//------------------------------// // Harbinger of Darkness // Story: Angelic Vampire // by kurusagi16 //------------------------------// Harbinger of Darkness It was close to midnight when the old sailing vessel arrived in the port. It was like a ghost ship as it slipped out of the fog and stopped at the docks. Two dockworkers noticed the ship's arrival and cautiously approached the ship as the gang plank lowered and two figures stepped off. Both were pegasi, one a mare the other a stallion. "Who are you?" asked one of the dock workers. The mare, who had a silvery braided mane and yellow-green eyes smiled sweetly at them, yet her eyes showed a coldness that made the dockworkers shudder. "I am Lady Eldra, and this here is my liaison, Drake. We could use your assistance in carrying our cargo to the nearest inn." said the mare. The dockworkers took a step back, feeling unease from the couple. "I'm sorry but-" one of the dockworkers began. But both were silenced as they looked into the eyes of the mare. They became entranced by her gaze. They wanted to do whatever they could to please this mare. "Now then." said Eldra. "If you'd please take care of our cargo." "As you wish, mistress." said the dockworkers in unison. They boarded onto the ship to retrieve the cargo, which was a tall crate with the word fragile stamped on it. "Oh, and do be careful." added Eldra. "It would be terrible should it happen to break." "Yes mistress." Drake rolled his eyes. "You and your manipulation." he said. "And I wonder why you even bring me along, considering how well you can take care of yourself." "Do I detect a hint of jealousy Drake?" Eldra laughed. "Do you wish to be of use and to protect me?" "You wish. I just don't understand why I had to come when I could've stayed behind." "My dear Drake, you must remember that I consider you my protege, and as such I intend to teach you a thing or two on what it means to be a true vampire." As she trotted past him, she said smugly, "Even if you aren't a pure blood." Drake gritted his teeth but said nothing, following Eldra down the gang plank. Eldra used her manipulation to get transportation and boarding at a nearby inn, having complete and utter privacy. The crate was placed in the center of the room. Eldra ran her hoof along the boards of the crate, smiling with an evil glee. "Let's open this bad boy up, shall we?" Drake opened the crate, removing from it, an interesting statue. It had a serpentine body, a pony head, a deer and goat antlers, a bat and pegasus wing and an eagle claw and lion paw. Eldra directed Drake where to position the statue, her smile becoming wider and crooked. "After so many centuries, I've recovered the imprisoned Spirit of Chaos." she said, holding her hooves up to the statue. "He who brought great misfortune and misery, such a powerful creature. It took the royal sisters themselves to subdue him, and now he's in my possession." "And what are we supposed to do with him?" asked Drake. "We're going to revive him of course." said Eldra matter-of-factly. "He shall be most useful. Oh I can just see the look on my beloved brother's face when he not only sees my return, but that I have the master of chaos himself on my side." She threw back her head and let out a malevolent laugh, while Drake was off to the side, rolling his eyes at this display. She could be such a dramatic, but she was no less a deadly threat. He could tell that she would stop at nothing to complete her plan. Whatever it may be. "This is sooo boring." said a young pegasus. "Then you shouldn't have come." said a young unicorn. Her name was Twilight Sparkle, she was a prized student and had a degree in ancient and obscure magics. Her studies had led her, and her liaison Rainbow Dash, on a very important mission. The two had been riding in the carriage for roughly seven hours, and still had quite a ways to go before reaching their destination. "Remind me again why we're traveling all the way into the middle of nowhere?" asked Rainbow Dash. "For the hundredth time, we're heading out to study and possibly talk to the vampires that are said to live around this region." said Twilight. "I know that, I meant, why are we traveling to meet a bunch of blood suckers?" "The vampires have always been a somewhat mysterious group of creatures, a few of which traveled here from the Old World in seek of a more peaceful way of living. Yet recently, there have been reports of vampires attacking other ponies. And I have reason to believe that there is a hidden cause for this." "So what, you expect us to just walk up to them and have a little talk?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Yes." answered Twilight. "Despite what other ponies believe, vampires have been known to be quite hospitable to others, as shown by the recorded encounters of pure blooded vampires." "But you wouldn't have brought me along if you didn't believe that to be true." "Sigh! Pure bloods are different from the other, more common vampires. They might be more unpredictable, so it doesn't hurt to take precaution." Rainbow Dash lounged back, taking up most of the seat across from Twilight, letting out a yawn. "Just wake me when we get there." she said, and dozed off. Twilight shook her head, and opened up one of the many books she had brought to help aid in her mission. What she didn't tell Rainbow Dash, was that her brother, Shining Armor, had asked her to help check out the disturbances since she was an expert in this sort of field. Twilight wouldn't let her brother down, and in order for that, she'd need to read up on everything she could find about the vampires. She read each page carefully, taking in all of the information from it. No pony knows where the dread vampires came from. Many have speculated the beginnings of their existence, but none come close to the true answer. In days of old, across the sea in the Old World, the vampires surfaced, bringing terror to the ponies who lived there. There are three known classes of vampires by which these beasts are categorized as. The first, and most powerful, are the Pure Bloods. Born vampires, with a deep connection to the source of their power, to the first vampires. Revered by their lineage and power, they are considered the leading authority figures and see that the other vampires are under control. The second, are the lesser, more common vampires, referred to as Half Breeds among their superiors. Half breeds are vampires who were once ponies, who were bitten by a pure blood and in turn drank the his or her blood. This mixing of bloods transforms them into a less powerful, but equally terrifying creature. They cannot create other vampires like the pure bloods, but they still drink with animalistic tendencies. The third and final vampire, is considered an abomination to both ponies and vampires alike, the Hybrid. The hybrid is even rarer than the pure bloods, and is neither pony nor vampire. They are born from the union of a vampire and a pony, and result in a creature whose form varies from different births. There have only been four known cases of hybrids appearing, all of which are from the Old World. All are born deformed and ugly, rarely live past infancy, and have an uncontrollable blood lust. It is because of these beasts that the union of pony and vampire is forbidden. Twilight looked up from her book, and peered out the window at the mountainside. Twilight had always been fascinated with the concepts of pony and vampire hybrids, and though there wasn't much to read on them, she wondered what would've happened if the hybrids made it past infancy and controlled their blood lust. What kind of ponies would they be? Would they be the monsters they were pegged for, or a solution to bridged the two species together? Nothing but unanswered questions and theories that wouldn't be of much use to the current mission. There was a flash, then a crash, and the rain began to pour down by the bucket load. Whatever she'd find, Twilight hoped it would provide the answer to at least some of her scientific queries. "Be careful papa." said Fluttershy, putting her father's coat onto him. "The storm looks like it could get worse." "Don't worry about me Fluttershy." said Alistair. "I'll be back safe and sound before you know it, and then we can spend some quality time together. Just the two us." "You promise?" "I promise." Alistair gave Fluttershy a hug goodbye and went into the carriage that awaited him. Fluttershy stood in the doorway, watching her father disappear out of sight. Fluttershy closed the door behind her and sighed. "It's just me now." she said. Fluttershy put on a smile, to try and improve her mood. "Well, I might as well make myself useful and get the place ready for papa's return." Fluttershy got the cleaning supplies from the closet and got to work cleaning up the villa. She swept, mopped, and polished the floor. She dusted the chairs and sofas, beat out the rugs, and washed the dishes. After that, Fluttershy went into the study and put away the books she'd finished reading. She wanted to become the kind of mare her father would be proud to call his daughter. So she taught herself the things any mare would need to know in order to keep house. She'd learned to cook, clean, and sew. She even dabbled in a book on etiquette so she'd know how to act if her father brought any of his companions home. Something that happened so rarely, but when they did come, they complimented on what a proper young mare she was. In fact she managed to make them believe she was a pure blood like her father. Of course, she didn't exactly tell them otherwise, per her father's advisement. He'd told her stories of other hybrids, they were nothing like her but because of their reputation, they were looked down upon by other vampires. She couldn't show herself to ponies or other vampires. Just who was she supposed to be anyway? Fluttershy was so distracted that she accidentally dropped one of the books. She bent down to pick it up, scolding herself for being so careless. It was then that she found something sticking out of the dust cover. Fluttershy pulled it out and let out a soft gasp. It was a picture of her mother, Maia. A mare as beautiful as her father had often described, but there was something else, a deeper beauty in her mother's eyes and in her smile. 'I wish I could've met you mama.' Fluttershy thought to herself. She placed the photo back into book and set it onto the shelf. "I should check on the windows and make sure the storm doesn't blow them open and cause a mess." And so, Fluttershy left, to continue spending the rest of her day, alone. Everything was in place for the ceremony. The statue was perfectly positioned, with eight tall white candles surrounding him in a circle. Eldra held up her arms and began the chant. "Oh, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, I call upon thee and your powers. Hear me, Discord." Eldra took out a dagger and cut her hoof, she let her blood drip into the circle. "Upon my blood, I create our contract." The blood moved toward the statue, gathering at the base. Then, some of the blood went from the base to the eight candles, forming the symbol of chaos. Eldra smiled and concentrated as she spoke the final words. "The contract is sealed. Awaken Discord, and come to my aid. AWAKEN!!" There was a strike of thunder. The window burst open, letting in the violent wind. It swirled around the statue, forming a kind of tornado. The bloody symbol glowed and the flame from the candles burned brighter than before. Eldra shielded her eyes from the intensity, but was pleased at how the revival spell was working. The wind dissipated, and the statue had become flesh, blood and bone. The spirit, Discord, stretched out his limbs and let out an exaggerated yawn. "It's about time somepony finally freed me." he said. He looked down at Eldra with some amusement. "I suppose I should thank you, vampire, for getting rid of that prison block." "You can thank me by helping me, as per the established contract." said Eldra, unable to contain her glee over her success. Discord raised a bushy eyebrow. "Contract?" he asked. "I don't recall agreeing to any contract." Eldra pointed to the symbol of chaos at his feet, which was starting to fade away. "While using the revival spell, I also made a binding contract with my blood. And as you know, nothing can break the binds of pure blood vampire's blood." said Eldra. "Which means that you're under my power. Discord laughed at Eldra. "You really think a little blood can contain me?" he asked. He created a ball of green fire and shot it at Eldra with a curve ball throw. The fire ball stopped a few inches in front of Eldra's face before shooting back into Discord's stomach with twice as much force than he'd previously given it. He rubbed his stomach. "What int he world was that?!" Eldra let out a laugh this time. "As I said, you are bond by my blood, meaning that you are unable to harm me. Any attempt will be thrown back at you." Discord frowned, folding his arms over his chest. "Seeing as how I have no choice, what exactly is it that you want from me?" he asked. "Oh, nothing much." said Eldra coyly. "Just to see my perfect brother suffer beyond all reason, and make myself the ruler of all vampires." "My, what lofty goals." "A girl can dream. I've always had a certain...sadistic hatred toward my brother, and it's about time that I take him down a peg." "Hmm. You know what? I think this might just work out after all." Discord extended his lion paw, a grin on his face. "Care to make it official?" Eldrad took his paw, and shook it. A partnership had been formed. "Whoa!" cried Rainbow Dash, as she was thrown head first into Twilight. The carriage was leaning dangerously close to the narrow path of the cliff side. "What the hay is happening?!" asked Rainbow. "The storm is getting worse, it's causing the road to become hazardous!" Twilight said, trying to keep herself from falling over. "What do we do?!" "We need to get out. Now." "Don't need to tell me twice." Rainbow used her back legs to kick open the carriage door, Twilight stuck her head out, and saw that the stallions pulling the carriage had disappeared. "They must've detached themselves a little ways back." said Twilight. "Let's hope they're alright." she said. "Enough talk, let's get out of this deathtrap before we get creamed!" "On my signal." Twilight waited, looking carefully below for the right moment and place to make a jump for it. "NOW!" Twilight and Rainbow Dash jumped, just before the carriage crashed into some rocks. Rainbow flapped her wings to keep hold of Twilight, but the wind was too strong for her, and it blew against her. Rainbow couldn't hold on for much longer, and her wings gave out. She and Twilight, fell down into the trees below, escaping one danger and facing a new path.