//------------------------------// // On the Fringe // Story: Aliens & Rainbows // by Skyro503 //------------------------------// 1…2…3… An unexpected gust of apprehension… 4…5…6… A sudden shudder of regret… 7…8…9… A recollection of wasted chances … 10… A leap of faith… The icy night wind rushing past his face... For a few moments he felt alive… A sudden loss of control… A thunderous boom and an abrupt crash… *****Several Months Earlier***** On a somber moon lit night a lost soul wandered the streets. Unsure whether he had anything left to contribute to this world, or if he had ever made any in the first place. He had nowhere he needed to be, or anywhere he wanted to be. Maybe I need a change of scenery? He thought to himself. There’s nothing left for me here. He walked down the dimly lit street to an indiscriminate location. The crisp night wind gently blowing against him helped him feel a little sense of relief. Off in the distance a melodic tune of sirens played, breaking the would be peaceful night of its silence. Fed up with wandering aimlessly through the desolate city he decided to return to his own place of comfort. ********** He walked up to a familiar building. Taking out a key he placed it in the lock and proceeded into his sanctuary. His domain was cluttered with trash and unwashed dishes, which were indifferent to him. He sat down on his bed and turned on his lamp which flickered twice then faintly illuminated the room. With a sigh of disappointment he fell onto his cushion which expectedly caught him. A wave of disappointment soon followed. He wanted so badly to escape this world that had imprisoned him. Maybe someday I’ll escape it all… He wanted nothing more than to escape his problems, to run away from this bleak existence. He wanted to be someone else. With these thoughts he silently wept himself to sleep, forgetting, fatefully, that he left his faulty lamp on. As he drifted off into unconsciousness the last thing he noticed was the faint smell of charred wood. ********** He violently awoke to waves of furious heat blasting at him in all directions. He instinctively rolled off of his bed which was engulfed in flames, fiercely patting down the patches of flames that crept slowly on his body. Trying to stay close to the ground to avoid the smoke he made his way to the door. He stuck out his hand to turn the knob but was instantly singed. He winced at the pain but tried to remain focused. He got up to his feet and started to try to force the door out of his way by bashing on it vigorously. His attempts at escape were useless. He looked up and saw a blazing piece of debris fall onto him. Then darkness… ********** He woke from his peaceful slumber, finding himself in a vaguely foreign place. He found himself in a rather gloomily lit and small room. The place itself was empty, except for one thing, a strange door. The door was located in the middle of the room, not supported by anything, it gave an ominous glow that was dimly lighting the room. Not knowing what to do he walked up to observe the mysterious door. He inspected the door closely, noticing that indeed it was not propped against anything; nothing connected to its hinges, and he could clearly see around the door. What is this? He thought to himself. Am I dreaming…Am I dead? What is going on!? Is this purgatory?! Not knowing what else to do he decided to meet his fate, whatever it may be. He stuck out his hand to grab the knob on the door but he started to hear the faint screams of several people. Curious he pressed his ear against the door to listen more closely. He heard the faint shrieks of terror that were accompanied by the cackle of burning wood. Then, without warning, there was a loud bang from the other side of the door. Immediately after the bang the door swung open violently, thrusting him backwards against the wall of the dank room. Through the door stood giant flames, menacingly mocking him as they blast heat into his face. Then, once more without warning, a familiar force seemed to pull him into the door. He slid across the floor coming closer and closer to the searing hot flames that seemed to engulf the entire room. He slid through the door, which now looked more closely to a portal. As he fell through the portal he heard a loud bang from the sound of it shutting. He found himself passing through a cone of flames that seemed to engulf him entirely. The heat from the flames was unbearable; his clothes seemed to be burning off his body, as he watched his skin start to catch fire he heard the screams again, although they were drowned out by his own. He hadn’t stopped moving, a few seconds passed before he realized what was happening, he was falling. For what seemed like an eternity he endured the pain of the unending flames. “IS THIS HELL!” He shouted indiscriminately. “WHATEVER I’VE DONE I’M SORRY, I’LL CHANGE I PROMISE!” He screamed even louder as if trying to make a plea to God himself. But nothing happened, just endless falling, endless pain. He was screaming so loud in anguish that he hadn’t noticed the screams from before were getting louder. He started to see something at the end of the funnel of flames; it was bright, brighter than the blaze that was before him. The light was blinding. With the intensity of a thousand suns, it burned even more ferociously than the funnel itself. He realized that he was getting closer to it, and fast. In a panic he started to uselessly flail his arms, as if to impede his progress to the burning eternal. This, in fact, had the opposite effect he had somehow managed to accelerate his speed twenty fold. In combination with the fire, the accelerated velocity only increased his pain. He stopped screaming as he found it made him lose his breathe, precious air was scarce in the vortex of flames which seemed to suck it away from his lungs. As he drew closer and closer to the blinding light the flames became more and more intense, until he came so close to the light itself that it disappeared, and with it all of the flames. In its wake he found that he was suspended in the sky. He observed his surroundings and looked to the ground, which was now getting bigger and bigger with every second. He decided to stop thrashing, stop fighting, he found it useless, now accepting his brutal fate. Before making a thunderous crash to the ground, he remembered seeing a gorgeous rainbow trail on the horizon. Beautiful. He thought to himself, trying to find peace. ********** Beep… Beep… Beep… He woke violently yet again coughing profusely. His skin was burning; his lungs started gasping for air. A heart rate monitor that was strapped to his chest started to beep sporadically. His heart started pulsing violently accelerating the spread of adrenaline through his veins. His senses started to heighten, and with that so did the pain. But just as the pain became too unbearable he started to become disoriented. He started to scream uncontrollably in pain, which helped to alleviate at least just a little of it. He was starting to slip into unconsciousness when he noticed a white figure come into the room. Through his painful daze he noticed that there was something strange about it; it was rushing in on all fours! It had ran right up next to him and shouted some words that he couldn’t make out. He saw her inject something into him; soon an overwhelming sense of grogginess fell over him. He then slipped off into yet another dream, but this one was much more peaceful. ********** Will he be alright doctor? Foreign voices said worryingly inside his head. One was female with a raspy tone, and the other was a deep male voice. We aren’t sure as of yet, the burns were very severe, and he suffered a massive head injury. He will recover from the burns in time, but he may never wake up. One of the voices started crying. Is there anything that I can do? There was an eerie pause as the second voice tried to come up with something comforting to say. We don’t want to give you any false hope. The only thing you can do is wait, and pray to Celestia that he wakes up. ********** Beep… Beep… Beep… There’s the beeping again. He woke gently this time; calmly opening his eyes and surveying his surroundings. He noticed he was covered in bandages from head to toe, but something was off. He tried to move but the attempt was met with a wave of sharp pain throughout his body. I’m not going to try that again. He thought learning from his mistake. He still couldn’t shake the feeling something was off, he felt as though something were missing. He tried to move yet again, but not his entire body. He imagined the wiggling his fingers, but didn’t feel anything. What is this?!? Where are my fingers?!?! Shocked by this discovery his heart started to race. Beep…Beep…Beep… The tempo of the beeps started to pick up exponentially. His thoughts started to become a jumbled mess of questions, as he looked around trying to make sense of the situation. Where am I?!? Where are my fingers?!?! What is going on?!? An unsettling state of confusion and anxiety fell over him as a familiar figure entered the room yet again. It was still moving on all fours. “Calm down! Calm Down! It’s going to be ok, you’re in a hospital.” The four legged creature said in a soothing tone. “MmmMmm!” He mumbled trying to speak under his bandages. The creature was unsettling to him. But upon further inspection he notice that it was something he had seen before. Is that a pony?!?! What the hell is going on?!?! “I’m going to take off the bandages on your mouth and ask you a few questions, do you understand?” The white pony asked. He nodded to the proposition, hoping that he could get some answers. The pony took a nearby pair of scissors and carefully but surely cut away the bandages covering his mouth. “Alright, like I said I need you to answer a few questions. Are you able to speak?” “Y-yes” he said in a shaky voice. He took a closer examination of the pony; he looked to her flank and noticed a red cross on it. “Good, now I’m going to take these questions slow.” She paused, “Do you know where you are?” He took a moment to ponder the question that was put in front of him. He didn’t quite know where he was. “I don’t know…” “That’s understandable if you don’t, you were unconscious when we brought you in. You’re in Ponyville’s local hospital, Urgent Medical.” She paused for another moment while she scrawled something down on her clipboard. “Do you know why you’re here?” “Not quite…wait did you just say Pony Ville?” he said thinking he was losing his mind. “Yes, our hospital was the closest one to your accident, and you’ve been too unstable to move since you’ve gotten here.” She walked around to the other side of the bed. “I have one last question for you. Can you tell me what your names is?” Her last question didn’t register; he was still trying to figure out where he was, and what had happened. The last thing he could remember before waking up here was getting struck in the head by something, but what? “Did you hear me? I asked you a question; do you know what your name is?” He unknowingly ignored her, still hung up on the questions he was asking himself. He couldn’t shake the fact that he was in a hospital for ponies. Is this a dream? He thought to himself. What is going on here? Am I dead? And with that thought he started to struggle uncontrollably, violently kicking as he tried to get out of his restraints. I can’t be dead can I? The pain of forgotten burns soon erupted throughout his body yet again. But just as he was able to shake himself loose from his restraints he saw the nurse inject something into him yet again. Before he was pulled back into unconsciousness he muttered to himself, “What’s going on?” ********** I was just out for a second! What happened! A familiar female voice said in his mind again. He regained consciousness, and we were able to ask him a few questions. But we were only able to get a few answers from him, he seemed incoherent. What does it mean?! Will he be okay?! It’s too soon to say but we think he may have amnesia, and if it is, we don’t know how severe it is. We weren’t able to get a lot of information out of him before he started to panic, and we had to put him back under. He started to hear crying. But it wasn’t him that was crying. The tears being shed were that of the female voice in his head. This never would have happened if I was the one there, instead of him! The female voice tried to say between sobs. You can’t blame yourself for what happened, what’s done is done. Right now you need to go home and collect your thoughts; we’ll call you if anything else comes up. There was a long pause, and then the male voice started to say- It wasn’t your fault; you shouldn’t beat yourself up for something you didn’t do. The male voice sighed. Don’t worry; he’ll pull through Rainbow Dash. He’s a fighter. ********** “Please… wake up…” said the worried young voice from his dreams. He opened his eyes slowly. As they adjusted to the light he noticed a cyan shape sitting next to him, softly weeping to herself. He could feel the tenderness in her heart. “Why are you crying?” He said trying to figure out what was wrong with her. She slowly looked up at him revealing that she too was a pony. She was different though, she had a beautiful cyan coat, gentle rose red eyes that were still wet from soft mourning, a set of powerful yet lean wings that matched the shade of blue as the rest of her coat, and an astonishing rainbow colored mane that softly glistened in the morning sunlight. “You’re awake!” The Cyan Pegasus screamed in joy. Before he could reply the cyan Pegasus shot up both forelegs and took him into her warm embrace. He prepared himself for the wave of pain that was sure to follow, but nothing came. He noticed that all the burns from before were gone. How long was I out? “I thought you would never wake up, Blaze.” she whispered softly into his ear. Blaze… Had processed it for a moment, who is Blaze? He knew it wasn’t his name, but couldn’t remember his own. “Who is Blaze?” All the happiness that was left in the Cyan Pegasus was quickly drained from her with the utterance of those words. She broke out into another fit of crying. “You! You’re Blaze! Can’t you remember who you are?! Can you even remember anything?” she said knowing what the answer was. Blaze couldn’t remember much of anything other than waking up in an inferno and uselessly trying escape. He looked down over his bed. He was covered in blankets this time, not bandages. He pulled off the covers to reveal an unsettling surprise. He too was a pony, but not just any pony, he was a Pegasus. His coat was golden orange, and his mane was colored in two different shades of red. His seemingly newly acquired set of wings were strong, as though they were trained to be in top physical shape. “What’s going on here? Why am I a pony?!” Blaze shouted nervously. The Cyan Pegasus stopped crying and looked at him with confusion. “You’ve always been a pony, Blaze.” The Cyan Pegasus said slowly backing away from the delirious Blaze. “NO, I’ve always been a human!” Blaze said starting to hyperventilate. The world seemed to come down all around him. He started to sweat profusely. Blaze got up from his bed, no longer being held down by restraints, and ran outside of the room leaving a confused Cyan Pegasus alone to ponder the events that just played out. This can’t be happening right now! This isn’t real! Blaze thought to himself trying to deny this new reality that he found himself in. He couldn’t control his breathing, or his newly acquired wings, and had no idea where he was going. He exited the hospital hastily and ventured off into the bustling streets of Ponyville. Blaze stumbled around the crowded streets, bumping into fellow ponies. He ran across what seemed to be a playground, filled with little colts and fillies. Everyone and everything was giving him a weird look, especially a certain lavender pony accompanied by a purple reptilian. Blaze wandered into an alleyway to try to clear his cluttered thoughts. His wings were still flapping heavily as if they were trying to lift him away. Have I gone mad?!? Am I truly a pony?! Blaze tried to piece together all that had happened. As he went deep into thought about all of these events he didn’t notice 2 figures trot up to him in the alleyway. “There he is, that’s Blaze!” said the Cyan Pegasus from earlier. Before Blaze could respond to the assailants a colorful flash of light appeared, and something seemed to strike him across the head. He lost consciousness.