//------------------------------// // My beginning // Story: The beast // by Link2541 //------------------------------// Hello, my name is Eli. When you think of me, you’ll probably think about a pony. Don’t. Instead, think of a beast. My species is a mystery. When most people talk about a beast, that’s me, when they talk about a mysterious creature, think about me. My story actually starts in Canterlot. Specifically, the castle of Celestia and Luna, it begins a few years before Luna was banished. My dying mother drops me off during a harsh winter storm. A knock on the door is heard through out the whole castle. Celestia answers the door and finds a dying beast, and her baby. That baby is me. Most beasts are born fleshy, but when we mature, our skin grows strong bone-like plates. Celestia knew that the mother was dying, so she took the baby in. I was raised under her wings. She fed, changed, even taught me how to speak and walk. Which is another thing, Beasts (like myself) can be taught how to walk on our hind legs, speak in a normal language, and (in some cases) use magic. I always called her mother, because she was my mother, to me. By the time I was one, she started spending less, and less time with me. It started with hey only feeding and training me. Then it was magic training, and then it ended. It only seemed like the only time we could talk was during dinner and breakfast. While I had nothing during the day to do, Luna would be my “Babysitter”. Eventually, I started following her. I would accidentally slip “mom” or something like that. The last time I saw her, was my 3rd birthday, which was the day before she was banished. She and Celestia got into a fight. I took Luna’s side, which ended wrong. Luna was banished, and I went into a horrible depression. I would often time get into a “rage growth” which is when a beast gets really angry and grows to 3-4 times their size. I would fight until Celestia sang a lullaby, which put me to sleep. I would use age spells to mature my body, making my body as an adult, but it’s like putting on a costume. It like you’re a different person, but you knew who you were. She eventually banished me to Mars. It took her 10 months to do so, but I couldn’t believe it, my own mother, doing so. I was really depressed, which sparked more rage growths. By the way, if you’re wondering why there are no aliens, and why Mars is red, you can thank me.