decided to try not to. As the girl poked him again, he couldn't hold in the fury much longer. Then, he had enough. "WILL YOU STOP THAT?!" The girl slowly slid away from Jesse and blew raspberry. Jesse sighed and buried his face into his hands. "This would be easy with the others around. But I have to do this alone. I signed myself up for this and now I have to get Twilight back." He lets out another sigh and felt someone hug him. He turned and saw a little girl with crimson red hair and pink eyes wearing a pink dress with red buttons, purple glasses, red and white leggings and purple flats hugging him. The girl looked up at Jesse. "Sorry, sir. You just look upset, so I decided to give you a hug." Jesse sighed. "Thanks." "So, tell me. Why do you look upset?" The girl wanted to know. "I just need to do something important without my friends. We do everything together. But now, we need to go separate to do that important thing." "Oh. I'm so sorry, sir." The girl stopped hugging Jesse. "But you'll get a chance to see them again, right?" "Well, after I'm done doing what I was told, yes." "Good. I was just hoping that you're okay, sir." The girl said. "Seeing someone with a happy heart always brightens my day. But someone with a gloomy heart needs a hug." "Well, thanks. But where are your parents?" "Back at my home. They agreed to let me go alone. Anyway, I'm Peppermint Twist. But my friends and family call me Twist or Twist-a-loo." "Name's Jesse. I'm a human." "Well, I read all about humans. The books said they look just like us, but they have no powers. They don't even have colorful hair like us, but hair that comes in colors like black, brown, blonde and red. And the books said they never heard of us Equestrians before." Twist looked outside. "And I wonder why." Jesse shrugged. As Jesse finally got off the train after it arrived the train station, he walked out of the train station and kept walking to find Twilight Sparkle. He heard that Twilight was the leader of the Guardians of Equestria and is a very great leader if you ask Celestia. Of course he was worried about the others and hoped that they will be okay. Jesse took out the six-pointed star-shaped gem and sighed. "Well, I don't know what life is going to throw at me, but let's just hope that whatever this place is called, it has no monsters like back at home." He looked around. "Phew. No monsters here. That was easy." He then heard a rustle and turned seeing a bush move. Jesse pulled out his sword. "Who's there?! Show yourself!" He went close to the bush as a small purple and bright green dog with bright green ears and green eyes wearing a blue collar walked out of the bush and shook himself. Jesse puts his sword away and walked up to the dog as he bent down on one knee. "Hey there." He scratched the dog behind the ear. "What is someone like you doing here? Are you lost?" The dog looked at Jesse and barked, putting Jesse in shock. Jesse tried to shush the dog. "No, no, no! Be quiet!" The dog kept barking. "Sit!" Jesse yelled as the dog stopped barking and obediently sat down. "Hey. You're fully trained." He looked at the dog and lent his hand to the dog. "Shake." The dog placed his paw in Jesse's hand and shook it. "Interesting." Jesse said. "Roll over." The dog rolled over as Jesse smiled. "Um, uh, play dead!" The dog played dead. "Stand!" The dog stood on it's hind legs. "Um, beg!" The dog went into begging position. "Speak!" "Hi there." The dog spoke, putting Jesse in shock. Jesse wore a face of confusion. "Um, speak?" "Uh, I just did." The dog said wearing a confused face. "No way." Jesse mumbled. "Speak." "No offense, but are you braindead?" Jesse got even more shocked. "Sorry, sir. I just don't like repeating the same thing over and over again." "Did you just talk?" Jesse asked. "Of course. I talk all the time." The dog said. Jesse fainted. Jesse opened his eyes and saw the dog looking at him and sighed. "It was just a dream." "Sir, are you okay?" The dog asked. Jesse screamed with shock and got up with a jolt. "It's real! You're a purple and green talking dog!" "Whoa, sir, calm down. It's not the end of the world." "Dogs can't talk!" Jesse exclaimed. "They can't be purple and green either." "Well, in Equestria, they can." "What?" "I'm an Equestrian Dog." The dog explained. "A type of dog only found in Equestria. They can talk like people. And best of all, they come in a variety of colors." Jesse sighed. The dog walked up to Jesse and sat next to him. "I guess you've never seen a talking dog before." "No, I have not." Jesse said. "Listen. I'm not lost. I'm just looking for some food. I mean, come on! I haven't even eaten in two hours." Jesse pulled out a piece of raw steak and lent it to the dog. "Do you like this raw or cooked?" The dog took the steak from Jesse and took a bite. "It doesn't really matter to me." He said with his mouth full. "Some dogs like it cooked. Some like it raw. But to me," He swallowed. "It doesn't matter. So tell me. What brings you to Hooffield?" Jesse turned to the dog. "Hooffield?" The dog took another bite of the steak. "It's where you are right now. What brings you here?" "I'm looking for someone." Jesse explained. "Someone very important." The dog swallowed again. "Who?" "Twilight Sparkle." The dog was about to take another bite of the steak, but he stopped and turned to Jesse. "You're looking for Twilight?" "Wait, you know her?" Jesse asked. "She's my friend! She been locked up for no reason." The dog explained. "But I'm so glad that you came to get her. I'm her dog." "She owns you?" The dog nodded. "No way!" Jesse exclaimed. "Celestia didn't tell me that Twilight had a companion with her." "I have to come with you." The dog pleaded. "Twilight's my only friend. And I have to see her!" Jesse nodded. "Alright, you're coming with me. But how are we going to get to Twilight?" "I know someone who can help us. Just follow me, and I'll take you to her." The dog walked with Jesse following him. It took a while for Jesse and the dog to get to the place where they need to go. "I forgot to introduce myself." The dog said. "I'm Spike. And you are...?" "My name's Jesse." Jesse said. "I was sent here to find Twilight." "I'm guessing that Celestia gave you Twilight's crystal." Jesse turned to Spike. "How did you know?" "I can see it poking out of you pocket." Spike explained. "You know, Spike? You remind me of someone I used to know." Jesse added. "He too was a pet of mine until I lost him. Well, he was the greatest pet someone like me could ever have. Even my friends thought it was cool to bring a pet everywhere you go. Well, I think so. But that's when I lost him." "Oh. I'm sorry for your loss, Jesse." "It's okay. He was a great pig." Spike laughed. "You had a pig for a pet? What are you? Crazy?" Jesse glared at Spike in a serious way as Spike stopped laughing. The two looked in front of them and saw a town full of troublemakers. "Wow." Jesse said. "Jesse, welcome to Hooffield." Spike replied. "Also known as, Trouble Town." The two walked into the town. "What's the deal with this place?" Jesse wanted to know. "Why is everyone causing havoc to each other?" "It's what everyone in Hooffield does." Spike explained. "They cause trouble everywhere. That's why they have a prison in Hooffield." "About this person that you're taking me to, is she one of those people here?" "No. All she does is stay inside each and everyday at her house." "And do you know where she is?" "Of course. Twilight and I lived with her for two years. Until Twilight got taken away, now it's just me living with her." The two then approached a large house with two floors as Spike walked up to the door and knocked. "Hey, Moondancer, it's Spike." Jesse turned to Spike. "Moondancer?" The door opened revealing a girl with red and purple hair and purple eyes wearing black glasses, a black sweater with pink buttons, gray jeans, red boots, and black gloves as the girl pulled Jesse in the house and pick up Spike as she closed the door and locked it. The girl threw Jesse and Spike on a brown leather couch that looked new, but was actually there for years. Then she took a candle and lit it with magic, placed it on the table in front of the couch and knelt. "Spike, who IS this human and why did you bring him here?" "Moondancer, this is Jesse." Spike said. "He's looking for Twilight." He turned to Jesse. "Jesse, this is Moondancer." "Moondancer, Spike told me that you can help us get Twilight out of jail, right?" Jesse asked. "I've been in jail WAY many times before Ender Eyes got locked up." Moondancer explained. "Ender Eyes?" Jesse asked in confusion. "It's what everyone in Hooffield calls her. It's because she has the eyes of an Enderman. Literally. Call her creepy, but she can control her powers just fine. Why do you want to get Ender Eyes out of jail? Give me an honest reason, Jesse." "I was sent here to get her back to Canterlot." Jesse explained as she took out the gem and placed it on the table. "I have her crystal." Moondancer was shocked. "Twilight's crystal." "Princess Celestia gave it to me. My friends are looking for her friends." Moondancer picked up the crystal and looked at it. "Twilight told me a lot about her friends. She said it has been two years since she saw them. She even missed them." "I missed them too." Spike said. Moondancer placed the gem on the table and slid it back to Jesse. "I'll help you with retrieving Ender Eyes." "Where is this prison?" Jesse asked. Moondancer got up from the table. "Follow me." The two got up from the couch and followed Moondancer to a ladder she was climbing. Jesse picked up Spike and climbed the ladder as he finally reached the roof and placed Spike on the ground. Moondancer pointed. "There." Jesse turned and saw a prison large prison surrounded by a wall. "Hooffield Prison." Moondancer turned to Jesse. "That place is crawling with guards that are now corrupted by a member of the Alliance of Darkness." "How are we going to get Twilight without getting caught?" Jesse asked. "I know some things that I should tell you, Jesse. First thing you need to know about is the cells. Each one of them, locked. Each guard holds a key to every cell." "And...?" "That prison also has spies." Moondancer said. "They're everywhere. The hallways, the lunchroom, and outside in the wall." "And how big is the wall?" Jesse asked. "Tall as a jungle tree. You can't go under or through it, but you can go over it." "Is that all you know?" "That's not all." Moondancer said. "There is one guard in that prison and she is one member of the Alliance of Darkness." "And that is...?" "Trixie Lulamoon." Moondancer said. "She is very skilled than any other Equestrian. She is everywhere in that prison. The lunchroom, the hallway, and the wall. She is an expert at combat and an average at magic, and if you don't make it out alive, she'll come and haunt you." "Alright, how long do we get there?" Jesse asked. "It's not that far." Spike answered. Moondancer walked to the ladder. "Now, before we get Ender Eyes, I have to get something." Jesse turned to Spike and pointed his thumb at Moondancer seeing the dog shrug. Jesse, Spike and Moondancer were now walking to the prison just to get Twilight. "Two years living with Moondancer sounds a lot like a handful, Spike." Jesse said. "I know. But she is very protective." Spike replied. "But, a little overprotective if you ask Twilight." "So, what is Twilight like? I know she's the leader of the Guardians of Equestria, but what is she like?" "Twilight's the greatest leader ever. But, she's more than just a leader. She's our friend. A great friend that the other girls and I would ever have. She has an older brother that is married to her mentor, which is now her sister-in-law, and they are very awesome when you see them fight." "So, how did Twilight get locked up in the first place?" Jesse asked. "She didn't do anything. She just got locked up for no reason." Spike answered. "Good point." "What are you friends like?" Spike asked. "Well, Olivia, she's a smart one. Axel, he's very, well, much. Petra, she's the greatest friend ever. She's a fighter and she's extremely tough. And Lukas, we started off as rivals, but now, we're great friends." "Wow. Who knew humans had rivalries too?" Jesse shrugged as Moondancer stopped. So did Spike and Jesse. "Why did we stop?" Spike asked. "We're here." Moondancer answered. Jesse turned and saw the prison in front of them. Then saw two guards in the front of the prison. "How are we going to get pass those guards?" "Just leave it to me." Moondancer lit her hands with a bright purple light and knocked the guards out with magic. Spike turned to Jesse. "I guess your friend, Petra, is not the only one who's extremely tough." Jesse laughed. "Yeah." The three walked up to the entrance. Moondancer picked up one of the guards as Jesse noticed. "Moondancer, what are you doing?" Jesse asked. Moondancer took off the guard's helmet and placed it on her head. "Going undercover." Jesse nodded. "Nice. But, how are they going to know that you're not you." Moondancer took out a pair of handcuffs. "And who's going to put those on?" Moondancer smiled. "Not cool." Two guards were walking in the prison talking to each other. Then they saw Moondancer wearing the armor holding Jesse, who was now wearing the handcuffs. (Spike was in a chest Moondancer was carrying) "Halt." One of the guards said. "472, what are you doing?" "Sir, I found this human near our prison, and noticed that he's going to help one of our prisoners escape." Moondancer lied. "Soon as we get this human locked up, everything will be just fine." Jesse faked trying to get his hands out of the cuffs. "You will never get away with this! Never!" The two guards looked at each other, then back at Moondancer. "Alright, we believe you." The other guard said. "And get that human locked up. I don't like his attitude." Moondancer and Jesse started walking. "Monsters! Freaks! My kind will never forgive you!" Jesse turned to Moondancer and winked. Moondancer winked back. The two went away from the guards as Moondancer took the cuffs off of Jesse and pulled Spike out of the chest he was in. Then they went to the fence of the path and saw a girl in chains down there. Her appearance wasn't visible for them to see because she was far down. "There she is." Moondancer said. "Twilight." Spike added. "How are we going to get down there?" Jesse asked. "And do we need a key to set her loose?" "For the cuffs on her wrists, yes." Moondancer answered. "But for the one on her body, no. That cuff is made out of a rare crystal only found in Equestria, the Nebula Crystal. It can't be broken when dropped, but it can be broken with something sharp. That crystal can disable an Equestrian's power, but it doesn't work on the Alliance." Jesse took out his sword. "Good thing I have this with me." Spike was in awe. "That is awesome." "And very impressive." Moondancer said as she continued walking. "Now, come on. We have a friend to release." Jesse and Spike followed. "Just to let you know," Moondancer took out the cuff key. "I have this key, so all we need to do is get down there." "How?" Jesse asked. Jesse and Moondancer turned and saw Spike open an air vent. "This is the only way down." Spike walked into the vent with Jesse and Moondancer following them. "So, Moondancer, how did you and Twilight meet?" Jesse wanted to know. "We met when I found her and Spike in dark alley." Moondancer said. "It was raining, and I saw Twilight and Spike sleeping in the streets. So, I let them live at my house." "Spike said that you usually stay at home. Is that true?" "Yep. It's true. I'm more of a homebody." "Huh. Which explains why Spike told me that you're overprotective." "That's true too. I can be overprotective sometimes." Jesse laughed. After going down the vents, the three finally went out and saw that they were far down. They now can see the girl's appearance. She had straight indigo, pink and purple hair wearing a gray sleeveless shirt, gray jeans, black boots, and a gray hoodie tied around her waist. "I'm guessing that's Twilight." Jesse said. Spike walked up to the sleepy kneeling Twilight in chains and poked her nose twice. Twilight opened her eyes, revealing that they were Enderman eyes, and saw Spike. "Spike?" "Hey, Twilight." Spike said. Twilight looked up and saw Moondancer. "Moondancer?" "Hey, Ender Eyes." Moondancer said. "You came for me." Twilight turned and saw Jesse. "Um, is that a human?" "His name is Jesse. He came to get us home." Spike explained. "And he has your crystal." Jesse walked up to Twilight and took out his sword. "I'm busting you out of here." As he slashed the Nebula Crystal with his sword, it broke with a loud explosion of light. "Why did it do that?" "Oh, I forgot to mention that if you break them, it will create a loud explosion of light." Moondancer explained. "What?!" A guard looked down and saw them. "Oh no!" "What is it?" Another guard look down and saw them. Then he turned and saw Jesse. "Human! There's a human down there." All the guards started running. "Stop that human! He's helping her escape!" Twilight placed one foot on the ground and tried to get up. Moondancer took out the key and took the cuffs off of Twilight. "Trixie! Ender Eyes is free!" A guard yelled. A girl with white and blue hair and purple eyes wearing black, purple and blue armor and boots ran and saw them. She chuckled. "I got this." She turned to one guard at a ballista. "Fire!" The guard shot the ballista, but Moondancer stopped the spear and threw it to the ground. Another guard at a ballista aimed at Jesse and shot it. Moondancer turned and saw a spear flying to Jesse. "Jesse, look out!" Jesse turned and saw the spear as he braced himself, but the spear didn't hit him, putting the guard in shock. He stopped bracing himself and saw a magenta force field around him. He looked at his hands and saw a magenta light around them. "Whoa." He turned and saw the gem glowing. "Wait, Celestia said that if a human touches these crystals, he or she will get powers." The force field faded as Jesse turned to the others. "Alright, we're getting out of here." "How?" Spike asked. Jesse looked up and saw a chain. "There!" Moondancer pulled the chain down with magic. Jesse ran to the chain. Twilight picked up Spike and followed Jesse. The three held on to the chain. "Moondancer, are you coming?" Jesse asked. "You three go. I have to do something first." Moondancer said. "Moondancer, we're not leaving without you!" Twilight yelled. "Twilight, I'll be fine." Twilight turned to Jesse. "What are we going to do?" "We fight our way out of here." Jesse pulled on the chain as it started bringing them up. As the chain went completely up, the three let go and land on the ground, seeing many guards running to them. Jesse pulled out a stone sword and gave it to Twilight. "Here. Use this." Twilight took the sword from Jesse. Jesse pulled out his sword as the three ran to the guards to fight them. Twilight and Jesse started sword fighting with many guards as Spike bit each one of them on the leg. Jesse pushed one guard off the bridge. "How do you like that?" Spike took a sword away from a guard. "Is this your sword?" Then he pulled off his belt. "Is this your belt?" The guard's pants fell down, showing white underwear with red hearts as he exclaimed with shock and started jumping. Spike laughed. "Sucker." Twilight saw a guard with a mace run to her as she took the mace and hit him in the stomach with it. Then she kicked him in the face sending him flying and landing on two other guards. Jesse turned to Twilight. "You know, for someone with Enderman powers, you're a pretty great fighter." Twilight tossed the mace away. "Thanks." The three finally ran out of the prison and saw many guards aiming at them with bows and arrows. "Oh, this is bad." Jesse said. Twilight picked up Spike and held Jesse's hand. Jesse turned to Twilight. "What are you doing?" "I'm getting us out of here." Twilight said. The archers shot arrows as Twilight teleported away with Spike and Jesse. Jesse, Twilight and Spike appeared in a forest and landed on the grass. The three got up and started walking to a nearby train station. After they got on the train, they started leaving Hooffield. Twilight turned to Jesse. "Jesse." Jesse turned to Twilight. "Hm?" "Thank you for breaking me out." "Yeah." Outside, Trixie Lulamoon saw the train leave as she turned to a weakened Moondancer. "Moony, Moony, Moony." Trixie crossed her arms. "Oh, how I wonder why did you let that human take Twilight away." "It was for good." Moondancer growled. "Never mind that. My day just got brighter."