//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 Rememberance // Story: Friendship is Infectious // by Brony-327 //------------------------------// Chapter 10 Remembrance Pinkie enjoyed making cupcakes more than any other hobby. A cup of flour, a pinch of salt. Maybe some vanilla. Add a little more and you never... Cupcakes were impossible to make with Twilight, however. Pinkie respected the unicorn’s enthusiasm, but Twilight was far too perfection oriented. Every measurement had to be mind-numbingly exact, down to the last drop or grain. Pinkie took a deep breath and tried to explain again. “Twilight?” “Yes Pinkie?” “You know it doesn’t have to be exact. The cupcakes will still taste great!” “But maybe they’ll taste even better if we make sure everything is just right!” Pinkie sighed and decided to just go along with it. Neatness and accuracy were Twilight’s method of coping with stress, and considering how many undead were milling about outside of Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie could understand why tensions were running high. She herself was feeling rather down, but she decided to hide her true feeling as best she could. Twilight seemed to be having such a good time, and Pinkie didn’t want to bring Twilight down. Pinkie turned her attention back to the finally completed set of cupcakes. Perfect. And it only took three hours. Not bad, considering how many times they had started over because of as Twilight put it; “inaccurate measurements.” They slid the batch of cupcakes into the oven, and after a few minutes a pleasant smell began to waft through the little store. Twilight was glad to see that Pinkie was back to her old self. But Twilight was worried that the earth pony’s natural boisterous and bubbling mood was being forced. Killing the Cakes had to have been hard on her, but the bouncy earth pony was acting like it was just a normal day. Twilight wanted to ask her how she was doing, but decided it was too soon. Better to just let the pink pony enjoy herself for now. A sigh from the corner of the room turned the lilac mares’ attention to the dragon sitting in the small plaid armchair once belonging to Mr. Cake. “Something wrong, Spike?” “I’m worried about Rarity. We need to go see if she’s OK.” “Spike, we’ve been over this. There are too many of those creatures outside, we’ll have to wait until nightfall.” The dragon sighed and went back to gazing at the photograph he held in his small claw. The image showed the Ponyville carnival from a few months ago. A large ferris wheel took up most of the background and brightly colored tents filled in the gaps. In the foreground of the shot stood a pony and young dragon, arm and hoof wrapped around each others shoulders. Rarity was drenched and her usually tightly curled violet mane hung limp and straight. Tucked under one arm was a stuffed yellow cat that was almost larger than Spike. She wore a cheesy lime green fedora, and the plastic hat was tilted rakishly at an angle. She also wore a orange bandana, and a smile that outshone the stars in the night sky behind her and Spike. That had been a night to remember... Spike was so nervous. This was a big moment in his life. While Twilight and the rest of the gang would be there, Spike still considered taking Rarity to the Ponyville carnival to be their first official date. But he was getting ahead of himself. First, he had to ask her. His heart was in his small throat as he lifted a trembling claw and knocked at the door of Carousel Boutique. He heard trotting hooves approaching the door and he straightened, preparing himself for the big speech. But it wasn’t Rarity who answered the door. It was her younger sister, Sweetie Belle. “Oh hey Spike!” “Hiya, Sweetie Belle. Is your big sister here?” “Yup, one second. RARITY!!!” As Spike waited for his hearing to return he saw the flawless white form of Rarity come out of the back room. She was cute when she was angry. She appeared to tell Sweetie Belle off for something and after a heated discussion, Sweetie Belle headed upstairs to her room and Rarity came to the door. “.......?” Spike vigorously dug a finger in his ear, trying to regain hearing. After a moment the soft lilting voice of Rarity drifted into his ears. “...sure you’re alright Spike?” “Rarity, I wanted to ask, that is...I was hoping you would accompany me...I mean, there’s a carnival and...” The unicorn said nothing, merely smiling kindly as she waited for Spike to convey his message. “Would you like to go to the carnival with me? It wouldn’t be a date date, that is unless you want it to be, I mean, the others will be there, but they wouldn’t be part of the date. Just you and me, and all the other ponies at the carnival...wait, that didn’t sound right...” Rarity mercifully cut him off. “Oh Spike, I would be delighted indeed to accompany you! How thoughtful an offer. Shall we meet here at, say five o’clock? I need a few hours to get ready.” ***** So far it had been an enjoyable evening. Spike had been saving his bits for months, so he and Rarity were able to enjoy most of the attractions. They even managed to win several prizes, including a bandana, some paper flowers, a plastic hat, a large stuffed cat, and a paper clip which Spike promptly lost. They had been walking down the path towards the rose garden when a large balloon full of water had collided with Rarity, flung from the orange hooves of Scootaloo. “Yes! Direct hit!” Scootaloo and the other two Cutie Mark Crusaders sat in a nearby tree, a full bucket of water balloons at their disposal. All three were dressed in black costumes, and they looked eagerly at the pegasus’ flank. But no cutie mark appeared, and all three were disappointed. “Drat.” Said Scootaloo. “Thought fer sure we were Cutie Mark Crusader Water Balloon Ninjas.” Sighed Applebloom. “Oh well.” Said Sweetie Belle. “Any other ideas?” Spike was mortified. Rarity had worked so hard getting ready for tonight, she had to be furious... A hysterical giggle burst from the unicorn’s lips and she used her magic to levitate the bucket of water balloons over the heads of the three fillies in the tree. All three were so lost in thought that none of them noticed the impeding retaliation strike until it was too late. The attack was super effective, and the Crusaders were drenched head to hoof. Spike had not expected this reaction. Rarity was a bit of a tight-flank, and all her hard work dressing up for tonight being obliterated in one balloon strike should have reduced her to a dripping pile of tears. But instead there was this dripping wet giggling rambunctious filly. Seeing Spike’s shocked expression Rarity laughed again. “Rarity? Aren’t you devastated?” “Not at all! This outfit is machine washable. I’m just glad to be spending time with you, Spikey-Wikey. Think fast!” She grabbed another balloon and hurled it with deadly accuracy at the small dragon. They spent several minutes flinging water balloons to and fro, until all were used. Then they sat in the cool grass and watched the stars come out one by one. It was Rarity who broke the silence first. “Thank you Spike.” “For what?” “For showing me how to enjoy myself again.” “Aww, it was nothin. I’m just glad you have had fun tonight.” “I really have. You know how to show a lady a good time. This has been an very wonderful date...” Spike blushed. Wait. Did she say?... “So, does that mean this was a-” The dragon was cut off as Rarity turned and kissed him. This was no light kiss on the cheek. This was a deep kiss on the lips, full of passion. After a moment they broke apart. Spike was giddy, his smile overwhelming his face. “What was that for?” “Well, let’s just say it’s an answer.” “To what?” “Your declarations of love, of course.” “But Twilight and Pinkie promised not to tell you! They Pinkie Pie swore!” “Oh they didn’t say a word. But you weren’t exactly subtle with your affections, Spike.” Spike smiled. “I know. I’ve never been good at cards either.” They both had a chuckle. They were interrupted by a maroon Pegasus with a camera. “Photo for the happy couple?” Behind the photographer, Spike saw Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Applejack watching through some bushes. They were all grinning at him and Rarity. Pinkie gave Spike a hooves-up, and made a kissy face at him. Spike winced, thoroughly embarrassed now. “Absolutely, dear sir.” Rarity put a hoof about Spike’s shoulders. “After all, we are a couple now. We need something to remember this night by...” Spike was pulled out his reverie by the sound of splintering wood as a grey stallion forced its way into the shop. Nopony had time to react as the stallion let out a howl and sunk it teeth into spike’s arm. Pinkie fired a shotgun, blasting the beast back out the window, but already more creatures were trying to force their way into the room. Twilight scooped up the injured and bleeding Spike and galloped out the back door, followed by Pinkie, who stopped long enough to set a small trip mine. The resulting explosion knocked all three off their feet, and collapsed Sugarcube Corner, killing all the infected inside. Spike’s head began spinning and his vision began fading into a red mist. He felt himself set gently on the ground, then the sound of hooves galloping away. He understood. They couldn’t take him with them. He was turning. He could feel it. He chose not to fight the monster, instead embracing it peacefully. As his world went black, he heard Rarity’s voice inside his head. “I love you, Spike.”