A Matter of Life and Death

by The Daughter of the Moon


"Tia, wake up!"

Young, ten year-old Princess Clementia opened one of her eyes to see her twin sister, Caeda, looking at her with an excited grin. She shook her head and closed her eyes again.

"Oh, come one, Tia! The comet's coming today! This is the only time we'll be able to see it for 1,000 years! Well, in Rainum's time, it's 1,000 years, but here it's--" Caeda shook her head. "Do you want to wait FOREVER to see the comet again when you're eleven?" Caeda complained.

Clementia pulled her blanket over her head.

"Ugh. I guess you left me with no choice."

Caeda pulled her sister's blanket off of her, only to see that Clementia was not there.

"Where did you go?!"

Clementia knocked on the wall, catching Caeda's attention, and giggled as she ran out of the room.

"Why you little--!" Clementia laughed as she chased her sister down the hall.

"Come on, Tia! It's going to pass any minute now!" Caeda said as she held her sister's hoof. "Can't you wait to go after the comet's passed? I'm sure it's nothing. Mom and dad have already set up the telescopes! And all of the Reapers are going to be watching, too!"

Clementia shook her head as she pulled her hoof away from her sister's. She went inside from the castle lawns and went down the hall. Clementia didn't know why, but for some reason, she felt like something bad has going to happen. After she went up and down the main hall, she was about to go back to the lawn when she saw flash of bright light. She followed it and ended in front of a door she had never seen before. She saw light shining from the cracks in the door.

Clementia didn't want to open the door; it seemed that this was the source of her worries. She was about to go back the castle lawns to watch the comet passing with her family when the door opened on its own and sucked her in.

Blue Fire sighed as he walked through a snowy trail in his hometown, Snowfall. Not much ever happened here, except maybe a few travelers that came here to stock up on supplies occasionally. Though, he liked it his way. No soldiers clamoring around in their armor around town. No lieutenants shouting orders to their legions at the top of their lungs. No fillies laying unconscious in the snow…

"Wait, what?"

Blue Fire ran over to see a young filly almost buried in the snow. He would have almost missed her if it weren't for her golden crown, floating above the filly's head. How peculiar. Blue Fire shook his head. He had seen a lot of crazy, magical things in the time that he was a royal guard. She was probably some fairy princess or something. He dug her out of the snow and put her onto his back, covering her with his cloak.

"Hello? Anyone there?" He called out. "Is anyone missing a filly?"

All Blue Fire could here was the wind whistling in the distance.

Uncertainly, Blue Fire carried her to his and his brother's cabin. He lay the filly down on top of the couch, in front of the warm fire. Blue Fire thought she was cold, but he couldn't see her shivering.

"Probably because she's unconscious or something." Blue Fire thought.

Blue Fire sat at the table, drinking hot chocolate. His brother, Red Flame, would be home in a few minutes. It was the same everyday. At eight in the morning, Red Flame would leave to go to work as a royal guard, leaving him to do whatever he pleased until he came home at eight at night. That's how it was every day. Same faces around snowfall, with everypony doing what they did every day. That's how Blue Fire's life had been for the past year, day in, day out. Week in, week out. Month in, month out. But this one, peculiar filly had mixed things up a little. Blue Fire wasn't sure how he felt about it, but--

"I'm home, brother!" Red Flame called out and he stepped into the cabin, making mini fireworks go off behind him.

"Of course you are." Blue Fire said unenthusiastically.

"Oh, come on, Blue! At least I had the courtesy of adding fireworks to my entrance this time!" Red Flame protested loudly.

"Be a little quieter, would you? I found a filly in the snow, and she's sleeping." Blue Fire said, looking at the filly.

"Ooh, did you now?" Red Flame replied. He tiptoed toward the sleeping filly and inspected her closely.

"Hey, where did you find her?" Red Flame asked.

"Like I said, I found her in the snow on one of my walks."

"I think Shining Spear is looking for one of her kind."

"Is she, now?"

"Yeah, she's looking for a Reaper. Says they've got gold rings floating above their heads, but finding one with a golden crown would be even better."

Blue Fire nearly choked on his hot chocolate.

"A R-reaper?!"

"Eeyup. In fact, I should call her right now!" Red Flame exclaimed enthusiastically as he prepared a spell to send flares up above their cabin.

"Wait, don't!" Blue Fire shouted as he tackled Red Flame, but it was too late. Red Flame had sent up two, bright flares above their house.

"Shoot!" Blue Fire whispered.

"What are you so worried about, brother?" Red Flame asked, confused.

"I thought you knew! When Shining finds a Reaper, she'll want to kill it! She's been looking for one for years, back to even when I was still a guard!"


Thinking fast, he teleported the filly into his room, just seconds before Shining Spear teleported to their front door.

"WHERE IS IT?!" Shining Spear yelled, slamming the door open.