Lost Memories and New Experiences

by Brony4life360

Chapter 7

Twilight's POV

I looked at where I had just blasted. All I could see is a little scorch mark, but no crater. I must have teleported him, Thank goddesses. I don't know what came over me! I just had this wave of... Fear, wash over me! As I look to my friends, I can see their expressions, I can see their confusion and shock. I couldn't believe it either...

"What the hay Twi?!" I hear Rainbow shout from beside me. "We were supposed to question him, but you just blasted him! What's the deal?"

All I can do is turn and look at her and stay silent. I had no idea what happened! How could I explain it to my friends if I don't know what exactly happened! I was just talking to him, he decided to try and get under my skin, and then... I was just scared! All I could see was black!

"Uh, Twi?" I hear Applejack say next to me, and I turn towards her. "What happened there? That wasn't like you a' all!"

I sigh and sit up, facing them all, "I honestly have... No clue what just happened..." They all look at me and each other with looks of shock and confusion. I continued, "All I remember is that after... Bear..." I still had a tough time even mentioning him, thinking about what Celestia told me about him and his race. "Made his comment to get under my skin, I got swallowed up by a feeling of darkness and pure fear! I don't even know what happened, until I blasted him!"

This had an effect on all of them. All their expressions changed, morphing into fear, until Fluttershy spoke up. "Twilight... D-did you... Did you k-k-kill him?" She spoke, her voice quivering. This made me relax, at least I can give them some good news about what happened.

"No, Fluttershy, I didn't hit him with a lethal blast. I hit him with a long-range teleportation spell. He is far away from here, we probably will never see him again." Their expressions lightened a little bit, except for Rarity's. She still had a worried expression.

"Twilight... I hate to say this darling, but that might be a bad thing..." She says, nervousness entering her voice. Everypony looked at her like she was crazy, even I had to raise an eyebrow.

"Please explain to me how this might be a bad thing, Rarity." I say, still a little shocked at her words.

"Well Twilight dear... The experience that you said that you felt... Sounds a lot like what you experienced when you faced King Sombra..." Rarity explained, still a little nervous, but she was looking directly at me...

This hit me hard. This was exactly like what happened at the door... I could not speak or move at all... But at the same time, I could only see a vision, but... Something about this one felt different than Sombra's dark magic... It felt more... Malicious... Dark... Destructive...

"Let's just hope that he just stays gone then..." I say quietly, sinking to the floor as old memories were ripped back to the present.

I have to write Princess Celestia about this...

Bear's POV

My life. Why does it have to be so painful? I sigh as I slowly open my eyes while I stand up, and see that I am... I am....

Okay, actually, where the flying fucksticks am I? All I can see is a little meadow around this small lake, that is being fed by a waterfall coming from one of the mountains that is close by. It looks like it is isolated... No noticeable landmarks anywhere in sight. Shit. I'm fucking stuck here...

I barely register the wet streaks falling down my face. A chance... That's all I've ever FUCKING ASKED FOR... One chance to get to know someone... But someone has to come and fuck it up for me... Why can't I ever just have ONE FRIEND! I rage in my mind, my hands clenching.

Eventually, I come to my senses and wipe my tears away. This was no time to feel sorry and bitter. I needed to find some shelter, and some food. This world wasn't going to kill me off just yet. I slowly start to make my way around the valley. There were not many places to enter the valley, so that seems promising, knowing that I could easily set up some defenses... If I ever needed them, at least. Either way, I had to get to work. Knowing that I am most likely not getting out of here anytime soon, I might as well make this place my new home.

In Celestia's bedroom

Celestia was pacing the room anxiously, while her sister, Princess Luna, sat on the bed and watched her sister pace with unease. "Sister, please. Stop pacing, you are wearing grooves in the floor." Luna speaks, finally standing up and putting a hoof on her sister's shoulder.

"I cannot, and you know that Luna." Celestia says with a stressed voice. "You know that this shows that... He is growing in power... He is now able to summon these... Humans... and give them magical abilities..." Celestia states while ignoring her sister's requests, and continues to pace. "Where is Discord! I called for him hours ago!" She suddenly shouts, looking around in irritation. Luna just sits and sighs, having no clue as to who Celestia was talking about.

"Well call the devil, and he shall appear Celly." Another voice says as Discord, the Lord of Chaos blinks into the room with a bright flash of light.

"Finally. You come." Celestia says, still a little peeved at his tardiness, but that was not important at the moment. "Do you know the situation?" She say, fixing her stone gaze upon Discord.

Discord then sighs, and then adopts a serious posture, and the whole world seems to stop for a second. The Lord of Chaos, known for his pranks and antics, as well as his joking attitude, suddenly getting dead serious like this, there is clearly something wrong, Luna noticed.

'Yes, Celestia. I am all to familiar with how my brother's condition is." Discord says with a scowl, like someone had spat in his face.

"Um... Who are we talking about?" Luna says, a bit confused.

Celestia stops, and looks at her, "You don't know?" Luna shakes her head as a response as a reply. Celestia then sighs, "Discord does have a... Brother... His name, is Malignus, or The Malicious One in old Equestrian." Discord grunts in disapproval at hearing his brother's name.

Luna nods in understanding as Celestia continues. "As you know, Luna. Discord came to be way before we were born." Luna nods again. "Malignus is even older than Discord, and much more powerful..." Celestia says in a more quiet voice, trying to convey exactly how serious she was trying to be at that moment. "Discord also has one other sibling, if you remember." Celestia looks over at Luna. "So at the very start of this world, there were three Spirits. Discord, Spirit of Chaos. Harmony, Spirit of Balance. And lastly, there was Malignus, Spirit of Destruction."

Discord then looks up at Celestia, and Celestia catches his silent message and steps back as Discord stands in front of them. He clears his throat and begins to speak. "Me and my siblings.... We got along decently in the early years of our lives. We were content to just watch over the world. We rarely interfered with mortals back then. Everything was very peaceful, that is.... Until Malignus decided that it was not enough to destroy only the ones who deserved to be destroyed. He wanted to tear this world apart..." Discord says with an angered expression. "Me and Harmony... It was the only time we have ever worked together. We stopped him before he destroyed the entire planet. But... To ensure that he didn't return, Harmony sacrificed his body to put Malignus into another dimension... To ensure that Malignus would never return." Discord says as the sisters look at him, confused.

"If Harmony's body was destroyed... How were the Elements of Harmony, and the Tree of Harmony created?" Luna asks, slowly standing.

Discord looks back at her, "The Tree and the Elements were formed by Harmony's ambient magic." Discord explained.

Luna nods, before Celestia gets up, "Discord. Are you aware of the... Humans... That have been appearing in the last few centuries?" Celestia asks Discord. Discord nods at her, not saying anything. Celestia then continues, "The last few times that I have... Encountered these humans, I could sense a dark magic unlike any other... The only one who could be doing this is Malignus."

Discord nods, "That means that he is gaining power, and he is still determined to destroy this planet..." Discord says darkly.

Celestia nods and Luna looks between them, "He must be trying to use these humans as his pawns..." Luna says, her eyes wide.

"We have to destroy them." Celestia says darkly, "I will not let anything hurt my ponies."

A few weeks later
Bear's POV

It has only been a few weeks inside this little valley, but I have made it into a home for myself. And I shall call it, FORT KICKASS! Yeah... that sounds good. This place was very nice for a isolated place, plenty of food, water, enough space for me to lounge about, and do all the things I need to do.

I smile and sigh as I look back near the waterfall. There had been a cave next to the waterfall, and it was of a nice size, so it was now my house, and was great at storing food. In fact, I had found enough food for the next three days!

`As I walk back to the meadow, I feel a wave of numbness pass over me, making me stumble. The fuck was that?! I think as I look around, and then look at myself. My eyes widen as I see the runes on my arms glowing with a completely black color. All of a sudden, my vision went black.

I slowly held my head as I get up, grunting in pain. "Hello Bear." A deep, gravely voice says, seeming to speak from all sides of me. I then growl as I look around, looking for the one who was speaking. I remembered that voice, the one who brought me here.

"What do you want?!" I growl, still looking around.

All I want is for you to do your job. Do the one job I brought you here to do." He chuckles, "You do remember your job, don't you?"

I scowl, "I am not going to kill anyone without a reason." I growl, trying to look through the darkness around me.

I hear him laugh, "You should really reconsider, you might regret going against my will." He says, before I suddenly open my eyes, looking around.

Apparently it has become night, while I was in that weird fucking place...

What the fuck was that? What is going on?

Why is this happening to me?