Tales from Tinies.

by MrAquino

Not Quite a Pony (Guest)

Sunset Shimmer laid on her couch, watching a small group of tiny, human children, currently in the living room of her suite. Her horn, glowing with her aura, controlled a tiny illusion of her human self as she played with them. Of course, the children knew where she really was, and that the sixteen year old girl they were playing with wasn't really there, even though she felt, sound, and even smelt like she's there. Of course many of the 'adult' ponies were around high school age, considering that in Equestria, there really isn't a form of high school, and most foals start working at the age of twelve. For them, it's nice to have a 'babysitter' instead of wandering the halls of the castle in Canterlot. For Sunset Shimmer, it's a break from the odd world she's been in for about three years now. I thought Equestria had gotten strange a year ago, what with all those creatures Twilight and her friends fought off, but then these humans arrived last month. Considering who and what she was, it's easy to see why she's never eaten a human. The only problem now is that some humans got to the other side, and are experiencing the same problems there. Which is, of course, causing her some slight curiosity, but still she's not going to anytime soon. She hoped. She shook her head. Don't think about it, think about something else.

She remembered the first time she met these children. They had apparently been roaming the halls which, of course, is rather risky, though not dangerous. The reason it's risky wass because, even though the law states that children under the age of sixteen cannot be eaten unless under extenuating circumstances, it still didn't stop ponies from doing it. Of course what makes it worse is that there really isn't any kind of punishment for doing it either, especially since the guards, Luna (though she only does it to help the children), many of the nobles, and, most recently, Celestia, all participate in this practice. In any case, they'd been wandering the halls when one of the castle maids snuck up and gulped one down. The others all dove for cover, which happened to be under Sunset's door. When they'd crossed the threshold into her room, well, she'd just been heading toward the door to go wander the halls a bit for herself. Being trapped between two ponies, the kids gave up. They hugged each other, crying, and waiting for it to happen. Instead, what occurred was that Sunset calmed then down, placed them onto her back, and got the maid to cough up the one she ate. Ever since, they've been coming straight to her room as their parents worked, all of them staff for the Castle.

The group of five kids made up of three boys and two girls. The eldest, a thirteen year old girl named Jacklyn, her younger brother Nate, who's only seven and was the one swallowed by the maid. Then there's a ten year old boy named Cole, an eight year old boy named Zack, and a five year old girl named Amy. They're all very happy that there's at least one place where they won't get eaten, or, at least, not on purpose anyway.

Sunset watched as the human version of herself played tag with the kids. As much as she wants to, she won't join them herself; she's just way too big, and the last thing she wanted was to accidentally hurt one, or worse. The greatest thing about her using the illusion though, is that it is almost like she is there, plus with two perspectives, she can keep a much better eye on them. Her ears perk in alarm, though the illusion continued playing so as not to alarm the others. Where's Amy?! I just saw her a second ago. She lifted her head and looked around in alarm. Then she heard the little girl's small voice calling to her from somewhere below her. Still keeping her illusions eyes on the others, she looked down and saw the little girl, her arms reaching towards her. "Oh, you want up?"

"I wanna hug!" Amy responded happily.

"Alright." Sunset said before her aura wrapped around the little girl and brought her up to Sunset's face, gently placing the girl on her muzzle. She knew exactly how this girl likes to hug her. The girl walked right in between her eyes and practically laid against the fur separating each eye. She felt the girl's arms move up and down against her fur, her head nuzzling against her own. She kept her eyes on the other group, allowing the feeling of the little girl walking around on her muzzle as a way of monitoring. However, that wasn't0 enough, as suddenly the feeling of little feet on her muzzle is replaced by the feeling of something walking into her nostril. She resisted the urge to wriggle her nose, or even sneeze. "Amy?! What are you doing in there?!"

"I'm tired. I wanna nice, warm place to sleep." She felt the little girl walk further and further. The eye over the nostril Amy went into starts to water. Oh my, I, I hope it's clean enough in there. I don't want her parents to stop her from coming here because they find giant pony boogers on their daughter. WHAT THE HECK AM I THINKING! MAKE HER GET OUT OF THERE!

"Amy," Sunset whispered imperatively to the girl, though she sounded very nasally "I know I'm nice and friendly and all that, but you shouldn't walk into my nose. Especially without my permission." Without my permission, I almost make it sound like I would've allowed her too. "Okay Amy, now just turn yourself around and come back out of my nose!" I can't believe I'm really saying this! However, instead of turning around, she felt the girl continue onward and, of course, came out the other side. That side, of course, opening right above her throat, and it wasn't long before Sunset found herself swallowing the girl reflexively. She felt the girl slid down her throat, and into her stomach. Oddly enough the girl was giggling the whole time. Sunset however, wasn't happy. In fact, she was panicking! Oh no! I know she's safe but, does this make me a cannibal?! I mean, I've just eaten another human being, ALIVE! The illusion faded, her focus on sustaining it shattered. She felt the little girl wandering around in her stomach. "J-just stay right there! Don't go any further, please Amy! Don't! Go! ANY! FURTHER!" She yelled into her stomach. Covered in boogers is one thing, I don't even want to think about what'll happen if! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!?!

Of course the rest of the group noticed Sunset and went to investigate. Jacklyn, being the leader of the group, yelled up to Sunset Shimmer. "What's going on?! Where's Amy?!"

Sunset looked down to the group, realizing that her focus on the illusion is completely gone. She levitated the group up to her, setting them carefully on the couch. Looking at them, she lowered her face in shame. "Well, Amy wanted to hug me as she usually does, but then, she did something she's never done before. She went up my nose." The boys laughed. "Yeah, very funny. I tried to get her to come back out, and she did... in the wrong place, and now..." She looked at her belly "Now she's in my stomach." Tears start to stream from her eyes. She felt like she violated them physically, not just that a little girl literally walked inside her, but mentally and emotionally, as it felt as if she'd broke the promise she made to herself to never put these humans through what other ponies do.

Suddenly she felt the entire group hugging her chest as best they can. "You should be happy, Sunset!" Cole spoke "Amy is usually really shy and scared when it comes to ponies. If she walked into you on her own, it means she trusts you! Sunset, we all trust you!"

"Can... can we, take a nap in your tummy?" Zach asked

Sunset sat there for a moment. She's happy that they trusted her that much, but she's also a bit perplexed. They're offering to go inside her, a pony, something the tiny humans here generally fear, and definitely shy away from when they hear a stomach growl. "Um, s-sure, um, hu-who wants to go f-first?" This has to be a dream! Yeah, this isn't happening. She bit her tongue. No it's happening. Oh dear... She lowers her head to the cushion of the couch, opening her mouth. I can't believe I'm really doing this. Then she remembered something. "Uh... if it makes you alright, I may need to swallow you each individually. I may choke on you all if I swallow you all at the same time." The nodded in response.

She watched as the kids got into a single file line; Zach, cole, Jacklyn, and Nate. The unicorn lowered he head and opened her mouth, followed by Zach entering her maw."Okay, I'm inside!" Zach called out. "Go ahead and close your mouth! Just let me know when you're gonna swallow, Okay?"

Sunset hummed an affirmative, considering how her speech was now blocked. She closed her lips and fought the urge to move him about with her tongue, letting him wander around the inside of her mouth. After a while she tilted her head back a bit and Zach got the message. He walked to the back of her mouth and she swallows him. She felt him as as he slowly went down her throat and joined Amy in her stomach. Everyone watched the lump that was Zach going down and disappearing into Sunset's chest.

"I don't wanna go down that slow," Cola spoke "I wanna go down fast!"

"Sunset looked down at him." And how do you want to do that?" she asked, somewhat curious and a bit excited.

"Easy: I fall into your mouth! Just hold me in your hoof and I'll fall down!" Sunset blinked, but she lowered her hoof; the underside was up and Cole climbed on it. "Perfect! Now, let's do this!" Sunset rose her hoof up, keeping it as flat as possible, and looked up, opening her mouth as wide as possible, letting out a long 'ahh!'. Cole looked down, took a few steps back, then jumped off as if Sunset's hoof were a diving board. "GERONIMO!!!" Upon impact, Sunset swallowed Cole. He was right about going down fast; it took him almost a second to land in her stomach, and she felt him bounce inside, almost making her stomach like a bouncy house, though it lasted for a few moments.

"Oof!" Sunset spoke "Sorry, but I need a glass of water."

"I guess I'll do that, then." Jacklyn spoke "I haven't been to a water park for a long time, let a lone, a water slide." Sunset's horn glowed and she placed Jacklyn in a glass of water she had in her kitchen. She placed her lips on the glass and began to drink, Jacklyn followed in the process. "WHOO-HOO!!!" A simple glass of water became her waterslide, and thought it wasn't as fast as Cole's, she still went down pretty fast, landing in Sunset's stomach with a wave of water.

Sunset let out a relaxed breath of air, then turned to Nate, the last one that looked afraid. "You okay? Sunset asked. "You don't have to do this. You experience with the maid is-"

"I-I do wanna do this," Nate interrupted "but... is it alright... if you take this slow?"

She blinked, but smiled. "Sure. Take all the time you need" She lowered her head and opened her mouth wide, the tongue sticking out and acting like a rug. Nate cautiously walked into her mouth, a burst of flavor hitting her, but she resisted. The boy walked into her mouth, both he and Sunset took deep breaths, as he looked into her throat, seeing it bulge out & open, letting out a warm wind with every breath she took. He looked at Sunset's uvula, seeing the piece of flesh dangle over what made him fear ponies the most. Reluctantly, Nate hugged Sunset's uvula; it's soft but sticky feel landed on his face & body. Sunset felt him grab her uvula, and though it felt weird, she was touched by how brave he was.

"Can... can you taste me?" Sunset blinked at his response. She wasn't quite sure, but it ended when he felt Nate lay on her tongue and hugged it.

A burst of flavor punched Sunset. He tastes like Chocolate chip cookies!!! Sunset closed her mouth and began to taste Nate. To her surprise, Nate laughed as she tasted him, which made him smile. The boy found Sunset's tongue to be quite ticklish, and even when he was placed on the back of her teeth, the tongue slobbered him across his chest and face, leaving him to laugh. But, as Sunset knew, she couldn't do this forever, and with a flick of her tongue, Nate went into her throat, where she swallowed him. In her stomach, all of the kids gathered together and give her an internal hug before they all laid down to nap, their sleep coming easier with the gentle motions of her stomach and the rhythm of her heartbeat and breathing.

She laid back on the couch, resting her head on the cushion while rubbing her belly, going over the past moment again in her head. She can hardly believe that it happened and that she now has the five children sleeping soundly inside her. It's okay Sunset, they asked you to do this, and the first one went in there on her own, clearly an accident on your part. Just relax Sunset, they wanted this... but, why does it still feel so wrong? She took a deep breath and then exhaled. Don't worry too much, they're safer now than they were before, I guess. Oh no! I forgot, they're also very curious! Oh, I hope they don't get it into their heads to go any deeper! She sighed in defeat. Well they're in there now, and there isn't much you can really do about it, so you might as well make the best of the situation. Her horn glowed, and her illusion self appeared in front of her. She walked to herself and went down her own throat. She landed in her own stomach and made her way to each of the children, giving them a gentle kiss on their foreheads before disappearing as her real self drifted off to sleep. She just hoped their parents wouldn't be too frightened about her now, especially after getting a good taste of Nate.