The Winding Northward Road

by Rambling Writer

Day 57

Getting to the summit of a mountain is a lot less impressive when you can see two or three taller mountains right next to it.

Reached the top of this mountain (never got the name), then looked north and Mt. Whinny’s much taller and it’s RIGHT THERE and why didn’t I go up that one?  The view up top’s beautiful, but I kept looking up at Mt. Whinny and thinking that I should’ve climbed that.

Oh, well.  The view from the mountain I climbed WAS very very pretty.  Canterlot was a bit too far away to see, but I may or may not have seen Princess Twilight’s castle.  It’s real sparkly, and I saw what may have been sparkles at where I thought it was, but I’m not sure.  At least the taller mountains around me didn’t block out the view for the most part; I could still see a lot of Equestria.  And seeing the South Luna Ocean just stretch out to the horizon made me think: just what is out there?  I mean, we know what’s on the other side of the Celestial Sea: griffons, dragons, and, if you go further, zebras.  But we don’t really look west a whole lot.  Wondering if there’s something out there to cause that.

On the plus side, nothing bad’s happened yet.  Already more than halfway down the mountain, so (hooves crossed) I might actually get lucky this time.  Heading towards a valley that opens out into the San Palomino.  It looks green.  No, REALLY green.  Crazy lush.  Lots of trees and such.  Never seen anything like it, not even in pictures.  Not that long, maybe seven or eight miles, but it should provide some nice scenery (and maybe even food) to hike through tomorrow before I get back to the brown and tan and beige of the desert.

Want to write a poem about tempting fate with nothing being wrong just yet, but I can’t get anything to rhyme for some reason.  Maybe I should work extra hard tomorrow.