Most Daring Pony

by CowgirlVK

Chapter 34; Recovery with Wings

When Steady landed in town square he was met with quite the crowd. He gulped.

“That was amazing!” cried a yellow earth mare.

“Stunning!” exclaimed a wall-eyed pegasus.

“Thank you,” Steady finally managed to stammer out. He took a deep breath and tried to go on his way.

“How did you do it?”

“Who are you?”

“Can I have your autograph?” asked a colt.

Steady felt helpless. What would Lilly do? Steady wasn’t either one of the girls. Arrow would be basking in the attention, strutting and possibly—No, most definitely flirting with all the stallions.

Lilly, she’d politely go into the scientific data, lose them, then go on her way.

“Are you a Wonderbolt?” asked a young filly.

Finally, a question he could answer. “I am not.”

“You should be!” the filly exclaimed. “You’d be awesome.”

“I have no interest in that line of work. My name is Steady Flyer. I am looking for a stallion by the name of Thunderlane. Does anypony know where I can find him?” Steady asked politely.

The colt started hopping up and down. “That’s my brother!”

Steady sighed. “Great!” he thought. Steady now knew he’d be stuck with this hopping colt until he managed to arrive at Thunderlane’s whereabouts.

“Let me go get him!” the colt exclaimed suddenly.

Relief washed over Steady. Then he stiffened again, realizing he still had this crowd of admirers. He tried to think of a way to get rid of them. “Ponies, I am of the understanding you are used to talent of my level. You have some of the greatest ponies, not to mention Equestria’s fastest flyer, living in your own town. Now, I have work to do. I’m just a flight teacher.”

“You are a teacher?” cried the filly, jumping up and down.

Steady thought he would die! Never was he really the sort to like attention. When he was younger, he’d been perfectly content to disappear into his role of the middle brother. Both of his brothers had been fierce fighters growing up, and both had eventually joined the military. But he? He was always the quiet one who’d rather just stay out of the family’s notice. That is why, as soon as he was able, he’d gone to work for his uncle at Windy Wings. Windy Wings was in an out-of-the-way place, and with the exception of twice a year, was only open to scheduled visitors. During Open House, they would have an area fenced off so they could work without the general public getting in their way. Only Alpha Squad and a few of the other captains really interacted with the public during the event.

This however, was completely different. He was now in the position of not having anypony else to pass the attention to. He was front and center, and was almost getting smothered in the attention.

“Where did you learn to fly?” asked another filly.

“My father,” Steady stated.

“Really? Is he a Wonderbolt?” asked another pony.

“No,” Steady said.

“Hey, bud!”

Steady’s ears flicked forward, his entire posture perking up.

“Need some help there?” Soarin asked, landing beside him.

Steady nodded. Immediately, the attention went from the newcomer, to the well-known star. “Hello citizens of Ponyville, how are you?”

Mares fainted, stallions cheered, and fillies tried to climb on top of Soarin. “Thank you! Thank you!” Soarin bowed. “Now, I have work to do with my friend here, Steady Flyer. That was quite the show he and his mare put on for us, wasn’t it?”

The crowd cheered.

“Indeed it was. Wow, I know for a fact they have only been practicing it for a few weeks. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was after my job with a performance like that.”

“Showboating much?” Steady whispered.

“Feeding the crowd,” Soarin whispered back. Louder, he continued, “Let me introduce you all to my old school buddy, a stallion who’s been decorated by Celestia herself for his bravery and wisdom.”

The crowd cheered.

Soarin continued, “Why, I’ve seen—”

With that, Steady elbowed him hard. “Soarin, I understand you are trying to put me in a good light with the town, but I would rather you didn’t. I don’t believe in flattery.”

“Bro! I’ve known you forever!” Soarin protested. “This is my life, working a crowd.”

“But it isn’t mine,” Steady explained. “Celestia will send in a replacement. I’m just here to deal with issues today. Find out where we are and what needs to be done so Celestia can send the pony needed to oversee it from there.”  

“Celestia, or Lilly?” Soarin asked.

“I do not know what you are talking about,” Steady deadpanned.

“Come on! I know you know about Unity,” Soarin whispered. “Lilly passes her job through Spitfire just as much as she passes it through Williwaw and Celestia. Making sure we do our job, that’s what her duty is!”

Steady glared. “Not too loud. Secrets might be few in this town, but I know that is one that doesn’t need spread.”

Somehow, Soarin then dispersed the crowd, keeping only the ponies whose job it was to take care of the weather. Steady and Soarin then they all turned to the weather office.

Steady still felt a bit overwhelmed by the situation, but with his old pal Soarin, it shouldn’t be too bad. It was kinda funny really; here he was great friends with Soarin—had been since his school days—and Lilly and Spitfire were old rivals. Arrow and the Wonderbolts—well, he wasn’t exactly sure on that one. Arrow was one of those you were never really sure if she liked you or not, and most ponies simply tolerated her shenanigans. She was only fifteen, after all.

Soarin was in his element, chatting with the different members of the weather team, flirting with the ladies, and just having a jolly ol’ time of it.

Steady didn’t get it, but as long as he could just disappear, for the time being, he was happy.


“GONE?!” Rarity cried.

“Vanished without a trace,” Cat confirmed.

Lilly could only chuckle. “Yeah, I sure pulled one over on you, didn’t I?”

“Where did ya go?” Applejack asked.

“Well, my vacation was over. I was going back to work,” Lilly replied.

“You didn’t!” Fluttershy exclaimed, looking worried.

“I did say I was stubborn, didn’t I?” Lilly stated, rubbing a hoof against her chest to shine it. “I felt confident that I could make the full two-and-a-half hour flight back to the flight center at that point, so I went.”

“Anna, ya still feel it,” Catstitch scolded.

“From time to time,” Lilly replied.

“Hold on,” Twilight said. “You’re telling me… The doctor said it’d take them six weeks to recover.”

Lilly nodded. “It does, if you behave.”

“You weren’t behaving,” Twilight stated.

“Sure wasn’t.”

“How?” Twilight emphasized.

Lilly shrugged. “I have a high pain tolerance. What can I say? I sprained a hoof two weeks ago. Feels fine now.”

“Neigh it does not,” Cat growled.

“Sure it does, it’s all in my head,” Lilly fired back.

Catstitch facehoofed.

“Mission accomplished.” Lilly smirked at her sister. “I didn’t really push myself. I knew my tolerance level, and since I know how to live in the wild, I wasn’t worried. I knew the mountains, and I knew the caves. I wasn’t afraid of getting lost or getting into trouble, so I risked it.”

“The moment we discovered she was gone, we called the mountains’ chief trackers, Midnight Journey and Williwaw Winter. If anypony could find her and get her to listen to reason, it’d be those two,” Catstitch said.

“Didn’t work,” Lilly laughed. “Yes, they found me, no, they couldn’t get me to listen. So, Williwaw went and got reinforcements while Middy tried to talk me into coming home.”

“Middy?” Twilight asked.

“Midnight Journey. He’s another Wolf Foal. He was found by the Master Phantom, the stallion we all agree as the head of the pegasi in the mountains. Midnight is kinda rough, but he has a good heart—for the most part. If I had a choice of who was going into battle with me, I’d take a group of wolf foals over anypony else. They are rough, they are rowdy, but if they say they will watch your back, you won’t have to doubt them. They are true to their word until the day they die.” Lilly shook her head and chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” Applejack asked.

“Oh,” Lilly breathed, “Memories. Old memories of desperate fights in and among the mountain’s cliffs where the three of us would practice. We were once a force to be reckoned with. If I trusted those two in a crowd, I’d give Equestria a show they’d never forget. But anyways, back to the story. I was actually resting in a cave when they showed up. I knew better than to take it in one shot. I’d never make it in my condition. See, sis, even a phantom has some common sense.”

“Sometimes,” Catstitch answered.

“No, we just know our limits, and it’s beyond yours,” Lilly fired back. Not allowing her sister to get the upper hoof, she continued. “The Phantoms have pit stops all through the mountains. We’re sure to keep stocked food, clothing, medical supplies, extra water, knives, flint, anything a pony would need to survive. There are ninety-eight such places all through those hills, and it’s part of the Bard’s job’s to keep those places stocked, mostly because they are the ones that use them the most. That is where I was: resting in a cot in the back.”

“You guys think of everything,” Dash stated.

“No, we’ve just been doing it a long time. I’ll never forget the look of relief on Midnight’s face. He’s so gruff and abrupt. He was livid with me for sneaking off... again. I know I hurt him pretty badly when I ran away that first time. He’s never let me forget it either. Williwaw was quite shaken up as well. I think I actually saw that mare cry that day. I’m not sure, it might have just been the light.”

“Doesn’t cry much?” Applejack asked.

Lilly shook her head “When I cut off her left ear, she didn’t even wince. She had two knives sticking out of her, and she still didn’t even slow down. Never shows weakness. I envy that mare. She’s good. She’s really good.”

“I wasn’t done with my nap, so I did the most insulting thing a pony could do: I rolled over and went back to sleep.”

“They were’na that happy,” Catstitch stated.

Lilly chuckled, “Nope. When I woke up, I had the next worst thing standing over me: Sonydon Song, my old foalsitter. I ignored her. I was big enough that she didn’t dare force me to do anything. It would have hurt her too much. And Sony’s a bard, not a soldier. She’s not one that believes in physical pain. She’d rather tell a story to freak you out than to actually do any harm. So I just blocked her out and went on my way. Of course, I didn’t manage to shake her before we got to the center. Sony took me straight to Comet's office.”

Catstitch started chuckling.

“Comet?” Twilight asked.

“Captain Comet Fly, who used to be part of the Wonderbolts, retired about thirty years ago and started the Windy Wings shortly thereafter as a place where they could continue studying the art of flight. It’s part of the Wonderbolts, but completely different. He’s a grizzly of an ol’ stallion, but has a heart of gold. He’s rough and demanding on us, although what Wonderbolt isn’t after twenty-five years in the service?” Lilly explained.

“Oh,” Twilight said.

“Is he handsome?” Rarity asked.

Lilly flashed the ‘Are you crazy?’ look in her direction. “Comet is over sixty years old! He was flying when my grandpa was a foal! Handsome my hoof!”

“Heh, she’s got ya there Rares,” Applejack chuckled.

“Well, that stallion you brought with you sure is,” Rarity stated.

“Good luck with him!” Lilly shook her head. “Steady has been avoiding mares since he was knee-high to a grasshopper. If he hadn’t have backed into me, I don’t think I’d have gotten a word out of him yet. He doesn’t talk to mares unless it’s me or Arrow. Otherwise, it’s a short ‘howdy do.’ He froze solid when my cousins China and Crystal tried to use him for a jungle gym yesterday.”

Rarity swooned. “The hard-to-get type, then.”

“Hooves off.” Lilly glared. “He has no interest in a relationship of any kind at this moment.”

“I still ship you two,” Catstitch stated.

“Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match,” Lilly sang mockingly. “He’s handsome, he’s tall... at least from side to side.”

“You’ve met Cupid,” Cat stated.

“Anyways,” Lilly said with a force that set the rest of the girls into giggles, “He doesn’t want a relationship, I don’t want a relationship, and that is final. Romance just gets in the way.”

“Oh my darling,” Rarity cooed, “You have it really bad.”

“Sony practically dragged me into Comet’s office.” Lilly continued glaring at Rarity, her eyes daring the white unicorn to continue. “Of course, a solid black bat pony dragging me into his office got Comet’s attention right smart quick. He looked up from what he was doing, looked at me, then looked at Sony, then looked back at me. ‘What is this?’ Comet asked.

“I glared at Sony. ‘Somepony thinks my vacation shouldn’t be over yet.’ ” Lilly grunted. “That cousin of mine, well, Comet of course was curious, then once he heard the story, from Sony of course, he looked at me and glared. ‘Lilly Strange Feathers, report to the kitchen and stay there.’” The young captain took a deep breath. “Well, I marched in that direction, not answering any questions from anypony. And believe me, Sony had attracted a crowd.”

“So Sony is a bat pony!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Didn’t I say that before?” Lilly asked.

“You are friends with a bat pony?” Dash asked.

Fluttershy was nearly bouncing. “What are they like?”

“Do they really drink blood?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“And eat all the fruit?” Applejack added.

“Yes,” Lilly continued, “Sony is a bat pony. We are second cousins. Being a pegasus comes mostly from my Dad’s side of the family. We are related through our mothers. Sony’s dad is a bat pony, so she and her brother Match are both bat ponies. She tends to be aloof around most ponies, but is sweet and caring once you get past the ice. She also has a cruel sense of humor, which I’ve more than once taken advantage of to tease others with. As far as drinking blood and fruit goes, you are thinking of vampire bat ponies. She eats mostly bugs. As she says, if you aren’t hungry, don’t fly about with your mouth open... Rainbow.”

Rainbow Dash’s mouth clicked closed. “Oopsie.”

Lilly smirked. “It took me a month or two before I figured that one out myself.”

“Match,” Rarity mused, “Is that the same pony that had those goons, darling?”

Lilly nodded. “I never did get along with either one of Sony’s brothers. They were also much older than us. When I first met them, they were both in the... colt nightmare years.”

“Nightmare years?” Applejack asked.

“Between twelve and fifteen, when a colt has more hormones than any pony and it is best to just stay away if you don’t want to be thrown, trampled, knocked over, punched, scared… beaten up.”

“Spooked to the moon,” Catstitch continued, shivering.

“Ah don’t remember Big Mac goin’ through that,” Applejack stated.

“The more hard work a colt has, the easier of a time they have going through that stage and the less likely they are to… destroy stuff,” Lilly explained.

“He destroys stuff alright, but he always makes them right new again,” Applejack said.

Lilly nodded. “And that’s the difference between the type you can marry and the jerks. Anyways, we are way off topic now. Well anyways, I sat in the dining room for nearly ten minutes. Aunty Journey Bread, Comet’s wife, had made up a bowl of soup and had insisted I eat up. She has this rule, ya know, if you are on the property, your name is on a list and she has made food for you. Therefore, if you don’t show up to eat, she’ll hunt you down and make you eat. I’m figuring it comes from all those years of putting up with Captain Comet. Point is, if you eat what she puts in front of you, dessert tends to pretty awesome.”

“Really?” Applejack asked.

“Farm fresh,” Lilly stated. “You can’t find anything better than straight from a garden.”

“Amen!” Catstitch agreed, “But I still think MiMi cooks better than she does.”

Lilly shrugged. “I can’t cook, so I don’t care. I eat to live, nothing more. Anyways, I walked in there and Aunty Bread captured me and sat me down to one of her meals, and I was subjected to it until Sony and Comet finally showed up. Then, the four of us sat down and I got to hear Journey Bread’s story.

“As you probably have been told, while strained stomach muscles aren’t common, they aren’t unheard of either. While Captain Comet had been in the Wonderbolts, she’d been left tending the farm, lifting loads no mare’s body is built to handle. Naturally, without training, a mare can lift up to seventy percent of her body mass while a stallion can lift his own mass no problem. With work, they can lift four times their body mass.”

“No wonder Big Mac has an edge on you Applejack,” Rarity stated.

“He’s ah big help alright,” Applejack confirmed.

“Most stallions are,” Lilly said. “When they decide to help. Sony sat there the whole time frowning. But instead of sending me home, as I expected Captain Comet would do, he put me under his wife’s jurisdiction for the next month. Probably the best thing for me. She... didn’t sprain her stomach muscles, she actually turned her bladder inside out.”

Every mare in the room cringed. “Ow!” Twilight said.

“Another mare I know ended up ripping her uterus in half. Another ended up rupturing her diaphragm,” Lilly continued.

“Thatta’ be enough Lil,” Catstitch said. “They have the picture.”

Dash had rolled into a ball. “OW!” she kept saying to herself. “Ow, Ow, ow!”

Lilly couldn’t help but chuckle. “No joke. As I said though, that time with Aunty Journey Bread really helped me regain the strength I need now to do my job. Had I not, I probably wouldn’t be able to do half of what I do. I wasn’t exactly careful with myself. I never am. Comet is always on my case when it comes to taking care of myself—”

“He neigh be the only one.” Catstitch said. “If we didna take care of ya, nopony would.”

Lilly shrugged. “I’ll rest when I’m dead. No big deal.”

“No big deal?!” Catstitch exploded.

“Hush sis, I’m not done yet. If you are going to yank me from my job in the middle of Helper Week, you are going to have to put up with my bad attitude,” Lilly stated. “I was supposed to teach an emergency landing class today with Steady and Arrow.”

“Lil’, ya know what Grammy ussa’ say?” Catstitch scolded.

“Sure do,” Lilly fired back, “I just quoted her.”

Catstitch opened her mouth to argue, but Lilly was faster than her and was back with it, quick as a whip. “Well then, that’s about most of the story right there, outside of the insanity that was my cooking lessons under her. We did figure out as long as I stayed away from any heat, I was pretty much safe. So I can make food, just nothing hot. Aunty Journey Bread taught me a lot of stuff that summer. She understood me on a deeper level and was able to help me through that blasted injury. I’m pretty sure Celestia sent me here to teach you two what she taught me.”

“Why didn’t Celestia send her?” Applejack questioned.

“Mainly because she’s an earth pony and she doesn’t travel much anymore. That, and she’s not really a teacher like her husband is, or I am, for that matter. But before we get started, I want to set a few—”

“But you were going to tell us how you outrank Spitfire!” Pinkie complained.

“And how Discord is afraid of you,” Rarity added.

Lilly looked at Catstitch, and Catstitch looked back. “They have the right ta know,” Catstitch pointed out.

Lilly nodded. “Indeed sis. Well, let’s start with Spitfire. Our argument dates back fifteen years. When we were both in school, we were the tops of our classes. However, we were never in the same class. I’m two years Spitty’s junior, and I was besting most of her records. She couldn’t stand that. So, one day when I was helping my father clean the school room, she cornered me.

“I’ll never forget the look on her face. Dad had slipped out to do something, so it was just me. At that time I was very... quiet. I did my best and worked hard. Kept to myself as much as possible, but that didn’t mean I didn’t know who she was. She most definitely knew who I was, though. The look on her face could have curdled milk.” Lilly paused and shook her head. “Well, she glared down at me. ‘Hey shortstop, what are you doing besting my records! Do you think you are better than me or somethin’?’ I hardly gave her any mind. ‘Spitfire, I’m busy at the moment. Could you please come back later? I’ll discuss any complaint you have with the school at that time.’ ”

Rainbow Dash about died laughing. “Ooh ho, wow!” she snorted. “You didn’t!”

“I sure did,” Lilly responded, “It was fun too. She got all steamy-faced glowering down at my petite frame. You think I’m small now, I was the smallest foal in the school at that time. She was one of the biggest. Not that I really cared, however. I was doing what needed to do, and I knew she tended to be a bit of a bully.”

“Dash,” Twilight said, “tells us that you knew things about just about every pony in school.”

Lilly nodded. “At home I have extensive volumes on the ponies at the school. I always wrote things down. I was kinda shy, and knowing things helped me build confidence. And cataloging was something my Mom taught me how to do from the time I was old enough to hold a pen. So yes, I knew things. Anyways, the argument mounted, and next thing I knew, she had basically demanded a contest from me. It was to be threefold, the first being a one lap around the track speed test. The second, we were both given the same music and had to do an aerial display using that music. The third was a long distance flight starting in Manehattan, and ending at the Canterlot Castle itself.”

“That’s quite a distance,” Fluttershy noted.

Lilly nodded. “Indeed it was, but I flew that nearly every week flying from my home all the way to Cloudsdale. I was confident I could not only fly it, but win that one, even if she did trounce me in the other two. Now, I guess here is where I explain the other question. Cat and I and our sister are members of a top secret organization for Celestia. Our jobs are... well, let’s see, how do I explain it? Our code names are Inspiration, Motivation, and Dedication. We are the Elements of Strength, or Unity depending on who you talk to and what books you read. Mind, Spirit, Body. As such, I’m great friends with Cadance, Celestia, and Luna now too. As such, I had always gotten extra special classes from top-ranking ponies in flight and government. Also, my grandpa, Stellar Feathers, not only ran that school, but has two gold medals for formation flying, and was a long distance flight coach in his youth. He still does races from time to time.

“Spitfire was, as you know, the granddaughter of the former Wonderbolts’ top captain. We weren’t no ponies. Not then, not now. Once the school caught wind of what was going on, the news spread like wildfire throughout Equestria. We were both young, but to see the grandkids of some legendary rivals compete.... Didn’t help that Glitter started spreading it and Celestia sent out a royal bulletin on it. But the next thing either one of us knew, it wasn’t a small time thing anymore.

“At that time, I was pushing eight, and she was about ten, so we were not that old. The first race, the speed test, she won hooves down. Her wing strength is double of mine even today. Something I don’t let out: with the wind ‘o monitor thing... I cap out around nine points.”

“You’re kidding!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Really?” Fluttershy  asked.

“What does that mean?” Applejack questioned.

“It means I’m actually little more than average as far as flying goes. Anyways, she won that no problem. The second part we did that aerial display. I can’t say either one of us did bad. I studied with ponies in the mountains and learned tricks that never made their way here in the lowlands. Somehow, however, I won by two points. Spitty wasn’t happy about that. Then the third leg came around. And... she actually should have won.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” Rarity noted.

Catstitch had both forehooves over her muzzle, trying not to giggle out loud. “A million times neigh!” she snorted.

“Nope, it didn’t end well,” Lilly stated, “Up in the mountains, we have this one spot we refer to as ‘Suicide Gorge.’ And for good reason too. It’s deep, very deep, and very treacherous. We had set up the race to go around it. Then, before the race Spitfire and I had both been sat down by my dad, my grandpa, her dad, and Suicide Phantom himself to make sure we knew why that spot had been detoured around. Then we was told how to safely get out if we did find ourselves in there.”

“What makes it so dangerous?” Fluttershy questioned.

“It’s because of the echo effect. You know that wind is created by a pegasus’ wings. Now, wind travels in straight lines, for the most part; it will curve slightly, but mostly it’s straight. In that spot, if you flap too much, then the echo effect will catch you and you will be caught in the eddies and shears of the wind. Few ponies survive it. Spitfire was lucky.”

“Oh my!” Rarity exclaimed, “Don’t mind me dear, do go on! What happened?”

“Well, to go through there is actually faster by quite a bit. So, despite the warnings, she decided to go through. I was right behind her when I saw her get caught and fall. I took a gamble and went in after her and caught her before she bounced too far down the chasm.”

“How come you didn’t get caught?” Twilight asked. By this time she had a quill and scroll out and was writing everything down.

Lilly smiled. “I know how to fly in that area. Part of Phantom flight training included flying in that gorge. I was able to safely fly through it at night from the time I was three years old. It’s just a matter of knowing how. And no, I would not have flown through had she not first entered. I had made a promise that I would not. But the way to do it is to glide and let the wind carry you. Instead of working the wind to what you want, go with the way the wind wants to accomplish what you want to do. It’s complicated. Anyways, I caught her and ended up carrying her across the finish line. Photographers, Celestia, news ponies, and all the Wonderbolts watching.”

“Ouch!” Rainbow Dash stated. “It’s no wonder she doesn’t like you.”

“Not only did you show superior skill...” Rarity added.

“...You embarassed her in front of everypony,” Twilight finished.

Lilly nodded. “Yep. That contest was not my idea. It was hers. She was out to pick on what seemed like an easy target. She’s been trying to pull one over on me ever since. I’ve yet to give her reason to best her.

“And when it came out that I was Motivation... You see... Motivation, the first Motivation was the one who started the Wonderbolts to begin with. The job of ‘Captain’ and the job of ‘Motivation’ have been linked ever since that time. I however, in choosing not to be captain of the Wonderbolts made it a tad trickier to hide my role as Motivation. Since Luna was banished, we’ve been ultimately responsible for overlooking weather, safety... well, actually, anything that could be considered a pegasus’ job. Since I’m not captain of the Wonderbolts, I have to work with Spitfire to do the traditional job. Because of our long feud, she is constantly afraid I might take over her work or replace her. I personally have no interest in the fame associated with being a Wonderbolt. That life is not for me. I’m quite content allowing her to do what she does best. I read over reports and bring to her attention anything she might have missed. But for the most part, I try to take a backseat role in the political matters of pegasi life. In the mountains, it’s a tad different; I do take a more active role there. It’s my home! Things have changed over the last twenty years. I’m personally willing to allow myself to change with it, morphing what’s been traditionally labeled ‘Motivation’s job’ to match what’s needed of me now, and here. I’m not a leader. I can lead, but I’d be crushed doing the job Spitfire does. I’m much happier being a scientist, working with the more basic and less attractive work needed to make the Wonderbolts what we love and know them to be: great stunt flyers.”

“That’s a lot to take in,” Rainbow stated, her eyes glazing over.

“Exactly how long have they been around?” Twilight asked.

“Well,” Lilly drew out, “Let me put it this way: we have a stained glass window—”

“What?!” the girls exclaimed.

“It’s very old, and shows our greatest defeat,” continued the young captain, smirking just slightly.

“Have we seen it?” Fluttershy asked.

Lilly nodded. “Ye—”

“Oh come on, dear Fluttershy,” Discord’s voice said from everywhere at once, “I’m sure you can figure it out. Three ponies... defeated.”

“Dusty Chip, just buzz off and mind your own beeswax!” Lilly growled.

“You don’t know where I am!” Discord cooed.

“You want to bet?” Lilly fired back, “One, Two-”

“I’m going!” Discord said quickly.

“Well, if that isn’t a big enough clue, I don’t know what is,” Lilly growled.

“It isn’t the one where Discord is manipulating the three tribes is it?” Pinkie asked.

“Congratulations! You just won a prize!” Lilly said in her best show voice.

 Catstitch facehoofed. “Really sis?”

“Oh!” Pinkie exclaimed, “What is it?!”

Lilly paused, and looked blankly about the room. “I don’t know! I didn’t expect you to play along! Let me think, and I’ll get back to you. Yes. Pinkie is correct, that is the only public showing of our group, it shows the first group, The Fire Stallions, when they managed to get their magic tied into Discord’s. At that time, it made them unable to fight against him.”

“But ya’ seem ta have power over him now,” Applejack noted.

Lilly nodded. “Indeed, another long story, but when he managed to break out of his stone prison, he first went looking for us to make sure we didn’t try to help you guys. At that point, we were still connected, but it basically created a stalemate between us. Then he... worked his magic and we got the upper hoof, freezing him in ice for long enough for you guys to get to Canterlot and get a quick rundown.”

“And how does that work?” Twilight asked, still taking notes.

Lilly smiled impishly. “Now that’s a question for the princesses. I’m afraid I can’t give it all to you.”

“If ya’ll are so old—” Applejack began.

“WE are not old. But our order is. I’m only a few years older than you guys,” Lilly clarified.

“Still,” Applejack continued. “Why haven’t we ever found any books about ya’ll?”

“Aye, good question. That be a wee simple Applejack, love. Ya see, there neigh be many books because they neigh were written. And the ones that were were kept in the home of Inspiration from generation to generation,” Catstitch explained simply.

“Very well put,” Lilly said.

“Ye are gittin’ windy,” Catstitch scolded.

Lilly glared. “Anyways, that’s about the sum of it. Now, before I get going, I’m going to say something and I want you guys to listen. The last thing I want is for somepony to get hurt.”

They all nodded slowly. Lilly then pulled a sharp dagger out from under her mane. It was a purple blade that had a bit of a swirl to it. Its handle was finely carved and looked to be made of some sort of wood. “You guys see this blade?”

“Oh! Rarity exclaimed, “It’s simply divine, darling! Where did you find tha—”

Catstitch placed a wet hoof on Rarity’s horn quickly.

“That’s why I want to warn you guys. This isn’t a normal dagger. It was a present from Sony when I was very little. It’s a rare blade. This one is about three hundred years old. Known to exist, there are only about nine.”

“Ooh!” Pinkie said, her nose now inches from the blade’s hilt.

“Careful Pinkie,” Lilly warned, “This knife was made from a horn of a unicorn.”

Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all gasped. “What!” they all cried together.

“A unicorn?”



“How dreadful!”

“Can I see?!”

Lilly gave Rainbow Dash a flat look. “This knife was made from a horn of a unicorn. It is, as I said, very rare. They were owned by nobility during the wars that took place in the mountains. All written accounts have been lost, and the ponies who made them all died in the war, but I know the principle on which they were made. They were made when a unicorn spy, or just any unicorn really, was found in so-called Pegasi space. They’d trick the unicorn into somehow killing themselves, then craft the horn into a deadly weapon. It has three basic spells. First off..;.” She threw it, the knife landing inches from the far wall. Instantly, Discord appeared looking quite frozen. “I warned you, Dusty Chip,” Lilly Feathers growled, “As you see, it never misses. I actually froze the blade before I threw it, knowing he was standing there. The second is, it detects poison and infection. If it does, this one will start glowing an orange light. And the third spell is, it will attack any unicorn on touch. Glitter has almost fried herself more than once on this. Right after I got it, it nearly blew out Celestia’s magic when she tried to pick it up. It’s not something you just want to mess with.”

Twilight examined the knife from her safe position at the other side of the room. The knife was still embedded in the column of ice that was around Discord, its tip just touching his skin. “That’s almost creepy.”

Captain Feathers shrugged as she pulled the blade out from the ice column, it melting away completely the moment the blade was removed. “I told you to get out, Dusty Chip,” Lilly scolded him.

“Discord the Second, how can I help?” it said robotically.

With a scowl, Lilly stomped her hoof. “See Rainbow Tease, I’m not immune, just good at catching a prankster. He’s one that still can pull one over on me from time to time. Like this! Next thing I know, I’ll find Discord Zoom someplace!”

“Zoom?” Rainbow Dash questioned.

“Zoom,” Pinkie Pie began, “A small form of a treacherous cat that is in a foal’s story book.”

“Pranking you would be fun,” Lilly stated.

“If I don’t prank you first!” Pinkie fired back.

Lilly giggled, “Well, just don’t prank Glitter, and we all will be safe.”

“Why?” Pinkie asked.

Lilly sheepishly rubbed a spot on her barral. “Let me put it this way: most Inspirations are pretty powerful with their magic. Since I’m a prankster... she’s even better than I am.”

“TWILIGHT!” Suddenly from somewhere down below there came the sound of three fillies’ voices. From the sound of it, they were scared silly.