//------------------------------// // Vinyl's Problem // Story: Vinyl's Secret // by ThatFriendlyDerp //------------------------------// Vinyl stared blankly at the ceiling. Thoughts running through her head at a hundred miles per hour. How was she going to tell Octavia how she felt about her? She rolled onto her side. Octavia was in the bed next to her, whenever Vinyl looked at her, she just couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. Vinyl felt a twinge of frustration build up in her. Just tell her already! Vinyl thought. She stared blankly at Octavia for a few brief moments. She had felt sleep begin to tug at her eyes, But her thoughts had kept her awake. She needed to do something that made her forget about her feelings for a little while. She had an idea. "I'll go to the club!" she thought aloud. Octavia had stirred in her sleep, letting out a groan of annoyance. Immediately Vinyl felt like idiot for almost waking up her roommate. Quickly and quietly, Vinyl got out of bed. She threw on a sweater and some leggings. She walked out of the room and into the kitchen craving caffeine, she opened up the fridge. Luckily Octavia had bought a case of energy drinks. With relief, she grabbed one. She grabbed her headphones and cell phone and walked out of her apartment. When she opened the door to outside, a chilly brisk air tickled her body. She let out a gasp of shock. She didn’t expect it to be this chilly. She walked outside putting her arms around her chest for warmth. She continued on. Tonight had been busy. The streets were full of mares and stallions alike partying. She had let out a chuckle. "Hopefully the clubs busy." she said softly Many stallions and mares recognized her and immediately, and started to crowd her. "Hey Vinyl, are you going to the club?" A turquoise mare asked. It was Lyra. "Yeah, are you?" Bon Bon questioned as well. "Yep, you guys wanna tag along?" vinyl offered. "Buck, yeah!" Lyra shouted. Vinyl was taken a back at Lyra's sudden outburst. "Sorry, Lyra might have had too much to drink." Bon Bon apologized. "Doesn’t mat-" "Hey Vinyl!" She was cut off by a bouncy pink pony with a cotton candy mane running towards her. It was Pinkie Pie. "Can I hang out with you guys?" she excitedly asked. "Sure thing." Vinyl replied "Yay!" She cheered. "Where are we going to hang out?" "The club nearby." Vinyl responded Pinkie nodded. The four mares had started making their way down the streets, trying to avoid many drunken ponies in the process. Pinkie had started a conversation with Lyra and Bon bon, leaving vinyl alone with her thoughts again. She had started to think about how to go about telling Octavia her feelings. Should I tell her when I'm alone with her? She had wondered. Should I tell her at all? Suddenly her thoughts were broken by a pink hand waving in her face. "Huh… wha..?" "Are you okay vinyl?" Bon Bon questioned. "Yea… umm I'm fine." Vinyl said hesitantly "Are you sure?" asked Lyra sounding somewhat sober. "Yeah I'm fine I just need a few drinks in me." The four mares continued talking about random things, until they made it to the club. Vinyl soon heard the sub woofers of the club, Neon lights streaming out from the front door of the place. Many ponies were walking out, and many others were stumbling out. She had led her friends to the front door and where soon let in. Music quickly filled Vinyl ears as soon as they entered the club. Pinkie grabbed Vinyl's hand and led her the dance floor Vinyl yelped. "Look there's the bar!" she pointed out excitedly "Let's get totally wasted!" she shouted. Vinyl then had a thought. I should tell me friends my problem. But how will I tell it to them? Ah buck it ill tell them. She thought "Wait… Pinkie I think I need to talk to you, Lyra, and Bon Bon" Vinyl said, letting out a sigh. "It's important…" Pinkie stared at her in confusion, and then nodded. "I'll go get Lyra and Bon Bon." Pinkie said reassuringly. Vinyl felt kind of embarrassed and uncomfortable at that moment and time. Eventually Pinkie appeared from the crowd, followed by Lyra and Bon Bon. At this point Vinyl felt kind of relieved. Vinyl knew she couldn’t back out now. At this point her friends were in front of her staring at her with confusion in their expressions. Well maybe not Lyra, she was still kind of wasted her tongue kind of lolled outta her mouth but at least she was there. "So what's the matter Vinyl?" Bon Bon asked, in a worried manner. "Uh… follow me it’s a little too loud in here." Vinyl said The 3 mares followed Vinyl back outside. "Let's go to a diner or something, we can talk about it there." pinkie suggested. "Ghood ideeea…." Lyra slurred "Ok no more drinks for you, you’re a mess Lyra!" Bon Bon said in annoyance Bon Bon grabbed the vodka bottle out of Lyra's hand and threw it into a nearby bush. "Sweet Celestia you're so hot!" Lyra said in a drunken seductive tone. She grabbed Bon Bon and began to kiss her. Bon Bon yelped. "NO BAD LYRA! DOWN, DOWN!" Bon Bon shouted. Lyra did as told and pulled herself off Bon Bon and Laughed. At this point Vinyl got annoyed, really guys? Are you kidding me?! She thought. Vinyl stared at her friends in annoyance. "Hello, Can we get going!?" Vinyl asked frustrated "Sorry!" the 3 mares said in unison. They had started to make their way down to the diner. "So what's the matter?" Pinkie said breaking the awkward silence. "Okay if I tell you guys… you promise not to be weirded out? Vinyl said shyly. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie promised "I keep all my friends secrets safe" Bon Bon reassured. "Okay, well I really like somepony, and she happens to be my roommate, and well I really want to tell her how I feel about her, but I really afraid of she will react. And also I don’t want to destroy a really good friendship that I have with her." "I just don’t know what to do, should I tell her my feelings?" Her friends just stared at her in silence. Lyra then burst out laughing. "What the buck! HAHAHAHAAHAHA!!" She laughed uncontrollably Vinyl felt her face get hot with embarrassment. "Hey come on, this isn't funny!" she said in frustration Bon Bon shushed Lyra. "That's quite a jam your in." Bon Bon said "Just tell her how you feel maybe it won't turn out so bad." Pinkie suggested. "Easier said than done" Vinyl sighed. "Ask her out and see and maybe it will escalate from there, and she might get the same feelings as you." Bon Bon said. "I might as well, seeing as that’s the only thing I can think of too." Vinyl said doubtful "Well thanks for the help guys; I'll let you know how it works out. Vinyl said. "I'll see you guys tomorrow or something" "Kay bai Vinyl" Said Lyra "Bye!" Pinkie and Bon Bon said in unison Vinyl had walked back home. She opened the door to her apartment; she headed straight for her room. Feeling really tired. She plopped on her bead and instantly fell asleep. Vinyl opened up her eyes. She looked at the clock at her bedside table 11:23 am She slowly slumps, wiping the sleep from her eyes. She gets out of bed and stumbles into the kitchen Feeling rather confident. "Okay, just be cool" Vinyl said "Well, well, look who's up an about" said Octavia smiling "Octi… W-would you maybe like to go out sometime?" Vinyl said nervously. "What? I-I-I guess." And that's how the Octi-Scratch Fandom started. THE END!!!