//------------------------------// // Update Status // Story: Battleship - Equestria: Restitution by Railguns // by Base-Delta-Zero //------------------------------// So, despite remaining virtually untouched for almost two years, barring a minor edit to the first chapter that I performed in December to the first chapter, I just wanted to say that I have actually started working on the next chapter, however it will take some time, because I don't want to release a chapter written on my phone for one, and I already have about half written on my laptop that is currently in a local repair shop (the exhaust fan gave out, and with how I use it, the processor is liable to melt if I don't replace that). I do have a backup online (I didn't before, and that is why this story went on a sudden rush of AWOL for so long - my last one gave out, and I didn't have a backup saved anywhere, and I just lost desire to continue after that), and I didn't think I had it saved anywhere else. However, somewhat recently I came across a flash drive with my old versions of the story, along with my W.I.P. draft for the next chapter, which I was editing to bring it in line with the changes made to the first chapter (which is already posted, do please check it out and tell me what you think of it please!), and bring some of the story elements I had written for it in line with how I now wish the story to go. The takeaway? This is now being worked on again. Whether this is good or bad is yet to be seen, but I just wished to get the word for that out to everyone. Thank you for your time, -Wolffe