//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Orange and Blue // Story: Frostbite: The book of Legends // by Silver Mist The bat pony //------------------------------// I looked on, dumbfounded. "Muffins will make me friends? Really?" I asked. She shook her head. "No, silly. Social interaction with others is key." She said. I gave her a look. "Those you haven't met." She added in a dry tone. I looked at the bakery door and opened it. "Button!" A young, squeaky voice yelled. A little filly with a white coat and pink mane with a light purple stripe ran up to me. She stopped and looked up at my face. "Ice pony!" She yelled and ran out the door. I stood still. "Um, I should have mentioned. The young ones kinda made stories about you. They don't really know about you." She said, nervously shrugging. My eyes scanned the bakery, all other eyes pointed towards me. I walked backwards out the door. "What in the hay are you doing?" She asked. "Walking away backwards." I answered. "How about you, I don't know- GET OUT THE WAY!" She yelled. I jumped and saw a orange blur blast past under me. I landed back down and saw the blur launch into the sky. "What was that thing? Some kind of orange chicken?" I asked. "Hey, you!" I turned towards the voice and saw an orange filly with a purple mane. "Your that weird ice pony. How dare you try to hurt my friend!" The filly yelled. I looked under her and saw her on a blue scooter with red handlebars. "Look kid, I don't really want to put up with this crap, so could you possibly lea-" Without warning, she blasted foward. I jumped up to avoid her and fell back down. "The hell, kid?! What's wrong with you?!" I yelled questioningly. The filly grabs a pole and turns back around. I step out of the way as soon as she gets close. "Scootaloo, stop!" Ditzy yelled to her. She obeyed and used her back right hoof to stop herself. She looked up at the gray mare and frowned. "Scootaloo, what's gotten into you?" Ditsy asked. "He came after my friend!" Scootaloo answered, glaring. "Did you ask her HOW it happened?" Ditzy responded. Scootaloo fell silent. "No." She answered, embarrassed. "Sorry, we got off on a bad hoof. I'm Scootaloo." The filly put out her hoof. "Apology excepted." I said. Scootaloo showed a face of annoyance. "Gonna shake?" She asked. It whouldn't hurt to interact with a filly. Not like we could even be friends. I shook her hoof and she showed a face of happiness. "Could you come to the clubhouse?" She asked. "Sorry, I don't wanna look like a creep to the ones watching the place." I responded. "It's okay. Applejack won't mind. We invited a fluffy pony and she still didn't care." Scootaloo spoke. Derpy shook her head. "Alright, carry forth then." I responded . She sped foward. "You sure about this?" I asked Ditzy, responding with a yes. I sighed and followed the scooters trail.