Dear Diary

by Mr Tech

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Dear Diary,
Today was the best day of my life yet! My mommy and daddy decided to buy a diary for me! They finally said that I'm old enough to keep one! It was awesome. The diary is a brown book with a complex golden lock, and best of all, it has my name engraved on it!

Since this is my first entry, let me introduce myself. My name is Perl… Perl Tech. Mommy said that my name was a pun for a language I would learn someday. Note to self: Look up the word “pun”. I don't know that word yet.

You probably want to know what I look like. Well, I’m an earth pony, I have a grey coat, a gray mane and tail, light blue eyes, and no cutie mark yet. Ponies usually have them on their butts. Note to self: Ask daddy why cutie marks are found on butts and not other places like their backs or heads...

My mommy and daddy are always tired when I see them. They are also very quiet. It’s like nopony is home when ponies pass by our small house. When my parents do speak, it's a strange language I don’t understand, like a jumble of words. It sounds something like khyg jhfk ytoyf iuyifl. That’s all I can make out through my door right now. It’s nice to think that they love me so much I can taste it. It’s delicious, like the purest of honey…

My parents have light gray coats, cyan eyes, and white and gray manes and tails. If I didn't know better, I’d say they look more like twins than a couple. I can also tell how much love they both have between each other, as they are often seen together and are never apart. That means they love each other a lot, right?

Anyway, it was my first day of school today, and I’m starting to think that my parents think growing up means going to school. I don't know. What I do know was a certain young filly called diamond tiara was…interesting to say the least. She has a pink coat, a purple and white mane, and a tiara that she never takes off.

By interesting, I mean that she was acting really awkward, like she was new just like me. I know that’s not true because it’s the middle of the school year. Judging by how the other classmates looked at her, I am 76% sure that Diamond Tiara has done something bad…

Speaking of school, the class teacher, Miss Cheerilee if I remember correctly, has taught the class some interesting things! Did you know that leaves are green because of the chlorophyll inside of them? I’m surprised the class didn’t. Some kids thought it was magic that kept them green, while others thought they are painted. I for one, find those theories ridiculous. I’m 4 years old for crying out loud! If I know, they should too. I think.

Another thing that I’ve learned is that I can get annoyed after 20 minutes of some five-year-olds constantly yelling that they've gotten their cutie marks together and “helping” me to get it. Told them to shut up by the 25 minutes mark. I got into trouble after they told Miss Cheerilee. On the first day of school. Hooray!

When mommy and daddy arrived to pick me up, Miss Cheerilee Pulled them aside and started talking, her face a frown. After a while, they returned with an amused smile, even though they tried hard to hide it, and talked to me using some very colorful vocabulary.

Today was certainly the best because I got to swear, got a diary, got to outsmart all the students in class even though they are older than me, and I got a present from my daddy! No, it’s not the diary, I already said that. It’s a box. I wonder what’s inside it?

It’s certainly something. It’s medium in size, has a bitten pear on the back, several bumps on the side, and a bordered screen on the front. Note to self: Ask daddy how to use this thing. Anyways, I’m tired, so I’m going to sleep.

Perl Tech

Rep. Al-
Hey, it’s nice to meet you! I concur that you really had an interesting day judging by your entry. Let’s hope you have a nice day tomorrow when you read this.

Rep. AI (but you can call me A)