//------------------------------// // Taking care of Flutterbaby // Story: Pony Meets Brony 2: Roles Reversed // by Dark Nightshade //------------------------------// Me and Flutterbaby (Pinkie thought of that before she left) were on the couch when Pinkie got there. "Ok, I have everything you need to take care of a baby. I will also be coming to check if you're doing ok every hour and a half," Pinkie said. "Ok, that sounds good," I said. Pinkie paused. "Do you know how to take care of a baby?" she asked. "Yes," I said. "Ok, good. I'm sorry, but I have to go help out with Mr. and Mrs. Cake. Are you ok with that?" Pinkie asked. I nodded. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Flutterbaby can't be that bad," I said. As if on cue, she started crying. "I'm going to let you take care of that. Bye!" Pinkie said as she vanished. How did she do that? Never mind, I need to take care of this, I thought as I picked Flutterbaby up and started gentle rocking her. Ok, she either needs food or a diaper change. I hesitantly sniffed the air near her butt, and thankfully, there was no bad smell. Ok, food it is. I picked up the baby bottle and managed to get the plastic nipple into her mouth. After that, she grabbed it and started sucking. Aw, she's cute as a baby, I thought, smiling. She finished the bottle, and let out a small burp. She started yawning. Then I yawned. "Dang it, looks like yawning is infectious," I mumbled as Flutterbaby started falling asleep. Actually, I could use some sleep. I lied down on the couch with Flutterbaby on my chest and fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of squealing. I couldn't feel Flutterbaby moving, so it wasn't her. I opened my eyes and looked to where it came from. "Rarity, what are you doing here?" I groaned. "I was asleep!" Rarity took out a phone. "Stay right there!" she said, and took a picture. "So, what are you doing?" I asked. "Pinkie told me to come and check on you and Flutterbaby. I thought she was kidding when she said Fluttershy had got turned into a baby. She's so cute! Especially in that position!" she squealed. I looked at my chest and saw her curled up, drooling. "Ok, that's pretty cute. So, what are you going to do with that picture?" I asked. Rarity shrugged. "I'm probably going to show this to the others. I'm definitely going to show this to Fluttershy when she returns to normal. Partly to show her how you were taking care of her, and partly because it's just too cute!" Rarity said, and put her phone back into her pocket. "Can I hold her?" "When she wakes up. I don't want to disturb her," I said. "Ok, good point," Rarity pouted. She took her phone out of her pocket and (I think) started texting. After a few minutes, Flutterbaby woke up and started gurgling. I stood up and handed her to Rarity, who started playing with her. "Hey, you don't mind if the other girls come over, do you?" Rarity asked. "No. Why?" I asked. "Because I told them that there was something over here that they had to see," Rarity said, blushing a bit. "Oh, ok. Let me guess, Flutterbaby?" I asked. Rarity nodded as someone began to knock on the door. I opened the door to see the rest of the girls (except for Pinkie). "Hey Dylan. Can we come in? Applejack asked. "Yeah, of course. Did Rarity tell you why she wanted to come here?" I asked. "No, she just said that there was something we just had to see," Rainbow Dash said. There was some gurgling from the living room. "What was that?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "Fluttershy," I said. She raised an eyebrow. "That was Fluttershy? That sounded like a baby!" Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah, this is going to be hard to explain, so instead I'll show you!" I said, leading the girls to the living room, where Rarity was making airplane noises and her hand to entertain Flutterbaby. "So, where's Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked. Rarity picked Flutterbaby up. "This is her," she said. "What?" Rainbow Dash asked, confused. Flutterbaby cooed and stuck her arms out at Rainbow Dash. "Yeah, she got turned into a baby because of an accident in Twilights lab. If only Pinkie were still that smart," I said. "Wait, so this is actually Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked. I nodded. "Aww, she's mighty cute!" Applejack said. Rarity took her phone out of her pocket. "Hang on a second, I have the most adorable photo of her and Dylan," she said, and showed Applejack the screen. Applejack started giggling, and the other girls got closer so they could see it. "Is that drool on your chest?" Rainbow Dash asked. I blushed. "Yes," I said. "So, is this permanent?" Applejack asked. I shock my head. "I don't think so. And if it's not, I remember the potion that made Pinkie smart," I said, thinking about the refrigerator in Twilights hidden laboratory. "Potion?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yeah, me and Pinkie found a refrigerator in a hidden laboratory under Twilight's house. You have some weird potions down there," I said, turning to Twilight. Twilight frowned. "You actually tried them?" she asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I originally thought it was lemonade," I said. "Ok, what does that one do?" she asked. "I don't know the full effects." "It gender swapped me," I said. Twilight nodded. "And one made Pinkie smart?" she asked. I nodded. "Anyway, it might wear off, but if it doesn't, then Pinkie can take that and get smart," I said. There was a popping sound behind me. "Hello! What's happening?" Pinkie said. I turned around. "How did you do that? You know what, never mind. We were just talking about how if the Flutterbaby potion doesn't wear off, you can take that smart potion and get smart and change her back," I said. "Oh, yeah, definitely," Pinkie said. Flutterbaby yawned, causing me to yawn and the other girls to yawn. "Dang it! Why is your sleep contagious?" I wondered aloud. Flutterbaby giggled and yawned again. Pinkie started swaying. "Well, I should probably get her to sleep," I said. "Who? Flutterbaby or Pinkie?" Rarity asked. "Flutterbaby. Pinkie can go to sleep on her own," I said lying down on the couch, putting Flutterbaby on my chest, who started to curl up, sucking her thumb. "Why are you lying down? You're not falling to sleep to are you?" Applejack asked. "No. Flutterbaby slept so well like this last time, I thought she might again, and it looks like it's working," I said, pointing to an already asleep Flutterbaby. Rainbow Dash yawned. "Wow, her sleeping really is contagious," she said. I yawned. "Yeah. Some sleep doesn't sound too bad right now," I yawned. Pinkie collapsed onto Twilight and started snoring. Twilight squeaked, and tried to push her the other way, but Pinkie proved to be too heavy for her, and they fell to the ground. "She's to heavy!" Twilight said, as everyone else started giggling. "Why don't we all just go to sleep?" Rarity suggested. "That was fast," Applejack said. "Eh, I've got no problem with that," Rainbow Dash said, yawning. "Sure, I have nothing else to do," Twilight said, closing her eyes. Everyone else ended up agreeing, and after a while, I was the only one still awake. "Well, might as well get some sleep. Who knows, Rainbow Dash may want a rematch for swimming?" I muttered as I closed my eyes. I began to wake up, feeling some kind of weight on my chest, as if someone was laying on me. Both my hands were touching flesh that hadn't been there before, so it was possible. There was some giggling and whispering coming from the other girls, so I opened my eyes, and looked at what was on my chest. "Wow, looks like the potion does wear off," I said. Flutterbaby was no longer a baby. She was back to her old self, except for one problem. "Where are her clothes?" I asked, blushing, trying not to stare at her body and getting a boner, which was partially unsuccessful, mostly due to the fact that I could feel her bare boobs on my chest. "She didn't get them when she returned to normal," Pinkie giggled. "Dylan, you are perhaps the first boy to try not to see the natural body of a girl," Rarity said. "Congratulations." "Please get her off, it's actually pretty hard," I said. Pinkie giggled "Well, of course it is! I don't think you're that good at controlling your hormones!" Pinkie said. Rarity gasped. "Pinkie! How dare you!" she said, walking her head. "That's not actually what I was originally talking about, but it is true. Sorry Rarity," I said. Rarity gasped. "Ok, ew, I did not need to know that. At least your better then most boys," she said. "Just get her off. I don't like thinking about her like this!" I said. Fluttershy started to move a bit, and then yawned. After a few seconds, she stopped. And then screamed. She turned over and fell of the couch. When she swath others, she screamed and managed to run upstairs. "Ok, that was unexpected," I said. "Rarity, I'm going to need your help talking to Fluttershy. You guys stay down here." We both started climbing the stairs. “Fluttershy?” I called nervously. A few seconds passed. “Yes?” she called out, sounding freaked out. “Fluttershy, can you let us in?” Rarity asked. There was some movement, and then the door opened, revealing Fluttershy, dressed in only a long shirt. We entered, and Rarity started talking fast. “Fluttershy, don’t worry, you weren’t like that for very long, and the only reason why anyone else was awake was because of Pinkie. Dylan was actually very mature about you being naked, and took very good care of you when you were a baby,” she said. Fluttershy looked confused. “I was...a baby? So that's why I don't remember anything after that vial broke!" Fluttershy said, sounding relieved. "Oh yes, I have the most adorable picture of you and Dylan!" Rarity said, taking her phone out and started tapping. After a few seconds, she turned the phone around so Fluttershy could see. "Wow, that is pretty cute," she said. "Looks like you did take good care of me!" She turned to me and started blushing even more. "So, what exactly did you see?" she asked nervously. "Only partially your butt, and even then I was trying not to look," I said, stressing to blush. Fluttershy looked relieved. "Wow, Rarity was right, you were mature about it," she said. She started arching her back, trying to stretch, and we heard a few cracking sounds. "Oh god!" I muttered. There was a knock at the door, and we all turned to look at it. Pinkie waved and stepped into the room. "Hey, is everything ok?" she asked. Fluttershy nodded. "Ok, good. We're going to be having a prank war if any of you wanted in," Pinkie said. "It's not in here, is it?" Fluttershy asked, the worry clear on her face. Pinkie shock her head. "No, of course not! Unless someone pranks you inside here, but other then that, no!" Pinkie said. "Sure, I'll join, I guess. I've never been in a prank war before," I said. Pinkie grinned evilly. "How about you, Rarity?" she asked. "Sure, as long as I can team up with Dylan!" Rarity said. Pinkie shrugged. "Sure, you can have an alliance with Dylan. More people to prank!" Pinkie giggled maniacally and disappeared. "I slightly regret joining this now," I said.