//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 (Revised) // Story: The Four Stallions of the Apocalypse: Broken Formation // by UltimateRuin009 //------------------------------// Chapter 6 “No way, no friggin’ way.” thought Connor. When he got back to Ponyville he had seen the biggest celebration go down, and all in the name of him and his little family. They walked through the streets as they were blasted by streamers and marching band instruments, it was really loud but Connor enjoyed every second of it, they all did. Crowns made of flower petals was perched on the heads of Luna and Celestia’s stallions, all of them had their own personal color to them to match the following ponies. To Connor’s surprise he was offered a blue flower petal necklace which he had declined the offer. “Please, I’m not of real royalty.” said Connor. Luna cleared her throat, Connor didn’t realize he was being rude about it and saw the mare who offered it to him look sad. He felt bad but he knew how to fix it, “But…” as he continued the mare had a happy look on her face when Connor said but, “I will take it, it looks beautiful.” The mare jumped in joy and hugged the large stallion, and gave the crown to him. “Oh thank you!” exclaimed the happy mare. “I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I loved making it!” She beamed at Connor and trotted off happily, he felt warm inside, it’s been more than a millennium since he was given something that somepony else enjoyed. A tear quickly left his eye but he wiped it off before anypony could see it. They all walked till they were all in a crowd of ponies, all of them moved away till everyone from the Old Canterlot castle had a lot of room, the crowd in applause of the new alicorns. Really soon Brett, James, Jacob and Luna will receive their new duties, to increase the potency of medicine, to be more in synch with their plant life to help feed the population, to spread good cheer and to preach equality, to raise the moon, and to become Equestria’s defender once again. Connor knew he can now out run his past and gallop into a brighter future, a future where he doesn’t become the purge again, and he was very content with that. He was looking up to the bright sun; it was partially cloudy outside, the fluffy white clouds setting his mind off to a daze. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, taking it all in. Yes, this is indeed a bright future, and a future he vows to protect, and knowing he won’t be the pony he used to bea, no…he has new friends. Happy new friends, all unique and different from one another but the courage in their heart and souls and their loving personalities is what had brought them together and him too. He only hopes that the other stallions will think the same and become a part of the growing circle. His attention went back to his surroundings as colors assaulted his eyes, everything was so bright and happy, it seemed almost girly to him but he didn’t care. It was all very cheerful and happy, it was beautiful to see and it melted the stone heart of this blue stallion, he had always been serious, it was only with last night and today it had brought out the emotional side of him. The mayor of Ponyville was waiting patiently for Princess Celestia and her family as all but Connor and the mane 6 walked up on to the stage. “And here we gladly introduce for the Summer Sun Celebration…Princess CELESTIA!” said the mayor into the microphone. All the ponies cheered in glee at the sight of their glorious leader, with big grins and smiles on their faces they waited patiently for Celestia’s words to be spoken. “Hello my little ponies…-” said Princess Celestia. “HA! She said it!” shouted a distant stallion’s voice. It was no voice Princess Celestia or the mane 6 had recognized at all and it was very annoying to have to hear. “Sorry…continue please!” Princess Celestia paused for a minute and hesitated to continue in the possibility of being interrupted again, then she began talking, the crowd instantly silent and their attention Celestia’s. “Okay then…as you see, these other ponies are the same species as I am.” begun Princess Celestia. “The stallion ones you see here are…my children.” The entire town gasped as James, Brett and Jacob took the spotlight as they walked to stand side-by-side with their white furred mother. “Yeah, and remember those stallions that was with Nightmare Moon…they were us too.” said Jacob. “And hell, even whom Nightmare Moon used to be is here with us.” He gestured over to Luna who seemed very shy to express herself despite given a crown of flowers without hesitation. That worried Connor slightly. “Meh, must be stage fright or something.” thought Connor. He looked attentively at the princess of the night as he gave a big sigh to himself. “Didn’t think I’d have to go public anymore then I had to, but looks like plans have changed.” He trotted up softly to the stage as all eyes went to him as he walked up the little staircase to the stage. He looked over at the ponies staring at him as he walked up to his mother and sat with her. “Yeah, and I was also one of the stallions, if anypony here can remember me turning into that dreadful form.” said Connor. “And, this is going to be a shocker but this is your leader’s sister, and I’m her son believe it or not.” Gasps and confused looks were exchanged from one pony to another, whispers becoming loud conversations, it annoyed Connor how things like this remained the same, he had hoped it mostly changed. “ENOUGH!” shouted Connor. The crowd went silent and the attentive faces returned. This was a beauty to Connor’s eyes. “Thank you and I do apologize for any confusion, we all do but there is just one thing that you need to know.” said Connor. “We do not mean harm, before we were a force of reckoning but now we are a force of good. We were once the vices that put all evils into the 5 of us, but now we are the vices of all true good. Sure we may have to do our duties in a similar manner as we had being the stallions of the apocalypse…only some of us at least…but know we do it for the right reasons. And not for the wrong that I’ve done, that we stallions and Princess Luna had done.” He looked upon the crowd for whom they had curious faces and quizzical looks. He then had realized that he didn’t know what he was talking about, explaining to a bunch of ponies who they were, was gonna take quite the time. “Alright…me, and Celestia’s children, and alongside Princess Luna were the ones that invaded Ponyville and threatened the world as we once had before, however that was during a time where no one here was alive except for Princess Celestia.” began Connor. “We were Nightmare Moon and the 4 Stallions of the Apocalypse, we were the evil that was shoved out by the good and created into the ponies we became and wreaked havoc on Equestria, but not just here. We extended our reach to the world around us, tainted it like a plague.” The crowd of ponies looked at Connor with worry, his words were unsettling, not right, but it had a lot of honesty to them. Connor exhaled a deep sigh and inhaled before continuing. “Maybe your princess might explain it better.” said Connor. He trotted next to his mother and sat next to her again. “I thought I was better off to stop before I confused somepony.” Luna looked at her son and brushed a hoof over his fur and held him close to her. “Yeah, it was probably the right thing to do,” said Luna. “They don’t know you Connor, they don’t know me either.” She said so with sadness, Connor responded with a soft nuzzle against her neck. They patiently looked at Princess Celestia as she walked up to the microphone, with no need to stand up on her hind legs like Connor had to, she was tall enough to be at a good level with the microphone as she began to speak. “I know what my nephew here sounded confusing,” begun Princess Celestia. Connor let out a soft chuckle that was in hearing range of the princess’s ears as she smiled at him. “But what he was trying to say was that now that I have…” She stopped for a moment as she sniffled a bit and continued. “…That I have my family back, they will uphold their duties, the ones appointed to them by chance, and that they’ll be here to stay. And please, I know they may have the same blood as me but they’re just like anypony else.” Connor smiled, Princess Celestia had changed, but it might have been the years of hearing the same compliments given to noble ponies towards her is what made her want to hear words that would make her feel like a common pony. She knew that he hated it within a few years. “They just...had bad luck before, having to be who they were.” said Princess Celestia. “But now, they can live with us, among us, and please. They may seem odd or strange, your opinions are your own but they’ll help me with this land. But before I go and continue ruling, I will be on a one week hiatus.” The ponies stared at their leader with big eyes of confusion and fear. They had become right with Celestia and Celestia’s alone rule of their peaceful country, even the mane 6 were confused alongside her sons and sister. Connor didn’t seem too surprised though. “I need to help shape my family before I help shape a country. That is all. I will return to my duty after a week, it won’t be too different.” said Princess Celestia. “It’ll be like I was still ruling.” She walked away from the microphone as her boys trotted up to her with a whole lot of questions. “Mom…we know you don’t need to help us, we already love you tons.” said James. Hearing the soft, shy stallion Celestia knew to love say that warmed her heart. “Yeah Mom, I do believe that this is unnecessary and therefore…-” said Brett. He was met with a white and black stripped hoof in his mouth to shut him up. “What I think Brett here is saying that you don’t have to spend a week with us, we learned our lesson.” said Jacob. Celestia stomped a strong hoof to the ground to quiet Jacob. “I understand you don’t feel like I don’t have to take a vacation but we all need some time with each other, we’ll function better for it, I know it.” said Princess Celestia. Connor smiled alongside everypony else. The boys may have been true that such action wouldn’t be necessary, before the Nightmare Moon situation they were all very close knit with each other, even if it didn’t seem so. But Celestia just missed them, she couldn’t just go and rule and pretend that everything was okay when she had three sons she hasn’t seen in a long time. She did it not for them alone but also for her. “Same with you Connor and Luna.” said Celestia. Luna smiled and trotted over to Celestia and they both embraced into a hug. Both of them went on their knees as they had warm smiles on their faces. Celestia’s boys surrounded the sisters and the mane 6 looked upon the sisters with warm smiles and warmer hearts. Connor let out a soft smile as he got up on his hooves and walked off the stage and towards the sun’s direction. The mane 6 and everypony else watched him as he walked off without a care. Rarity was the first to gallop over to Connor. “Connor!” called out Rarity. Hearing his name caught him off guard as he snapped his head over to see everypony else, his family and the mane 6 right behind him and galloping to him. “Where in the heavens are you trotting about for?” The regel unicorn looked at the scruff earth pony with a quizzical look. “Would you mind walking with me, a fair price to pay in exchange for some information don’t you believe?” asked Connor. He had a sly smile on his face as Rarity looked at him dumbfounded for only a second. “Um…sure alright then.” The others had walked off, knowing why Connor only asked HER to walk with him. Rarity took note and ignored such thoughts from her mind, she was never the pony to be left wondering and she refused to start now. They both walked down Ponyville’s streets, passing ponies like them as the day went on, except none of the stallions in Ponyville seemed to match Connor’s exterior. “You still haven’t told me why you’re walking randomly.” said Rarity impatiently. Connor scoffed and laughed at Rarity’s impatience, he found it humorous. “Why are you laughing?” Connor looked ahead of him, coming across to what seemed as a little forest with exotic flowers and trees, the animals were normal for their habitat so it seemed right at the moment. Connor took it all in as he inhaled deeply. Everything in Ponyville felt right. “Well?” “I haven’t been on this world for 1000 years,” began Connor. “I’m enjoying the world as I had before for one.” Rarity felt a little guilty in her heart, she forgot about that, it didn’t come across her mind as of why he was walking around how he was. “And even though it has changed a lot since I’ve been here, the world is still just as beautiful as it was before. And that satisfies me greatly.” Connor looked up brightly, Rarity following his gaze as they looked upon an empty field of grass swaying against the wind. Connor looked upon it all, and smiled with such warmth it would have melted glaciers. “You know why we’re called earth ponies, correct?” asked Connor. “Because your kind’s form of magic allows you to tap into the earth, but aside from that I never really interested myself into things like that.” said Rarity. “I am a fashionista after all and I felt like I needed to stay true to my cutie mark.” Connor looked upon her flanks, breaking the attention he had on nature and looked at her cutie mark, which bore three complete rhombuses which was to be like diamonds. “Yes, well I myself never got mine so I didn’t care much for destinies.” said Connor. It was Rarity’s turn to look at somepony’s flanks now. Just like how she met him, he had a blank flank. Though she knew Celestia admitted that she and her sister Luna had taken away what was special about him, something related to combat, in her mind, would have been appropriate for a cutie mark, from what she got out of Connor the time she knew him. “But to me, being what I was born to be made me feel happy, and for a time I too cared for having a cutie mark but it was nothing compared to the Earth.” said Connor. “I mean, a land which is able to hold life, a gift so precious yet one that can be swiftly taken away, and here she is in all her glorious beauty.” Rarity thought that Connor was implying the Earth as it was the only real rational explanation of Connor’s words…or was it? “And your right, us earth ponies can tap into the magic of the earth and help grow crops. But to me, becoming interconnected with nature was my big goal, and it was something I wanted to grab by the tail, swing it around and grab it for all its worth was my plan. But with duties I had, I was never really able to accomplish that. And my time in Ponyville will help me get there, alongside you mares.” Rarity smiled, maybe Connor wasn’t meant to be a blank flank after all, maybe it could be something to represent him and the Earth somehow, you just never know. Celestia and Luna appeared behind them, alongside everypony else, Connor figured they’d follow him, he had unfinished business ultimately deciding his fate in Ponyville. “Having a good time?” asked Luna to Rarity and Connor. “Damn strait,” said Connor. “It’s been too long…” He looked back out to the field, the place he had once called home whilst being banished. After 1000 years, he could again. He had a big determined smile on his face looking over the field. It was starting to get to the before noon time and ponies were smiling, laughing and prancing around like there was gonna be no tomorrow. “These ponies, they seem devoid of our dark history, Aunt Celestia.” He eyed his favorite aunt as she had a blank stare. “Well who else could be able to bring the ponies from any possible slum that Nightmare Moon drove them too?” asked Princess Celestia. Luna shuddered at that name; Celestia had seen it and winced a bit, wondering what her sister would do. “…Anyways, it’s not like it’s an easy thing to deal with, imagine everything that you thought was real stripped from you. Not everypony is like you Connor.” True…Connor nodded his head in agreement and solemnly looked upon the ponies. “Besides, my sons are aware of their duties, and now it’s time to be aware of yours.” said Princess Celestia. She trotted up to Connor who just stared back at her with blank eyes. “Ponyville…well I’ll tell you more about it. But for now try to find a house or something to stay out at.” Rarity stepped in on the two. “I have a guest room out in my home, I think it could have somepony in occupancy.” said Rarity. Connor smiled warmly at her. “Looks like the element of generosity strikes again.” said Connor. Rarity gave Connor a sappy wink and a little chuckle. “But don’t worry about it though, I won’t overuse my stay.” “Oh it’s no problem at all darling!” exclaimed Rarity. “You’re welcome to my house so long as an extra bed or at LEAST a couch is ready and good for you.” “Same with mah place, sugarcube.” said Applejack. “Yeah silly filly! Even mine!” happily exclaimed Pinkie Pie. “Well I do have a house in the sky,” said Rainbow Dash. “But…if you magically come up there somehow I suppose your welcome.” Connor smirked and chuckled as loud as he could…evilly…as Rainbow Dash looked upon him with utter confusion. “…Why are you laughing?” Connor stopped to look at him with a criminal’s sly smile. “Remember how I told you I could fly?” asked Connor. Then it hit Rainbow Dash like a jack hammer…he did. “Oh yeah! Heh…I forgot about that…” said Rainbow Dash, giving an awkward grin at Connor who just laughed even harder. ”Yup, I can even walk on clouds too, no use to limiting myself at just flight you know?” asked Connor. “Or…at least some other pony’s thoughts went…” He stared at his mother with a looked that asked her to say something, Luna just blushed a bit and shooed it off. Celestia had to clear her throat to make sure everypony had her attention. “Well Rarity, and the rest of you, it really is nice to offer my nephew a bed and a roof but I will have to place him in the library.” said Celestia. “Along with Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight just looked at her mentor in disbelief; Connor raised an eyebrow at his aunt with confusion on the mind too. “You both are incredibly anti-social, and Twilight does need another helper for the library if she’s going to stay here.” Twilight couldn’t believe her ears, and so did the other mares, they all pounced on Twilight and Celestia was met by the thankfulness of their friends. Connor hadn’t liked Twilight all that much, to be honest, he found her as a know it all, despite seeing her as a female form of one of his old heroes. Connor shrugged his shoulders and casually said “Meh, okay.” The mares had ignored him, apparently only wishing for ponies that cared of this news. “Oh thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!” bounced Twilight in glee. Even though she had known her friends for just one night, she couldn’t imagine having to continue without the magic of friendship on her. She had found the beauty of each and everypony she had met tonight, even though she hardly knew Celestia’s kids and her sister, they were just as great as the mares. Connor on the other hoof…well…she decided to ignore him at the moment, he’s cool but he’s a bit too forceful if anything else. “But why does Connor have to live with me though? Everypony else seemed to not mind him too much to offer a bed for him.” “And what’s so wrong with me then?” asked Connor, in a serious tone. Twilight scowled at him with a glare of her own. “Your cool, but your too forceful with things it’s pretty ridiculous.” said Twilight. “It gets stuff done, and the ends justify the means if the situation requires it.” countered Connor. Twilight just grew a little more angered by Connor, this was not the way the ponies of Equestria rolled, not in a long shot. “That’s not how we do things in Equestria, and I’m sure that you had it different long ago but the old world is gone, we achieved a state of total harmony and that could possibly threaten our new lifestyle.” said Twilight. “Enough!” shouted Princess Celestia. Twilight cringed at the words while Connor just merely stood there silently, he was used to hearing loud noises and his relatives didn’t scare him one bit, even if one controlled the sun and it’s power. Twilight only cringed because the shouting came from, what she had found herself to be comfortable to live with: a second mother. “I understand you two ponies are very different from each other but I beg you to try to give each other a shot at real friendship, not companionship through friends. That’s not how the magic of friendship even works.” Twilight nodded her head sadly. “I’m sorry Princess, I’ll try my best to stay rational.” “I guess so as well.” said Connor. Twilight couldn’t understand Connor one bit, sure she got to the emotional side at least, she even tried to talk Connor out of his emotional lump back at the forest but here he is, calm as can be and doesn’t seem to care too much of authority, especially to their country’s leader. She knew he had her as family but the fact that he’s so passive towards any affront to him was beyond maddening. She didn’t know why she was so uptight about it but she just couldn’t help herself but to feel this way. “Anyways, I guess we should all get comfortable to this town don’t you think?” Everypony nodded their head into agreement as they all walked off to the town together, to spend the last hours of the day on the Summer Sun Celebration as previously planned.