//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Subject to evolution // by Dramize the Salamander //------------------------------// Day 25 I took a deep breath and held it as I looked over the town called ponyville I went into my four legged form using my controlled and battle growth together making me look much more dragon like as I took flight my lings staying in the shadows of the forest as we in acted a idea Whisper had asked me to try this morning as I got high enough I let out my breath releasing a poison cloud over the unsuspecting ponies putting them in a panic as I roared signaling my lings to move in taking advantage of the fact the poison wouldn't effect them before I landed seeing how my gas was working. Buzzelga wouldn't let me knock them out or kill them since he wanted a fight so I decided on an interesting mix of a hallucinogen with a neurotoxin targeting the higher brain functions and a little aphrodisiac just for fun so I had a good laugh as the ponies tried to charge me only to get throne about with every move I made but as I started to have real fun I felt something hit my back I looked over to see Whisper and Cadaia holding a knocked out Trixie bound in webbing on my back. "Drasa We have Trixie and Buzzelga got Glyph lets go." Cadaia said giving me a thumbs up. "Ok hold on tight." I flapped my wings clearing the poison a bit as I took off for the hive and the rest of the lings retreated. After we got back and celebrated a job well done I called our resident ponies over to give them my blood so they would be immune to any toxin I might create for ponies later. After the transfusion I went to bed letting our three mare rest as well. Day 26 Trixie and Sky were shaking me awake asking if I could supervise a hunt they were going to have. Still half asleep I agreed forcing my body up to collect my gear as the two left to get ready. After a few minutes Buzzelga walked in yawning as he called out to me and told me that Velger and Cadaia would be out on a hunting trip and they wouldn't be back for days before he left to hunt with a group of strong looking lings following but not really caring what Buzzelga did I went to find Trixie and Sky. The two mares were waiting at the tunnel entrance but something seemed different about them the looks in their eyes seemed almost predatory and I could have sworn for a second that when sky said lets go I saw fangs but I didn't bring it up thinking I was just seeing things but as the hunt started I realized something had changed both mares were much faster and much more ruthless easily killing prey that eluded them before but what surprised me the most was when lunch rolled around and they asked to try some of the kills they made. I stood their confused as the mares started tearing their meal apart as I couldn't help but wonder if that what I look like when I eat. After a few more kill of random wildlife I remembered something I wanted to try. I let Sky and Trixie free hunt while I made a target out of some rocks and bones then I took a breath and tried to summon my flame and after the tenth try I created my first jet of white flames and after the thirtieth try I could breath it with consistency easily switching between my gas breath and flame breath. After I melted my target into slag I went to find Trixie and Sky noticing the area had become strangely quiet save for some quick shifting and movements through the trees and brush. I didn't feel like waiting for them so I use my thermal sensors to find the two mares who were passed out near a river they were running a high fever. I shifted to my four legged form and picked the two up place them on my back and quickly making my way back to the hive to figure out what to do next. When I got back I saw Nutrana was look after Light who was laying in a pool of cold water as she was crushing herbs I told her to make extra as I placed Trixie and Sky in with Light before I left knowing I wouldn't be much help. Day 27 As soon as I woke up I went to check up on our resident pony mares they were awake and eating a lot which was a good sign but their fevers hadn't gone down so they were still in the pool but I didn't have much time to worry about them when a ling ran in telling me that a unrecognized tunnel was found in the treasure room I got up to inspect the tunnel finding Buzzelga and Whisper when I got their. "This isn't one of our tunnels its too simple like what ever made it didn't care about its integrity at all." Buzzelga noted feeling around the opening. "Your right Buzzelga and these marks they tried and failed to match our tunnels so we know it's not another hive." Whisper said doing a quick analyses of the mystery tunnel. "Whisper tell Glyph to scout out this tunnel and map out where ever it leads and if anything gets in her way she knows what to do." I said after some though Before facing Buzzelga. "Buzzelga come with me were going to add a new chamber to the hive." A little later Buzzelga was following me as I used me thermal sensors to find the right spot to dig and after a while we found it the spot and started digging a new pool chamber which took most of the day and after that finished I gathered some of the unevolved lings in the hive and took them on a hunting trip to a lake I found deep in the forest we dove in and ate anything we could catch leaving me with a ton of fish and eels which I shared after getting my self a good meal. Acquired lateral line evolution