Trapped from the Inside

by PapyrusPlays

Vanished; Chapter 1

Have you ever wished for something so hard, it happens?

Only for me, its was different. It came in a different package, you could say.

It seems so childish. Even now, as I'm minutes away from falling apart.

By Celestia... I miss the innocence.

By Celestia... I miss the innocence.

As a quiet high-school kid, you wonder sometimes; Oh my lord, why do I do these things? Like where I was that day. On top of a roof, with my adopted sister Kate, and my idiot friends. Especially the idiot who had me here. My boyfriend, (or soon to be boyfriend, whichever you prefer,) named John. We had been in a truth or dare match at the time. You know how that can be. Unless you've never been dared to hang from a rope, 20 stories up, for at least a minute. Now me being stupid, I accepted the challenge.

I know what you're thinking. Why the HELL would you EVER agree to that. You'd be my sister Kate right now. I was pretty sure she had the police, and hospital on hotline at that very second. "You're doing great Peri! Just 30 seconds left to go!" Someone called, as I hung from a strong rope tied round my waist.

"VERY REASSURING!" another voice cried. Kate.

"Can I just come up now?" I whined, peering at the cars from beneath my skinny legs. I clenched my spindly fists, and looked up at Kate, who was looking down worriedly. My Mom was going to kill me after this.

"Tick tock, Peri. It won't be long before you topple to your... DOOOM! Ha!" My friend, Macy shouted, "Not long at--" A creaking noise sounded, and something dark, and heavy came down at me. I screamed, and saw that the dark and heavy thing, was Macy! I gripped her tightly.

"Don't let go okay?!" I ordered, "This has gone too far guys! Hoist us up." The creaking didn't stop though. Creaking became ripping. I panicked, almost letting go of Macy's fair hand. She was crying hysterically, and shaking, which didn't help at all. The worst part was, there was solid concrete beneath us. I wasn't a big fan of having my brain splattered onto the pavement.Kate was dialing something, and screaming into her phone. John and my girl group were desperately trying to fix the rope and get us up. All I could do was wait, pray, and hope. Please. I won't let us both be taken. Take me back to my friends, or put me where I belong. You are a merciful God! So hear me, and let them be safe. Let me go to you of a noble cause! As a Christian,
I should have been more respectful, and more aware that maybe I shouldn't toy with fate. But I didn't know that. I was still young. I'm still young now but, you get the idea.
I was almost at the top when the rope snapped. In a spilt second, I threw Macy to the top. I could barely hear the thud of her landing on the top of the roof. As I fell to my death. But I didn't hear wind in my ears by the time I was in midair.

A light sort of clicked in my head. The little light grew larger, until all I saw was white. White like a canvas. Was it a canvas? I liked canvases. I wanna touch the canvases... No! I shook my head, and looked around. I was in a blank little place. And.. I was floating. Maybe I was dead already. No way... I looked at my hands. They were flickering from hands, to paws, to claws, to tentacles. Nope not heaven.

I couldn't speak. I didn't want to at least. Every time I spoke, my voice switched languages and pitches, and sounds. It was terrifying. A white cloaked woman approached me. Part of her face was glitched out, like something out of a videogame. The only part of her face was her mouth, chin, and her right eye. It was white, (go figure...) and had no pupil of any sort. Just pearly white.

"You arrive.." I nodded, refusing to speak. "You are correct. Our Lord is a merciful god. But you will not be sent to heaven. Instead you will live." But where... I still wasn't going to speak again. "You will not live here, young one. No, I picture a much more colorful future for you." I wasn't sure what to make of that.

I gulped, and finally gave into curiosity, " WhO ArE YoU?" I asked, hearing my voice blend rapidly. The Glitched Angel smiled, and winked her right eye. (Or blinked, her left eye was missing remember?)

"Your best friend." The angel raised her hand, and I flew backward. Into another white abyss.