The Last Parasite Returns

by mmonsoon326

The Blade of Suran’Dal

Scootaloo jumped over yet another pit of lava. She had been traversing the underground dungeons for about an hour now. “Just what time is it now?” she wondered. “Ten; eleven? I should be in bed, but no, some evil parasite magician thing just had to kidnap some of my friends. And it’s not even like he’s been all that creative with his traps, I’ve seen all of these in books and movies dozens of times. I mean, was the boulder chasing me down the corridor really all that necessary? And then there’s the lava pits with rock platforms placed perfectly for me to jump across. Oh, and I can’t forget about the floor spikes. It’s like the writer of Daring Do designed this dungeon, and it’s also extremely linear, there’s been only one fork, and both doors led to the same room. What’s next, a giant room where a magical artifact sits on a pedestal in its center, and as I approach it the pedestal will drop under the floor and a giant spider will drop in front of me from the ceiling, and then after I kill it by hitting it on a glowing spot on its back, the pedestal will come back up for me to take the artifact and then use it to save my friends? This place is boring.”
As she turned yet another corner down the corridor, a large, dark, empty room opened before her. In the center of the room stood a pedestal with a glowing gold sword hilt on it. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Scootaloo said aloud to herself. As she approached the pedestal however, it didn’t drop under the floor. “Hmm, that’s odd.” On it was a sign, where four words were inscribed: The Blade of Suran’Dal. Scootaloo jumped on top and grabbed the sword hilt in her mouth. She could feel a button with her tongue, and pressed it. Out of where a normal blade should be, came a beam of white energy, that pulsated with the beat of her heart and resonated a dull hum. “Again, very original.” Scootaloo thought. The filly jumped off the pedestal and started toward a door she saw on the other side of the room. What she didn’t notice, was that the pedestal and other loose rocks had begun to move and gather together. As she reached the door a rock the size of her head smashed into the wall beside her and exploded. She turned around to find a massive stone golem advancing toward her.
The animated creature launched another stone at her. All she could think of was wishing she had a magic shield, and just as suddenly, one appeared before her, deflecting the rock that would have crushed her head. She was bewildered at the power of the sword. She began running around the room, not wanting to rely on the mysterious power she now possessed. Unsurprisingly the golem was slow to move, so she easily got around to its backside, where she discovered the pedestal. It was glowing, and if books and movies taught her anything, it was that all bosses have a glowing area of their body that is its vulnerable point. She jumped, testing the abilities of the sword by wishing to be able to jump much higher than normal. It worked, and she flew past the pedestal and slashed through it with the sword just as the golem turned to its side.
The glowing pedestal was sliced in two, disabling the anthropomorphic being; its components fell to the ground as Scootaloo landed. “Easy as pie,” she thought to herself. “Now it’s time to save my friends!” She opened the door and began the long ascent up the stairs on the other side. As she climbed higher, she could feel the presence of her friends grow closer.