Symphony of the Heart

by ArreClonClipo

Outward Bound

In the Mysterious Tower, in its topmost floor, in the study of the great wizard Yen Sid, Sora and Kairi stood next to one another. Yen Sid had personally asked to speak with them. Not something out of the ordinary, but every time before, whenever the master wizard wanted a word with Sora, the young man was usually flanked by his good friends Donald, Goofy and recently, his wayward friend Riku. This time, however, Yen Sid asked for his and Kairi's presence alone. In private.
From the corner of his eye, Sora could see Kairi shifting her weight uneasily. Yen Sid's face, which seemed permanently set on a stern scowl and his piercing eyes often made her think she was in trouble, or did something to earn the wizard's ire. Of course, this was not the case, as Sora had previously reassured his friend. He had known Yen Sid longer than her and knew for a fact the aged master employed such a stare with most everyone who crossed his path.
Even so, he would be lying if he said he didn't share Kairi's sentiment, if only a little bit. What could the reason be for Yen Sid to talk to Kairi and him alone?
"Thank you for coming," Yen Sid acknowledged them, his voice grave, his speech slow, but no more so than usual. "I'm sure you are wondering why I asked to speak to the two of you alone." He stood from behind his desk. Its wooden frame looked older than Yen Sid himself. Sora mused the old wizard used some sort of preserving charm to keep it from buckling under its age and weight.
Kairi and Sora watched with rapt interest as Yen Sid moved to stand in front of them, and their postures unconsciously stiffened.
"Kairi," Yen Sid began, directing his stare at her, and Kairi had the fleeting urge to salute to attention.
"Y-yes, master?" The girl stammered involuntarily. Yen Sid must have sensed her uneasiness, for his countenance very gradually softened.
"Your friends have told me you wish to be included in their adventures, do you not?"
Kairi glanced at Sora, half-pouting in disapproval. He returned an uneasy smile. She looked back at Yen Sid, who waited patiently. "Yes, I do."
Yen Sid hummed and stroked his long beard. "Understandable." The old master was lost in thought for the span of several seconds, mulling over whatever wizards of his caliber did before focusing again on the two teenagers. "Kairi, I assume Sora and Riku have already advised you against this? Going from world to world, fighting the Heartless and those who control them is not a life suited for everyone."
Kairi couldn't help but sulk a bit. She'd heard this already from Sora and Riku. "With all due respect, master Yen Sid, I know the risks involved. I've already been caught up in them and despite what everyone else may think," she said and spared a brief, stern look at Sora. "I can learn to take care of myself. The Keyblade chose me, after all."
Yen Sid smiled. "Yes, it did certainly did. But conviction alone is not enough. If you are indeed to go with your friends on their next adventure, it is essential for you to learn to use the Keyblade."
Sora, who at this point had been looking on with interest, decided to speak up. "W-wait, wait, master," he said hastily, holding his hands up. "What are you saying? The Heartless, the Nobodies, the Organization and now this Xehanort, not to mention Pete and Maleficent are still out there..."
Yen Sid considered this for a moment. "Yes, it's true. Since the start of your adventure, the dangers and the enemies of the keybearers seem to have increased in strength and number. But what you must realize, Sora, is that Xehanort, in his attempt to recreate the X-blade, will likely go after Kairi and the other Princesses of Heart. From them, he hopes to use their light to craft the X-blade anew and bring his plans to completion. Despite your good intentions, it would be unwise for Kairi to stay behind. If you want her to remain safe... or as safe as she can be, it is necessary that she learns to utilize the Keyblade to its full potential. That is why I wanted to speak with the two of you. Sora," Yen Sid said, as serious as the teen had ever seen him. "You will oversee Kairi's training with the Keyblade. After all, who better to learn than from you?"
Yen Sid's words halted Sora, who had been gearing up to protest further. "Me? But master..." He avoided their eyes and unconsciously brought a hand to scratch the back of his head. "Why me? Wouldn't Riku be a better choice? H-he passed the Mark of Mastery exam and I..." He trailed off awkwardly. The Mark of Mastery exam, those who successfully passed it could finally prove themselves to be official masters of the Keyblade. Sora had come close, so close but in the end, success eluded him and despite constant reassurance from his friends and King Mickey himself, his failure still dwelled in the back of his mind.
"True, you did not pass the Mark of Mastery exam." Yen Sid was nothing if not direct. "But be that as it may, it does not change the fact you are a fine warrior and a worthy wielder of the Keyblade—something you have proved many times over." He smiled again as Sora looked at him in surprise. "While it is true Riku passed the exam and he is a warrior in service to the light, his powers are steeped in darkness, and despite his skill, he would be an inadequate teacher for Kairi. As one of the seven Princesses of Heart, her heart is pure and completely devoid of the Darkness Riku employs. You, however, are well versed in using the light as an ally in combat, and so it falls to you to ensure Kairi can learn to harness the power within her."
"Hah! See, Sora, even master Yen Sid thinks it's a good idea."
"But, Kairi..."
"Sora, please," Kairi said. "The Keyblade chose me, just like you, and Riku too. What happens if the Heartless or the Organization show up when you're not here? Do you want them to take me?"
"Of course not!"
"Good, because I'm getting a little tired of always having to be rescued," she said with a little smile.
In spite of himself, Sora couldn't help but chuckle. "Come on, Kairi. That's only happened like two times."
"Still, two times too many. And look at it this way, if I can go with you guys, I won't have to stay behind every time you set off on an adventure. Or don't you want me around anymore?"
"Of course I do, Kairi."
"Then let me help. It would be nice to be included every once in a while. I can be a valuable member of the team, I know it."
"Well... I guess we'll need all the help we can get," Sora admitted grudgingly.
"So that's a yes?" Kairi asked eagerly, leaning forward, her fingers steepled and smiling hopefully.
"Uhh..." He looked to Yen Sid for help. The old master arched an eyebrow, not saying a word. "Yes," he admitted in defeat, shoulders slumping.
Kairi squealed in delight and embraced her friend in a full body hug. "Ooh, you don't know how happy I am to hear you say that."
Sora smiled ruefully. He'd be lying if he said he was completely onboard with this course of action. Still, Kairi had a point. She was one of his best and oldest friends and yet, despite wanting her to remain safe and away from the Heartless, the Nobodies and any of his, admittedly, many enemies, he couldn't deny he'd miss her should she stay behind and whatever reservations he may have had, he did enjoy seeing her so... happy.
"So it is decided," Yen Sid said. "Kairi, you shall accompany Sora to another world. In it, your training as a wielder of the Keyblade will begin. This is not an undertaking to take lightly. A warrior of the light must be committed to his or her course and treat it with the gravity it deserves."
Kairi released her vise-like hold on Sora and brought her full attention to Yen Sid. "I promise, master Yen Sid, I will do what I have to to become stronger," she said seriously.
Yen Sid gave an approving nod. "Sora, your friend has chosen her path. But the task of guiding her along this venture falls to you. Should your mind and your heart be anything but fully committed to the task at hand, Kairi will fail."
"I won't let that happen, master," he said immediately. He glanced briefly at Kairi, who smiled gratefully. "I'll make sure Kairi can hold up her own against the Heartless, the Nobodies, and whatever else we'll find waiting for us."
"Good," Yen Sid said, stroking his beard. "Time is of the essence, young warriors. If Kairi is to succeed in becoming an accomplished wielder of the Keyblade, her training must start immediately." Turning his attention to a spot on the floor in front of them all, Yen Sid waved his hand and with a flash of light, a round globe appeared. No, it wasn't a globe. It was a world, or at least, an illusion of one.
"Now Sora, your victories against the Heartless and the Nobodies have restored balance to the worlds. If you'll remember, back when you first started your journey, the worlds were separated from each other by invisible barriers. Normally, it would be impossible to travel from one world to another, but the Heartless weakened these barriers and were able to slip through the dark corridors between worlds."
"Yeah," Sora said, nodding slowly. "But since we defeated Ansem—I mean... well, you know," Yen Sid nodded in understanding. "The barriers separating the worlds have been restored, haven't they?"
"You are correct. But remember that the Heartless are born of the darkness in people's hearts."
"And there is darkness in every heart," Sora finished.
Yen Sid smiled, pleased that the often absentminded teen had paid attention. "And while your efforts have prevented the Heartless from from spreading from one world to another, they are a threat that can not be fully vanquished. So long as a flicker of darkness lingers on the heart of one of the world's inhabitants, the Heartless will eventually rise and attempt to devour as many hearts as they can."
"And the heart of the world too, right?" Sora asked grimly.
"Yes. This world I have selected will be a suitable one for Kairi to begin her journey. Until very recently, it has remained untouched by the Heartless. Its very heart is still vulnerable to their power. They will be searching for the keyhole, and through it, seek to consume the heart of the world. You must find the keyhole and seal it before the Heartless reach it, or else the world will be lost to them."
This was all Sora needed to hear. He remembered all too well what happened that night, when the Heartless first came to his island—when they consumed the heart of his world. He would not wish that fate on anyone. "You can count on me, master Yen Sid," Sora said, fully energized in the span of a second. His blood pumped, eager at the prospect to strike another blow against the Heartless and keep an innocent world from falling to their claws.
"And me too," Kairi said, more controlled than Sora, but her eyes belying a fiery determination. This was her chance—the opportunity to strike back at her tormentors. As one of the Princesses of Heart, the Heartless had an annoying ability to sense the light within her and on more than one occasion had shown up to try and take her heart for their own. And much to her frustration, she always had to rely on her friends protecting her whenever this occurred. It would be a saving grace for her, not to mention it would hopefully take some of the burden off her friends' shoulders that she be able to hold her own against the Heartless.
"Very well. Then you should leave as soon as you can. Take the time to inform your friends, if you wish and prepare accordingly." Yen Sid's gaze settled on Kairi. "Now, if you are to undertake this journey, you'll need appropriate clothes."
Kairi blinked in surprise. Never, for a million years would she imagine Yen Sid would be preoccupied with fashion. "What's wrong with my clothes?" She asked uncertainly, looking herself over. She rather liked her strapless mini-dress, with a black belt loop around her waist. A white top underneath protected her modesty.
Yen Sid frowned. No doubt the thought of commenting on the piece of clothing crossed his mind. "Like Sora, you will need special garments—infused with magical properties. They will surely prove useful on your journey." He directed their attention to one of the doors in his study. "Through there you'll find Flora, Fauna and Merryweather. Three good fairies who will be more than happy to craft your clothes."
Sora snickered.
"What's so funny?" Asked Kairi, looking at her friend in puzzlement.
Sora adopted a wide, toothy grin, hands clasped behind his head. "Oh, nothing. You should probably go. Don't want to keep them waiting."
Kairi looked to Yen Sid. The wizard nodded, stretching an arm, signaling to go ahead. Kairi did so, and as she passed him, she could have sworn a momentary flicker of amusement crossed the old wizard's eyes.


"Gawrsh, Sora. This sounds like a really important job."
"Aw, how hard could it be?" Donald asked. " All they'll be doing is knocking around Heartless."
Goofy chuckled. "That's true. And we can do that in our sleep."
"Hmm. Maaaybe," Sora mused. The spiky haired teen leaned back on the Mysterious Tower's outer walls, arms crossed and an unusually introspective look on his face. "I guess if we can be done quick, the sooner we can get to the front lines. I only wonder if Kairi's up to it."
"Of course she is," Riku said dismissively, lying down on the soft grass on the small, knolly plain where the tower stood. "Did you already forget? She was handy with that Keyblade on the Organization's world. You shouldn't underestimate her, Sora," he added almost as an afterthought.
"It's not that," he said hastily. "It's just that after everything that's happened, maybe it's not a good idea for Kairi to be exposed to any more danger than she needs to."
"Aw, phooey," Donald said. "Stop worrying so much. If master Yen Sid says she needs to learn to use the Keyblade, then show her how."
"Yeah," Goofy agreed. "Besides, it would be good to have all the help we can get once Xio... Zea..."
"Xehanort!" Donald quacked impatiently.
"Once Xehanort decides to show up," Goofy finished triumphantly.
"Yeah. Yeah..." Sora muttered, his mind clearly elsewhere. "But... do you think she'll be any good with a Keyblade?"
Riku snorted. "Come on. If a loser like you can manage to swing it around this long without being taken by the Heartless, Kairi will pick it up quick." He looked to Sora, a smirk on his face, but it fell as soon as he registered the hurt flash in his eyes. "H-hey, come on," Riku said, rising to his feet in a hasty attempt to salvage the situation. "I didn't mean it like that, Sora I just..." He trailed off lamely. He and Sora engaged in so much good natured ribbing that they both knew better than to take the other seriously.
"Yeah, I know," Sora replied, ducking his head, not meeting Riku's eyes.
"Don't be like that. You know I wouldn't have anyone else but you have my back in a fight."
"Yeah, that goes double for us!" where not a second before Sora was facing Riku, Donald had jumped across the older teen's back, causing him to double over with a strangled grunt as the duck's weight settled on his shoulders.
"A-hyuck, you said it, Donald," Goofy said, cheerfully agreeing. "Although... I sure wouldn't mind having the king with me on a fight."
"Or master Yen Sid," Donald added thoughtfully.
"And Leon, too."
"Don't forget Cloud."
"All right, guys, he gets it," Riku cut in, shaking off Donald from his back. “I guess what we’re all trying to say is you shouldn't worry too much about passing some obscure exam. As far as I'm concerned, one Sora is worth ten Keybearers,” the silver haired teen said boastfully. Donald and Goofy voiced their agreement.
Sora chuckled, appreciative of what his friends were trying to do. “You know, you guys are right. I shouldn't let this get me down. I may not have passed the Mark of Mastery exam on my first try, so I'll just have to get better enough to pass.”
“And that's the Sora we all know and, uh, like, I guess,” Riku said with a smile. Donald and Goofy snickered.
The doors to the tower opened, drawing their attention. Down the steps marched Kairi, who made a beeline for Sora.
“Ow!” Sora exclaimed as Kairi flicked him on the nose.
“Very funny, Sora,” she said disapprovingly.
“So I guess you met the fairies, huh? Nice duds,” he complimented with a wide smile.
Kairi sighed, smiling in spite of herself. “Thanks. Do you like them?” She asked and half turned, inspecting her new outfit with a critical eye. Where the clothes Flora, Fauna and Merryweather had made for Sora came almost all in black, Kairi’s were on the other end of the spectrum.
On her top, a white corset adorned with crescent markings, some more prominent than the others and in shades of aquamarine blue and a soft pink. Her black belt loop remained, but with two new additions. Strapped to it were two star shaped pendants in the form of a Paopu fruit and her Thalassa shell charm. Form fitting, lavender-colored shorts that stopped mid-thigh completed the outfit, along with her new knee-high shoes—themselves white, studded with silver clasps.
Sora cupped his chin, adopting a searching frown and making a show of inspecting Kairi's outfit. “Yep. It'll do,” he said at last, causing Kairi to giggle.
“So what do you guys think?” She asked Riku, Donald and Goofy, who voiced various approvals.
“Well, at least you look the part of a Keybearer. Now we just have to make you one,” Sora said.
“Sora already gave us the news,” Riku said, answering Kairi's unasked question. “Your first adventure as the wielder of the Keyblade, huh? Yeah, I remember my first time,” he said fondly.
“You mean when you were one of Maleficent’s flunkies?” Sora asked with a smirk.
“Temporary flunkie,” Riku said, waving a hand dismissively. “I came around eventually, didn't I?”
“Only after Sora beat some sense into you,” Kairi added mildly.
“Oh, Kairi, that reminds me,” Riku said abruptly. “You and Sor are gonna be by yourselves, right? Do you know some defensive magic, at least?”
Kairi smiled. “Well, actually…” the newest Keybearer raised her hand to the moonlit sky, four pairs of eyes followed. A second later, from Kairi's palm shot out a luminescent sphere of white light, enveloped in a translucent, bubble like coating.
Donald and Goofy wowed in amazement and Riku’s eyebrows tilted in approval. Sora whistled in appreciation. He'd seen this before—a magic that so far only King Mickey and his queen employed against the Heartless. Lowering her hand, Kairi's conjured Pearl followed a path, weaving around the gathered friends in an attempt to seek out an enemy. It eventually dissipated after several seconds.
“Not bad, not bad at all,” Riku complimented while Donald and Goofy clapped. “When did you learn this?”
“Remember when we stayed a few days in Disney Castle? Queen Minnie showed me, though hers is twice as big and strong than mine. She also taught me a few meditative exercises. She said they would help me connect with my inner light.”
“Oh, yeah, she told me something similar," Sora mused. "It's supposed to help you harness your power, right?"
"That's right. When did she tell you this?" Kairi asked.
"Back when we visited Disney Castle for the first time. I think I told you about it, didn't I? Maleficent tried to take over the castle. Donald and Goofy went off to warn everyone about the Heartless and I had to escort the queen to the throne room. You wouldn't know it by looking at her, but she can cast some pretty strong magic," Sora said, remembering how, despite not exactly being adept in combat, Minnie's spells helped turn the tide against the swarms of Heartless that bore down on the two of them. "But yeah, she taught me the same thing."
"That's the queen alright," Goofy said. "And she learned that from the king, and he learned it from Yen Sid."
"Wow," Kairi said softly. "And... do you think I'll be able to do this too?"
Goofy nodded immediately. "I'm sure of it. The queen must have thought you have what it takes."
"But remember," Donald warned. "Your magic is only as good as the time and effort you put into it. You must practice daily if you want to get as good as the queen."
Kairi chuckled ruefully and rubbed the back of her head."Heh. And here I thought you guys made it look easy."
"Oh, it's easy now," Riku said. "But that's because we've had years to refine our spells."
"That's right," Sora said. "I remember I had a hard time way back when Donald tried teaching me my first spell."
"You can say that again," the duck said sullenly. "I might have been trying to teach a rock, for all the time it took."
"Point is, as I got better at it, the easier it became. It's the same with fighting the Heartless. The beginning's always the hard part. Still, let's take it one step at a time. Yen Sid said we need to prepare to leave as soon as possible.”
“Ooh, are we using the Gummy ship?” Kairi asked hopefully.
Sora nodded. “Yep. And I should go and start getting it ready for liftoff.” He promptly turned and took two steps before doubling back. “Oh, I almost forgot. Get what you'll need, but pack lightly. I'll meet you at the ship in twenty.” He promptly ran off without another word.
“Same old Sora,” mused Kairi. “Never settles down.”
“This is really happening then?” Riku said quietly. “Who would have thought our little Kairi would get her own Keyblade one day? So much for heading off on a raft…”
“Well, you always said you wanted to visit new places,” Kairi said. “You got your wish, didn't you?”
Riku smiled. “And then some.” He regarded Kairi thoughtfully before asking, “Are you sure you're up for this?”
“Why wouldn't I be? You guys did pretty good for yourselves.”
“True,” he said slowly. He and Sora had come a long way since their days of playing around on an island. They'd bore witness to many wondrous and amazing spectacles that they never would have been able to see in their home. Their friendship, through all the trials and tribulations it endured, was now stronger than ever and they’d forged many new ones that would last a lifetime.
But still, their adventures were not without their dangers. In a valiant effort to rescue Kairi, Sora willingly gave up his heart and in turn became a Heartless. Had it not been for Kairi's timely intervention and pulled him back from the dark abyss he fell into, Sora would not be here with them right now. And the Organization manipulated his memories in an attempt to take control of Sora's power. His memories fragmented, Sora had to be put to sleep for two years while his memories were repaired and even then, the Organization did not leave well enough alone and Sora came close to never waking again.
And Riku himself was possessed by ‘Ansem’, almost losing his body to the vile Heartless and when he and Sora closed the door to Kingdom Hearts, Riku stayed behind in the Realm of Darkness. These were but a fraction of the many instances where both friends’ lives were put in danger. Truth be told, Riku was amazed he and Sora managed to get through all this alive and whole.
And Kairi now wanted to be included in their adventures. Riku couldn't deny the idea worried him. Then again, he and Sora were particularly protective of Kairi. He'd know her for half his life, and along with Sora, she was one of his best friends. He's daresay he even saw her a something of a little sister, and despite the fact he'd expressed his worries to Kairi in the past, this decision—to become a keybearer—was hers to decide and he'd respect her choice.
"Kairi," Riku said as the young girl made for the tower to collect her things.
"Be careful out there."
"I will, Riku." Her friend nodded, extending a small smile which Kairi returned. She appreciated his concern for her, and even more so that he consented to her chosen path.
Kairi then headed back to the tower, its halls empty save for the occasional enchanted broom that tirelessly worked to keep up Yen Sid's tower. She entered the room she'd been staying the last few days and collected a few possessions she'd like to bring along on her journey. Part of her was excited at the prospect. If someone had told her a couple of years ago that beyond her home of Destiny Islands lay countless worlds waiting to be discovered, she wouldn't have believed it, and after hearing her friends' fantastical tales of their adventures, a sense of wanderlust formed within her. Small, but there.
Of course, this would be no vacation. Kairi knew all too well what was at stake. Through Xehanort's design, the enemies of the keybearers had been mobilizing to execute the fallen master's plan—to reforge the X-blade and begin the second Keyblade War.
Not for the first time she wondered how her friends did it. How they shouldered the burden of not one, but countless worlds on their shoulders. She dispelled these notions. They would be no use to her now. She did not know what the future would bring, but despite it all, Kairi was grateful to have Sora to help her see it through.