A mare and her dog

by cammera

Random things that I had to remove

Chapter: 20

Reasons for removal: Added to the world, but was too long and ultimately irrelevant.

The Troika brothers had been one of those cases of loving hate-- they would've died for each other, but that included killing themselves if the only one to interact had been each other.

It wasn't that there was a long-lasting feud about papa's will, or over who was given more chocolate, or who got the girl. It was simply that they were incompatible from the get-go, or at least started being as soon as Dandruff went to what Endriff called "Filthy capitalists training camp" and Endriff went to what Dandruff called "Useless brainiacs training camp", both with a mix of good and bad natured intent.

Nevertheless, they had often helped each other in their enterprises, and that included a certain artificial lake. At first the project had consisted of trying to make an artificial cravice, since minotaurs really like crevices, but then this thingy with the moles happened.

Never underestimate the capacity of rodents to ruin projects of any size.

They couldn't do it, said Endriff to his men: "What if the fecking things reach bedrock, eh? What do we do then? we'll have bedrock moles causing earthquakes or some shit, that's what we'll do. Do you want to cause earthquakes this close to mountains? Cuzz I sure don't"

The solution proposed by Dandruff some time later when Endriff mentioned it nonchalantly in a letter was, as most of his, filthy capitalist practicality: make it longer and fill it with water, then make vacation resorts and divide the money. "How about that, Brainiac? You can make underwater cities in the cravice or some such"

It was attractive: make the resort an isolated island that the moles can't reach, put as many cats in said isolated island as possible just in case, and then make some kind of river route deep enough that the moles can't dig under it to cross the forest.

Then problems started: not all ground is good to make ridges in it, and the ideal straight route ended being almost four times as long and more or less destroying the local ecosystem of the forest, at which point the governments of Tharata and Surane had more or less said that, if the minotaurs wanted to make something like that, they could do it with shackles on.


Chapter: 43

Reasons for removal: Added to the world, and was interesting for me, but it still went on for too long.

""Lu" is one of their most significant syllables, it can mean "To illuminate", "To feed" and "To pursue"," Nanda squinted at her back and kept walking circles around her "Misusing it can offend traditionalists, as they have an old superstition about words wearing down with use. "Shi" is more straightforward, and means "Tongue", "bridge" and in general "intelectual communication"..."

Tense, relax, tense, relax, tense, relax...

"...complicated, but can be understood to roughly mean "Pertaining to the gods". "Lushido", thus, can be translated as "Illuminated message from the gods", "Message from the illuminated gods", and "Message of illumination from the gods" , which is related to their city's..."

Tense, relax, tense, relax, tense, relax...

""...oi" is also important, because its the basic "Thanks" syllable. "De" is a generic increaser, so "Deloi" is roughly "Very much thanks you", while "Nu"

gives a mocking or parodying tone to the rest of the word, so you should avoid "Nuloi" if you can. The customary response to a "Loi"-based word is "Ghao", which

rather than "Don't worry about it" is a general statement of that you appreciate it. Its thanking for being thanked, if you want to think of it like that.

"Don't worry about it" is a posible interpretation of "Ghaonu", which can be also understood as mocking so it may offend traditionalists, and "Gur" is for

refusing to accept the thanksTOP!"

Winona shook in her sleep, but there wasn't much more reaction than that.

"Good, if you keep practicing you'll do it in a few weeks. Where was... oh, yes. There is no individual syllable for "Name", but "Se-tre-de-ni"" she took care of separating each individual syllable "is the most used word for it, and its literal translation is "That with which you request, at the present time, location, and company, to be identified as". Its a mouthful, but they'll start foaming from their mouths if you insult their language in any shape or form. "Loi-re-na is important, too, don't forget it. Its asking where is the bathroom"