//------------------------------// // A Challenger Appears // Story: The Last Parasite Returns // by mmonsoon326 //------------------------------// The pain was excruciating. There were no more tears, they had all been depleted long ago. How long since the torture began? Minutes, hours, days? She couldn’t tell anymore. All Rainbow Dash could do was try to stay silent as she convulsed in her chains, try not to give the evil bastard the satisfaction of hearing her screams. “MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! With each passing minute I drain your life force and will to live, and when it’s depleted I shall become truly immortal! Yes, it will be soon, very soon.” “Not if I have any say in the matter!” Scootaloo’s voice reverberated down the corridor toward the spasming ponies. “Well well well, what do we have here?” the cloaked figure said, amused, as he turned his attention to the newcomer. “A pegasus too young to fly has traversed the many perils of my dungeons and now stands defiantly before me. Heh, heh, heh. I rather hoped you would survive most of my traps, however I never anticipated you of all ponies to make it all the way through. Oh well, I guess my immortality will have to wait as I squash this pestering little bug! Worm, meet me in the main hall, I’ll be waiting.” He vanished on the spot, and with that, the three ponies in chains stopped shaking and began to rest. Scootaloo rushed toward the door leading to the cell her friends were held in. The door slammed shut just as she was on the verge of entering. “Now now, don’t be hasty. We’ll make it an honest fight. You with your artifact, and me with my magic.” The voice came from everywhere and nowhere at once. “Don’t worry guys! I’ll be back soon!” Scootaloo cheered through the iron door. “Just be careful, and don’t do anything stupid!” Rainbow called in response.