//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 Loss // Story: Friendship is Infectious // by Brony-327 //------------------------------// Chapter 9 Loss As they approached the library, Rarity noticed with dismay that the front door swung back and forth, ajar. “Fluttershy, get behind me. Nothing to worry about, just merely being cautious.” Fluttershy was still silent. A tiny nod was the only sign that she had even heard Rarity at all. They warily entered the quiet and tiny home of Twilight, ready for any attack. But they met nopony or zombie inside. Once Rarity was positive that no infected were within, she began barring windows and doors. A light hum escaped her lips, which caused her to stop with surprise. Was she feeling...happy? Did she feel so uncomfortable with herself and with what was normal that she gladly accepted any opportunity for an escape, even if it meant the death of other ponies? She was so lost in conflicted thought that she stood in the open doorway for several minutes until Fluttershy brushed a wing against her, gently leading her mind back to the importance of the task on hand. Rarity blinked and looked at Fluttershy. The yellow pony gave a tender smile and nodded. Rarity dragged her mind back to reality. No. She was happiest when working, that’s all. It was when she felt calmest. She needed something to calm her down, considering what had happened this morning. With these thoughts and some effort, she dragged Twilight’s desk in front of the door. It seemed to serve as an effective barricade. The unicorn sighed with relief. Now they could could breathe easy for a while. Maybe find something to eat. Rarity trotted down into the basement where Twilight kept most of her electronics and canned food. Rarity was in luck. Nothing had been touched, and row upon row of shiny cans greeted her searching gaze. ***** The yellow pegasus had never been a fan of green beans, but now they were the best thing she’d seen all day. She was a dainty eater, but even Rarity was shocked as the yellow pony tore into the casserole that had just come out of the oven. Within seconds the entire tray was empty. “Oh Fluttershy! You must have been famished! Give me a few minutes, I’ll whip up some dessert and cocoa.” A gentle whisper of a snore was the only reply she got. Rarity turned to gaze at the sleeping pegasus. Poor thing. So stressed. This must have been the worst day of her life. Rarity reached out a hoof and brushed Fluttershy’s mane out of her face. “You’ve been so brave, my dear. If only we knew where the others were. Especially Spike...” She stopped as she remembered that day Spike had rampaged through the town. So much had happened that day. Greed. Anger. Generosity. Forgiveness. A kiss... Rarity sighed. If somepony had told her two years ago that she would have feelings for a young dragon, she would have dismissed the idea as mere whimsy, the random ramblings of Pinkie Pie perhaps. She would have said she was destined for Prince Blueblood, the stallion of her dreams. But now, Spike was the only thing in this world that Rarity truly cared about. Well, cared about in that special way. She couldn't imagine a world without his practicality and charming innocence. With thoughts of Spike still happily swimming through her head, Rarity finally drifted off into exhausted slumber... Fluttershy cracked open an eyelid. Finally Rarity was asleep. Now was her only chance. She didn’t mind Rarity’s company, but this was something she needed to do alone. Quietly Fluttershy got up and went upstairs to the balcony. Rarity hadn’t barred any of the upstairs windows, so a pegasus like Fluttershy could easily come and go as she pleased. But Fluttershy wasn’t just needing to stretch her wings. She was worried for her animals. They hadn’t been fed since this morning. They must be starving! Or at least have the hungry rumbles, and that just wouldn’t do! Also Angel. How was he handling being home alone for so long? Well, he had other animals, but this was the longest he’d been without mama Fluttershy. She had to make sure he was OK. With this reasoning, she carefully opened the window, spread her wings and leapt, promptly spiraling to the ground, where she trotted off towards home. Don’t worry Angel, thought Fluttershy. Mama’s coming... ***** Rarity was re-awoken by a cold breeze down her back. The unicorn was afraid to move. A breeze meant a window was open. She had closed all the downstairs windows. Rarity mentally cursed as she realized she hadn’t bothered to check the upstairs windows. These things were once ponies. Some of them probably remembered how to fly. Only one way to find out who had come in. Rarity tensed, bracing herself. Then she jumped up and looked around the room. Empty. She sighed in relief, wait. Empty? Where was... “Fluttershy...” Whispered Rarity. The unicorn galloped to the door, flinging the bookcase aside and tearing the door open. Outside a few feet away a set of tracks started and led in the direction of Fluttershy’s house. The street was deserted and no infected seemed to be anywhere nearby. Rarity blocked the door behind her, and began the slow, laborious task of slipping from cover to cover, dodging infected and making her way towards Fluttershy’s woodland cottage home. As she got within sight of the cottage, she began seeing bits of fur and feathers and she knew in her heart what she would find inside. Rarity pushed open the remains of the door and the room grew lighter. Blood was everywhere, and skeletons of small animals were strewn about the room. Rarity saw Fluttershy sitting on the floor, cradling a small white object. Rarity entered the room and the yellow pegasus looked up. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at Rarity. The look she gave was full of bewilderment and utter sorrow. Held in her hooves was a small, lifeless body. It was Angel, a rabbit that Fluttershy had found years ago. They had had their disagreements in the past, but they had an understanding and a closeness that Fluttershy didn’t have with anypony else. Even Rarity understood how much this broke the pegasus’ heart. For once, all her eloquence failed her. She sat down next to the sobbing Fluttershy and held her close as the yellow pony cried silently. Rarity wondered how much more they could take. Fluttershy was such a tender and loving pony. It wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge. How long until they all snapped, or lost the will to live? What would it take to survive all of this? What would they have to do to live? Would it be worth it? Was any of this worth living for? This time Rarity managed to jar herself out of the line of thought on her own. Applejack would call it, “Stinkin’ Thinkin’”. The unicorn smiled as she remembered how many times she and A.J. had tip-hoofed the line in the past, about so many trivial things. But despite all their differences, they were still friends. Wait a minute...Friends. Now that was something worth living for.