//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Rushing Waters // Story: Frostbite: The book of Legends // by Silver Mist The bat pony //------------------------------// You ever had that day that just made you hurt inside? In the heart, I mean. Good, so I'm not the only one. Oh, so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Frostbite. I have a special talent of distributing ice and have a white coat and green and red mane. People tend to describe me as somewhat boring but pretty nice. If they knew what I was about to tell you, though, I bet they'd be singing a different tune. I'm getting side tracked. Let's begin, shall we? ... It was a bright and beautiful day where I was. The birds chirped loudly in their nests, the sun was shining, and all the colts and fillies like end where out and about playing in the grass and just enjoyed the outdoors. Then, it happened. He came into town. He was a man in a black robe that shielded his entire body from view. The only way I even knew it was a he was due to the size. "Ponies, I come from a far away land. One where I am the ruler of creatures like you. I demand your land on the count it is what I have earned!" He yelled in a crocky voice. The mayor of our village came to meet with him. Then two stood there, talking of if the deal was fair or not. Our mayor declared that he not take our land until there was given proof of this deal. Everypony cheered, thinking it was over. Then, the world seemed to stop as he said his next words. "Then you all may drown." He hissed. Suddenly, the paths where flooding with water as the village began to be covered in it. Evryone began to run in many different directions to avoid their deaths. I pushed through trying to get by until ponies began pushing me away for others to get through. The waters caught up with us. It reChed over and submerged me in it's cold, lifeless, grasp. I struggled to swim up as the water rose and rose and my air depleted. Then, I stopped. I couldn't breath or anything. My vision switched to nothing but darkness. Until he woke me. I layed beneath him, his covered face just above my own. I got a Whig of his breath, smelling of rot and decay. He didn't say anything. All he said was wrap a chain around one of my legs and pushed me back into the water, where the darkness returned. I heard nothing and felt nothing. Then I heard her voice. "Are you okay?!" The voice sounded strange and kind of, I don't know how to describe it, ditzy. My eyes flashed open and I saw a grey filly with a yellow mane and a wall eyes expression. I couldn't move any of my legs except for an ocasional twitch, so I moaned to respond. I felt her out me on her back and trot into some kind of town. We passed by some fillies who seemed dumbstruck or worried about me. She suddenly stopped and I turned my head to see a red cured and purple maned nurse there. She grabbed me and put me on what I learned was a stretcher. Something my old village wasn't too knowledgable on. Iientered some sort of room on that thing. A pony came in and checked my body. I moved my head to see my stomach gathered with cuts and bruses. "Crap. Nurse, get him to fall asleep. We need to fix these legs." He told the pony closest to him. She grabbed a needle and shoved it in my arm. I cried in pain witch the nurse responded by covering my mouth. "Shh. It's okay. We're gonna make you feel better. We just need you to take a nap." She told me in a calm voice. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to take hold. ... I was drowning. I tried to reach the top of the pond but something held me down there. Chains gripped at my bottom legs as I screamed for someone to help, but no one came. I was alone. Only when I realized this did the chains let go. I swam as fast as possible and felt myself emerge, safe. If only I had learned it sooner. Being alone Will help me more than it will hurt. In congrats to myself, I swam towards a shore. ... I woke in a bed. Sounds of continuous beeping irritated yet comforted me. I turned to a nearby window and saw the stars in the sky. I smiled and went back into my blissful sleep.