//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: Guardians Part 3: Rarity // Story: Rise of the Equestrians // by Doodle Note //------------------------------// Petra just got off the train after she arrived at her destination to find Rarity. She was a little shocked about the whole Equestrian thing going on. Now that she and the others are in a land of super humans, she predicts that everything is going to be even weirder than now. Petra sighed. "Okay, just remember. No distractions, just keep your eyes out for Rarity." She told herself. "You got this, Petra. You got this." As she finally got out of the train station, she realized something. Her destination was cold as ice. Petra rubbed her hands together, trying to get herself warm. "How is this place so cold?" Petra sighed. "I should have brought my cloak." She felt a tap on her shoulder as she turned seeing a girl with dark purple hair and yellow eyes wearing a black dress with purple sleeves, dark purple eye shadow, and black flats holding a black velvet cloak with a purple trim. "Here. Take my cloak." The girl said. "But isn't that yours?" Petra asked. "Yes, but you need it more than I do." Petra took the cloak from the girl and slipped it on. "Thank you." Petra continued walking to find Rarity. The girl took out a notepad. "Give something to a human, check." She took out a pen and crossed something out. Petra looked around the place seeing many people walking around. She even saw that the girls were wearing masks. "Masks? Why are people here wearing masks? Is it against the law to show your face everywhere you go?" Petra turned and saw a bar. "Well, I could use something to drink." She walked to the bar. As she got in, she saw many people talking to each other. Petra sighed as she walked up to the bartender and took a seat. The bartender, who had dark skin, blue hair and yellow eyes wearing a white buttoned shirt, a black tie, black pants and boots, and a white apron turned and saw Petra. "What can I get you, miss?" "Get me a glass of water." Petra said. The bartender grabbed a glass and poured water into it. "So, what brings you to Snowlana?" The bartender placed the glass in front of Petra. "I'm looking for someone." Petra explained. "Some very important to this land." "Who?" The bartender asked. "Rarity." The bartender stopped what he was doing. "You mean the Ice Queen?" "Ice Queen?" Petra took a sip of her water. "That's what everyone calls her." The bartender explained. "She's a very generous person. But be careful. She can be very dangerous." "How did she get her name?" "She made a giant snowflake out of her graceful ice, putting all of Snowlana in awe. In Snowlana, it snows everyday. Well, except for summer." "Where do I find her?" Petra wanted to know. The bartender got out of his work space. "Come with me." Petra followed the bartender outside. As the two got outside, they climbed up a ladder and went on the roof as the bartender pointed. "There." Petra turned and saw a mountain with a castle made of ice from far away. "Whoa." "The Ice Queen's castle." The bartender turned to Petra. "It's not that far, but it's difficult to get there when you go alone." "So, you'll help me?" Petra asked. "Not just me. There are these three people I know that were planning to go there." The bartender walked to the ladder. "But first, I need to do something." Petra and the bartender started walking to the place of the three people. "So, name's Iron Will." The bartender said. "Petra." Petra replied. "I'm a human sent to find Rarity." "A human, eh? Not my first time seeing one." "Does everyone in Equestria know what a human is?" "Why, yes. But we only saw one once." "Well, this is your second time seeing one. For example," Petra pointed at herself. "Me." Iron Will looked in front of him. "Well, looks like we're here." Petra looked in front her seeing a large house. "This is the place?" "Yes." The two walked up to the house. As they finally reached it, Iron Will knocked on the door. "Who goes there?" A voice muffled through the door. "Iron Will." Iron Will said. The two saw the door open revealing a girl with pink and purple hair and pink eyes wearing a purple sleeveless shirt, a black jacket, purple eye shadow, black jeans and gray boots. "Iron Will." The girl said. "Sunny Flare." Iron Will said. The girl known as Sunny Flare turned and saw Petra. "Iron Will, is that a human?" "Sunny Flare, Petra. Petra, Sunny Flare." "Um, hi." Petra wanted to shake hands with Sunny Flare, but Sunny Flare slapped it away. "Keep your hands to yourself, human." Sunny Flare growled. "So, ready to get to the castle?" Iron Will asked. Sunny Flare nodded and turned to her right. "Guys! Iron Will is here! And he's brought a human!" She walked outside with a green bag. Two other people came out of the house. One was a guy with white and blue hair and blue eyes wearing a white jacket, black pants, purple boots and a scarf, and ski goggles. And one was a girl with cyan hair and cyan eyes wearing a purple hoodie, black jeans, black gloves, a red beanie, and purple boots. "Um, is that a human?" The girl asked pointing at Petra. "I think that is." The guy said. Iron Will turned to Petra. "Petra, this is Double Diamond and Coco Pommel. Friends, this is Petra. She's looking for the Ice Queen." "Oh, um, pleasure to meet you, Petra." Coco Pommel said. "I'm Coco Pommel. But you can call me Coco." "Alright, lets go to that ice castle and finally get a chance to meet the Ice Queen." Sunny Flare said. Petra and the four Equestrians started walking to the castle. It took a while for the five to get to the castle. Double Diamond turned to Petra. "Hey, Petra, after we head to the Ice Queen's castle, what are you going to do there?" He asked. "I was sent here to find her." Petra answered. "I'm just going to talk to her about coming with me to Canterlot." "You went to Canterlot?" Coco Pommel asked. "Once." Petra said. "I was with my friends until we were told to split up to find the guardians of Equestria. We even met the ruler of Equestria. Once." Sunny Flare rolled her eyes. "Oh please, only Equestrians like us know where to find the guardians. Why would Princess Celestia send a band of powerless humans to find them?" "She was told from one of my kind about a group of five humans that took down a Wither Storm, Sunny Flare." Petra sighed and turned to Iron Will. "Is she always like this?" "You have no idea." Iron Will turned in front and stopped. The others stopped as well. "What's wrong?" Petra asked. Sunny Flare pointed. "It's that bridge." Petra turned and saw an old bridge in front of her. "What about it?" "We call it Death Bridge." Double Diamond explained. "People that tried to cross this bridge never survived. "Step on the bridge's planks for twenty seconds, they'll break and you'll fall to your doom." Coco Pommel added. "I'll be the judge of that." Petra grabbed a rock from the ground and walked up to the bridge. As she reached the bridge, she placed the rock on the ground and started counting. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20." The plank broke as the rock fell into the abyss below the bridge. "No way." Petra backed up a little. "I know!" Sunny Flare yelled. "It's impossible!" "If only there was a way to cross without falling to our doom." Iron Will said. Petra looked up and saw a lever on a tree. 'Maybe that lever.' Petra thought as she walked up to the tree and started climbing it. "Maybe if we use a tightrope, we could get across fast." Double Diamond said. "No, a tightrope is going to break." Sunny Flare disagreed. "I say we use Iron Will as a bridge." "Do you want me to fall to my doom?" Iron Will scolded. Sunny Flares puts a finger on her chin. "Good point." She turned to Coco Pommel. "Coco?" "To be honest, I don't know." Coco Pommel said. Petra finally reached the top of the tree as she flipped the switch seeing a platform come up from the abyss as the four noticed it. "Where did that come from?" Iron Will asked. The four turned and saw Petra come down the tree. "I just found a lever on a tree." Petra explained walking across the platform. "Humans." Sunny Flare mumbled. The five finally reached the mountain, but they stumbled upon a stone wall. "What now?" Petra asked. Sunny Flare opened her bag. "No worries. I have some climbing material in here." She looked up and saw Petra climbing the wall. "What do you think you're doing?" "I'm going to see that Ice Queen." Petra said placing her hand on a rock. Sunny Flare's eyebrows narrow. "You're going to get yourself hurt. Or worse." "Sunny Flare, I can handle myself just fine." Petra's right foot slipped off a rock. "Oh, for crying out loud, why would a stupid human like you be sent here to get the Ice Queen?" "How should I know?" Petra's left hand slipped off a rock. "One of my kind talked about me and my friends about finding the guardians. I don't know who." "You know, for a human that's strong as a stone, you're pretty weird." "Say whatever you want, Sunny Flare." Petra placed her foot on a rock. "Am I almost there yet?" Coco Pommel shook her head. "Hey, Petra?" Double Diamond called out. Petra turned to Double Diamond. "Not sure if this will help, but I found some stairs that just might help you get to where you want to go." "Ha! Finally!" Petra lets go of the wall and lands in Iron Will's arms. Then she jumped out of his arms. "Thanks for breaking my fall." The five walked away from the wall and saw the ice castle in front of them. "Dreams do come true after all." Iron Will said. Petra smiled and walked up the stairs. "Good luck." Coco Pommel said. As Petra completely walked up the stairs, she knocked on the door as the door opened by itself. She entered the castle as the doors closed. What she saw in the inside put her in awe. Everything was made of ice. The chandelier, the wall, the stairs, and the fountain, but not the water inside of it. "Hello?" Petra called. "Anyone here?" "Why, hello." A voice replied. Petra turned seeing a girl with purple hair and sapphire blue eyes wearing an ice blue dress, blue eye shadow, a crown made of ice, and blue flats walk down the stairs. "You must be Rarity." "That's my name. Also known as the Ice Queen." The girl known as Rarity said. "I haven't had a visitor here since forever. But now, I am talking to a human. By the way, I do love your hair." "Thank you." Petra looked around. "This place is amazing! Did you make this castle?" Rarity completely walked down the stairs and walked up to Petra. "Yes, I did. I appreciate that you like it. I never knew a human would like this place." She turned to Petra. "So, who do you call yourself?" "Petra." Petra said. "Petra, what a wonderful name!" Rarity exclaimed. "But why did you come here?" "Can you help me?" "What?" "My kind is in danger. So is yours." Petra explained. "The Alliance of Darkness is going to raise the Supernova if we don't do something." "Oh my! This is just what I was afraid of!" Rarity cried. "This is the. Worst. Possible. THING! How are we going to stop them from succeeding?! If only there was a way!" Petra took out the purple diamond-shaped gem. "I have your crystal." "What?" Rarity walked up to Petra and took the crystal from her. "But how?" "Princess Celestia gave it to me." Petra explained. "I was sent here to get you. My friends are now finding your friends." Rarity placed her hand on her forehead. "Oh my. I almost forgot about them. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, how could I almost forgotten?" Rarity sighed. "It's been two years since I saw them. Ever since we got separated, I've been started to forget them. But now I remember." She smiled. "Thanks to you, Petra." Petra grabbed Rarity's hand. "Come on. We have a train to catch." The two started to run out of the castle. As the two went out of the castle and walked down the stairs, they heard a scream. Petra and Rarity ran to the source of the screaming. "Iron Will!" Petra called out. "Sunny Flare? Coco? Double Diamond?" The two stopped as Petra gasped seeing Iron Will, Sunny Flare, Coco Pommel and Double Diamond on the ground weakened. They turned seeing a cloaked girl holding four colorful hearts as the girl placed them in a leather bag. The girl turned to the two and took off her hood. It was Adagio Dazzle. "You." Petra growled angrily. "Yes. Me." Adagio said with a smirk as she turned and saw Rarity. "Rarity? Long time, no see. It's been two years." "Two years of hiding." Rarity crossed her arms as she turned to Petra. "Petra, how do you know this disgrace?" "Something tells me that good ol' Sunset Shimmer told you about me." Adagio laughed. "She was nothing but a big traitor back then." She pointed to Sunny Flare. "But now, we have eight hearts to raise our Supernova." "Eight?" Petra asked. "Oh, did I mention that my colleagues went to places where two of your friends went? One of the Changelings got one heart from a resident from Appleloosa, then Aria got three hearts from Cloudsdale, then I got four from these twits." Petra turned to Double Diamond. "Petra, run." Double Diamond said weakly. Petra grabbed Rarity's arm and ran. Adagio grabbed her pendant. "Master, they're getting away." "After them!" A red aura glowed around Adagio as she turned into a scaly yellow horse-like creature with a fish tail, fins, and a gem on her chest and flew after the two. The two turned and saw Adagio above them. "Oh no, she's turned into her second form!" Rarity yelled. "Okay, my prediction was correct." Petra said. The two fell over as Adagio sang an attack at them. The attack hit them, but they were in no harm. The two stopped bracing themselves seeing a purple force field around. Rarity turned to Petra and got shocked. "Petra, your hands!" Petra looked at her hands seeing a purple glow around them. "No way." "It must be from my crystal." Rarity took out her crystal and gave it to Petra. "I'm letting you borrow it for now." Petra took the crystal from Rarity as the force field faded. "Hey, Adagio!" Adagio turned and saw that Petra and Rarity were still alive. "What?! That's impossible! How?!" Petra got up and shot magic at Adagio, blowing her away. Then she helped Rarity up and the two ran. "Catch us if you can!" She grabbed Rarity and teleported with her. Petra and Rarity landed in front of the train station after teleportation. The two got up and walked in. Then they finally got on the train all the way back to Canterlot. "Petra." Rarity said. Petra turned to Rarity. "Hm?" "Thank you for bringing me home." "Yeah."