//------------------------------// // Somewhere Between Trottingham and Ponyville // Story: Meanwhile... // by WatchMeShadow //------------------------------// ------------------- Rainbow Dash ------------------- When Rainbow got the blood for Sweetie she took a short rest on a cloud just outside Trottingham, as she was feeling tired. She knew full well what happened next if she continued without that rest. Her wings would start to burn and exhaustion would soon take over; then she would have to significantly reduce her pace or risk getting a wing cramp, which isn’t a good thing to have happen while in the sky. So she rested. She's expecting to be completely wiped out after this was over. She couldn't help but think back to the first and only time she over exerted herself. It wasn't a pleasant experience, it was made worse by the ponies who tried to push her to ignore the pain and soreness all over. They even went as far as firing the pony they hired to train her, because he refused to continue until she recovered. She wasn't sure why she was thinking about this stuff now, of all times, it's been something she gladly forgot about. She ignored those thoughts and focused on the endurance test ahead. She found out that she got to Trottingham in about three hours from the ponies at the Trottingham hospital. She was glad she was making such great time, but knew that time was not on her side in this issue. She hated having to wait, but she knew her limits. She did a sonic rainboom to get here, and she's planning on doing one to get back. After about thirty minutes, Rainbow felt up for the task. She took off fast and hard evaporating the cloud she had been resting on into clear air. She pushed herself to go faster and faster, until for first time ever she accomplished two sonic rainbooms in one day. As she did so, her mind went back to the hospital lobby; where Scootaloo looked like she lost the will to live. Scootaloos cry of her name echoed in her mind, urging her not give in to her bodies complaints. She had tears in her eyes again, but it wasn’t because of the air stinging her eyes as she whizzed past it. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Twilight waited in silence with everypony else currently in the lobby. Zecora came back from washing herself clean, and told them she's going to inform mayor Mare about the state of the Everfree. Fluttershy and Pinkie came to show their support but had things to do and left after a little bit. Twilight requested Fluttershy to make sure no pony entered the Everfree since her cottage is right next to the entrance, before she left. Everything was quiet until Scootaloo and Applebloom walked into the lobby with beaming smiles followed by a frazzled nurse. They were in front of Rarity in a blink of an eye bursting with excitement. When Rarity noticed them she was only given enough time to open her mouth. “SHE’S OKAY!” they happily yelled hopping in place. Their enthusiasm tried to cut through the depressing mood that had slowly been solidifying in the lobby. It only managed to bend it into confusion. Rarity was speechless with a mix of emotions ranging from anger to hope. Twilight noticed this and quickly whisked them away with her magic and set them in front of her, Rarity was clearly in no mind to handle this right now. “Girls, please calm down and tell us what you’re talking about,” she asked gently. After little bit they mostly stopped shaking in excitement but their smiles remained even through their bloodshot eyes they looked happy. “Applebloom saved Sweetie!” Scootaloo yelled as she tightly hugged a shying Applebloom. Twilight brought her attention to the nurse who was standing there awkwardly so she could get some real answers. “Do you know what they’re talking about?” “That’s what we’re looking into right now your highness…” Just as the nurse began to talk Scootaloo stopped hugging Applebloom with an embarrassed smile. The nurse saw Twilight look at her questioningly, “Um right, well in all appearances she seems perfectly fine," the nurse started, "We’re running lots of test on her right now and we plan on making her stay the night to be sure… We don’t really know what happened, but...” “We told you how many times now? Ah healed Sweetie! Ah don’t know why Ah was able to but Ah’m so so glad Ah did,” Applebloom happily interrupted. Healed? Could Applebloom really heal another pony? Twilight considered why she never even thought of that possibility. “Now hold on just a second, Ah thought ya could only barely heal plants what in tarnation makes ya think ya healed Sweetie?” Applejack asked putting a voice to Twilight's thoughts. Applebloom normally would have looked down and ashamed by now, but she was just too happy to care. “Well Ah know Twilight wanted me to tell her if anything weird happened, but Ah wanted to keep it a secret, because Ah’ve been practising growing plants and a couple days ago Ah fell and got a nasty scratch on both my forelegs. Before Ah know it they’re gone like it never even happened. Ah was gonna tell yall after my big reveal because well..." Applebloom rubbed a fore hoof against the other, "Ah wanted it to be a surprise… Sweeties okay and that’s what’s important,” she finished resolutely. Before anypony else could respond the nurse cut-in, “Well, we don’t know that for sure, but things are looking good,” while Applebloom and Scootaloo went to take back their seats. “Mm mmmay I see her please?” Rarity managed to ask while looking at the nurse. She really wanted to believe everything she was hearing. “Sorry but not until we know it’s safe, something like this is unprecedented and we need to treat this situation seriously. It’ll take about an hour or so before we know if things are as good as they appear and then you can visit her; however, even then we would like to keep her over for the night incase we missed something,” the nurse said carefully. Rarity sighed, “That’s perfectly fine darling," She went and hugged the nurse, "and thank you so so so much." The nurse described the test they gave and probable are giving to Sweetie and the ones that they still got to do. She then answered some questions they had. After that she left them to do other stuff that required her attention. So they waited. Twilight was left to ponder the vague abilities her students gained and was mentally kicking herself for not translating more of the journal. Applejack hugged Applebloom as they sat next to each other because it was hard not to miss her bloodshot eyes when she first came in. Applebloom just couldn’t wait to see Sweetie Belle again. Scootaloo felt guilt, she had something to tell her friends and she feared when she did they wouldn’t be her friends anymore. She was kind of okay with that though, she just couldn’t lie to them any longer not after this. Zecora had returned while they waited. Eventually, the nurse came back with good news. Rarity was first to visit Sweetie. Twilight asked Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Zecora exactly how Sweetie 'took' Zecora's place. She didn't like what they had to say, not one iota. They said she teleported while standing still, but also knocked Zecora out of the way. Twilight felt a dark pit of dread in her. She could have chosen any number of advanced spells to explain to Sweetie but she choose teleportation, she felt responsible for what happened. What they said didn't add up. She knows that for Sweetie to be able to knock Zecora out of the way she would have had to of been moving which they said she wasn't. She planned on questioning Sweetie about this before she talked to Rarity about this. Rarity came back looking relieved but still on edge. Applebloom and Scootaloo were quick to volunteer to visit Sweetie next, and took off before anypony else could really have a say. “Sweetie!” They yelled as they ran into the room. Sweetie was hooked to monitoring machines still to give warning to the staff incase something does happen. She smiled and waved at them, “Scootaloo! Applebloom!” she yelled in her squeaky voice. It didn’t take long before they were on a large chair next to the bed, “You have no idea how happy Ah am to see you again. Even though it has been about three hours,” Applebloom happily offered. Scootaloo had a mix of emotions swirling in her head and she had no idea how to say them. “Yeah, me too… Sweetie I…” Scootaloo tried to say but on impulse lept onto the bed and hugged Sweetie who hugged back, Applebloom joined almost instantly. It was short lived and it was Scootaloo who broke it apart, “Okay okay, enough with the sappy stuff. I’ve had my fill for one day, no make that life. I, I do have something I want to tell you guys but not here and not now. It’s very important and I’ll understand if you don’t…" Scootaloo looked down and away, "Anyways, I just can’t keep this from you two anymore so next chance we get to the clubhouse I’ll tell you,” Scootaloo said looking gravely serious near the end. Sweetie observed this and realised she needed to change the subject. She has been wondering since she woke up and realized she’s alive was how she got to the hospital. All she managed to learn was that Zecora took her but she didn’t know the details. “Okay... So what happened with the manticore?” Applebloom and Scootaloo flinched at the unpleasant memories that happened just today that question brought up. Applebloom was the first to answer, “Scootaloo kicked it’s flank to next tuesday, then after you passed out we wrapped you with my bow to try and stop the bleeding,” She got interrupted by Sweetie gasping. Sweetie knew what that bowtie meant to Applebloom. It was one her of parents gifts to her before they passed away. Sweetie knew Applebloom had a soft spot for them even though Applebloom was never really old enough to know them. Sweetie knew this because when they first met, Sweetie would usually complain about her own parents. Who would go on vacations so often at times, she practically felt she lived at Raritys. Applebloom had said it was fine for Sweetie to complain about her own parents when she first learned about it. So she did. Applebloom was okay at first, but soon found it hard to listen to. Sweetie felt horrible when Applebloom asked her to stop. Sweetie made sure not to complain about them infront of Applebloom. “Omygosh I’m so sorry Applebloom,” Sweetie apologised. “It’s okay Sweetie the doctors took good care of it when they removed it, it’s air drying right now,” Applebloom answered and Sweetie relaxed. Applebloom only knew this because Applejack asked the nurse about it, after all other questions about Sweetie were pretty exhausted. “That’s good, how did you manage that Scootaloo?” Sweetie asked. Images of Scootaloo picking up a giant rock and hurling it at the manticore came to mind. Though she was pretty sure there was no giant rocks available at the time. She was able to get a pretty good lay of the land while time had stopped for her, and she didn't recall any rocks nearby. Scootaloo was unable to explain how she accomplished defeating the manticore. She flat out said she couldn’t remember. Applebloom on the other hoof offered a little more detail on what she think happened. Sweetie was a little mortified that it got its paw stabbed. She however did enjoy how Applebloom described Scootaloo's final attack and comparing it to karate. After that they agreed to have a meeting at the clubhouse as soon as they could for whatever important thing Scootaloo had to say. There were other ponies who wanted to visit Sweetie and visiting hours were almost up so Applebloom and Scootaloo left to the lobby at least. While waiting for her next visitor she wondered what Scootaloo had to tell them. That didn’t last long because Twilight came in, “Sweetie Belle. I'm glad to see that you’re okay!” She continued walking in and sat on the chair. “Twilight! it’s good to see you to,” Sweetie smiled. "How are you feeling?" Twilight asked. "Great!" Sweetie answered with excitedly. “That sounds..." Twilight looked down in thought briefly, "well, great!" she said putting on a slightly embarrassed smile, "So I hear you teleported to save Zecora?" Twilight questioned, but continued before Sweetie could respond, "I’m proud you would do that and did do that, but I hope you realize just how reckless that was,” Twilight didn't mean it that way, "I'm sorry, I just don't understand why you teleported." She wants to talk about other things that she’s pretty sure Sweetie would be ecstatic about. Sweetie looked down guiltily, “I know, but I didn’t teleport." "You didn't?" Twilight questioned. "Yes..." Sweetie responded, "I mean yes I did not teleport, I stopped time for like seven minutes. It was horrible. I couldn't move anything,” tears began to fall, “All I could do was watch the moment before Zecora would get hurt badly. and and and it was all my fault!" she practically yelled, "All I had to do was run when she told us to and this never would have happened, but no! I had to stand there like a wimp... I was so scared... I couldn’t let her get it hurt. Not when it was my fault,” she almost whispered, tears going down her cheeks. Twilight was quick to go over and hug Sweetie, “It’s okay Sweetie, no pony blames you or any pony for what happened," Sweetie hugged back, "Do you think you can tell me what happened?” Twilight questioned while backing out of the hug. Sweetie composed herself and nodded. Sweetie went on to explain how she standed still long enough for the manticore to recover from Zecora’s powder and how that makes it her fault. Twilight disagreed with her and maintained it was no ponies fault. Sweetie then explained what she did or at least tried to do when she stopped time and how weird and awful it was. Twilight was sure to ask and take mental notes on every detail Sweetie could provide about the effects of that spell. Before Twilight left she told Sweetie she would be taking a much more active role in training her how to use magic. This was a happy surprise to Sweetie. Applejack and Zecora visited next. Sweetie apologised to Zecora, but Zecora said it wasn’t needed and made an apology to Sweetie. Zecora said that it was no ponies fault but if blame was to be made it would have to go to herself. Applejack agreed with Zecora's assessment. After that visiting hours were closed and Sweetie didn’t have much to do except wait till tomorrow when she can hopefully leave and get those pesky monitoring devices off. ------------------- Rainbow Dash ------------------- Rainbow felt wiped out by the time she made back to Ponyville. It was mostly dark out and the few lights from the various buildings are what she used to not get lost. She glided the rest of the way to the hospital. It was late, the sun was almost set and the moon was rising. All she could hope was that she wasn’t too late, she couldn’t fail her sister and friends. She was definitely going to need a day or five worth of rest after this. The combination of the sonic rainbooms and the long distance left her exhausted. She made it to the hospital door and slowly opened them with what little strength she had, “I made it, I’m just gonna catch some…” before she could finish that sentence she slumped to the ground and slept. Rarity and Scootaloo where the only ones in the lobby besides the nurse. Scootaloo was the first to get to Rainbow Dash. Rarity soon followed then the nurse. The nurse was quick to take the blood packets from Rainbows saddle bags and put them in proper storage. When she came back Rarity helped her bring Rainbow to a room so she could rest more comfortably. Scootaloo and Rarity went back to the lobby to wait for Sweetie and now Rainbow. Rarity tried to get Scootaloo to leave but she insisted on staying, and Rarity wasn’t up to argueing. So they waited and slept in the lobby. Rainbow first came to consciousness with feeling tired. She simply tried to go back to sleep, but was unable to do so. a light was in her eyes and even with her eyes closed it was just too noticeable to ignore. She turned head away from light and boy was she not prepared for the aches of her muscles. They hurt. After she moved, she began to notice soreness in the rest of her body. She slowly opened her eyes and saw she was in a hospital room and the sun was invading the room with an annoying brightness. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep. Her mouth was irritable dry however and that was something she also couldn’t ignore. She was welcomed to the sight of Scootaloo happily curled up on a chair next to the bed she was laying on. She felt joy to see her there. It really cemented her newfound sisterly bond with her. She couldn’t bring herself to disturb Scootaloo after what she has been through yesterday. Scootaloo eventually opened her eyes and noticed Dash staring at her and smiled hopefully, “Heya squirt," Rainbow rasped, "ahem, ack, mind getting me a glass of water?” Scootaloo was quick to retrieve the water and hoof it to her. It actually hurt her to reach out and grab it but she bared it and drank it in one go. She handed it back to Scootaloo who went and got another glass and set on a nightstand next to the bed. She was wondering why Scootaloo hasn’t said anything yet, but she looked happy, “I take it Sweetie made it okay?” Scootaloo smiled and nodded. “I knew she would. She can be tough,” which made Scootaloo giggle, her voice was pretty harsh at the moment so she went for the water and drank half of it. Muscles aching every little movement. Rainbow was able to notice the nervousness in Scootaloo and knew exactly what it was for. She didn’t like it so she began, “Listen Scootaloo I’m sorry,” Scootaloo went from nervous happiness to sad so quickly, but she continued, “I never knew you felt that way about me, I was shocked to learn you felt that way about me for a year I wasn’t prepared for it. Especially, because I learned it from Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight,” She took a break to get a sip of water, “I said I would take you under my wing and I…" guilt filled tears slowly formed around her eyes, "I didn’t even do that. I’ve been treating you so horribly I don’t even know why you ever wanted to be my sister, I mean it’s crazy I’ve only known you for two years! and we’re not related. ‘sniff,’ but I was so so wrong. I would be honored to be your big sister if you’d ever forgive me for being such an,” before she could finish that sentence Scootaloo flung herself at Rainbow in a hug which took what little air out of her and made her body ache in withering pain. Rainbow noticed the huge smile on Scootaloos face and gentle wrapped a foreleg around her all the while her body ached in the pains after a extreme hard workout. “Okay, okay that’s enough mushy stuff, its actually hurting my body. I’m sore all over." Scootaloo gave one last tight squeeze before going back to that chair, “Umm by the way, it turns out you didn’t need to get the blood. Applebloom was able to heal her.” Dash just stared at her for a second or two. She went all the way to Trottingham and back, and that’s all Scootaloo has to say about it? It was just so ridiculous, “Bwahaha oww ahahaahahah~,” she laughed uncontrollably and as she did it hurt her to laugh which only reminded her of how ridiculous it was, which only made her laugh more. She eventually reined herself in more so because her body wasn’t able to keep up, and looked to see Scootaloo watching her slightly confused. After regaining her breath she gave Scootaloo a smile, “Sorry sis I’m just happy things turned out the way they did,” as she weakly reached out and ruffled her mane enduring the stinging pain as she did so. Scootaloo never wanted this moment to end; she called her “sis.” For a second everything in life was great, no it was perfect until she remembered something. Her smile fell replaced with fear and guilt like somepony hit a switch. She couldn’t hide in the shadows any longer. She knew that when she almost lost Sweetie. She already made a commitment to tell her best friends and there’s no way she could leave out her sister. She knew what would happen though she’s been lying to them and they’re gonna hate her. She couldn’t live with the guilt though and she wouldn’t, even if it meant losing them. “Rainbow I...” Before Scootaloo could continue Rainbow interrupted her, “Scootaloo feel free to call me big sis, sister…" she stopped when she saw Scootaloo no longer smiling, "hey what’s wrong?” Rainbow wanted to hug her right now, but that laughing took a lot of her. Scootaloo took some calming breaths, “Big sis," she shuttered, "I have something I need to tell you, but I gotta tell my friends first and then I’ll tell you.” Rainbow wasn’t sure what to make of the sudden mood change, “Hey sure thing sis, I can wait. There’s not much to do, I’m gonna be sore all over for a while heh,” she shrugged, “oww.” “Okay,” Scootaloo simply said, and then they waited in silence. It didn’t take too long before a nurse came in to give Dash food and explain she had to stay at the hospital for a day or two do to magic depletion. Rainbow was expecting something like this to happen it wouldn’t be the first time she overdid herself. It would be the first time she learned that it was mostly magical and not more physical like she thought. She had a couple questions like why everything was sore and not just her wings. Turns out magic is everywhere in the body and is used for task like flying and cloud manipulation in pegasi. Some of this she already knew. Even though it may not improve the body like it does for earth ponies it still is an important form of energy that the body would notice missing. By losing most/all of their magic they’ll feel weakness and out of breath. By using most/all of their magic they’ll feel like they came from a very hard workout, but just like a work out unless it was overdone they will come out stronger once they recover. If it was overdone they may lose most/all their ability to use magic as the system that regulates the magic could burn out. Sure they’d still have magic but limited or no access to it really depending on how severe the damage was. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scootaloo wanted to stay with Rainbow but the guilt was making her uncomfortable so she excused herself soon after the nurse came in. Sweetie was released from the hospital and although she wasn’t grounded Rarity understandably decided to spend the day with her. Applejack asked Applebloom to show her what she’s been doing in secret exactly and Applebloom had agreed but still wanted it to be surprise to other ponies that included Scootaloo. That didn’t matter much anyways because she decided to wait till Rainbow Dash woke up. Now she had nothing to do. So she decided to go to see what Twilight was up to. Upon entering the library it didn’t take long to locate Twilight at a pedestal scribbling notes and writing while looking at two different books. She recognized one as the one they got from the cave. “Hey Twilight what’s up?” One of Twilights ears swiveled to Scootaloo and she let out a sigh as Scootaloo got closer. Twilight briefly turned her head to look at Scootaloo before going back to her task, “Hello Scootaloo sorry I couldn’t wait with you at the hospital but I’ve been putting this off for too long. This journal has answers and I need to get them before anything else happens.” “Answers to what? And before what happens?” Scootaloo asked a little confused. Twilight stopped what she was doing but didn’t look away, “Answers to questions like how was Sweetie able to stop time? Why were you able to send a fully grown manticore flying? How did Applebloom heal Sweetie? Where did that spike come from? What happened to you three? I don’t know, but things have gotten out of hoof so fast. I need to get answers and this journal has them! I just know it,” Twilight spoke fast and faster. Scootaloo reared back a little from her rant. Twilight sighed and faced Scootaloo, “Sorry Scootaloo I just got a lot on my mind, how’s Rainbow by the way?” “She’s pretty wiped out from that trip but it sounded like she’d be okay after some rest,” Scootaloo answered. “That’s good to hear. So was there something you wanted to talk about?” Twilight asked. Scootaloo shaked her head, “Nah, Sweeties gonna be with Rarity for the rest of the day, and Applebloom apparently still wants to wow us with what she’s been working on secretly but let Applejack watch her practise. As awesome as it would be to spend the rest of the day with my sister. I just don’t think I’d like to stay in that place for another whole day,” she partially lied keeping the real reason from Twilight. Twilight noticed that Scootaloo called Rainbow ‘sister.’ Twilight was honestly hoping this would happen. She had to control her urge to squee in joy. One of her best friends and her student becoming sisters, it felt good. “Well, I won’t be much company because I really need to get this translated, but…” a blank paper appeared in front of her; she scribbled somethings on it then floated it to Scootaloo with her magic, “If you go over to the fiction section over there, you should be able to find some of those books. I think you might like them, also feel free to get a snack from the kitchen,” Twilight said, pointing to the fiction section. Scootaloo smiled, “Thanks Twilight!” She quickly snagged the paper out of the air and trotted to where the books would be. The rest of the day was rather peaceful. Scootaloo did end up visiting Rainbow till visiting hours were closed. Rainbow was asleep most the time, it was still nice. Applebloom impressed Applejack and managed to accomplish what she wanted to show off to everypony. Applebloom plans on doing her presentation tomorrow. Sweetie and Rarity had a nice day out going to the park, shopping, and then the spa. Twilight stayed up late into the night translating the journal, but did have the sense to go to sleep. End Chapter 13