//------------------------------// // Ch 3 // Story: My Little Alicorns // by reader8363 //------------------------------// When he got there, he shook his head to get the worrying ideas out of his head. He walked up to the machines and got to work. After a few hours, he heard an explosion that came from the direction of his house. He said, to himself, ‘Oh no, what did they do?” He ran off to the direction of the explosion. When he got there, he saw that a house, two house from his, had an ambulance outside of it, and a female sitting on the porch, talking to his neighbor. He quietly got closer, he heard her say. “I don’t know what happened, I walked to the kitchen to get a drink, then I heard a giant explosion. I ran back into the front room and saw my husband clutching his bleeding ears, but nothing was broken.” He walked to his house and walked in. Cadence ran to him and said, ‘Daddy’s home.” He smiled and picked her up said, as he tickled her, “Hey Cadence, what were you doing before I came home?” Cadence started to laugh and pushing away his hand. After a minute or two, she said, “I was coloring, with Celestia.” He said, “What has Luna been doing?” She said, “She was screaming at the world a few minutes ago.” He said as he set her done, “Where Twilight?” She said as she got on the couch to watch tv, “Something about needing to be fed, and other stuff. They are in your room.” He walked up there and entered. Celestia was putting Twilight to bed, and then she turned to me and said, “Welcome home, dad. How was work?” He said, “It was fine until an explosion went off, and you want to know what’s funny. Everything in the house was fine, but the guy’s ears were bleeding. Do you know what happened.” Celestia said, “Luna did it, she got mad about something, then she said that she was going on the roof and been up there the whole time.” He sighs and said, “I guess I’ll go talk to her.” He walked into the backyard and grabbed the ladder that was resting by the shed. He placed it on the house and climbed onto the roof. Luna was lying on the roof with her head down like she was sleeping. He walked up to her and sat next to her. She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face, and said, “I didn’t mean to hurt him, I don’t even know how it happened. One minute, I’m just screaming normally, and the next, my screams got louder.” He wrapped his arm around her and said, “It’s okay, I know you didn’t do it on purpose. Let’s go into the house and watch a movie or play some games.” Luna looked at him and said as she wiped the tears from her eyes, “Ok.” We went into the house and He said, “Why don’t you sit down, and look through my games. Luna nodded and levitated the box to her. I went to the kitchen to make me something to eat. After a few minutes of cooking. He heard footstep in the kitchen. He turned around and saw Luna standing there with a collection of games levitating in front of her. He sighed and said as he went back to cooking, “It’s just you, Luna. Now, what do you want?” Luna said as she placed the games on the counter, “I found a few games and I want to know more about them.” He said as he picked up the games, “Could you stir the food while I look at the games.” She nodded and the spoon was surrounded by an aura. He looked at the game and, after a few minutes, he said, “They’re shooting games. You kill others in them.” Then he placed all of them on the counter except one. He looked a the game in his hand and said as he showed it to Luna, “This is a good game. It’s a horror shooting game. You might like it.” She levitated the game and said, “I’ll give it a try.” She walked over to the tv and placed it in. He grabbed the game remotely and tossed it onto the couch. He said as he went back to cooking, “Just don’t throw the remote when you die.” Her eyes widened and she said as she placed the game into the system, “I’m going to die from the game!?” He laughed and said in a sarcastic tone, “Yeah, you will die the exact same way in the game. You can play until dinner is ready.” Her eyes widened even more, then she turned around and levitated the remote. Celestia came downstairs and said, “Hey, dad, what’s for dinner?” He said as he went to the fridge, “I’m making stew. It’s kinda like soup.” Celestia nodded and said, “What is Luna doing?” He said as he turned down the temperature and placed a lid on top, “Just a horror and shooting game.” Celestia nodded and said, “Do you think it’s wise for her to play it?” He shrugged his shoulder and said as he went upstair, “I played it when I was young and it didn’t bother me.” He went to his room and sat down in front of his computer. He leaned back in the chair and thought about what to write. He decided that he’ll write about dragons. After a few minutes of writing, he heard a knock on the door. He said as he turned around, “Come in.” Celestia came in and said, “Dad, dinner is ready.” He looked at the clock and saw that I have been writing for 20-30 minutes. He jumped out of the seat and ran down the stair. Just as he reached the final step, he couldn’t move. Then he heard Celestia say, “Don’t worry, I shut off the stove already and served them their food already. I didn’t want to bother you with your writing.” Then he was able to move. He turned around and said, “Thanks, Celestia.” He walked over to the stove and poured him a bowl of stew and sat down at the table. He looked at the table and said as he turned to Luna, “I see you got far on the game. Have you died yet?” Luna swallowed and said, “No, not yet. It’s fun but a little scary.” He muttered right before he ate some of the stew, “Trust me, it will get scarier.” Luna looked at him with confusion in her eyes, but didn’t say anything, she just looked at her stew. Celestia came to the table and said as she took a bite of the stew, “This is good. How did you make it?” He smiled and said, “I just winged it.” Celestia nodded and didn’t say anything. It was a few minutes of quiet, until Luna levitated her bowl, after one serving, and said as she got up, “Thank you for dinner.” Then she walked to the couch and sat down. She picked up the controller and started playing it. After dinner we had smores, he grabbed the chocolate, marshmallows and crackers out of the cupboard and said as he walked outside to get the fire going. When he was done with the fire, he opened the back door and said as he picked up Twilight, “If you want any s'more, then come outside. Except Twilight of course. She just coming outside to enjoy the fresh air. Luna paused her game, Celestia got up from the table, and Cadence got off the floor, then they headed to the back door. Once everyone was around the fire, Taylor handed Twilight to Celestia and started putting marshmallows on the roasters. He said as he was handing them out, “You hold them over the fire, and the longer it's over the fire, the crunchier it is.” After a few minutes, Celestia said, “Do you keep in touch with your family?” He said as he looked up at the stars, “No, I haven’t talked to my family for a one or two years.” Luna pulled out of flaming marshmallow and said as she waved it around to put the flames out, “Why do you have a fire thing if you don’t see your family?” He said as he grabbed it to stop Luna from waving it, “I have it in case I want some s'more, or want to sit outside and look at the sky. If you keep doing that, the marshmallow will fly off. You are supposed to blow the flames out.” Luna nodded and blew really soft, the flames slowly died and Taylor said as he held two crackers, one with chocolate on it, “Now you place the marshmallow on the cracker with the chocolate on it.” Luna positioned the roasting stick so that the marshmallow was on the chocolate. Taylor placed the cracker on the marshmallow and pulled the whole thing off the stick and held it out for Luna to grab. It levitated out of his hand and to Luna. She looked at Taylor, then took a small bite. She said after she ate the whole thing, “It’s good.” He looked at Celestia and saw that she was placing the marshmallow on the chocolate and placed the cracker on the rest. He said as he held it cadences out for her, “Looks like you got the hang of it. How do you want your marshmallow, Cadence?” Cadence looked up at him and said, “I want it just like how you like it.” He nodded and lowered the marshmallow a bit and started turning it. After a few minutes, the marshmallow turning a golden brown. He held the stick by his knees, grabbed the bottom part of the s'more, he placed the marshmallow, and went to grab the cracker when it levitated onto the rest of the s’more. He said, as he pulled the stick out of the s’more and handed it to Cadence, “Thanks, Celestia.” After they were done making smores, Luna and Cadence walked into the house. Taylor was about to follow them into the house with Twilight when Celestia said, “Dad, wait, I made you something.” He turned around to see Twilight being levitated to Celestia and replaced with a smores. He looked at it and said, “Thanks, Celestia.” He ate it and walked into the house. Luna was playing the system and Cadence of coloring. Then it hit him, where did she get the crayons? He walked up to her and said, “Cadence, where did you get those crayons.” She looked up at him and said, “I got them from the basement. You have a lot of stuff downstairs.” He nodded and said as he walked to the bathroom, “Ok, have fun, both of you.” He went inside, and got in the shower. After he was done showering, he walked to his room and got dressed for bed. When he was ready for bed, He walked downstair and said as he took the sleeping Twilight off of Celestia, “I’m off to bed. Night everyone.” A chorus of good nights rang through the house. He took Twilight to his bed and held her close to him. After a few hours, the house grew dark of no electronics on. What seemed like a few minutes of sleep for Taylor, he woke up to the sound of his door creaking open. He bolted upright and quickly turned on the light. Luna stood there with her head down, she sounded scared and embarrassed when she said, “Dad, may I sleep with you tonight.” He opened his mouth, then closed it and nodded. He gently scooted Twilight towards the wall and scooted over as well. Luna said as he laid down, “Thanks, dad.” He smiled but didn’t say anything. He closed his eyes and went back to sleep.