Frostbite: The book of Legends

by Silver Mist The bat pony

Chapter 2: The derp

Day came much quicker than I thought It whould. I slowly brought myself up witch caused some uncomfort, but nothing to bad. I looked around the room at all the unusual devices. All of them seemed unique to me. Like when I saw the doctors stethescope and put it in my ears and shooved the bottom on my stomach. I heard noises and dropped it on the floor. I put it back in time for the nurse to come and brought me out. The filly from yesterday stood there, waiting for me.

"I'm glad your okay now. I guess I can finally introduce myself. I'm Ditzy." She put out her hoof for me to shake. I didn't take the offer. Instead I thanked her and promised I whould repay her when I could. She seemed disappointed when I walked off, but I thought It better for myself after last night's dream especially.

She followed me into town as I explored, pointing out many buildings and such. She led me to the library and showed me the librarian. In her rule, I whould work here in exchange for a place to stay. I agreed. Now, I know I decided it be best if I had no friends, but she wasn't one. She felt like a new mother, and I appreciated it.

"So, um, maybe we could be friends?" She asked. I looked at her. "How about I see you around sometime?" I asked. She nodded sadly and left.

"Oh, and by the way-" I yelled to her, "- The names frostbite!" I closed the door after that.
Years had passed since then. I continued working at that library until it got rented out to somebody called Twilight Sparkle. Then, I got a job at a place that distributed if e to ponies and that's how I discovered my talent. Well, after I made 1,000 cubes in 7 minutes. I did keep my word and visit that mare every once in a while, and I'll admit. Ocasionally, it was fun.

I intend to see here soon actually. I might as well get a move on.